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Thirty something bw teases white guy in his twenties.
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Hi there, trying to get back in the game. Hope you enjoy this short story. I do not plan on making this a series. This is a piece of fantasy fiction. No characters are real and all the sex acts came from my crazy brain.


They Meet

The first time he met her he was mowing the lawn with his shirt off in the late summer heat. Mrs. Jameson marched over, dragging her behind. He cut the motor and turned to face them. Mr. and Mrs. Jameson had moved in next door about six months ago. They were an older African-American couple that had become fast friends with his mom, Andrea. He was glad to see his mom have friends. She worked hard as an executive assistant to keep them comfortable and now the he was finally finishing his AA degree in construction management he was on his way to a better paying job at his company.

His mom mentioned earlier that the Jameson's daughter was moving back in with them. She was 32 and had quit her job as a librarian. He didn't think she looked like a librarian, and she sure as hell didn't look 32. She was tall, 5'8, and thin, but curvy at the same time. Her skin was like smooth chocolate and her hair framed her face with wild black curls. He ran his eyes up her body to her face and his eyes paused on her lips. Damn, they were plump and a deep reddish-brown. He instantly began to picture ways he could use those lips, but he pulled himself together and smiled as the two women approached. When his eyes finally made their way up to the woman's eyes, she stared back at him openly. Her lips fixed into a small smirk

"Jason, how are you?" Mrs. Jameson greeted him warmly. She was a very kind woman and Jason liked her a lot.

"Hi, Mrs. Jameson. Doing well" he paused waiting for the introduction.

"Jason, this is my daughter, Lea, she just moved in with us. I wanted to introduce you because I was telling her how handy and helpful you've been around our house."

"Hey," he extended his hand.

"Hey, nice to meet you. Thanks a lot for helping my parents," she replied. Her voice was smooth, soft and deep and completely different than her mother's. She smiled gently at him. It rubbed him the wrong way. She was looking at him like her mother did, hell, like his mother did. Like he was a kid.

"So, anyway, Jason, maybe you can show Lea around so she can meet some young people..."Mrs. Jameson was cut off.

"Mom, I am not 'young people.' I mean, what are you, like 20?" she said with a laugh.

He took a breath wishing he could show her just how much of kid he was. "22," he said shortly.

She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Okay, stop Lea. It's not a bad idea," Mrs. Jameson scolded her daughter.Just as she finished speaking, Mr. Jameson's car pulled into the driveway. "Oh, good your father's home. I need to tell him about our tickets coming!" she took off toward their house.

"No offense or anything, you look like a really cool guy," Lea gestured toward him and then licked those lips. Jason felt his cock twitch in response.

"No, I get it, but you know I am old enough to go to bars and I know some fun places," he crossed his arms not meaning to show off his muscled biceps, but doing it nonetheless. The construction work kept him in great shape.

"Uh-huh," she nodded slowly eyeing him, "maybe."

"Lea!" her mother called.

"Gotta go," she paused, "I'll see you around Jason," and she reached her hand out again.

He took it and felt the change in her touch. It was investigative, and interested and then she gave him that sexy smirk again.

"Later, Lea." he continued to hold her hand. It was like a game of chicken. They stared into each others' eyes. There was no way in Hell Jason was going to pull his hand back first. He brushed his thumb over the back of her hand and smiled back, his blue eyes staring into her brown eyes.

Her hand jerked out of his and she turned and walked away. His cock twitched again as he watched her go.

The First Temptation

Jason ran into Lea now and then. Sometimes she would be on her way somewhere and he'd be getting home or vice versa. She was actually a pretty funny woman and he enjoyed looking at her. Each of their interactions felt laced with sexual tension. She would tease him about being the errand boy for the neighborhood and call him

"Ronald Miller," from some old movie called, Can't Buy Me Love. He had never seen it, but he knew she was teasing him because she'd comment about how scrawny his arms looked but he could tell she really meant the opposite. He'd caught her admiring his body while he was working in her yard.

"Hey, Ronald, how's it going?" she was just arriving back at her house from a run. She was wearing tight black leggings and a ripped up black t-shirt that showed her bright purple sports bra. The colors of her shoes matched her bra. Her curly hair was haphazardly piled on top of her head.

He rolled his eyes at her, "Hey Lea." He was just coming home from work and wore a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt that matched his eyes. He put a hand through his dark brown hair that still felt a little wet from sweating during the day. The weather in their beach town had been uncharacteristically warm lately.

"You look tired, rough day?" She leaned a hip against the fence between their properties.

Jason thought she looked amazing. Her skin had a light sheen of sweat and the tight pants showed off her curves.

"Just long," he rotated his shoulder feeling the sore muscles with his other hand.

Lea pushed off the fence and walked toward him, she moved his hand from his shoulder and replaced it with her own, massaging his shoulder. Jason had to stop himself from moaning out loud.

Just as quickly as she had started, she stopped, and turned to walk away.

"Oh, Jason," she said over her shoulder, "if you were ten years older, I'd invite you in for a massage on that scrawny little body of yours."

Jason didn't respond. She was always teasing him. She enjoyed showing him that she wanted him, but didn't all at the same time. He felt his temper rush a little. He was a nice guy. He was known for having good relationships with his exes. Sure, he liked to be a little kinky in bed but his women always enjoyed themselves. He respected women, and loved women, but this girl was making him feel like not such a nice guy.

He headed back into his house. His mom was still at work. He decided he'd surprise her by making her dinner and ran upstairs to take a quick shower. When he got out he made his way to his bedroom. As he began to look for a shirt to wear, he glanced out of his window. The blinds in the Jameson's guest bathroom were wide open. He did a double take at what he saw. Lea was standing with a towel wrapped around her back to him, but her reflection in the mirror showing him her front. She stared back at herself. Her hair was still wet from her shower and hung around her face. She looked softer that way, he thought. He knew he should pull back, stop being a creeper, but damn it, she played with him too much and she owed him a show.

She began to lotion her body. She was moving slowly; rubbing herself in the same way he imagined he might touch her. She began with her shoulders, and then moved to her neck. She bent over and rubbed her hands over her lower legs, and then she let the towel drop and continued to lotion up her thighs.

Jason took in a breath. Her brown ass was now on display for him. If he didn't know better, he'd almost think she knew he was watching. She spent a few moments massaging her thick brown thighs and moving sensuously back and forth. She stood back up and he saw her tits for the first time. They were round and brown, not too big, and peaked into small Hershey's kiss like nipples. She ran her hands around her tits, rubbing lotion all over them. Then she moved back down her stomach, stopping to add more lotion, and just as she was about touch the v between her legs, her hands detoured to her thighs. Jason unconsciously began to stroke his cock over his towel.

She ran her hands back around until they finally moved slightly between her legs. Just as Jason found himself getting into it, he noticed she had stopped moving. He looked up to her face and found her reflection staring at him with that silly smirk on her face.

He felt his blood boil as she wrapped the towel around herself and walked out. She had left him hard and frustrated. He lay back on his bed and rubbed his hand up and down his cock imagining the things he wanted to do to Lea. She made him crazy treating him like a young know nothing punk, but at the same time acknowledging her physical attraction to him. Jason wanted to get her out of his system and bend her over and show her what her teasing did to him. He wanted to shove his cock into her brown pussy, hold her hips tight and slam his cock inside her. He wanted to hear her moaning out how sorry she was for teasing him.

Jason came hard and took a few deep breaths to calm him down. Shit, he was a mess. Now he'd have to take another shower. Bitch, he thought as he headed back to the bathroom.

Chance Meeting

Jason was horny as hell and decided he needed to go out and meet some girls. He got his buddy Andrew to join him and they went to one of the few fun bars in their town, Goat. Weird name, but it made the locals feel like they were somewhere cool, like LA.

The two sat in a booth where they could see the whole place. There were only a few tables in back, a bar, and small area where people could dance. The décor was classy and the lighting was dark. Jason was finishing his third beer when she walked in.

"Fuck," he said softly as Lea walked in with some guy behind her. Her hair was wild as always and she wore a black dress that looked like a t-shirt that stopped mid thigh. It was tight, but not too tight. It showed off her better features, her ass, her flat stomach and her legs.

"What?" Andrew looked at Jason.

"No, nothing, finish your story," Jason turned his attention back to his friend.

Andrew turned to look where his buddy was staring. He saw the black chick in the tight dress with the nice ass.

"She's hot, you know her?" Andrew asked.

"She's my neighbor."

"Lucky you," Andrew teased. Jason shrugged it off as if to imply there was something wrong with her.

He watched as the guy she was with led her toward them. He looked older, probably 40, and white with a business suit on. He had blonde hair that was shaggy around his collar. He contrasted with Jason in that Jason had on a pair of dark denim jeans and t-shirt and in that Jason was three times his size. He walked by them, not giving them a glance.

"Hey Ronald," Lea stopped at the table.

"Hey Lea." Andrew looked over at Jason confused.

"Lea, this is my buddy Andrew."

"Hey," she shook his hand. Jason felt a tinge of jealousy that his friend was getting to touch her and he wouldn't have a chance.

"Hey, nice to meet you."

"Conrad, come back over here," she waved the man back.

"This is my neighbor, Jason and his buddy Andrew. They're college kids," she added smirking at Jason.

"Oh, best days of your life guys," Conrad said in a friendly tone and shook both of their hands.

"Actually, I'm done with school and Andrew and I work in construction, full time," he grimaced. Why did he add that last part? God, she made him feel so defensive.

"Construction is great work. I did some of that in my twenties," Conrad said trying to be nice.

"Yep, Jason is a handy guy. He painted my guest room," she said and touched Conrad's shirt as if reminding him.

Jason looked at Conrad's reaction. He nodded and gave an appreciative, "Oh." Jason couldn't believe Lea had already let this douche into her bedroom.

"He's great," Lea took Conrad's hand and then smiled at Jason and Andrew, "well then, construction boys, I'll let you get back to talking shop. Have a great night." The couple walked away heading for an empty booth.

Lea glanced over her shoulder at Jason as she walked away. He could tell she knew he was watching and she absentmindedly let the hand holding Conrad's slip to her ass. He held on happily and kissed her cheek. She turned catching Jason eyes and smirked.

Fuck this girl, he thought.

As the night went on, Jason and Andrew finally met up with a couple of tourist girls visiting the beach. Andrew called the blonde, so Jason played wingman with the red head. He couldn't help but sneak glances at Lea and her date. He watched as Conrad would sometimes casually place a hand on her bare leg and she would giggle and sip her drink.

"Last call," the bartender yelled.

The couple left and Lea waved a small good bye to Jason and Andrew as she followed Conrad. Andrew had struck out with the blonde and Jason hadn't really tried with the red head. The two paid their tabs and headed home.

Ten minutes or so later, Jason was about to lock up the house when he heard a soft knock on his door. He peeked out seeing Lea. He opened the door and took her in. Her doe eyes looked up at him and she licked those thick lips nervously.

"What's up Lea? You alright?" Jason's first thought was that Conrad had done something to her.

"Aw, so sweet," she smirked, "and yes, I'm fine. I have a favor to ask you," she said making a cute face.

"Maybe," he smirked back and crossed his arms.

"Can you sleep over?" she asked as her smirk turned into a pleading smile.

"Huh?" Jason was surprised. Was she asking what he thought?

She laughed, "No, not like that. Remember my parents are gone to New York City for five days. I get creeped out alone... and I saw your mom this morning and she told me she was gone for the weekend for work and you'd be more than happy to keep me company. Please." She made that damn face again.

Jason rolled his eyes. His damn mom, it was just like her to volunteer him to do that, all oblivious to how painful it would be for him to be alone with Lea at night in the same house.

"Pretty please?" she asked again. She bit her lip and he felt himself cave. Damn it.

The Last Straw

Lea was in the living room wearing shorts and a tank top. He was sure she wasn't wearing a bra. Damn, she looked good. Her thick dark curls where piled on her head She had made up a bed for him on the couch.

"Thank you so much, Jason," she smirked and walked toward him. She kissed his cheek gently and Jason got a chance to feel how soft those lips of her were. He felt her nipples brush against his shoulder and she pulled away. His cock responded. Lea trotted off to her room and Jason settled down on the couch. He took a few breaths and calmed down.

About an hour later, he had just drifted into sleep when his thirst got to be too much for him. He knew where the kitchen was, since he worked over here so much. As he walked past Lea's room he noticed her door was slightly ajar. He heard her make a soft sigh. He stopped, he couldn't help it, and he peeked in. He could see the form of her body on top of the covers. She had her hand down her shorts and he could see movement, while her other hand held her breast. She made small sounds as she rubbed her pussy. She started to move her hips faster and faster and he knew she was about to cum.

"Oh, Jason, fuck me," she said quietly as he watched her cum.

His cock was hard immediately. Had she seriously just said his name? Jason hands were gripped tightly in fists. This was too much. He had a limit. Jason was a nice guy, but what he was about to do was not a nice guy thing. He pushed the door open. Lea sat up quickly. He flicked on the lights.

"What did you say?" he moved into her space.

She was breathing heavily and he could smell her sex in the room. He was so hard it hurt. There was no way he could stop now.

"Were you spying on me?" she tried to sound indignant, but her voice was breathy from her orgasm.

"No, sweetheart, I was going to get a drink of water, when I heard you call my name while you were rubbing that wet pussy of yours."

Lea's eyes grew wide at his words. He reached toward her and pulled her up to him. He took the hand she was using to make herself cum and slide her fingers into his mouth. She gasped.

"What are you..." She trailed off as his tongue twirled around her and he closed his eyes enjoying her taste. He slowly removed them and stared into her eyes. Lea bit her bottom lip and he could see she was thinking about how to get the advantage and turn this into some kind of tease.

"I'm done with the teasing Lea. It's my turn."

He didn't wait for her response, instead pulling her top over her head and shoving her shorts down. He leaned in and kissed her hard. His head swirled. Her lips were better than he imagined. His tongue pushed into her mouth and she greeted him with a small lick back. He let his hand roughly massage her ass and pulled her closer to him. She moaned against his mouth and he felt her hands reach to the bottom of his shirt. She wanted him too. He let her pull his short over his head and then pull his boxers down. She ran her hands over his hard stomach and strong arms, then suddenly she pushed him away, "You're too young for me." She was taking quick breaths and her eyes were glazed over with lust.

"Stop fucking saying that," he grabbed her again forcing her onto the bed beneath him. She acquiesced and let him spread her legs. "Let's see if your pussy thinks I'm too young," he said as he let his hand slide up and down her wet lips.

"Oh shit," she moaned as he slid a finger inside her.

"Mmm," he took a breath as his cock hardened. She was dripping wet for him. "You're such a fucking tease, Lea," he whispered in her ear as he fingered her faster. His head dove down and he took a nipple into his mouth. She was moaning now, he fingered her faster, feeling a sense of pride that he finally had her underneath him.

"Jason," she gasped pushing him away. He knelt beside her his fingers coming out of her. "We have to stop. You really are to young," she said as she started to sit up, but he pushed her down.

"Tell me you don't want me," he said seriously as he spread her legs and knelt between them. He placed one hand on her collarbone, holding her down, and the other on his cock, as he began to rub the tip of his cock on her clit.

"Fuck," she cried out. He felt her pussy gush as he continued to grind on her. She tried to move away but he moved to lie on top of her.

He massaged her pussy with his cock while he talked to her, "Tell me to stop Lea. Just tell me to stop and I'll get dressed and go." She moaned in response and he moved his cock faster. "I don't think you want me to stop Lea. All that teasing," he licked the side of her neck. "That show in the bathroom, the way you were rubbing your body, showing me how to do it. Did you think I wouldn't be going crazy wanting to fuck you?" his voice was deep.

He kissed her hard and let go of his cock. He grabbed her tits with both his hands and pulled on her nipples. Lea gasped. He kissed her neck and then moved to her nipples. He sucked one hard looking up at Lea's face. Her eyes were closed. He bit down on her nipple, "Open them." Lea's eyes snapped open and locked with his. He continued to suck and then switched to her other nipple giving it the same attention.

"Fuck, Jason," she moaned. His hand returned to her core and he began to push two fingers inside of her. He slid them all the way in until he could use his thumb to rub her clit. Lea yelled out. He sat up so he could kiss her.

"You like that?" he asked against her lips.

"Oh God, Jason," she pulled him to her.

He took this as a yes. He fingered her pussy faster rubbing her clit quickly with his thumb. She was close, he could tell. She was quiet and all he could hear was the slapping of his hand against her pussy and her hard breaths.

"Shit, I'm going to..." Jason pulled his fingers out of her and stopped touching her. She looked at him in shock. "What the fuck?" she asked as she squirmed.