Tease to Please Ch. 05


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"Just did. Do mind if I take a quick break before starting on the bookcase?"

"No problem."

"Thanks, Doctor Peters. "

Elise rose from her desk and marched out into the hallway, smiling. She only made it halfway.

As soon as the chiming began, Elise's expression burst into a wide O of surprise. She ran for the restroom as fast as her tall shoes allowed, with both hands holding her crotch. Fortunately the bathroom was empty. Once inside a stall, she quickly lifted her dress and shoved a hand beneath her panties.

She could feel the little device steadily chiming. It felt as if the most expert tongue in the world was patiently flicking her clit... again... and again, with unwavering precision.

Elise clasped the metal donut between her fingers, trying to absorb its resonance. That worked to some degree: the resonance faded more quickly, absorbed by her fingertips. But her encircled clit still felt each strike acutely.

The chiming was just barely audible to Elise as a subtle 'ting... ting... ting...' sound.

Its pitch was at the upper limit of human hearing. That was intentional. Most men (who generally lose their upper-frequency hearing quite young) wouldn't be able to hear it at all. Sitting in the quiet bathroom alone, Elise could hear it though, and she began to panic.

"Oh my God!" she whispered aloud in the stall, "When will it stop?!"

The clit clock struck for the twelfth time and fell silent. Elise breathed out a long sigh and plunked herself down atop the closed lid of the toilet seat.

For several minutes she just sat there, fondling the Model O with her fingertips, trying to come to grips with what was happening. Without access to any sort of instruction manual, she was forced to guess.

She debated marching straight back upstairs to demand that Doctor Yamamoto remove the device. But that might prove difficult seeing as she couldn't speak Japanese. He was bound to resist anyway, since he had been the one who provided it to her. She thought about trying to remove it herself, but that seemed like a really dangerous idea. The last thing in the world she wanted was an injured clit. Talking to Doctor Peters seemed out of the question. That would involve confessing all sorts of things, the most likely outcome of which was being sent home.

Elise considered the other alternative. If she kept wearing it, then presumably at some point before the end of the summer Doctor Yamamoto would help her remove it -- whenever he felt she was 'cured.' It was too expensive to be a gift. He would want it back, she was sure. Maybe she could learn to live with it temporarily, she considered. It might not be so bad. After all, it was barely noticeable when it wasn't ringing; quite pleasant actually.

Elise decided to give herself 24 hours -- a test drive of sorts. In that time she hoped to figure out what made it chime and whether she could remain discreet when it did.

"God help me if I actually start to like it," she cautioned herself as she exited the stall a few minutes later.

Elise washed her hands and returned to her desk. Of course, all that toying with the Model O in the restroom and her walk back to Doctor Peters' office had done most of the winding needed to cue up another burst of chimes. But Elise didn't know that yet.

Elise stepped up onto the dais at the far end of Doctor Peters' big office and resumed her bookcase reorganization project. Doctor Peters smiled at her delightedly as she once again began climbing, bending, squatting and stretching beside his desk. Her lovely coral-colored cocktail dress offered some protection from his prying eyes, but even with her back turned to him Elise could feel his gaze. She thought about how the belly chain was making her hold her tummy in all the time now, even when she was not thinking about it, and how it encouraged her to bend from the waist. Doctor Peters would be getting a real show of the back of her legs again. She just hoped her dress was long enough to keep him from seeing as much of her ass as he had the day before.

Doctor Peters leaned back happily in his chair and watched Elise. He loved the way her little feet were propped up in those strappy high heels and the way her young legs were wrapped in those striped stockings. Each time she bent over to access the piles of books and binders on the floor he could see the naked flesh of her upper thighs above her stockings' top bands. He could imagine the rest.

Elise climbed up to the top step of the footstool to place a book on the highest shelf. She was trying to ignore the growing sense of pressure she felt in her clit. The hefty little donut hanging from her was starting to feel unexpectedly good. It had seemed subtle during her first hour with it on, but now she felt like every nerve-ending near her clit was standing at attention. Each step she took wiggled the device. She could tell her clit was swollen and hot beneath her dampening panties.

The chiming began. Elise nearly dropped the book she was holding.

"Oh God!" she whispered, struggling not to grab her crotch.

"What?" Doctor Peters asked.

"Oh!! Oh... nothing Doctor Peters. I just... oh my God... I just have to sneeze!" Elise managed to say as the Model O tolled out its steady chimes against her sensitive clit.

Elise kept her back to Arthur and clutched the bookcase for support. She pressed her thighs tightly together as the chiming continued. Her knees bent slightly, her feet turned inward and her hazel eyes clenched shut, all in an effort to stay silent.

"Ting... ting... ting... ting... ting..." sounded the clit clock.

Elise wanted to squeal like a schoolgirl. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Each chime seemed to focus a shiver of stimulation on her clit so directly that everything else disappeared. All her conscious mind could think of was her clitoris. Nothing else mattered.

"Ting... ting... ting."

After the twelfth chime, it stopped.

Arthur was staring up the back of Elise's dress from his chair, waiting for her to sneeze. Her nubile body seemed entirely tensed. She looked on the verge of exploding.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Elise took in a lungful of air and exhaled slowly. It was over. She let her muscles slacken a bit and straightened her legs.

"Elise?" Doctor Peters prodded.

"Uh-huh?" Elise whispered, afraid of how girlish her voice might sound.

"I said, are you alright?"

"Oh... um, sorry. I didn't hear you. Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you."

"That looked like it was gonna be one hell of a sneeze."

"Um, yeah. Pretty funny, huh? I hate it when that happens."

"I can see why. For a minute I thought you were going to fall off that stool."

"Well I hope it won't come to that, Doctor Peters."

Elise forced herself to laugh so that Doctor Peters would think she was kidding.

Over the next few minutes, Elise struggled to think of a way to cope. She knew the device was like a clock, and that it must be powered by her motion since there hadn't been any batteries on the schematic. If it was powered by her movement that would explain why it had suddenly chimed twice in succession, only 15 minutes apart, while she was up and around. It hadn't chimed at all while she had been sitting at her desk working on those spreadsheets, she recalled.

Elise decided that she had to finish this bookcase project with as little extraneous movement as possible, especially around her hips. That way maybe she could finish and make it back to her desk before it struck again. Then she could work at her computer without fear.

The plan worked. Elise called upon all her years of varsity gymnastics in college to make her every movement smooth and graceful. She eliminated all sudden twists and bounces. Refilling Doctor Peters' bookcase became an almost yoga-like exercise.

Arthur could not figure out what was going on with his young intern. One minute she looked ready to wet her pants. The next, she was turning his make-work bookcase project into a goddamn ballet. Eventually Arthur gave up watching and got back to his real job.

Half an hour later, Elise re-shelved the last book and smoothly turned around to announce that she was finished.

Doctor Peters gave her a halfhearted thumbs-up from behind his computer screen.

Elise walked as gently as she could in her tall heels back to her desk.

"If I keep this up," she joked inwardly, "pretty soon I'll be able to glide across the room like Doctor Yamamoto."

Elise sat down in her little chair and carefully crossed her legs. Then she scooted forward to tuck into her computer desk.

The Model O chimed again. Elise hid her face in her hands and did her best to hold still as the twelve steady 'tings' sounded against her clit. It was a form of pleasurable torture. When it was finally over, Elise felt like her clit was glowing.

"Do you mind if I change back into my normal clothes, Doctor Peters?" she asked.

"Um..." Arthur hesitated, "I guess that's fine... unless you can think of a reason Doctor Yamamoto might need to see you again today."

"No. I think he's done with me for now."

"Alright then, sure. Go ahead if it'll make you more comfortable."

"Thanks Doctor Peters. It won't take more than a minute."

Elise walked carefully to the closet and shut herself in. With as little extra movement as possible, she changed back into the clothes she had worn on the train. He hoped her snug jeans would help to quell the chiming vibrations whenever the clit clock struck again.

Lunchtime came and went without incident. Over the course of the afternoon, Elise spent as much time in front of her computer as Doctor Peters' work assignments allowed. She managed to keep her movements calm enough that the Model O only chimed about once per hour.

Elise was learning quickly how to conceal her aghast expressions each time the device delivered its blows. Such pinpoint stimulation was impossible to ignore however. She worried how she would cope with her four-block walk to the train station at day's end, not to mention the even longer walk back to her friend's apartment when she disembarked from the train in the city.

In the meantime, Elise's primary concern was her gradually increasing horniness. The clit clock was forcing half her brain to focus on her pussy continually. Her body was responding not only to its chimes, but also to its ever-present weight. And with only Doctor Peters to interact with, all her resulting sexual arousal became directed at him. Despite her effort not to, Elise found herself gazing longingly at his big manly hands. She felt an urgent need to be touched, and her body was indicating a preference for something more sentient than a metal torus.

And so, within Elise's mind, over the course of the afternoon Doctor Peters slowly morphed from a big middle-aged scientist into a kind-hearted bear of a man. She found herself daydreaming of ways to seduce him.

Twelve steady 'tings' arrived in time to punctuate this new fantasy. It left her clit positively aching with unsatisfied hunger. She stared up at Doctor Peters and quietly began flicking her index finger against the Model O through her jeans. Now she wanted it to go off again. She had officially fallen under its spell.

When five o'clock rolled around, Elise rose from her desk. The crotch of her jeans felt damp. She declared her intention to use the exercise bike. Doctor Peters seemed happy to oblige her.

Elise had observed that the position of the stationary cycle would put her directly in the doctor's line of sight. She planned to work up a good sweat in front of him to show off her body. Surely, she calculated, he was already attracted to her. He would not be able to resist the view of her ass pumping away on his bike in some tight gym shorts.

Feeling daring, Elise intentionally left the door of the closet ajar when she stepped inside to change. She was pretty confident Doctor Peters would watch her, but she wanted to appear innocent so she resisted the urge to glance back over her shoulder to confirm. With her back to the doorway she striped down to her thong underwear. She replaced her small lingerie bra with a black running bra. Then, as seductively as possible, she stepped into her navy blue spandex workout shorts and slowly pulled them up. She took an extra-long time to tug them onto the curves of her ass, hoping Doctor Peters would enjoy the view.

With her silver waist chain still in place she knew her body looked sexy, but just to be sure she rolled up a cuff around each leg of her little shorts to make them as brief as possible. She wanted her long legs entirely exposed.

Elise bent over to lace up her size 6 cross-trainers and then casually strutted out into the office. Doctor Peters glanced up from his paperwork. He was trying his best, she assumed, to make it look like he had not been watching her. Elise paraded across the room, plotting every innocent-looking move she could think of to make her upcoming workout as sexy as possible.

The first thing she did, once she was standing in the middle of the room next to the bike, was turn her back to Doctor Peters and grab the waist of her shorts with both hands. She pulled them higher on her hips until she felt them tuck between her butt cheeks. Then she rolled the shorts' waistband down several times so that the straps of her thong panties peeked out above.

Making up her mind to be extra naughty, Elise ran her fingers back and forth under the side straps of her underwear, working them higher on her hips. This pulled the skinny triangle at the back of her thong into view. Then she grabbed the shorts' rolled-down waistband again and, putting an extra degree of arch into her back, pulled them up even higher on her ass.

Arthur couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Elise had just made her shorts tiny. Their cuffed crotch had climbed so high into her ass that a full third of each butt cheek hung naked below. It was a like Elise had taken a peek into his nightly fantasies and decided to make them real.

Arthur watched, gob-smacked, as Elise dexterously stepped onto the nearside pedal of his exercise bike, grabbed the handlebar and then swung her other leg up over the high saddle. Once the balls of her feet were centered on both pedals, she leaned forward on tiptoe and looked back at him.

"Doctor Peters?" she asked with a pout. "Do you think you could help me adjust the seat?"

Arthur leaped from his chair and nearly hopped over his desk on his way to her side. He took up a position right next to her ass. She seemed to be trying to arch her butt toward the ceiling. Her waist chain hung just barely slack under her taut stomach.

The seat post, being set for his 6'4" frame, was much too high for Elise. Its narrow vinyl saddle pointed at her tailbone even though she was up on her tiptoes on the pedals. Arthur loosened the quick release and dropped the seat down until she was able to scoot her crotch backwards onto it.

"Is that better?" he asked as she began to pedal forward.

"Yes. Thank you Doctor Peters," Elise cooed up at him. "That feels great."

Arthur secured the quick release and gave the seat a firm shake to make sure it was secure.

"Ooh!" Elise giggled flirtatiously. "Careful Doctor Peters, there's not much between me and that seat!"

Arthur giggled too. He felt like a kid in a candy store.

Elise was much too small for the bike's large frame. In order to reach the handlebars, she was bent far forward. Her spine was parallel to the floor. She was doing everything she could to make her waist look narrow. Her resulting posture had the wonderful effect, Arthur noticed, of pulling her shorts even farther up into the crack of her ass. Arthur stood right next to her, relishing his view as Elise began to pump her legs around and around.

"Why don't you let me choose a good program for you?" Arthur offered. "Something with some good hills so you really get a workout."

"That would be great," Elise replied eagerly. "All these buttons up here look pretty complicated."

Arthur set about choosing a 'mountain ascent' preset from the menu on the control panel. He coached Elise on how the screen would indicate when to get up off the saddle to climb, and what rpm she should maintain.

Inside Elise's mind there existed only the bare outlines of a plan. Her libido was telling her to seduce Doctor Peters, but really she had no idea how. All she could do, she thought, was make herself seem as sexy and available as possible. After that she hoped he would take the initiative. She certainly was not prepared to make the first move herself -- she was not even sure what that would look like. Would she jump into his arms and kiss him? That was absurd! Surely he would open that door first. Guys had always done so for her in the past.

Elise rose up on the pedals when the machine indicated. The mechanical resistance became really high and she felt herself working hard to keep up with her 70 rpm target.

"Good, good," Doctor Peters encouraged her. "Focus on spinning circles, not just pushing down on the pedals. Work them all the way around: forward, down, backward, up. Every time. That will distribute the workout throughout your legs."

"Okay," Elise said through her rapidly increasing respiratory rate.

"Can you feel it yet?"

"Oh yeah. It's hard."

"Good. Keep it up. This program ought to take you about 40 minutes, okay?"

"40 minutes?"

"Yup. Keep your rpms up above 70. If you have any questions I'll be right behind you at my desk."


Elise felt deflated when Doctor Peters walked away. She knew he would probably enjoy watching her from his desk, but apparently that was all. The realization sank in that Doctor Peters only wanted to ogle her. He must be scared of going any farther, she thought. But she needed more. Right now she wanted to be stripped and groped and licked and rubbed and squeezed and... and most of all: fucked!

As if on cue, the Model O began to chime: "Ting... ting... ting... ting..."

"Oh God!" Elise whispered hoarsely.

"Ting... ting... ting... "

She kept pumping away at the bike, unable to do otherwise. The vibrations radiating her clit felt exquisite. She closed her eyes and let her head hang down slack between her outstretched arms. She was still up on the pedals, climbing some imaginary Alpine hill.

"Ting... ting... ting... ting... ting."

It was over. Twelve chimes, Elise noted. She had counted them this time. She marveled at what a wonderful and terrifying device she had between her legs. Over the course of a single workday it had transformed her from a self-controlled flirt into a wanton nymphomaniac. All she could think about now was sex, sex, sex.

She glanced over her shoulder at Doctor Peters. Sure enough, he was staring at her behind. He smiled and cocked one eyebrow upward, as if asking if she was alright. Elise returned his smile and then looked straight ahead. She needed a better plan. The remaining 35 minutes she had to endure on this bike were a perfect opportunity to think of one.

The bike's resistance faded and the hill-climb light went out. Elise sat her bottom down gingerly on the seat and adjusted her exertion level downward. With the narrow seat against her crotch, she could really feel the gyrations being inflicted on the Model O. Her pumping thighs knocked it back and forth with every stroke. Her swollen clit felt like it was getting toyed with by expert fingers.

The chimes went off again. It was all Elise could do not to swear out loud as the pleasure hit her. Her eyes shut tight and her cheeks flushed red. She focused on keeping her breathing as normal as possible, but it was difficult. She wanted to moan and squeal.

The bike started to beep. Her rpms had fallen below 60. It was telling her to pedal faster.

"God help me," Elise whispered as the chiming played on.