Teasing Lisa


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"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she mumbled into my chest, her slender body warm and soft against my skin. She felt wonderful and so, so sexy.

"I just wasn't expecting it," I laughed, "think about it; it IS a bit of a surprise isn't it?"

She didn't reply. I hugged her close and felt her trembling in my arms. My head was spinning.

"Did you really mean it...?" I murmured into her ear.

"I... I think so..." she replied, lifting her pretty face to mine.

"You really want to learn how to be good in bed?"

"Is it a bad thing to want?" she asked and my heart ached.

"It's a great thing, as long as you don't become 'one of those girls' as your Mum calls them."

Lisa smiled up at me, "That's why I thought you... you wouldn't mind... helping me."

"You trust me to keep a secret?" she nodded.

"I trust you!" she said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Well if you're really sure you want me to..." I whispered into her long neck.

"I'm sure..." she whispered.

"It might need a lot of practice!" I squeezed her bottom playfully.

I felt her giggle and her long, soft, smooth legs press against my thighs. Her face rose towards mine and I gently kissed her lips. She tasted of coffee.

"I hope it does," she blushed.

"Then it would be my pleasure Lisa," I murmured.

I kissed her again and to my surprise felt a small pointed tongue passing across my own lips and tentatively entering my mouth. I sucked it gently and we embraced and kissed for a long time, our mouths opening wider, tongues writhing over each other, my hands beginning to explore her skinny body properly, pressing her against my so-hard cock.

"Where did you learn to kiss like that?" I asked, astonished when we finally came up for air.

"The Bible doesn't say that you can't make out," she smiled, "there's a lot of kissing and stuff that goes on. You should read it sometime."

"You really are amazing," I told her, "shall we go upstairs?"

"Now?" she asked, as if surprised by the speed of things.

"No time like the present. And you might chicken out if you wait too long."

She smiled sheepishly and nodded. I took her hand and gently led her out of the kitchen, up the stairs, across the landing and through her bedroom door where her neatly made bed stood waiting; the bed on which I had so recently taken her virginity.

In the stillness of the room, my lips closed on hers and we kissed slowly and lovingly, our tongues less frantic but no less entwined.

My right hand fell to her waist and fumbled with the button and zip on her skirt. It popped open, the zip slid easily down and it dropped soundlessly to the floor. Her hand went instinctively to her hips to grab at the garment but then she stopped herself and let it fall to her ankles. Our lips still pressed together, my hands rose and fell as I touched her sweet, tender body all over, from her tiny blouse-covered tits to her panty-hidden ass. She felt soft and warm and smooth.

Lisa was far too shy to touch me in return but offered no resistance when I unbuttons her blouse and slipped it over her shoulders and down her arms. It fell alongside her skirt. Expertly popping the rear clasp on her bra with one hand, I helped her slide it forwards and cast it aside.

"Feels like you've done that a few times before," she smiled.

"Practice makes perfect," I grinned cheekily.

"That's what I'm hoping!"

My heart missed a beat at her unexpectedly sexual words. I raised my hands to her chest; her tiny pointed tits with their hard dark nipples fitted easily into my cupped palms and I kneaded them gently, her warm body pressed close to mine, our lips still together.

"Mum and Dad will be back in an hour or so," she whispered when we finally came up for breath.

"That's plenty of time," I smiled, "I'm good but I'm not Superman!"

She squeaked in surprise as my hands fell to her waist then slipped into the back of her panties, cupping the smooth firm buttocks I had admired all week. I pulled her towards me until my erection pressed into her belly then flicked my wrists backwards so that her panties slipped down over her buttocks and lay in the crease at the top of her thighs.

She giggled.

"You've done that before too, haven't you?"

"A few times," I confessed, "does that bother you?"

"I think I feel safer knowing you're experienced," she said softly as my hands returned to her bared buttocks and began to knead them, pressing her exposed pussy firmly against my thigh and sliding my fingers along the cleft between her taut cheeks.

Instinctively she began to rub herself against my leg, hardly needing the gentle guidance of my hands. We kissed again and again, the taste of her mouth changing slightly as she grew more and more aroused.

My hand slipped around to her groin and my fingers began to explore the triangle between her thighs, first through her panties then diving within to cup her mound. Lisa's first instinct was to close her legs tightly but I could feel her steel herself and after a moment her skinny thighs parted just enough for my fingers to reach the wet warmth of her slit.

"Mmmmm," she moaned as I began to finger her, gently and carefully, sliding my fingertip the full length of her slit. Lisa's legs began to tremble and her knees went weak. I felt her weight against me.

"Is this the first time... you've been fingered?" I hissed into her ear.

"Uh-hu" she breathed as the tip of my middle finger dipped into the mouth of her vagina, "only... you...no-one... else..."

She really was inexperienced. For a moment the enormity of what I had done dawned on me; I had taken her from almost complete sexual innocence to insemination in less than half an hour. But I was too aroused myself to let this guilt get in the way.

"Like it?" I hissed again.

"Mmmm yessss!"

Her lithe, slim body felt good against mine. She smelled fresh and sweet with a faint undertone of arousal building. I gently but firmly steered her towards the bed until the back of her thighs touched the mattress.

"Is it time?" she whispered.

"Nearly," I replied, gently lowering her to the bed where she sat stiff and straight.

I could feel her nervousness as I sat next to her, taking her in my arms again

"Have you got a... a..." Lisa stammered anxiously.

"A condom?" she nodded, embarrassed as usual.

"I can't risk getting pregnant again?"

"In my wallet," I patted my back pocket, for some reason embarrassed to confess this to my stepsister.

"Do you always have one with you?"


"Just in case you get lucky?"

"I guess so," I admitted.

"Do you usually get lucky?" she asked more out of curiosity than jealousy.

"Quite often. But not as often as I let people think," I chuckled, "I have a reputation to protect!"

"Do you feel you're lucky today?" her under-confidence was as obvious as it was unjustified. I kissed her long and hard on the lips.

"The luckiest I've been in a long, long time," I told her truthfully.

I laid her on her back on the bed. Her hair fanned out over the pillow and her long, thin legs parted for me unbidden.

This time as I undressed I felt the pressure of her eyes on my body. She gasped when I lowered my shorts and my erection burst out of its bonds.

"Oh my God! It's huge! If I'd known it was so big I'd..."

"You'd never have let me put it in you?" I finished her sentence for her. She nodded.

"I can't believe all that was inside me! No wonder it hurt!"

"Then it's a good job things worked out the way they did," I smiled as I climbed onto the bed, knelt between her opening thighs and reached for my wallet.

I didn't tell her that, no matter what she thought, my cock was no bigger than average. It wouldn't help her and besides, what boy would admit that to a girl he is about to fuck? I simply smiled in what I hoped was a secretive, knowing way.

Lisa watched spellbound as I opened the small square foil pack and rolled its latex contents down over my erection. My weight on my left arm, I leaned low over her, my cock in my right hand, searching for her sweet opening.

"I'm a bit scared," she said trembling as my rubber-covered head rested in the entrance to her vagina.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"But it's so big..."

"Shhh! Don't worry, I'll be really gentle. And you know you can take it, you already have once."

"But I'm... I'm not sure what to do..."

"You don't have to do anything. Just relax and let it happen. Let me do all the work this time; you just enjoy it and do whatever fees right at the time."


Lisa smiled nervously up at me and I pressed forwards; there was a gasp, a shudder and a squeal of surprised delight as my head parted her inner lips and burst inside her tender body again.

"Ohhhh! She breathed beneath me, her body suddenly stiff, her legs tightening on my sides

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes... No... a little bit..."

I pulled back a tiny bit then pressed a little harder. A few more inches of my shaft penetrated her body.

"Ohmygoodness..." she croaked, her eyes wide and staring.

But I didn't give her time to back out and three more slow, powerful thrusts later I was balls deep in her pussy, my wiry pubic hair rammed up against her blonde mound.

"OoooohhhHHH!" Lisa squealed out loud as my body filled hers.

I'm no sexual novice but the surge of pleasure that hit me as I bottomed out in my stepsister's pussy took me by surprise and lifted me to new heights of arousal that blotted out all other thoughts.

She was tight! My God she was tight; and not just around her entrance; her amazing pussy was gripping me the full length of my shaft and rubbing hard against the flared edge of my domed head.

"Oh Lisa..." I murmured despite my supposed experience, "that feels amaaazziinngg!"

She was staring up at me, her eyes wide and I realised that when I had first fucked her, they had been covered by the blindfold. This was much, much better; her pupils had become huge and black, her expression slightly glazed and a tiny tear ran out of the corner of each eye.

I wriggled my hips, my shaft still buried in her body and felt her legs parting a little wider. Slowly and carefully I drew myself back and thrust slowly back into her. She gasped at the sensation. I repeated the slow in and out movement, building very gradually in speed. I could feel her lubrication working overtime, easing my way but she was still tight as anything and knew I had to pace myself if I was to avoid cumming too quickly - and I wanted to make this amazing feeling last!


And then the climax hit me, sending warm wet waves outwards from the base of my pulsing cock, down the inside of my thighs and up my spine, making my chest tight and my voice croak. Even my toes curled.

I was in climax heaven; it was as if Cindy and Becky had never existed; I was in heaven and the angels were skinny and blonde and moaning beneath me as I filled the condom inside her with hot, sticky semen.

"Jesus, Lisa! That was amazing. I came SO hard!"

She was staring up at me anxiously as I began to gather my wits about me.

"That's what a boy's orgasm looks like? Goodness!"

"It's what a really good orgasm looks like. They're not all as good as that," I said frankly.

"And did I do make that happen to you? Was I really that good?"

"You did, Lisa and yes, you really were that good. I said you were a natural. If you can be this good a fuck now, just imagine what you'll be like after a few weeks' practice."

She positively beamed with pleasure. I grinned back at her as I felt my erection softening. Taking care, I pulled back, caught the top of the condom in my fingers and eased both it and me out of my stepsister's vagina. The end of the rubber was full of creamy cum. A lot of cum.

"Mustn't let any get inside you," I said quietly, "we were lucky last time; can't take any chances now. Can't have you getting knocked up!"

"Was all that inside me last time? No wonder I was so messy!" she giggled as I tied the top of the condom and wrapped it in tissues from her bedside table. She was staring at it in fascination.

"How did it feel for you?" I asked though I thought I knew the answer.

"I'm not sure," she replied, "it felt really good but nothing like what you looked like."

"You didn't cum?"

"I'm not sure I know what an orgasm feels like," her voice died away.

"Haven't you ever touched yourself down there to give yourself one?" She blushed.

"It's sinful... at least I used to think it was. Bobby used to try and touch me there but..."

"Well, if you're not sure then you probably didn't have one," I said, feeling I had let her down, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," she smiled, "I don't think many girls have them the first few times - and it really did feel good."

I grunted, embarrassed. I was supposed to be the expert; I was the experienced lover teaching the only-just-not-a-virgin girl and yet I had been so completely overwhelmed by this amazing creature's hot body I hadn't been able to hold back and give her what would probably have been her first every orgasm.

What's more, without even knowing what she was doing, my innocent stepsister had just given me one of the most intense orgasms of my life. Certainly nothing Cindy had ever done came close!

And Lisa didn't even have big tits!

"I just couldn't help myself. You're SO hot in bed," I told her quietly.

"You're embarrassing me," her face flushed even pinker.

Suddenly there was the unmistakeable sound of a car door slamming in the driveway and voices approaching the front door.

"Oh my God it's them!" I whispered hoarsely. I could see Lisa wince instinctively as I took the Lord's name in vain again but she said nothing about it. "We're both hot and sweaty - what will they think?"

"Quick! Go to your room and get in the shower," she urged, "I'll pretend I've been running."

"What if the room smells of sex," I hissed.

"I'll open the window!"

"Good girl!" I turned to leave the room but she called me back.

"You'll never tell anyone about this? About us?" she demanded.

"Of course not," I replied.

"Not anyone? Not your 'lads' down the pub? I couldn't bear it if..."

"Cross my heart!" I replied, kissing her one more time on the lips then running to my own room and leaping into the shower. As I passed through her doorway I heard the sound of windows being opened.

So, just as a car arriving in the driveway had spooked Bobby enough to make him run away and leave his fiancée tied to her bed, the arrival of an identical car was making me leave the same girl in the same room, but in a very different position. Bobby's escape had been a false alarm; mine was genuine as Dads' voice in the hallway quickly showed.

As the shower washed away the sweat and stickiness from my body, I felt very mixed up. A week ago I was afraid that I had ruined my life; that my terrible crime would get me kicked out of the house. I certainly would have been kicked out if Lisa had told our parents what I had done; my Dad would have thrown me out without hesitation.

But the wonderful girl hadn't old anyone; she had kept it all quiet and now to my amazement, we had done it once again, and would soon do it again and again.

It had been so, so good - better than I had imagined - and would soon get even better!

As I stood in the stream of warm water I realised that there was so much more to Lisa than I had ever guessed. All this time, beneath that dorky exterior there had been an amazing girl waiting to be discovered.

And I had discovered her by accident and been the first to fuck her!

And what an amazing fuck she had turned out to be!

But she was way more than just a great fuck. I had fucked a lot of girls for my age; some really hot, some really experienced but none of them; not even Cindy had made me feel the way I had felt with Lisa.

OK, I was still on the come-down after my amazing orgasm but there was something else too, something that felt like... like... like lov...

Stop right there boy! You don't want anything sentimental like that to happen to you!

Sure she's really nice, really hot and a great fuck but there's no way I was going to fall in love with my skinny stepsister...

No way...

No fucking way...

However beautiful, sexy and deep down lovely she might be...

Oh God! I'm really fucked now, aren't I!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
moimeme68moimeme68about 1 month ago

I like your detailed decriptions. You are a very talented writer. Keep writing, please.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

Blindsided by love of a 'stick figure' of a girl who just happens to be your stepsister and whom you deflowered against her will. A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

jewelya8789jewelya8789over 1 year ago

That was rape. Half way through but I am done. Not interested in your justification, excuses, etc.

roveroneroveroneabout 4 years ago
He was a dick...

would be nice to think, if there'd been a Ch 2, the next time he made SURE she got off multiple times, before he got his...

and nice that you gave her a full lush muffin...so many of the Lit stories she's as bald and smooth as a pre-pubescent girl...

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago
A very yummy story!

Very well written! I hope there's more to this story. Thank you!

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