Tease to Please Ch. 10


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Elise ducked her parted lips to the tip of his cock. The soft embrace of her mouth engulfed Arthur's glans as a final pulse ejected from him. Her flushed cheeks dented inward. Her tongue slithered under his frenulum, coaxing out the last dribble of his ejaculate.

Arthur grabbed the headboard, shivering with post-climactic joy as he watched his summer intern nurse upon his cock. Her fingertips stroked his balls. It was a vision he would remember forever.

Eventually Elise pulled her lips clear with a dramatic 'pop!' and gazed up, smiling. She traced a finger along the underside of his softening shaft.

"Did you like that?" she whispered, her voice still wet with seed.

Arthur collapsed sideways onto the bed next to her.

"Yes!" he moaned, "Fuck!"

A deep heave exhaled from his lungs.

Elise remained on her back beside him. She was grinning from ear to ear. Her fingertips began to roam her torso, idly smearing his cum this way and that. She looked down and traced slimy circles around her stiff pink nipples. She squeezed her small breasts together, relishing her view of the gooey lake that formed between them.

"God, how fun!" she exclaimed. "Can we do that again?"

"I wish," Arthur chuckled contentedly. "But you're the only one who's twenty-two. I gotta recover."

"Later then? You promise?"


Elise giggled like a happy schoolgirl. "Good!"

She rolled over onto Arthur, laying her slippery chest against his stomach. She slid down between his legs until her breasts straddled his semi-flaccid cock. His balls were gently squashed beneath her solar plexus. Using the semen on her chest as a lubricant, she began to smear herself up and down against his penis.

Arthur flinched and moaned, helpless against the onslaught of too-sensitive pleasure.

"Just wait 'till these are bigger," Elise cooed.

"Ah! Ow!" Arthur winced, watching his exhausted penis repeatedly disappear beneath Elise's slippery chest. His mind's eye wanted this glorious show to continue, but his body was way too sensitive.

"Okay, okay!" he begged. "I can't take that right now! Jesus!"

Elise gradually lifted herself off him. A dozen tendrils of cum stretched between their bodies as she hovered above him on all fours.

"Later," she whispered with her big hazel eyes fixed on his face, "...it's gonna be awesome."

She lingered there, smiling and letting Arthur drink-in her sordid display for many seconds. Then she climbed from the bed and walked to the master bathroom.

Arthur stayed on his back. His belly and crotch were thoroughly beslimed with ejaculate. His mind reeled at the upgrade his life had just experienced. It felt like nothing would ever be the same. He shut his eyes.

A distant knocking sound wormed its way into his brain.

"Rap, rap... Rap, rap, rap."

Arthur sat up. Tension returned to his face.

"Rap, rap, rap."

The shower turned on, obscuring his hearing.

"Shit," he swore as he clambered to his feet and began a search for clothes.

There was creak and a thud out in the living room followed by Doctor Yamamoto's voice calling his name.

Arthur's addled brain could not react fast enough. He staggered in a circle, his long arms scrambling the littered floor for something to wear. At the last moment he spotted his bathrobe on the back of the closet door. He leapt sideways, grabbed it and flung it around his shoulders.

Doctor Yamamoto stepped into view, a ring of keys dangling from his right hand.

"Hi," Arthur blurted. "I, uh, I didn't hear you."

His Japanese colleague emerged from the short hallway and stepped over the threshold into Arthur's bedroom. He stopped still and let his eyes wander the floor. His nose twitched, sampling the scent of recent sex. One black eyebrow pulled high, well above the rim of his spectacles. Then his gaze settled on Arthur's face. His expression narrowed into a spear.

"Not good," he said in Japanese, using words that he knew from experience were simple enough to be understood by his American colleague. That statement hung in the air between them. His unblinking eyes pierced Arthur's reddening face.

Eventually the Japanese doctor continued: "The demonstration cannot proceed. My wife called, and she reminded me of something."

"What? Your wife?" Arthur responded in halting Japanese.

"Yes. She is wise, whereas you and I are merely smart. We cannot use Miss Elise."

"Uh... Okay. That's good."

"I do not like this," Doctor Yamamoto continued, rotating his upper body to indicate the span of Arthur's bedroom. "It is a mistake."

"I understand," Arthur mumbled in Japanese. He repeated it a second time with a nod.

"You have trusted yourself too much here, my friend, and not enough in the laboratory today."

Arthur said nothing.

Doctor Yamamoto slowly turned his head toward the sound of the shower and then back to Arthur again.

"Is it true that the mother of Elise is... your ex-lover?" he asked.

Arthur could admit no response to this. Not even in English. The hiss of water was steady beyond his bathroom door. He glanced at the ceiling, unable to meet his partner's gaze.

"You failed to inform me," Doctor Yamamoto continued. "However that is not my purpose in coming here. You alone must fix that. Upstairs, we have stopped our work in time. You will never imagine why."


Doctor Yamamoto clasped his hands tightly behind his back and stood even straighter than usual, positively radiating self-assurance.

"Not for the reasons you gave," he spat. "No. Your thinking has been very weak. I see that now. This situation I find you in... is unspeakable. Yet you dared to insult me for acting forcefully with the girl's punishments, when you are the real abuser of authority... here in this room!?"

The Japanese doctor's indignation peaked with those final words, but then almost as quickly it dimmed. His respiration slowed to a normal rate and he continued quite calmly:

"My wife, you see... she thinks more clearly than you. She reminded me that the highest and best use of PVA is for reconstructions, not for cosmetics. American companies, with their American shareholders, will pay to flatter their own ego... their childish desire to heal the world. For this, they will pay more. We were foolish to not see that. I have sent Hiro and Kazutoshi home. There will be no demonstration with Miss Elise. Only the data presentation, as you had wished. You may thank my wife when you see her next."

With that, the squat Japanese doctor gave Arthur a final look of disdain, spun on his heel and left the room.

Arthur said nothing. His posture remained frozen until he heard the connecting door of his apartment close behind his partner with a dull thud. Then he breathed out a curse and bent forward, resting his hands on his knees. A long sigh escaped his lips.

"Are you coming in?" Elise called from the shower.

Arthur's face widened into a fateful grin. No part of him would turn her down now. He was already over the wall.

The new pair spent the next half-hour beneath the showerhead's hot rain; Arthur kneeling for the most part as he brought Elise to a string of orgasms using his mouth and fingers (plus an assist from the Model O). His tongue was indefatigable. Elise adored every minute.

At one point she clambered up onto his shoulders, straddling his bearded face with her thighs while his wide hands supported her butt from below. He held her there securely, pressing her back against the shower wall. Her feet dangled above the floor, her calves flattened themselves across his back. Her fingers clawed his hair, pulling his face tightly to her crotch. Arthur wiggled one thumb into her from below. She came like a bad actress, almost injuring herself when she flung her head back against the tile wall.

Eventually Elise was exhausted. They stood up and re-lathered themselves in soap and conditioner. Each thought the task of getting clean had never been so fun, swirling soapy hands over the other.

A few minutes later they were toweling off outside the shower.

"Turns out I won't be waking you up in a few hours," Arthur began calmly.

"What do you mean?" Elise replied, her face showing only mild confusion.

"Doctor Yamamoto changed his mind. Or rather, his wife changed it for him. You won't be... there won't be any demonstration, is what I'm saying."

Elise stopped drying herself. She wrinkled her nose at him. "Seriously? After all that?"

"I hope you're not too disappointed."

"Well... but why? I thought--"

"He changed his mind. They've all gone home now; the whole upstairs crew."

"That's it? Everything is cancelled?"

"No, no. Not at all. We're just going to emphasize the non-cosmetic applications more, that's all. We'll do my original presentation, with all the data... after making it better of course. He's decided it'll be better that way, and I, as you know, already thought so."

"But... so, um..."

"Don't worry. Nothing else has to change."

"Okay. But... wow. Is that what you came down here to tell me? 'Cause when you came in you looked really... stressed."

"No, it's not. I still thought the whole thing was going ahead then. In fact, I intended to talk you out of it."

"But then how...? When did you find out that Doctor Yamamoto...?"

Arthur chuckled. "He, um... he stopped by."

"He stopped by?"

"Yeah. Right after we... you know. You were in the shower. It was kind of an awkward moment."

"What?! Are you serious? Does he know?"

"Yeah. Definitely."

"Holy shit!"

A look of worried wonderment befell Elise's face. She had no idea what to say. Deep in her bones she felt her situation had become perilous.

They finished toweling off in silence.

Exhaustion's high tide rushed in, dampening their spirits. It was well after 2:00AM. Without even a kiss, they parted ways to sleep. There was no talk of sharing Arthur's bed.

As Elise drifted off in her comfortable sofa bed, inklings of doubt began to sprout from the fertile ground of her mind.

08:11 AM:

Elise awoke to the smell of frying bacon. She rubbed pearls of sleep from her eyes and sat up. After pushing her long auburn mane back behind her shoulders, she looked toward the kitchen and beheld an unfamiliar sight.

Doctor Peters was cooking. He was also, Elise noted with concern, attempting some sort of uneven dance. His balance was shifting from leg to leg while his head bobbed forward like a walking duck.

"Doctor P," Elise croaked, her voice not yet awake, "what the hell is going on over there?"

Arthur swiveled to face her, smiling. A pair of greasy tongs was in his right hand. He was fully dressed, ready for work, but wore no tie. A stiff canvas barbeque apron covered his belly.

Laughter burst from Elise's mouth, decorating the audible spectrum as a wind chime might, only better.

"Don't laugh... or you won't get any breakfast," Arthur joked.

"Wow!" Elise said, still giggling, "Those are some nice moves there. You better pray nobody ever gets that on camera."

"Hey, are you hungry or what? I gotta go soon. It's late."

Elise scooted herself to the edge of her bed and stood up. She had slept in her yoga capris and a demi tank top. She stretched tall, curling her toes into the soft carpet as her arms reached toward the ceiling. Her body felt pleasantly sore, she noticed, especially down there. She smiled across the room at Arthur. He stood still and let his eyes dip once, scanning her lean shape.

"Did you sleep?" Elise asked as she walked drowsily toward the kitchen's bar.

"Oh yeah... Like a dead tree. How 'bout you?"

"Great, clearly. Look at the time."

"Good," Arthur nodded. "I hope you like scrambled eggs and bacon."

"Uh... Sure, once in a while. Who doesn't?"

"Thata'girl. Eat up!" Arthur said. He extended her a plate piled high with buttered toast, steaming eggs and six strips of bacon.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'll eat, like, a fraction of this."

"Really? Huh. Well, more for me then. Enjoy."

Arthur loaded his own plate with an equal helping of food and then sat down on a barstool opposite her.

Their conversation began with relaxed banter about the day to come and Thursday's big meeting. After a few minutes, however, they found themselves eating in silence. They sipped hot tea and stared passed each other.

Great volumes of information seemed to hang over them, unspoken. Neither wished to break the armistice of speech that kept it at bay. It was too early for all that.

After breakfast and the requisite clearing-up and brushing of teeth, Elise and Arthur found themselves back in the living room. Both were aware that she was nowhere near ready to follow him into the lab. An uncertainty over how to part company magnetized the air between them.

"I'll hurry," Elise blurted. "It won't take me long."

"Sure. No problem," Arthur answered. "And skip the whole candy striper nonsense. I need everyone's full attention today."

"Okay. But... what about Doctor Yamamoto?"

"Just ignore it."

Elise lowered her eyes to her hands, which were fussing with each other. She canted her hips to one side, resting all her weight on one narrow leg. Her un-weighted foot hid behind its mate.

Arthur stared at her, unsure how to leave.

"Is... is this, um..." Elise began anxiously. "Is this gonna be okay?"

The question hung between them a moment too long before Arthur's response arrived: "Yeah. Don't worry."

Elise was unconvinced. Her uncertainty felt confirmed. Without looking up, she darted toward Arthur and threw her arms around his shoulders. He reciprocated her hug, but it was an unbalanced union.

Inside Elise's mind the desire for his kiss burned afresh. Actually, she thought, it did not need to be a kiss. She would have welcomed any gesture no matter how small or large, so long as it ratified their new bond. She let her body go slack, hanging from his broad shoulders, and closed her eyes. The feel of his hands spanning her back became sustenance. She experienced a vivid urge to sink to her knees, to please him directly. She would have done it gladly had she felt sure of his wants.

Arthur rubbed one hand up and down her back in a too-casual style. Then he interrupted her doubts with his voice.

"Hey," he said. "I've gotta head over there. I've got so much work to do."

Elise let go, accepting her weight back onto her own two feet. A quick peck landed atop her cowed head. Then Arthur's feet shuffled away toward the laboratory.

The connecting door closed between them with a thud. Though they could no longer hear each other, both sighed in unison.

Elise whispered, "Shoot!" and wiped a trace of dampness from beneath her eyes.

Arthur glanced at his watch and strode to his desk. A stack of unread e-mail greeted his eyes as soon as he entered the password to wake his computer from sleep.

Back in the apartment, Elise's disconsolate reverie was broken by a generic ringtone. She took three steps to reach her purse and then fished out her smartphone. It was her mom calling.

Elise tapped 'ignore' and unlocked the screen. A digital bubble appeared, informing her of three missed calls and two unread texts.

"Jesus," she sighed as she saw that all five were from her mother.

Despite the apparent urgency, Elise felt unprepared to deal with Sylvia at that moment. Her new relationship with Doctor Peters preoccupied all her thoughts. Whatever invented drama her mother wished to wave in front of her face would have to wait. She needed to get her feet back on the ground first.

To that end, Elise quickly rinsed off in the shower without getting her hair wet. Then she squatted in front of her clothing drawers, naked, and tried to pick out a new outfit.

Dressing up for the lab, however odd it may have seemed to her a week before, now felt like a re-assuring crutch. Skimpy clothes had become her mask; an avatar that kept reality at bay. She felt a need for that today more than ever.

Elise lifted an ivory sweater-dress from the bottom drawer. She smiled and clutched it to her bare skin like a cherished teddy bear. The dress was thin and soft, made of an expensive blend of cashmere and just enough synthetic to give it an elasticity that flattered her subtle curves. It was one of her favorite possessions.

Over time, because of repeated laundry mistakes, the short dress had shrunk to such a degree that Elise only wore it with leggings. But today, she assured herself, she would dare to leave her legs bare. No stupid stockings, either. Just miles and miles of leg, freshly shaved and lavishly moisturized. That, Elise mused, would surely give Doctor Peters reason to pause and consider.

A white thong was the only other garment she wanted. As she stretched the sweater-dress over her head and fished her arms through its skinny sleeves, she relished the feel of fuzzy cashmere against her skin. She tugged the hem down over her hips and smoothed the waist flat. The dress was just long enough to cover her bottom without about an inch to spare.

Elise hugged herself and let out a sigh, feeling comforted by the garment's familiarity. Her confidence slowly rebuilt. Still barefoot, she padded to the half-bath and finished fixing her hair and makeup.

It was time to call her mother.

"HellO-ooo," Sylvia answered on the third ring.

"Hi Mom," Elise muttered.

"Oh, Darling Elise! Where on Earth have you been? I've been trying to reach you for a week!"

"Uh, really? I don't--"

"Yes, I've called a hundred times! Are you hiding? You know I can't stand it when you do that."

"No. Sorry. It's been busy here. What's going on?"

"Oh it's been a whirlwind Darling, but the main thing is I'm coming to see you! Isn't that fun? I'm flying in on Saturday. I have to spend a few days with friends in Monterey next week, but before all that I thought well, I'll just pop over to wherever you are and take that darling boss of yours out to dinner or something. After all he's done for you I think it would be rude not to, don't you agree? And of course I can't wait to see you and hear what-all you've been learning."

"Wait, what? You're coming here?!"

"Yes of course I am! I miss you, Darling. And we have lots to discuss."

Elise's mind shifted into overdrive. This was nutty, even by her mom's standards. Words continued to flow through the phone at high speed; inane nonsense about a rental car and the rate at her hotel. They were all packaged in that stupid faux falsetto her mom used when trying to charm someone, but Elise's brain had stopped trying to process any of it.

"Mom, Mom... Mom! Stop," Elise interrupted. "What are you doing? Why are you coming here?"

"What? What a horrible question! Can't I visit my own daughter? You act as though I were arriving on a broom!"

"Four years, Mom. I was away at college for four years and you didn't visit once. Now suddenly you're gonna rush out here to see me after two weeks?"

"Oh, Elise, don't be ridiculous. I certainly did visit you in college. That's—"

"No, Mom, you didn't. Trust me. I would remember."

"Darling, let's not fight," Sylvia answered, her voice finally dropping to its natural octave. "I just want to say hello and check in on you. We have some things to talk about. Then, I'll go visit my friends in Monterey and you can have your sacred solitude back."

"My—Uhh! Who are you visiting?"

"That's not important. I don't think you've seen them since you were a child."

"Fine. Whatever. What do we so desperately need to talk about? I'm supposed to be working right now, but... I have a few minutes."

"Oh no, darling... I won't keep you. We should really discuss it in person anyway."

"What is it? Tell me."

"No. It's..."

"Mother, please! Just tell me. You're freaking me out."

There was a lengthy pause. Elise knew well enough to keep quiet. There was nothing her mother hated more than silence. It would pry the words from her more effectively than any other tactic.