Terrible Company Ch. 03


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"That was an inspired orgasm," he mused. His smile grew wider when she took the head into her mouth, bathing it as she ran her tongue around and around. "Tease," he whined.

"I'm just making sure it's full grown," she purred. "I'd be insulted if I finally took the whole thing, only to find out that later it wasn't at it's best."

"With as much time as you've spent studying it over the past few weeks," he sang, in as sweet a tone as he could manage, "I would think you'd already know."

"Well then..." She gave his glans one last, delicate lick before closing her eyes and guiding him deeper into her mouth. Ayen gave an approving sigh as she bobbed slowly on the first few inches, lavishing as much attention as she did saliva.

"Oh yes," he murmured, fascinated by the candlelight reflected on the spit-slick shaft. A little shinier every time, and a little bit deeper too. "Ooooh yes."

Tira's cheeks sunk in, and she pulled back off the tip with a loud pop. "Fuck," she gasped. "I always forget how big it is until I'm staring down the length of it."

Ayen happily grinned. "Not getting cold feet, are you?"

"They are a little cold," she replied, peeking over her shoulder in between long licks up the side of the shaft.

"Swing 'em up here and we'll see if I can do anything to keep your lower half warm."

Tira bit her lip and paused. "That tongue of yours... I swear." She straddled his face, her back arching in anticipation. "How's that work for ya?" she asked, to which he responded with a slow lash of his tongue along her slit. Tira moaned and stroked the base of his cock feverishly while she prepared herself. Ayen kneaded the generous flesh of her cheeks and spread her wide. The room filled with the sound of soft cooing from the serving girl, and the quiet slurping of the Half Elf. His tongue swirled around her clit, never breaking contact.

Tira wrapped her lips around his head and stroked quickly up and down the base of it. Rivulets of saliva escaped her mouth, and her fingers spread them smoothly. Ayen groaned deeply into her cunt as she tightened her grip, milking him. She glanced over her shoulder, flashing him a wicked smile before engulfing his cock within the warm confines of her mouth again. The Half Elf squirmed as she slurped messily on his shaft, humming tunelessly in appreciation.

"Further," he grunted.

Tira pulled away for a moment, panting as she giggled. "As you command," she purred. She inhaled deeply, taking nearly half of his cock into her mouth. Each time she went down, she took him deeper. Each time she went further, the back of her throat tightened. Each time her throat tightened, Ayen smiled a little wider. He lapped at her clit at a steady pace, but one of his hands began to creep slowly along her back and up into her neck. Tira moaned as his fingers filtered through her hair.

"Allow me," he offered, as he grabbed a fistful of her hair and thrust upward from the bed. Tira moaned, planting her hands on the bed to brace herself, as he hit the back of her throat. Her eyes pinched tight as he held himself there, and she warred with her gag reflex. Stomach convulsing. Ayen sighed joyfully into her folds. She coughed roughly around him, and he lowered himself back down to the bed.

"Fuck," she gasped, fighting to catch her breath. She spit a wad onto the glans and gave him a few quick strokes to spread it around. "Again."

"My sole purpose in life," Ayen intoned, as he pushed his turgid length between her lips, "is to help those in need." Tira whimpered as he pressed insistently against the back of her throat. "Especially if what they need is my penis." He groaned loudly, the back of his head sinking back into the bed, as he began to make slow progress into her neck. "That's it. Relaaax." Deeper. Deeper.

Tira slapped at his thighs as her cheeks darkened, and Ayen fell back to the bed again. She rasped as she tried to catch her breath, precum drooling from her sagging lower lip.

"Deep breath," he warned. Tira nodded, and Ayen cooed as he guided his head back up to her lips. He let it sit there, resting just inside her mouth, for a few moments while Tira puffed through her nose.

He started slow at first, going from lip to throat over five seconds. Tira jerked as he hit the back of her throat and rebounded. Jerked again. Jerked again. Faster. Four seconds. Jerked again. Jerked again. Faster. Faster. Faster. Jerked again. Two seconds. Faster. One second. Less.

Ayen dropped flat to the bed, and attacked Tira's clit with renewed vigor. The serving girl cried out as she gasped, her eyes misty and leaking, and Ayen was thrilled when he felt her impale her mouth on him again. She quickly went as deep as she ever had, ramming the back of her throat against him.

"By all the Gods and Goddesses," Ayen grunted, "keep... doing... that!" He pulled his hand back to grip her fleshy hips at the same time she wrapped her arms around his thighs. Lawlp-lawlp-lawlp. She easily doubled Ayen's pace, and went harder than he had too. Slowly, bit by bit, his head began to make entry into the deeper parts of her throat. Ayen buried his nose between her lips, encouraging her with every ounce of effort his tongue could muster.

Underneath the much-louder sound of her throat being ravaged, Tira was also whimpering. As that whimpering rose higher and higher, Ayen quickened to match it. His hands both moved to the back of her head and, just as she began her climax, he pushed her down hard. Pushed her down while he thrusted up. Her choked cries, equal parts shock and eye-watering orgasm, escaped her throat in ragged, gurgling shards. Her eyes rolled up behind the lids. The way her throat clamped down on him was so complete that he only needed a few last, miniscule thrusts to finish himself. Very little of his cum made it into her throat.

When he released her, Tira sat bolt upright, coughing and gagging. A light sheen of sweat covered her face, neck, and chest. She sat there, panting and grinding her hips, while Ayen probed her insides with his tongue. She had to steady herself with a hand against his stomach to keep from falling over, and her eyes refused to focus. Most of his load had immediately flowed back out of her mouth, but enough of it remained to swirl and coat her tongue. His cum was... fantastic.

"Mmmmmmm," she moaned dreamily. "There's no way she hasn't noticed I'm gone by now."

"You humans live very short lives," he said, pulling himself from within her just long enough to talk. "Too short to waste hustling ale from one sour windbag to another."

"When you say it," she murmured, "I almost believe that there's more out there for me."

Ayen gave her a final lick, and fell away with a light gasp. "If there's nothing for it now, perhaps you'll indulge me in one more request?"

She trembled, her body wracked with mini-quakes. Her hands ran up and down herself, enjoying the feel of the sweat spreading under her palms. Her skin pulsed with energy. "I think you could talk me into just about anything right now."

"I would very much like to be the one to pop your other cherry."

"My what?" Her face scrunched in tired confusion. "What oth-ooooh," she drawled, as Ayen ran his tongue slowly over her anus. "Ooooh Ayen, I-I don't know."

"Have I steered you wrong yet?"

"Well you've for sure gotten me sacked... so yes." She grinned, driving her cleft into his mouth again and against his face, "And you wouldn't be the first. Just... the biggest. By a lot."

"Gods, I bet it's soo tight," he said, more to himself than anything.

"You're not staying, are you?" Ayen was indicatively silent as Tira smiled and looked back over her shoulder. "One condition."

"Anything," he panted, his eyes focused intently on his prize.

"You can, but it can't be now."

Ayen whimpered, and she twisted at the hip to look down at him.

"Moiren will be here any minute. She'll yell at me, but you she might actually hurt."

"She can try," he said, giving her backside another teasing lick.

Tira spin to face him, straddled over his chest. "It doesn't have to be tonight, or this week, or this month, but come back. Even if it's just for one night."

Ayen pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked her straight in the eye. "You have my word."

"Good," she smiled. "Now go."

Ayen grinned as he slid out from underneath her, and threw on his pants. Tira flipped over and laid back against the pillows, luxuriating in the feel of dragging one leg against the other. Her skin was still tingling. Ayen slipped into his trousers and scooped up the rest of his clothes into his hands.

"Is that all you're gonna wear?" she asked, as he walked across the room and stood on the far side of the door.

"All I had time for," he said quickly, just as the door burst open.

Moiren stormed into the room, heading straight for the bed. "Where is he," she screamed. Ayen managed one last wink at the giggling, nude, ex-serving girl on the bed before he snuck out the door behind the matron and made good his second escape of the day.


"I really appreciate this, mate," the second guard said to the first, as they sat in the back of the covered wagon. "Hirin' me on for this was just the chance I needed."

The first guard nodded and checked the tension on the string of his crossbow. "No better time to join up. The Boss is going places, he is."

"Feels like you been talkin' about him for years."

"This right 'ere," the first guard said, as he kicked the strongbox at his feet. "This is gonna put 'em on the map."

"There's a map?"

"Not ah actual map, you twit. It's ah idiom."

The second guard, unsure of who was being referred to as an idiom, decided it might be better to just switch topics. "What's in the box?"

"The key to the future," the first guard droned, repeating something he'd heard earlier. He watched the forest roll by, and then added a moment later, "No, it's not ah actual key."

"Didn't think that it was," the second guard muttered defensively, which was, in fact, a lie. "So, I was thinkin..."

The first guard spit out the window, regarding the second warily. "That's nevah a good sign."

"Ilsa and Jan, they's twins, right?"


"An' we're each married to one, right?"

"...Are you askin' me because you aren't sure?"

"You ever wonder if maybe there's just one of them, an' she just runs back and forth 'tween our houses? Livin' two lives?" The second guard laughed, shaking an outstretched finger back and forth between them.

The first guard sat forward, his elbows planted on his knees, and smiled. "This is ah auspicious moment, my friend."

"Oh yeah?" the second one said excitedly.

"You see, I keep a list," he said, tapping his temple, "of the dumbest things I've ever 'eard, and you have just taken top honors!"

The second guard smiled brightly, for a moment, until what the first one was saying began to sink in. "Wait, what?"

"That is, without a doubt, the stupidest thing I've ever 'eard. The logistics of one woman runnin' back and forth two miles to cook us both dinner, even just on one day let alone for the 10 years I been married to Jan, is... It's unprecedented is what it is. Number one."

"Heads up, lads," the driver shouted back at them. "Somethin's on ahead."

"I nevah see 'em together."

"They hate each other. Gods man, you been married to 'er for eight years. Haven't you been payin' attention?"

"We work diff'rent hours!" the second guard protested, pointing to the the first one. "Dinner 'appens at diff'rent times! It's not stupid! Ain't you nevah woke up in bed alone an' wondered?!"

The first guard lifted his chin and sneered. "They sleepwalk, moron. The both of em."

The second guard's mouth slackened bit by bit as he thought. "Ilsa is always tellin' me I need to stand up for m'self."

"Well this ain't the time to start listening to that cunt," the first one laughed, as he casually looked out the window. "Are we slowin' down?"

"Did-did you just," the second guard stammered, his hackles rising. "Did you just call my wife a cunt?!"

"I think we both know I married the smart one," the first one muttered absently, still staring out the window.

"Take it back," the second one hissed.

"I will do no such—" The first one turned back from looking out the window to see that the second guard had his crossbow trained on the first one's chest. " Oy! Are you crazy and stupid? Point that somewheres else!"

"Not until you take it b—"

The interior of the carriage shook violently as something outside slammed against the wall with a pained scream, and the second guard twitched. There was a sudden twang as string, under a considerable amount of tension, propelled a very small projectile very deeply into the chest of an extremely surprised brother-in-law.

"It's an ambush!" the driver cried, as an orc roared over the sound of steel clashing. The first guard stared, stunned, at the feathered shaft sprouting from his chest.

"Oh shit," the second one wailed. "Oh shit!" He bent forward, his hands desperately searching beneath his seat. "Band-Aids! Gotta be some Band-Aids in here somewheres!"

"You... stewpid bastard," the first guard mumbled numbly. He raised his own crossbow and loosed the bolt into the neck of the second one just as that one sat up. They stared blankly at each other, as their respective mortal wounds took their toll, until, several seconds later, Ayen dove through the window. The first guard weakly raised his empty crossbow and pulled the trigger again, hoping vainly to take the thief with him.

"This is the best day ever," Ayen whispered gleefully.


"Both of them?" Katsa asked.

"Both of them, trained right at my chest!" Ayen held his arms out and pointed his index fingers back at himself.

"Bullshit," Mathilda scoffed.

"The air in that wagon was tense," he continued, nodding to add gravity to his words. "I could just smell it. Those two guards were ready for me. Real pros."

"And you just... backed up?" Katsa seemed unphased by the Dwarf's nagging.

"Oh Gods no," Ayen said, shaking his head. "If I had merely tried to move out of the way, they'd have shot me stone dead. The space was too small for me to get very far."

"You just said you got outta the way," Val interjected, as she hefted the strongbox out of the hijacked coach.

"No, I said I dodged them," Ayen plucked two torches off the front of the cart and handed one to Katsa, who then lit both of them with a few muttered words while touching two of the glyphs embroidered into her gloves. "Big difference. Had to wait for them to shoot, committing their bolts to a specific trajectory, before I could be sure I could move."

"Yer no' buyin' that, ar' ya?"

"Every word of it true," Ayen insisted. "On my honor."

"Honor," Mathilda snorted. "You dodged two crossbow bolts, poin' blank, comin' from op'site directions?" She shook her head as she pulled up the rear.

"Well what other explanation is there?" Ayen turned and walked backwards to address her. "They certainly weren't dead before I got there."

"They pro'bly shot ea'chotha over somethin' unconnected, an' you 'appened to stumble on 'em while they was still fresh an' bleedin'!"

"Now who sounds ridiculous," he said flatly.

"Ridic—" The Dwarf's nostrils flared as the Half Elf shook his head and turned back around.

"Let's all just take a deep breath," Val cut in. "We're gonna get paid like professionals, so let's act like professionals."

Mathilda fumed in the back, hefting her massive blood-stained hammer in one hand. "Miserable sonnuvabitch," she mumbled.

"Easy," Val said. "There's no call for that."

"Not 'im," Mathilda grumbled, "'Im." She stared angrily at the night sky and shook her fist.


"Ah wasn't kiddin' earlier," Mathilda grumbled, as she slammed down her empty mug. "Ah've known dozens like ya." She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and glared.

"How fortunate for you." Ayen cut the deck once more and opened his eyes. The Rabbit Prince, with his broken sword, stared up at him. He smiled to himself and reshuffled the deck.

"S'no' a compliment, ya git."

"Oh." He looked up from his deck and quirked a grin at her. "I just assumed you were talking about either my devilish good looks or my incredible prowess in the heat of battle."

"Prowess in—" The mug in her hand quivered, rattling against the uneven wooden tabletop. "You di'int kill any of 'em! Left 'em all for that great brute of an Orc!" She set her mug aside with the other empties, and grabbed the next one in line. The black-haired Dwarf closed her eyes and mumbled incoherently while holding her hand over the fifth mug.

"That 'great brute' writes poetry," he said absently, as he spread the deck sideways across the table in front of him.

Mathilda scoffed. "Bullshit. An' don't change the subject. Ya hid in tha' bushes like a... like an elf 'til she'd taken care 'o the other three," she ranted, swinging her mug in a wide arc without spilling a drop, "while me an' tha mage were knee deep init with the first carriage."

The thief smiled thinly as he deftly plucked the Rabbit Prince from mid-air before shuffling it back into the deck. "It's called waiting for the right moment."

"Bullshit!" She finished raising her mug to her lips, and took a long pull. Something behind him drew her eye. Her shoulders tensed. "They're 'ere."

"You only noticed them just now?"

"Wha'sat s'posed ta mean?"

"I heard them a full block away," he said, pausing while his finger hovered over the deck face down on the table. "with my highly sophisticated thief senses."

"Yer so full of it, lad." Mathilda scowled across the table as she took a long sip. Ayen smirked as he produced the Dwarf's hip flask from under the table. She merely blinked as he unscrewed the cap, and took a long swig. "How did ye..." Mathilda gawked and slapped her thigh without looking. "Tha' was in m'pocket when Ah sat down." Her face turned bright red as she stood up on her stool and practically climbed across the table.

On the other side of the room, Val and Katsa settled in at a table across from a thin Human with long black hair. His thick beard, oiled and pointed, quivered in the air as he spoke. Val shook her head and the man glared at her, but Katsa seemed to have the conversation well in hand.

"Stop trying to watch them," Ayen admonished.

" 'at's our job," she growled, as she tried to twist to look over her shoulder again.

"No one is supposed to know we're with them, and you giving your best impression of an owl is a dead giveaway." He shuffled the deck quietly, his eyes never rising from the cards in his hands.

Mathilda turned back around to face him and grumbled under her breath. "Wha're they sayin?"

Ayen smiled as he cut the deck one last time and flipped over the top card. The face of the Rabbit Prince, with his broken sword, stared up at him. "Judging by his expression, he's mad they didn't bring the strongbox."

"Ah told ya tha' was a mistake," she said, shaking her head. "Shows bad faith."

Across the room, Katsa and the merchant seemed more relaxed. They both smiled as they talked. Val was a hard read, with her flat expression and crossed arms. "Everything seems fine."

"Good," she said, finishing her fifth mug.

Ayen shook his head. "I don't like it."

"Ah don' like you," Mathilda said, as she reached for her sixth mug, "an' yet 'ere Ah am."