Ten Little Bimbos Ch. 05


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Tori was silent for several moments. Then she finally said, "All right. Abigail Tassel was a rival, yeah, but she was also a royal bitch who didn't deserve what she had. Eric and I may have taken steps to have her knocked down a peg or two."

Paul Straight said, "Knocked down a peg or two? Is that what you're calling it?"

Tori turned and glared at Straight, her eyes locked with his. "You want to run your mouth, Straight? Are you really sure you want to do that? Because McKatt told me about your whole 'security guard at Blonde Concepts' incident. You made it sound like you were stopping those two from stealing supplies, but it was the other way around, wasn't it?"

The security man held up his hands. "Look, Tori, I apologize, all right? I shouldn't have-"

Tori straightened even more, her natural Domme authority on full display. "WASN'T IT?"

Straight wilted under Tori's glare. Finally he said, "Yeah."

Tori said, "Louder, Straight. Let's hear it."

Straight sighed, then said. "Yeah, it was the other way around. They caught me trying to steal some supplies. It wasn't a big deal- the stuff wasn't worth *that* much- but they were going to go straight to HR. I couldn't let them do that, so I struck first. My bosses were suspicious, of course, but they couldn't prove anything. I still had to resign, but at least I avoided prosecution."

Morton brayed laughter. "You people are something, you know that? You sit back and judge me all day long, talking about what a horrible scum-bucket I am, but you guys are just as bad as I am."

Tori said, "I sincerely doubt that, Morton."

Morton said, "Oh, it's true. We're all pretty much the same. I'm the only one who will admit it, though."

Rena held up a hand. "Let us leave the ethics discussion for another time," she said. "At any rate, I think we have established enough evidence to suggest that perhaps the 'justice' concept really is possible."

"I wouldn't say we've established that yet, counsellor," said Morton. "We haven't heard from you or the good doctor yet."

"It's not necessary," said Rena. "We have enough data at this point."

Morton said, "I disagree. And I'm sure Professor Rush would be gratified to have you share with us your sins in the same manner she had to answer for hers two nights ago."

A flash of anger crossed Rena's face. Then the psychiatrist exhaled and said, "Very well. You're correct, of course. My 'crimes', as you call them, however, were sins of omission as opposed to commission."

All eyes were on Rena as she spoke.

"I had a practice with two other psychiatrists," continued Rena. "They had a...they were using their hypnotherapy skills in unethical ways. Putting girls under, having sex with them. I realized what they were doing, but I had just established my practice and I didn't want a scandal interfering with my career. Then several of the girls turned up pregnant. I was going to say something, but they paid me to keep my mouth shut. I went along with it."

"So that's it?" said Morton. "Just sins of omission? Keeping your mouth shut for fat stacks?"

Rena gave Morton a glare. "Yes, Mr. Morton, that's it. But understand that I am as guilty as my two colleagues in this matter."

Tori said, "Mr. Beau would appear to agree with you, since you're here on the island with us."

"Indeed," said Rena.

Tori then said, "Doctor? Dr. Lin? Would you care to add to these proceedings?"

Everyone waited for the expected outburst, but instead the short Asian woman said, "I am here because I create art."

Rena said, "So you keep saying, doctor, but what does that entail?"

Dr. Lin was silent for several seconds. Then she said, "You, Dr. Lacke, are art. You do not require my aid. You, Professor Rush, are art as well. Your beauty speaks volumes. And you, Mrs. Parker, are art also. But not all present as such. It is they that I aid."

There was silence as everyone tried to process Dr. Lin's words. Finally Rena said, "Dr. Lin...if it isn't too sensitive a subject for you...why did they revoke your medical license?"

Dr. Lin looked angry and it appeared that she wasn't going to answer, but then she said, "Because they did not approve of my efforts. The men. They were unable to understand what I had done for them, unable to accept they had become something better, something beautiful."

Rena said, "Dr. Lin...were you changing men into women?"

"No!" said Dr. Lin. "I was creating art!"

Rena said softly, "You feel that women's bodies represent art, don't you? And you were turning men into women so they would become art as well, weren't you?"

"Yes," said Dr. Lin. "Yes!"

Rena continued. "But the operations weren't voluntary, were they, doctor?"

"I was improving them," said Dr. Lin. "Permission was not required, or even necessary."

Tori said, "But Dr. Lin, doesn't your presence on this island suggest Mr. Beau thinks otherwise?"

But there was no answer. Dr. Lin had withdrawn once again.

Morton said, "Well, that was educational."

Tori said, "Not now please, Mr. Morton."

Morton snorted and took another swallow from his flask.

"All right," said Tori. "This was a bit grueling, but we know a little more than we did this morning. Now let's take a break and get cleaned up for lunch. And I think it goes without saying that everybody needs to be exceedingly careful and cautious. I'm sure none of you want a private meeting with Mr. Beau."

Rena said, "You're convinced that one of us is the mysterious island benefactor, I take it?"

Tori nodded.

Straight nodded as well. "I'm certain of it as well," he said. "I've been over this island repeatedly. Unless Beau is hiding in a secret cave or something, the only place he could be is inside this resort. The island is a bare rock."

Aubrey said, "I've also been all over the island and I can assure you there is no secret cave. And I can also assure you that Benjamin Beau is one of us."

The meeting temporarily adjourned, the four guests and two staff members exited the lobby to clean up for lunch.


Sam Morton left the lobby first, but walked slowly enough that everyone passed him. He waited until Aubrey passed him and he then matched her pace.

"So tell me, professor," said Morton, "How are things going with the shrink?"

Aubrey gave the bar owner a look. "Morton, if you give me a hard time, I will kick your ass again. I'm serious. I'm not in the mood."

Sam chuckled. "I know you will," he said. "I'm asking because I'm legitimately curious."

"Why?" asked Aubrey.

"Because," said Morton, "that story she told us down there was a crock of shit. And if you'll come with me to my room, I'll even tell you why."

Aubrey laughed. "You seriously think I'm going to go with you to your room?"

Sam said, "If you want to know the scoop with your creepy shrink girlfriend, then yeah, I do think you'll come to my room. Besides, it's not like I can get inappropriate with you, can I? I'm really not in the mood to get kicked in the head."


"Too much? Maybe. Hard to say right now. I'll play it by ear."

"Might happen now. Probably later. It's just a matter of time."

"That was a close one. I might need to take steps there. I'm sure of it, in fact. Can't leave it to chance."

"It won't take much. One move is all and then it's showtime."

"She doesn't know. But I'll tell her anyway. Then we'll see what happens."

"It could still work. It would be perfect. No risk."


Tori entered her room. She shut her door and locked it. Then she turned around.

Joan McKatt was on Tori's bed, her mocha body stretched out. She was naked.

Tori smiled and stripped off her clothing. "Hello, Joan," said Tori. "I just locked Eric in with Elizabeth. It'll take several blowjobs before Eric's exhausted enough to take a break, so we've got some time."

The resort manager pulled out a drawer and drew out a large strap-on dildo. She smiled as she tightened it on her bare hips.

Joan McKatt, detective and ex-cop, purred at the sight of the thick dildo jutting from Tori's hips. McKatt then got on all fours, cat-like, and stuck her rounded bottom high in the air as she pressed her face to the sheets.


Tori was sitting in bed naked, smoking a cigarette, when the knock came at her door.

The manager stood and put on a robe. Then she walked to the door and said, "Who is it?"

"it's Paul," came the answer. "We have a situation."

Tori said, "What is it, Straight?"

But she already knew.


They gathered in the lobby. Five of them.

Tori said, "All right, let's go over it again. What happened, Professor Rush?"

Aubrey said, "Sam asked me to come to his room. He said he wanted to talk to me about something."

Tori said, "And you trusted him? Wasn't that foolish?"

Aubrey said, "I wasn't particularly worried. Last time he tried something, he regretted it. I couldn't see him doing anything untoward."

Tori said, "All right. So you went with him to his room. What then?"

Aubrey said, "He asked for five minutes to shower because he said he smelled like a brewery. Which was true."

Tori said. "Did he say what he wanted to talk about?"

Aubrey shook her head. "No. He just said five minutes and went to the shower."

Tori said, "And then?"

"I waited ten minutes," said Aubrey, "then I knocked on the bathroom door. I could hear the water running, but he didn't answer. I got worried that perhaps he had fallen and hurt himself or something. I tried the door and it was unlocked."

Tori said, "All right. What did you see?"

Aubrey sighed. "Sam was sitting on the shower floor masturbating. He was using soap on his...on himself. He was ejaculating a great deal. It was all over the shower walls and curtain."

Rena said, "Did he try anything with you, luv?"

Aubrey shook her head. "No, not at all. I'm not even sure he knew I was there. But he may have been exhausted from his, umm, ejaculation. There was a *lot*."

Tori said, "What did you do then?"

Aubrey said, "I went and found Paul and brought him to the room. And he went and got you."

Tori looked at Straight. "What do you think?"

Straight shrugged. "Not sure. Could be anything. Something in his flask? Possible, I suppose, but tricky. His soap? If that were the case, he'd have been bimboed earlier, I would think. I presume he's taken at least one shower since he's been here."

Dr. Lin said, "Or perhaps the professor decided to make the cattle herder more docile."

Everyone stared at the short Asian woman.

"What?" said Dr. Lin. "It is a fine road to travel."

Paul closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. "Oh, good," he said. "Just what we need right now. Twenty pounds of crazy in a five-pound sack."

NEXT: Part 6

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Lonely_readerLonely_readerover 6 years ago
I must say

I am surprised. I didn't expect much when I started to read, instead it really grew on me. It's entertaining and mysterious, without being too much sex based or boring.

Keep going, can't wait to read next the installments.

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