Terrible Company Ch. 14


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"New town won't make me less of a pushover," he mumbled dourly. "I bet it would even be worse. I bet they wouldn't even wait for me to come to them. They'd just come right into my house and tell me—"

"— ta get fucked," an angry little Dwarf snarled over her shoulder as she burst through the door.

"What are you even gonna do?" another man asked, following right behind her. He shut the door and gave her a disbelieving arch of his brow.

"Um, excuse me, but I'm—"

The Dwarf gave the Half-Elf a triumphant smile as she pulled down on the neck of her sleeveless sweater with one hand, and with the other hand grabbed the back of Uli's head and shoved him face first into her cleavage. His hands moved in the air as if treading water, trying to convey his discomfort without grabbing hold of her breasts. Uli was nothing if not respectful. He tried holding his breath, to keep his lips or tongue from touching her skin in an inappropriate manner, but he had not been expecting to need to hold his breath and quickly ran short of air.

"There," the Dwarf crowed. "See? 'e likes i'. Ah told ye 'e was a breas' man."

"He is clearly suffocating."

"No he isn'." The Dwarf gripped Uli's hair tightly and pulled him back. "Are ye?"

"They're... quite," Uli panted, "...lovely."

"Told ye," the Dwarf said, shoving him back between her fleshy pillows. " 'e'd be lucky t'choke down there."

Uli tried to make a sound that reaffirmed how lucky he would be if that was how he were to shuffle off this mortal coil, but it ended up just sounding muffled and muted. Sensing this, he gave her breasts two thumbs up.


"Well of course he does! They're very nice!"

The Dwarf grumbled, a sound that reverberated in her lungs and emanated outward through the breast flesh around Uli's ears. She pushed him back into his chair, still without breaking the angry staring contest she was having with the Half-Elf, pulled up on her top, and fed her wide, dark areola into his gasping mouth. She had to pull down on his head, just a little, to get it lined up just right.

Uli looked up, getting his first good look at either of them. The Dwarf had a lovely heart-shaped face, jet black hair, and a scowl that nearly negated all of her pretty features.

"What are you doing?" the Half-Elf asked.

"Ye may no' know this," she said frustratedly, "bu' women require a cer'ain amoun' o' stimulation t'ge' we'. It don' 'appen automatic." She turned a sour eye toward Uli and grumbled. "No need t'be dainty. Yer no' gonna break i'."

"Mmm-hmm," Uli mumbled. His nervous tongue flicked at the tip of her nipple.

"Oh fer fucks sakes," she groaned, pulling her breast back and adjusting her grip on it to lift it up toward her own mouth. "See if 'e's any be'er at suckin' dicks."

The lanky Half-Elf rolled his eyes as he unfolded his arms. "All work and no play makes Mathilda a boring girl."

"Oh shut i'," she grumbled, She wrapped her lips around her own nipple and sucked powerfully, causing high pitched squeaks whenever air found a miniscule path through into her mouth.

Uli could not figure out where he was supposed to be looking, or what he was allowed to be looking at. He certainly enjoyed watching the Dwarf pleasure herself, but her near-permanent angry-face almost made him want to leave the room entirely. When the Half-Elf moved to kneel between his legs, though, Uli froze completely in his chair.

"She's not the only one who needs attention, right?" The Half-Elf's fingers deftly untied his cord belt and unfastened Uli's pants. His jaw quivered as he met the Half-Elf's eyes. "You're not a machine, are you?"

"N-no," Uli stammered. His eyes bulged as the Half-Elf hooked curled fingers into his pants, and drew out his soft member.

"I've always liked seeing a cock like this for the first time. It's like opening a present. How lovely is it going to be?"

All of the air in his lungs raced out of him as muscles in his stomach and chest clenched with frightful intensity. The Half-Elf looked up at him, lips pressed to his own groin, and Uli's mouth worked soundlessly. No one had ever gone down on him before. Nothing even remotely like this had ever happened to him before. His entire cock was inside of someone else, for the first time in his life. Waves of suction alternated with pressure from a warm and skilled tongue, and he whined as he felt his shaft filling inside of an unfamiliar mouth.

"By Rhogan," Mathilda whispered hoarsely, as she looked on.

Uli stared down, enraptured. The Half-Elf was beautiful in a masculine way. Not effeminate or girly, but also not quite rugged. There was a kind of symmetrical elegance to his features that was both enchanting and attractive. Uli's fingers twitched as he gripped the back of his armless chair.

After a minute, the Half-Elf began bobbing his head slowly. His eyes remained up on Uli's, focused and intent, but an inch or more of the root of his thickened, spit-slick cock slid out. Uli's knuckles went white as he braced himself, eyes half-closed, and the Half-Elf backed off with a wet pop.

"Mmmm," the Half-Elf said, wrapping his slender fingers around Uli's cock. "This will do nicely."

"S'no' bad," the Dwarf added, tilting her head.

"Not bad?" The Half-Elf scoffed. "He's not even all the way hard, and I'm just getting my thumb around here."

"Th-thank you," Uli said, stuttering slightly. He'd never really known what to think of his penis.

"No," the Half-Elf said with a smirk. "Thank you."

Uli blushed considerably.

"Alrigh'," the Dwarf barked. "Le's ge' on with i'. Is 'e 'ard enough?"

"I don't know. Are you wet enough?"

She rolled her eyes and pointed. "On the table."

Uli stood slowly as he struggled to process the surreal circumstances. She hustled past him with an exhausted groan to move the goosemelon he'd so recently purchased and set it on a counter while Uli sat down on the edge of the table.

"On yer back, ye nitw—"

"Tilly," the Half-Elf said, with an arched eyebrow.

"Ah told ye no' ta call me tha'."

"Be nice."

The Dwarf climbed onto one of the chairs as a middle step before climbing up onto the table. The aged wood groaned under their combined weight, but Uli's grandfather had built that table to last and groaning was the worst it would do. Uli swallowed hard as she stripped off her wool top and the accompanying undershirt, as towering as a Dwarf can ever really be, and worked at the buttons of her leggings.

"Yeah, alrigh'," the Dwarf said, looking down at him as she stepped out of her leggings. "Now tha' Ah'm closer to i', 'e's a decent size."

Uli's eyes bulged at the sight of the Dwarf's braided pubic hair, each intricate twine held in place with a tiny blue bow at the end. Of course he'd heard watercooler stories of the prowess of Dwarven women, but it wasn't until he saw her standing over him, and then straddling him, that he really began to process what was about to happen to him. What he was about to experience.

"There we are," she grunted while squatting. She planted one hand in front of her for balance, breasts coming down from her chest like teardrops, and reached around the outside of her thigh with the other arm to grab hold of his cock and steer the tip. "There we are. There we aaaaaaaare. Ooooh."

"Oh my Gods," Uli moaned, staring down. The Dwarf brought down one knee, winced, and then shifted forward to get both knees down to the outsides of his hips. "Oh my Gods."

"Oh yer righ'," the Dwarf groaned. "Tha' is nice righ' there."

"Told you," the Half Elf replied.

The Dwarf cooed and licked her lips as she wiggled her hips back and forth. Each little motion to the side brought him further inside of her, and Uli's jaw slackened proportionately. Out of sight of the Dwarf, the Half-Elf crossed his arms and leaned back with an admiring smile.

"Thunderbottom indeed," he murmured.

The Dwarf sat upright, clenching tightly around Uli's shaft as she stared angrily over her shoulder. Her breasts, not much bigger than his palms but large in the context of her dwarven torso, displayed an amazing amount of elasticity as they moved and bounced into place. Then she clamored to her feet again, turned quickly around in a squat, and lowered herself onto his cock again with her backside facing toward him. Uli stared long and hard at the very pink hole staring back at him.

"Stay pu'," she snarled, pointing to the ground at the Half-Elf's feet. As a response the Half-Elf held up both hands defensively and nodded, and with no more pre-amble than that, the Dwarf began fucking him.

It wasn't so much of a grind or a bounce, or even a thrust. From his perspective, it didn't even seem like the Dwarf was moving her legs or torso all that much, but the flesh of her backside rose into the air and came down against his groin with such fury and power that Uli felt his breath leaving him post haste. It was like an anvil dropping, and after the third such drop, Uli's eyes were crossing.

"It's not a pogo stick," the Half Elf said.

"Oh shu' i'."

"The sensations are in his cockhead, not on his groin. Stop pounding him like that."

"Please—" Uli groaned, but the Dwarf turned around with a fire in her eyes.

"Nobody asked you," she snapped. Then she turned back to the Half-Elf and planted her hands on Uli's knees.

"Oh," Uli groaned, as he felt a vice clamp down on his cock. "Oh... oh." Her little toes curled into the balls of her feet, and Uli's cheeks filled with color.

"Be careful," the Half-Elf said. "I think you're about to pop him."

"Oh Ah know i'," she replied confidently. Uli yelped at a particularly tight squeeze, and the Dwarf chuckled.

"Are you gonna get off him?"


"Please," Uli squeaked, but the vice became ever tighter.

"You know," the Half-Elf said, tilting his head back and forth. "So he doesn't cum inside you."

"Oh Ah don' 'ave t'worry abou' tha'," she laughed. Then she brought one hand up and patted the underside of her tummy. "Rhogan's watchin' out t'make sure Ah don' get laid up. Wha' good am Ah t'im if Ah'm all bedridden an' tired?"


The Half-Elf's smile got just a bit wider as he slid into the chair in front of her. "He protects you like that?"

"Oh yeah, Ah—"

"AHHHH," Uli cried, his shoulders and upper back curling away from the table as he orgasmed hard. His shaft throbbed inside, and it wasn't until the Dwarf looked back over her shoulder with a wicked smile that she dialed back on the pressure on his shaft.

"Oooh," the Dwarf mewled, rolling her hips side to side. The rounded expanses of pale flesh moved hypnotically, and Uli collapsed back down to the table with a gasp. " 'e cums a lo'."

The Half-Elf sat back in his chair with a dissatisfied harrumph.

"I's jus' pourin' ou'a me."

"You did that on purpose," the Half-Elf said flatly.

"Did wha'?"

"Used him up."

The Dwarf looked back over her shoulder again and shook her head. " 'e's no' done." She leaned back, shoulders sliding behind her hips, and planted one arm behind herself.

Despite his blurry vision and post-orgasmic difficulty with prolonged attention, Uli found himself staring in awe at the musculature of her back. The planes and angles around her shoulders and shoulder blades. Either the Dwarf was a rare specimen or Uli was going to need to find himself another Dwarf of his own, because everything about her was dazzling him.

The Dwarf licked her two middle fingers and inserted them alongside Uli's cock. Uli's eyes bulged as he felt her fingering herself, while he was still inside of her, and the Dwarf let out a gravelly moan of her own that matched the pulsing of the velvet walls around him.

"You have a G-Spot?" the Half-Elf said hungrily.

"I's jus' the backside 'o the cli'," she moaned. "We all go' one. Bu' yeah. Mine is sens'tive." After another minute of swirling her fingers between his softening shaft and her pink sleeve, she added, "Tha' outta do i'."

"Do what?"

The Dwarf smiled as she pulled out her fingers. "Take off 'is pants."

Uli was still in a near-catatonic haze, and did not fight it when the Half-Elf removed his boots and slid off his pants. Nor did he fight it when his legs, hanging off the edge of the table, were parted and widened.

" 'ere we go," the Dwarf said. She leaned forward, brought her two wet fingers down to his anus, and penetrated him quickly. Uli bucked mindlessly, body reacting much faster than his mind could manage under the circumstances, but the dense little Dwarf on top of him kept his middle in place. Uli's eyes rolled back behind the lids and his jaw went slack as she worked his prostate masterfully, applying delicate massage and swirling pressure. " 'at's i'."

"Whoa," the Half-Elf said distractedly.



"Ye can do i'," she groaned, pressing more firmly by such a minute fraction that Uli could not qualify but still knew intuitively. "Jus' a li'le 'arder." She gave an experimental squeeze with her core muscles, and Uli bucked again. "There."

The Dwarf leaned to one side to get her foot under her, and then stood up. Thick cream frosting decorated her outer lips and the roots of her braids. Uli had so much difficulty tearing his eyes away from the magnificent confluence of the Dwarf's thighs, buttocks, pubic hair, and lips, that he swore they must generate a kind of gravity all their own. The Dwarf took two steps back, coming to a stop above his head, and knelt down above him.

"Yer turn."

Her fingers were in his hair, nails running lightly along his scalp in such a manner as to cause his skin to dance and sing. At movement below he looked down, but was distracted by the sheer volume of thick, white fluid coating his shaft. It clung to the top of his cockhead, and ran in sheets down the sides. An even larger collection sat around the base, with a few bubbles interspersed throughout. It almost escaped his notice how hard he still was, or how unusual that was for him.

"I guess this will do," the Half-Elf said impishly, as he ran his fingers along Uli's shaft. Uli was gobsmacked at how much swiped away, clinging to the Half-Elf's fingers, and then was flat-out stunned when he saw how large the Half-Elf was.

It wasn't that the Half-Elf's cock was much thicker, if at all, than himself. The shafts were close enough together that he could see they were similar, but the length of it was daunting. His mind raced trying to imagine where inside of his body there was room to fit such a monster.

The Half-Elf smirked as he spread the heavy fluid around his head and went back for another dollop. "Better safe than sorry," he quipped.

"Merciful Zeus," the Dwarf said, staring in wide-eyed awe. " 'at's no' a cock. 'at's a lance."

The Half-Elf smiled smugly, and stepped in closer between Uli's legs. One hand at the root of his own shaft, he smeared it along the side of Uli's still-stiff prick, gathering another hefty crop of cream. Uli whimpered, trying to echo the Dwarf's sentiment, but nothing came out as fear gripped and silenced his vocal chords.

"Now," the Half-Elf said calmly, "you're going to feel a little pinch."

Uli's eyes grew large as the feeling of pressure at his virgin hole grew and grew. At first it seemed like no amount of pushing was going to make his ass, which had never seen even a finger before the Dwarf, accommodate such a prized example of man flesh, but with every second the inevitable became more and more clear to him.

The swollen head penetrated him, and it felt good. It felt really good.

"Look't tha'," the Dwarf said, brushing her hands gently along Uli's cheek. "Look't 'im jus' slide righ' into' ye."

Despite the cooing, almost-envious tone of the Dwarf, as she described him being taken, Uli could not bring himself to look. Just being present with those sensations was almost too much. The swell and the ache in his hips. The sense of something building. Gathering. Rising. The sweet agony of friction and pressure.

Uli's eyes rolled back and he bit his lip. His legs twitched and flexed, his torso squirmed, and his hands found the edges of the table. Knuckles white. It was magnificent. Every part of it. Every part of the feeling of it. Every part of taking a cock deep inside of himself. Slowly deeper. Almost unbelievably deeper, except that he'd seen how long it was.

The Half-Elf's legs came to rest against his, and Uli gasped. He'd taken his first cock. At no point in his life had this even been on his radar, and yet there he was trembling with the thought that it wasn't over yet. Giddy with the idea that there would be more.

" 'at's beau'iful," the Dwarf whispered hoarsely. "Jus' beau'iful."

"What is?" The Half-Elf's voice was strained ever so slightly.

"Tha whole of't," she said. "Ah mean, there's somethin' lovely abou' a man on'is back, with 'is balls restin' around'is cock like tha'. The way they move slowly when ye thrust. 'S jus' beautiful."

"I know what you mean," the Half-Elf said.

"An' then, on top 'o tha', yer balls are jus'..."

The Half-Elf pulled back slowly, and the Dwarf grunted in approval.

"Balls are underappreciated, as far as Ah'm concerned. They're jus' as good as tits."

"I've been saying that for years!"

"Ye 'ave no'." Half disbelief, half denial.

The Half-Elf nodded, grit his teeth, and pushed in a second time. Uli let out a low, warbling moan. As the sharp sting of being stretched faded, that left his nerves more able to take in the feeling of the Half-Elf's cock. Thick and intensely hard. The veins. The layer of soft skin that stretched and moved on top. The pronounced shape of the flared cockhead.

Uli was only slightly aware of the Dwarf as she lifted his head and scooted forward until his head came to rest against her thighs. In the technical sense, he had a better view of being fucked that way and was thankful for it, but no part of his eyes or mind was capable of seeing or processing. There was so much feeling to do, and so much to feel, and that took up all of his attention.

"If ye ever tell anyone Ah ever said this, Ah'll deny i', but Ah don' mind losin' if Ah ge' to watch."

The Half-Elf's breath caught for just the tiniest fraction of a moment. It was such a small hitch that, if Uli hadn't felt it, he didn't think he'd have heard it.

"You can... I don't know... participate. If you want."

The Dwarf's fingers, which had been moving constantly around and across Uli's scalp, came to a stop.

"It doesn't have to be so clear cut in terms of turns. My turn your turn."

While Uli could definitely count himself a fan of a nice, slow cock in the ass, he also found that the way the Half-Elf moved a little faster with eager anticipation was just as nice. Maybe nicer.

"Ah-Ah wouldn't want to impose," the Dwarf blustered.

"But look at him," the Half-Elf said. "His tongue is basically begging for something to do."

Dimly, Uli was aware of the Dwarf looking down at him. "It 'as been a long time," she drawled.

The dark-haired Dwarf spread her legs and gently laid his head down against the table again. Uli noticed neither, nor did he sense the light fading to nil as the Dwarf settled over him or the sound around him becoming increasingly muted as her calves pressed against his ears. He smelled the Dwarf before he tasted her, a powerful flavor that he had no words to encapsulate. It was heady, earthy, and Uli floated just that much higher.

One of them was touching him. Stroking his cock. It was glorious. An unexpected line of harmony in an angelic choir. He couldn't tell who. He didn't care who.

Higher and higher, and yet falling into himself. He felt a pull, and he succumbed to it.

"Look's like yer 'and is doin' pretty good," Mathilda said, as she writhed on the human's face.