Ten Little Bimbos Ch. 01


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Rena spoke up then. "Blonde Concepts? Are we talking about the cosmetic company based in Chrystal Heights?"

McKatt shook her head. "Not just cosmetics," she said. "Their R&D department has turned out a lot of high-tech body-mod devices and formulas over the years. They even have a line of clothing and jewelry now. Got kind of a shady reputation for...well, all sorts of things, really. They're powerful, though, and their top brass are major players."

Sam poked his finger into Paul's chest. "Considering the bullshit accusations that recording made, that sounds like something Blonde Concepts would be involved in, wouldn't you say?"

Everyone murmured their agreement, but McKatt shook her head. "First off, Blonde Concepts would encourage bimbifications, not make accusations about them. And second off, why in the world would they start spouting off random accusations? Use your heads, people."

"Also," said Paul, smacking Sam's finger away from him, "I'm finally back in the security business again. Why the fuck would I blow it by setting up a stupid recording? This is the last fucking thing I needed."

"I couldn't agree more," said Tori. "In fact, I'm thinking Mister Beau and I need to discuss your employment when he gets here. The guests have been here less than three hours and there's already been a major security breach. Between that and your less-than-stellar background, I think your position needs to be reconsidered."

"He's aware of my history," said Paul stiffly.

"So you say," said Tori. "We'll see."

"Fine, Tori," said Paul. "You do what you have to do. Meanwhile, if you'll excuse me, I need to find the hidden speakers. Somebody went to an awful lot of trouble to hide them and I want to know how they were able to do that without me knowing."

"Hey!" said Elizabeth, who had been silent the entire time. "The Internet's out."

A look of concern failed to pass over anyone's features.

"Yeah?" said Sam. "Your next Facebook post is going to be a little late is all. So?"

Elizabeth appeared suddenly restless. "I just don't like being out of touch like that. Makes me feel cut off."

"Don't worry about it," said Paul. "I doubt the Internet's out. More likely your phone is the issue."

Aubrey pulled out her phone. "No signal here either."

"Me either," said Joan.

Paul rolled his eyes. "All right, all right. I'll look into it, okay? Could everyone get off my back now?"

There was some grumbling and it once again appeared that Paul was going to engage with the guests. But then someone else spoke up.

Rena was looking at Aubrey with deceptively casual eyes. "So tell me, Aubrey," said Rena. "Am I correct in assuming that you are that Professor Aubrey Rush? Of Chrystal Heights University fame?"

Aubrey was silent for a moment. Then she finally said, "Yes, I am."

Rena's manner cooled another few degrees. "I see."

The other guests glanced at each other awkwardly.

Aubrey sighed. "Caroline was aware of the danger, you know."

Rena gave the professor a look. "You know who I am?"

"Not specifically," said Aubrey, "but you have the same last name as Caroline. I don't recall her having any sisters, though."

"Cousin," said Rena.

Joan said, "You two know each other?"

"In a manner of speaking," said Rena. "Professor Aubrey Rush here led a group of grad students to do an archeological survey of the Chrystal Mountains. My cousin Caroline was one of those grad students who accompanied the professor because she trusted her. Unfortunately, Professor Rush was the only one to make it back."

Aubrey gave Rena a cold look, then looked back to the group. "That's a bit of a simplification. We ran into a tribe of natives. That particular tribe didn't typically frequent the part of the Chrystal Mountains we were bound for, so we were unprepared when they located us. They surrounded us and moved in. I managed to escape. My team didn't."

Rena continued to glare at Aubrey. "And you accuse me of oversimplification. Why don't you tell them what happens to those captured by tribes out there?"

Aubrey sighed again, then said, "Fine. Anybody captured by mountain tribes are usually used as breeding stock and service sluts. So Caroline has probably carried two or three tribe babies by now and sucked a lot of cock. Satisfied?"

Everybody stared at Aubrey in shock. Even Sam appeared uncomfortable.

Hannah giggled.

Tori turned to the maid, grateful for the distraction. "You find that funny??"

Hannah giggled. "Ummmm...yeppers, Mistress. Sucking cock is...is fun, y'know...?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Has everybody lost their mind today? Isn't sea air supposed to be healthy?"

Hannah giggled again. Then she slid her fingers into her uniform V-neck and pulled the hem apart, tearing the uniform down her front and revealing her black bra.

Tori blinked. "Hannah...!"

Hannah tittered and pulled her uniform off her body. Clad in only black panties and bra, as well as her modest black heels, Hannah began strutting around the table. She twirled and danced to a song apparently only she could hear.

Rena looked to Tori. "Is this typical behavior for her?"

Tori shook her head. "No, it's not."

Hannah unhooked her bra and resumed her dance around the table, singing to herself as she did so. "La la la...I don't want...anybody else...when I think about you, I touch myself...la la la..."

Tori looked confused. Eric looked concerned. Dr. Lin's eyes glittered. Sam and Paul appeared to openly enjoy the show.

Hannah slid her panties over her hips and down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and proceeded to continue her dance naked.

Rena said in a calm voice, "Hannah? Can you talk to me?"

Hannah giggled. "I can totally hear you, pretty lady. And my pretty Mistress. My hot Mistress. Can Hannah have a spanking, Mistress?"

Dr. Lin and Rena stepped over to Hannah and took the naked girl by her arms. Together they walked her out of the dining room and to her room, followed by Tori.


An hour later they emerged, minus Hannah. The maid was reportedly sleeping.

"Well?" said Joan. The black detective had her arms crossed.

Dr. Lin spread her hands. "I don't have equipment," she said, "so I cannot conduct a proper examination. But physically she appears to be fine, if somewhat aroused."

Sam snorted. "Yeah, I saw that when she stripped down. She was definitely fine."

Elizabeth gave Morton a look, then shook her head. "For you, class is just something that happens to other people, isn't it?"

Rena cut in. "Physically, Hannah's fine. Mentally, however, she's just...well, she's..."

"A stripper?" said Aubrey.

"Hard to say without a more complete examination," said Rena, "but that would seem to be the heart of it. She lacks any sense of place or situation. She seems to be taking everything in through a very small mental filter and appears to take no notice of anything not directly affecting her. She won't wear clothing and she appears to have little sense of the appropriate or any form of social mores."

Joan gave Paul a look plainly filled with suspicion. "So what do you think, supercop? Did she catch something? Have a breakdown? Or did somebody do something to her?"

Paul rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure someone did something to her. Some evil cad snuck up to her and gave her some stripper spooky dust. Let's begin the interrogations now, shall we? Which one of you evil bastards turned our maid into a stripper? Well? Speak up!"

"Enough!" said Tori. "Enough of the accusations and arguing! Paul, leave the room right now and if you cannot interact with our guests in a civilized manner, then you will refrain from interacting at all. Am I clear?"

Paul looked like he wanted to say something cutting, but he finally settled on "Fine". Then he turned and left the room.

Tori turned back to the group. "As for the rest of you," she said, "I apologize on behalf of Beau Resort. I assure you that we will get to the bottom of this tasteless practical joke of a recording as quickly as possible. Mister Beau himself should be joining us tomorrow and I'm sure he'll express his displeasure with this afternoon's incident as well. So please, if everyone could put this unfortunate incident behind them, we can begin making sure the rest of your stay here at Beau Resort is a pleasant one."

Nobody could think of anything to say to that, so they nodded and began heading back to their respective rooms. The dining room cleared and soon only Tori and Eric remained, picking up the plates and cleaning off the table.

The Parkers were quiet as they worked. Both of them were thinking about Hannah in her room, naked and waiting. Waiting for them.

NEXT: Part 2

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AssLover88AssLover88about 3 years ago

Thoughful writing. Erotic even without any actual sex.

HandcuffGirlHandcuffGirlover 6 years ago
Good Work, as always Chrystal.

Keep it up!

GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinover 6 years ago

The story requires a bit more attention than usual, but it's rewarding enough if you put some thought into it. I think it';s an ambitious project, and I've enjoyed what I've read so far. A couple points:

- You keep calling Joan "the black detective". Once or twice was enough. It's not like you call Sam "the white strip club owner", or Tori "the female hotel owner".

- The detail about "the natives" was a little bit uncomfortable. I don't know your politics, but presuming you have some basic interest in avoiding racist story elements, I would consider at least highlighting that the tribes' practices aren't noticeably different from the local law enforcement's (after all, we have a sitting judge who bimbifies criminals). By default and without context, it just comes across as a needless "nonwhite natives raping white women" stereotype.

Really looking forward to the next chapter! :)

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