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The next day she rode the bus down to the supermarket, did some shopping. She bought several tins of the Salmon paste for Max, too.

By the end of the 2nd week, her average was up to over $100 per night, and she became very good at letting her halter top gape open enough for a good tipper to see her nipple for an instant.

She had lost her bashfulness about that, became almost numb to it. A few times one of the customers would go overboard with his hands, but Jay would be on that in an instant, and his well over six feet tall presense was very intimidating.

Just once a drunken man actually took a swing when Jay asked him to keep his hands to himself, that man was down so fast that Millie almost did not see the motion. She expected Jay to throw the man out, instead he took him to a chair in the corner and told him to sit there until he told him he could move.

Then he asked Millie to take the man some hot Coffee, so she did. The man made no attempt to touch her, he even told her thank you when she handed him a damp bar towel so he could dab at the blood on his mouth.

"He is just drunk, if I let him leave he might hurt somebody and then I would get sued." Jay answered her questioning look.

The customers seemed to mind Jay very well, she took a look at the rippling muscles of his upper body as he walked back to the bar and could see why.

Millie somehow felt reasonably safe after that with Jay there.


It was in her mind to go find a regular job. She had no plans at all to work for Jay any longer than she had to.

But work was not easy to find, and even though Jay was a very crude man, he never bothered her at all, not one time.

And the money was good, Millie now even had a small bank account, and plenty of food for Max, plus for herself.

Then one night Jay asked her to have dinner with him. Millie did not know quite how to respond to that.

She felt that he might expect...sex? No way would she do that, so if she did go, she was thinking she would somehow have to find a way to say no without upsetting him.

"Maybe." She told him, he nodded but frowned.

Later, she mentioned it to Carla, who by now had become a friend.

"Hell, go, why not? Jay takes all of his girls out from time to time, just to get to know them. He never does anything, either, if that's what you are thinking. To him it's all business."

"At least with me anyway, hell, I would fuck him in a New York minute but he has never asked. In fact, I have never seen him with a girl friend." With that, she laughed and went to wait on some people that came in.

Later, Carla and Millie talked again about Jay.

"No way in hell he is gay, honey." She answered when Millie asked.

"He just doesn't take any of the girls home, and it beats me as to why. Hey, maybe you will be the lucky one?" Carla grinned at her.

"Thank you for asking me, I would love to have dinner with you." Millie told Jay later.

He just nodded.


Jay picked her up at her apartment, Millie dressed in a pretty and conservative outfit.

"Damn, you look good enough to eat, Sissy!" He told her with a huge smile, holding the door of what was some kind of fancy bright red sports car for her.

Dressed in slacks and a sports jacket, Millie had never seen him looking like that. At work it was blue jeans and a T-shirt, always.

Clean shaven, well dressed with heavy shoulders, Jay was actually a fine looking man.

It was a very pleasant evening, and Millie noticed that Jay's manner and choice of words changed.

At work, he was the cigar smoking, on the rough side character normally wearing a muscle shirt, now he was a nice looking, well dressed man and actually courteous.

Dancing was fun, and it felt good when he was holding her. It had been a very long time since she had even dated, let alone danced with a man.

They talked, actually she mostly talked since Jay kept asking questions. She ended up telling him nearly her entire life story.

At one point she asked Jay a question about if he had ever been overseas, his face darkened and he shifted the subject.

Back at her apartment door, he leaned in and gave her a very brief kiss on the lips. Just as he leaned back, Max let out a yowl, wanting attention.

"Oh, you have a Cat? I love Cats, I have two of them myself." He grinned at her.

"You like Cats?" Millie asked.

"Yea, I do. But don't ya tell anybody that shit, OK?" He grinned.

He had nearly instantly changed back into Jay from the club, it was noticeable.

Millie half expected Jay to make a pass, do something. Instead, he got into his car and with a wave, was gone.

Later that night, Millie was relieving herself and her mind shifted to Jay and the way his body had been so close to hers when they danced, the way he smelled.

For some crazy reason that set her off.

A few days later they were counting out after the end of the shift, Jay handed her her share of the tips.

"Yer doing pretty good, you and Carla are about even now. When I first saw you, I figured you for lasting maybe two nights."

"I can be tough when I need to be." She laughed.

"Yea, I can see that. I..I almost wish...." He looked up at her.

"Wish what?" She asked. Jay's expression was different.

"Nothing." He said.

"Yer a special gal, good asset around here. Thanks." He added.

They looked at each other, then Millie went home. That night she dreamed, Jay was holding her in his arms. The dream woke her up, she shook her head.

Several times after that at work she looked up to see Jay watching her intently, she just dismissed that.


The condo Millie rented was very nice, she was so glad to get out of that ratty little apartment.

The other landlord was unhappy about that, he even offered her $25 off her rent if she would stay, staring at the tops of her breasts the whole time.

She did not really care if he looked, she was now well aware that nearly all men looked. She was no longer afraid of him, either.

At work, she mentioned to Jay that she was moving. When she said she needed to rent a truck, he offered her the use of his.

One thing led to another and one Sunday afternoon Jay was helping her move her few small possessions. She couldn't help but notice the way he moved heavy items with ease, once when they were very close she could smell the light sheen of sweat on him.

That moment she felt a little flutter, felt her crotch dampen. Until then she only thought of him in her private moments, then quickly forced it out of her mind.

"Now what in the hell is the matter with me?" She thought.

"Hey, Sissy? When we get you unloaded, let's go out for dinner. OK?"

"How about we grab some steaks and I fix you a nice dinner?" She asked.

Jay looked at her. For a moment he hesitated, then he agreed.


"Man, you can cook can't you Millie?" Jay gushed, finally unable to eat any more. She beamed at that, plus it was one of the few times he called her by her real first name.

In the living room, she was surprised when Max came out, went right over to Jay and hopped up into his lap. His hand came up and stroked the Cat almost by instinct. It curled up and began to purr.

When her former landlord came to her door, Max had always vanished.

They sat and talked for several hours. Millie found out that Jay had served with the Army special forces, when he got out he had used his pay to buy the nightclub.

Then again his face darkened and he changed the subject.

Once again, she realized he was a completely different man than he was at work.

Then his face darkened again when she asked him why he was not married. She instantly regretted the question when she saw him struggle with his answer.

"You don't need to tell me." She added quickly.

"It's OK. I was married when I was in the..."

"I loved that woman. But I was away so much, things happen, you know." He added.

"Yes, I know." Millie nodded, thinking back to her own experience with her one time boyfriend.

When Jay was finally leaving, Millie knew she did not want him to go. But she did not know the words to make him stay.

Once again, Jay leaned in and kissed her, again very brief.


A few weeks slipped by, Millie was sort of hoping Jay might ask her out again but he didn't.

She also found herself asked out constantly but never went out with anyone at all.

Then one evening three men came in, two were young, younger than her but the 3rd man was about 30 or so and very good looking.

When one of the younger men reached out to pat Millie's behind as she was serving them beers, the older man slapped his hand away.

That was all there was to it but Millie noticed him. He also tipped her very well, and he looked her in the eyes instead of at her breasts like all the rest did.

He was back the next evening, alone this time. She served him, noticing he paid nearly no attention at all to the girls on stage. Instead, each time she glanced his way he was watching her.

From then on he came in every single night, sat and nursed just two beers. He always tipped her well, never said or did anything out of line.

Millie began to look for him, felt herself feeling a little flutter when he finally came in.

"Hey, you got one that likes you, Sissy!" Carla teased her as she went by with a tray of drinks.

"What makes you say that?" Millie asked her.

"That guy is blind to anyone in here but you!" Carla laughed.


The surprise came when the young man came in one evening with an older man. The older man looked familiar, then it hit her.

It was Ben Carter, her old boss.

"Hello, Mr. Carter." Millie said when she approached their table to take the order.

Mr. Carter looked up in surprise, there was a moment of confusion, then he realized.

"Millie! Well, I will be damned. Danny here told me that he wanted me to see the most beautiful woman on Earth, I had no idea at all it was you!"

Millie looked at the younger man who appeared like he wanted to find someplace to hide.

"So now you have a name? Danny, is it? My name is Siss...Millie." She grinned at him.

"Dan here is my son, he just got home from Iraq a few weeks ago." Mr. Carter said.

Things progressed quickly from that point.


The first date was the usual, dinner, then to a concert. Dan was polite, at her door he leaned in for a kiss so she allowed that.

By the third date, Dan attempted to do some petting in the car, she wasn't quite ready for that and resisted.

That appeared to make him mildly angry but he didn't say anything.

She did notice that when Danny came in, Jay watched them even more closely if that was possible.

But he never said anything. There had been thoughts, Millie had waited, almost hoped Jay would perhaps ask her out again.

But he didn't. Like Carla had told her, to Jay all it was, was business.

A couple of weeks later, Millie was thinking about Dan. He seemed to be nice, it crossed her mind perhaps he might be the one?

Perhaps it was time. Sex? It had been so long, and Danny was a nice looking man. Maybe it was time?

Those thoughts, the temptation was there.

On their next date, she invited him inside.

They were sitting on her couch, Millie noticed that her cat Max instantly went over and got underneath the coffee table, lay there staring at them.

Then Dan slid closer to her, put one arm around her. His other hand slid across her belly, that felt good. Dan stroked her several times, his hand slid upwards, found one of her breasts and cupped it.

Millie felt the wetness flood her body, as she did the image of Jay slid into her mind. She tried to ignore that, think of the moment but she could not.

Dan was rubbing her nipple with one hand, her blouse pushed upwards with the other. She felt the wetness as his mouth came down suckled her nipple into it.

"No. Don't!" She said suddenly, pushing him away.

"What in the hell?" Dan asked loudly, sitting up.

"I don't...I can't...." Millie quickly adjusted her clothing.

"What is this, I am not good enough for you? Jesus Christ, you flash your boobs all over at everybody, then tease the hell out of me and now say no?"

"Dan, I am sorry. I just can't, I thought I was ready but I'm not." She stood up.

"This is a bunch of shit! You can't leave me like this!" She could see he was angry, he reached out and grabbed her shoulders roughly, began to push Millie back onto the couch.

Max tore into the man's leg furiously with all of his claws, turned his head and sank his fangs.

Dan's face changed to shock and pain, he swung at the Cat but of course missed completely. It backed off, the hairs on it's back sticking up, it's tail swinging.

Dan backed away as Max advanced, the sound very threatening. He tugged up his pants leg, blood was streaming down it. Max circled around, got between Millie and Dan. Then it made a couple of false charges, hissing.

"Keep that thing away from me!" Dan backed towards the door.

When he was gone, Millie sat down in her chair and cried. Max came and snuggled up in her lap, acting concerned.

"Good kitty." She told him as he purred contentedly.


"So where is the new boyfriend?" Carla asked her a few days later.

"Out of the picture, I thought there was something there, there wasn't."

Then she told Carla about what happened, which she found hilarious.

"No wonder you ain't got any boyfriends, if you keep a danged mountain lion at home! She giggled.

"Max only weighs about 8 pounds." Millie laughed with her.

"So why don't you give Jay another try?" Carla asked.

"He doesn't...I don't think he wants to, it is just business with him.

"Some guys you can just sit there and they will go for it, other guys you have to get the door locked and yank their pants down!" She roared at that.

"Yea, sure, I doubt that would work." Millie said.

"Well, it didn't work for me, I tried." Carla answered.

"You did?"

"Yea, I took off my shirt and went for it but he told me no. Kind of hurt my feelings." She laughed.

"But I bet he just might let you." She grinned over her shoulder, heading off to wait on another customer..


Millie was pleased when Jay asked her out to dinner the next week. It was another pleasant evening, which ended up exactly the same as the other few times.

Jay did ask her about Dan, he was of course aware they had dated. Millie told him all about it, leaving out the part about her thinking of him when with Dan.

"That little cat actually did that?" He laughed.

Millie nodded. She had been amazed at Max coming to her rescue the instant Dan had put his hands on her. She had no idea any of them would even do that.

"But Max climbs right into your lap?" Millie grinned at him.

"Probably because he knows I would never hurt you." Jay told her.

Millie looked at Jay, his eyes met hers. She leaned in for a kiss, Jay kissed her. This time it was more than just a touch of the lips, she felt her body flush with desire.

Then Jay leaned back.

"Jay, do you like me?" Millie asked.

"Yes, probably more than any woman I ever knew." He answered.

"So tell me. What is it, why don't you...." She left the rest of the question hanging.

Jay looked down, it took him a long time to answer.

"I was..we were on patrol, we got hit and I...I don't have...? I know, I act all tough and strong at work but I got pretty badly torn up, and I only have...just one."

"One what?" That confused her.

"You know...one. I am pretty...ugly...down there, with the scars and all." He actually blushed, Millie had never seen Jay blush before.

That was when Millie realized what Jay was trying to say.

"Is that it? Jay, it's you I love, I don't care about that."

"You do? You love me?"

"Yea, I do. Crabby, blunt, making me show you my breasts within 5 minutes of meeting me, yes, I do."

"Well, I am in love with you, too!" Jay grinned.

"So what is taking you so damned long?" Millie was laughing now.

"I was..I am afraid that if you saw me, you would be..they did a lot of surgery and I have...scars?"

"Jay..." Millie started to protest that it didn't matter.

"I see so many women, they come and they go. I just wanted to be...sure?"

"Much longer and I will have gray hair." She said.

Jay still didn't move.

"Carla told me to just lock the door, and it's locked."

He looked slightly confused at that.

"Then she told me to yank your pants down!" She dropped to her knees and reached for his belt.

"What about Max?" He asked looking over at the cat that lay there on the floor watching.

"Max won't mind." Millie said, reaching inside.

Jay was correct, he had only one testicle.

It worked just fine.

There were some rather obvious scars, Millie did not mind that, either.


Max was curled up sound asleep in the corner of her bed when she woke up. She looked over at Jay, his face smiling in sleep.

She gave the covers a tug, he already had more than half of them.

She giggled to herself, she could get used to that. Reaching over, she stroked her hand down over Jay's belly, then finding him limp she let her fingers run up and down him until he began to harden.

She could feel the hard ridge of scars on the side of his member, remembered the sensation of that as Jay had held her lips open and slipped inside, trying to be careful to not hurt her.

It didn't hurt, in fact, it felt wonderful. She made sure he knew that it was not hurting her as she energetically used her body to meet his efforts.

Jay's eyes opened at her touch, he smiled.

"You really are here, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes, honey. I really am, and I always will be."


Carla looked up when Jay and Millie walked into the Pink Pussycat.

She knew instantly, since they were holding hands.

Even Sally behind the bar grinned at that.

Millie went and got her tray, went to work as Jay stepped behind the bar.

"So how was he?" Carla whispered.

"None of your business." Millie whispered back.

Carla laughed.

"Watch this, I got a live one dropping $5 bills. I am going to go stick my tits halfway up his nose!" She grinned and was off.

Millie looked over at Jay, winked. They had already agreed, her name was Millie again, no need to be Sissy.

Yea, at work she could act naughty, show off a little tit, tease the guys. It made them happy and they spent money.

She was not ashamed of a single bit of it.

It was time to go find her own live one. Looking around the room, she spotted a table with three young men, they we looking her direction. With a smile, she headed that way.

They had already introduced Max to Jay's two cats, not completely sure of what would happen.

They were both females, even though they were fixed. Max did not appear to mind them at all.

Millie glanced down at her top, she could see her nipples herself. The customers? They would not be able to miss that, either.

It helped make money, she no longer was the shy young lady she was once. The room was busy, it looked like a good night coming up.

Then she could go home. Home with her man.

Who would have ever dreamed where life can end up?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Once in awhile.

We get a good one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Reality through tough times that transition into something very livable and love.

Excellent story line and characters, the essence and boldness of life tied to what it takes to make it in life.


jasonnmonicajasonnmonicaover 10 years ago
nice story

Very positive and cutely sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a brilliant story

loved the way it evolved and so glad she got her man in the end and showing a bit of tit to earn money is just a bit of fun....one of the better stories.....loved it....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I love it. I have a friend who used to be a dancer/waitress in one of those places, and from what she's told me about it your story seems really accurate. :) Nice to read something that doesn't shame those girls!

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