Tess Claims Her Power


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She starts to fiddle with one of the buttons on her blouse, looking down at it while she hesitates (is she unbuttoning it? No, just thinking). Still looking down, she says, "You didn't used to think so. You used to think I was just a kid." Now she looks up, fire in her eyes. Uh oh.

"You were a kid. You were pretty, and had guts...but you weren't even 16 yet. Everyone at this house was a lot older." I couldn't tell her half of us had been crushing a little.

"Tony didn't think I was too young." She sits up on the couch, leaning forward and staring intently at me. "He liked me, he treated me like an adult...and you beat him up."

"He wasn't treating you like an adult, he was treating you like a piece of meat...just wanted to add you to his fucked/dropped/bragged-about list. He was an asshole, you were young and vulnerable, and you deserved better than him for your first. And as for our little dust up, don't worry about it. That wasn't our first dance...Tony and I didn't really get along."

She sits back again, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. "Yeah, I figured that out later. I know he was a jerk, and you and the other guys were just trying to protect me. My head knows it, but my heart was so mad for so long. That day you found us...I was going to let him do it. I didn't want to be a virgin anymore, and you guys were so big, and strong, and arrggghhh!" Holding on to one knee, she drops the other down on to the couch...spreading her legs open and giving me a view straight up her crotch . Tiny pockets and zipper, the pink fabric of her shorts was pulled tight across her little pussy mound.

Apparently unaware of my intense gaze, she went on; "You guys used to drive me crazy. I'd come over here, or just walk by, and seeing your muscles, and your beards, and half of you had your shirts off...it drove me crazy. I used to lay in bed and think about you - all of you. And wish you were thinking about me." She closes her legs and sits up, and looks right at me again. "But you weren't, were you? Except Tony."

"I couldn't - we couldn't. You were too young, and any of us who did anything would have gone to jail for a long time. Think of what your Mom did for just talking to us. What do you think she would've done if one of us college boys had screwed her daughter?"

A private little smile flits across her lips, and she relaxes back while lifting one leg again. Gently rocking the leg back and forth, she is slightly opening and closing her legs. When she does this, a tiny black crease appears on the inside of her thigh where her shorts pull away from her skin. Attempting to be subtle, I try to look up the crease to see if I can glimpse her panties...but no luck. Even though her shorts were tiny, and ended less than an inch from her crotch, it was still too dark to see anything. Giving up, I look back up to her face and notice her staring at me - that same old inscrutable look on her face. Measuring, measuring.

"That's all true, and you were smart and stayed out of jail. I'm glad you did. But that doesn't change how crazy I felt every night, and my excitement when I thought Tony and I were going to do it - or my shame when you came in to stop it. You were the hero and the villain at the same time." I swear, there's more than anger here...was that a twinkle in her eye as she said this? Wait...'hero'? Maybe Tony wasn't the only one she had been dreaming about.

She leans back against the couch, spreading her legs as her feet come up and she sits cross-legged. Raising her arms and crossing them over her head, her little shirt rides higher - exposing her entire 18 year old body to my gaze. Light shorty shirt covering her little titties, long lean stomach and sides. Small flare out to her hips, and little pink shorts stretched tight against her wide spread pussy. I could see a little camel toe pushing against the fabric under her zipper, and wondered if she was even wearing panties. Looking back up to her eyes, I see challenge - mixed with a little nervousness. Yep, she knows what she's doing.

Dropping one arm, she reaches over to scratch her ribs right below her breast, and 'accidentally' lifts her shirt a little more. And there was her pretty B cup titty peeking out, softly nestled in it's little white bra. She's ragging on me with her words, but seducing me with her body...mixed messages slow me down, and I end up just sitting there.

She seems to come to a decision. "So...I think you should feel it too." She brings her hands up and rests them on her inner thighs, slowly stroking up and down her smooth legs. Damn, I can't believe I'm sitting here being seduced by Tessa...but no doubt now - that's what's happening. Staring right at me, spreading her body out and touching herself are pretty good hints about where this is going. Reaching higher and higher, she slips her fingers under the legs of her shorts, softly stroking the hidden skin where her legs meet her pelvis. Staring into my eyes, she slowly strokes right over her pussy.

That's it...this is too much. I look at her with a smile, and ask if she wants to go upstairs to my room. Staring at me with that inscrutable look, she has one hand stroking her pussy through her shorts, while the other cups and squeezes one of her breasts.

"You really want it, don't you?" I nod. "And you think you're going to get it," uh oh, that doesn't sound good, "but you're not." She closes her legs and stands up, readjusting her shirt. "At least today. It's your turn to sleep on it."

I was about to start yelling, until she said "at least today"...while I was trying to figure out what that meant, she walked up and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks again for the beer" she said, and was gone.

Well...son of a bitch! I guess no good deed goes unpunished. I was trying to protect her, and she blamed me for it. Christ...is this what it's like to be a parent?! No, that's not right - I wanted to protect her a couple of years ago, I just want to bone her now. Well, she was right about one thing...I was going to be thinking about her tonight. All day too, I bet.

It wasn't till 5 minutes later that I remembered - I didn't have her phone number, where she lived, or any contact info. Well, I had one thing - a legal I.D. I seemed to be her favorite connection for beer.

Four days later_________________________________________

Wednesday night around 9, Bzzzzz Dong rings out again. Bob gets to the door before I do, and doesn't recognize Tess at first. I come up, invite her in, and tell him "You know her. Remember a couple years ago, we had a sort of mascot for a while..."

Tess' face freezes in anger (I guess 'mascot' wasn't a good choice), and Bob goes "Yeah...yeah! And Tony Baloney kept trying to hit on her." He looks back at me and says "This was that last fight!" I nod, Tess looks uncomfortable, and Bob looks at her again, and asks why she's here.

"I was going to ask Josh if he could buy me some more beer," she says.

"Uh huh," Bob looks at me suspiciously. "MORE beer. And...what grade are you in?"

"She's 18," I say, feeling uncomfortable myself.

"18. Right." He looks at me. "And this is ok?"

"Yeah. I think so. Kind of weird though," I admit.

"Hmm." He looks at Tess. "And this is ok?" He asks.

"Uh huh. I'm not a kid, I can make my own decisions." Staring defiantly back at him, he finally nods.

"Well, alright then. I've gotta go study, you crazy kids have a good time. Nice to see you again Tess, you look awesome." He smiles at her as he heads up to his room.

"Your roommate thinks we're a couple," she says, watching as he closes his door.

"He's pretty smart...maybe he's right." I smile as she looks at me, but she doesn't smile back.

"Maybe. So, can you get me some beer?"

"I don't know. You were pretty mean to me the last time you were here."

"I wasn't mean, I was just evening things out. So...did you think about me that night?" Her sly smile shows she knows the answer already.

"Yah." That night? Christ...every night since! "I'll tell you what. I buy you beer, you go on a date with me."

She stares at me, measuring, measuring. "Alright. You buy me beer tonight, I can go Friday night."

"Can't Friday night...friend's birthday party. How about tomorrow?"

She smiles at me, says "Easy boy...let me think. Tomorrow. Alright, but I have to be home by 10."

"Come over at 6, we'll eat here and go to a movie." She smiles and nods, and it's on. We go get another case, split out a couple of sixes for her and put the rest in our fridge. I ask if she needs a ride home, but she says no, Courtney has been waiting for her in her car the whole time. I look at her like "What the hell?"...she smiles back, kisses my cheek, and with a six in each hand walks out the door.

After she's gone, Bob comes down the stairs and looks at me. "She really 18?" he asks.

"Yeah," I nod, "barely. I saw her ID at the liquor store."

"You gonna fuck her?"

"Damn straight. If she'll let me."

"I don't blame you," he says, "she's not crazy beautiful, but...she's got something..."

"Yah. Even felt it back when she was the Kid." I answer.

"Yeah, I remember. Sonofabitch!" he starts laughing. "I wish I knew where Tony Baloney was nowadays...this would PISS HIM OFF!"

The Date_____________________________________________

I'm not much of a cook, but I can grill a steak, bake a potato and buy a bag of salad. Thursday night at 6 the coals were hot, taters ready, and Bob was over at his girlfriend's house. Not that it mattered, but...who knows? I was sitting out front, passing the time, when I saw her come around the corner two blocks up. I got up to go meet her, and we walked back the last block together.

Again, she's in a stylish pair of blue jeans...looking brand new, skin tight and riding low. Soft hip bones visible, a couple of inches of flat belly, then a light blue half-blouse hanging loosely from her shoulders. Hair brushed back, a little makeup. I'd never seen her carry a purse, but she had a small knit shoulder bag now. She looked great, and I told her so.

We talked over dinner, and I told her what movie we were going to see. She said ok with a private smile, then complimented the food. I told her my best dish was french toast in bed, but she didn't take the bait and just gave me that look I couldn't read. I complimented her clothes, mentioning how many different outfits she'd worn - but instead of making her smile, she got quiet for a minute. Oh yeah, they'd been poor. Hmmm...

She sits up and looks at me, then says simply, "I used to have a boyfriend who liked to take me shopping."

"That's handy!" I quip. "Does he need a temporary boyfriend?" But, my attempt at humor falls flat.

"You're too old for him. So am I - we broke up last month." She's back to eating her salad, and doesn't look like this bothers her any.

"Wait. YOU'RE too old for him? You just turned 18."

"Yeah, that's Jerry's cut off. He likes teenage girls, but he doesn't count 18 or 19 as teens. I had my birthday last month, and we both knew it was the end. It was time anyway, we were both getting bored."

"18 is too old? How old is Jerry?"

She's finished eating, and sits back and readjusts her shirt - it keeps falling off one shoulder, exposing her black bra strap and a good part of creamy skin. She gives me that measuring look, then asks me, "Are you sure you want to know? I've seen what you can do when you feel protective about me." Is that a smirk?

"It's up to you. I promise I won't punch anyone out, and you've made it clear you're old enough to make your own decisions." This is the first time she's looked uneasy.

"OK. He's in his forties, I don't know how old exactly. He's married, and has a lot of money, so he drives his BMW by the beach and picks up pretty girls. He has an apartment nearby where he takes his girlfriends. He's nice, and takes you shopping and to fancy restaurants, and isn't in to anything too kinky - except he like girls young...usually about 16, plus or minus a couple of years. I was with him for about the last 6 months, but I think it's because I look younger than I am. Didn't matter - last month on my 18 birthday, he took me out to a nice dinner, gave me a gold necklace (the only jewelry he ever gave me), and said it was time to move on."

By now, my jaw must have been resting on the table. This was the wildest story I had ever heard, and I couldn't think of any way to react to it. Amazement, anger, sorrow, even a tinge of repressed excitement...I just stared in brain overload.

Looking at me, Tess broke into one of the first actual smiles I had seen on her face. Mostly humorous, but with a tinge of evil, too.

"I guess that makes you feel like crap, huh? Try to protect me from Tony, and I just get a Sugar Daddy later on. Well, don't feel bad. Jerry was nice, and I was almost 2 years older when it started; old enough to make my own choices. Plus, I wasn't a virgin anyway...I'd had a couple of boyfriends by then. So don't feel bad, you can still say you saved me." I swear she was laughing at me.

"Oh!" She sits up, a new idea coming to her. "Maybe you're not MAD...you're JEALOUS! You wish you could have been Jerry, taking me to his apartment every week. How about it Josh...do you wish you were Jerry?"

That'll be enough of that. Time to start taking a part in this conversation.

"No, I don't wish I was Jerry. For a lot of reasons, but the biggest is that I am sitting with you right now. And he's not."

That long look of hers, staring into my eyes...then she softens, and says "Good answer. Now, I've gotta go to the bathroom." It's almost time for the movie, so I clear the dishes and get my keys and wallet.

I hear the water run, then a few seconds pass and the door opens, Tess walking out. On her face I see challenge, vulnerability, and a burning desire. On her pale body, there is only her sheer black bra and tiny panties. Tall, almost 5'10", small perfect breasts, slim shoulders tapering only slightly to her lean waist, then a gentle curve out to her sweet hips. Long toned legs, she was not in any way curvaceous, yet was totally feminine. I gawked for one heartbeat, then went to her in the next.

And yet, at the end, I couldn't do it. I stopped, our bodies almost touching, hands hovering over her upper arms, staring into her liquid brown eyes. I could feel the heat radiating from her skin, only an inch away...but couldn't close the last distance. That's when she took a tiny step forward, wrapped her arms around me and melted us together.

I placed one of my hands on her naked back between her shoulders, the other in the hollow just above her panties...and I gently pulled her body into mine. The feel of her soft, warm skin as I slid my hands over her was electric. The smell of her hair as I leaned down to nuzzle her ear, the sound of her sigh and tiny whimper as she softly moved her body against mine...she exploded across my senses.

With her face buried in my neck, she reached her arms around my waist. Caressing my back, she slid her hands higher and higher, till I realized she was taking my shirt off. I raised my arms to help, and she dropped per hands onto my chest. Smoothing and caressing, she stared at my body as she moved her hands over my chest, shoulders, and arms.

"My man. My big, strong, MAN," she cooed, then leaned back into me to press our chests together. Reaching behind her I unhooked her bra, and slowly pulled the straps down over her shoulders. Hunching forward, she let it slide down her arms to drop off, revealing her beautiful little breasts. Small and high, even paler than the rest of her skin, it was apparent her cute little titties had never seen the sun...and I couldn't help reaching up and caressing the side of her soft mounds, gently stroking and kneading, working my way up to her proud little pink nipples.

She pulled me back into her body, and we gloried in the feel of our skin rubbing together. Her breasts flattened against my chest, nipples poking through, our hips pressed together and legs intertwined, we held each other tight as I lightly kissed and nuzzled her ear. My hand in the small of her back had drifted down into her panties to squeeze her soft naked ass, and I used it to pull her crotch onto my leg. One hand behind my neck, her other behind my waist, she pulled me tight and tilted her hips up to gently rub her pussy against my thigh. It was time to get horizontal.

I pulled away, took her hand, and said "let's go to my room."

"No," she said, pulling me the other way. "This is MY show." Wearing only her little black panties, she led me by the hand into the living room. Stopping by the couch, she pressed her body into mine, looked up at me, and said "I want you to fuck me right here."

Well, it wasn't the first time that room had seen action, but the thought of what her girlish fantasies about it must have been like turned me on even more. I started to get the idea that although this had been a week long dream for me, it had been years for her. OK then, time to do this right.

I leaned in as she tilted her head up, with eyes closed and bodies pressed, we shared our first kiss. Soft warm lips, wet and slippery, opening for her little pink tongue to reach out and dance with mine. Lips and tongues mashing, I cupped and caressed her little breasts as she returned to stroking and squeezing my chest. A perfect handful, soft and warm, with a beautiful pink rubbery nipples jutting out as I played with them...I couldn't get enough of her sweet little titties. Hearts pounding, bodies writhing, we finally had to break to get a breath. Smiling up at me with a mischievous grin, she slowly sat down on the couch, pulled me closer, and started to undo my pants.

"I have a confession," she said, as she pulled down my pants. "I've had sex, but not that much. It takes me a long time," she reached her cool hands into my boxers, touching and stroking my cock for the first time. "It's hard for me to relax, and sometimes it doesn't work," she pulled down my boxers, finally releasing my raging hard-on to the night and her gaze. "Ooohh...Josh," she cooed, looking back into my eyes with a smile. Softly stroking up and down my iron pipe, she said "So you have to go slow."

"Honey, I would love to go slow. But you are the hottest thing I have ever seen, I haven't had sex in weeks, and if you keep stroking me like that it's gonna be over in minute," I grimaced.

"Really? Well...we'll have to see about that. How long does it take you to be ready again? After...you know..."

"Not long...especially with you," I promised.

She smiled, said "OK,"...and lowered her pretty lips down onto my dick. With no warning, she slid as much of my rod into her hot wet mouth as she could, and swirled her slobbery tongue around and around while softly pumping the base with her hand.

"Ohhhh GODDDDD!" I croaked, feeling her warm wetness encasing my cock. Sucking and swirling, she started pumping my cock in and out of her mouth...open on the way in, sucking back on the way out. I put my hands on the side of her head, and tried to resist the need to drill deep into her throat. The sudden depth and passion of this blow job, added to my already raging hard-on and constant fantasizing had me on the edge within that minute I promised. Pumping with her hand, sucking and stroking with her mouth, she must have sensed how close I was and was intent on sending me over. I hadn't lied, I really WASN'T going to last, so as I felt the heat start rising in my balls I tried to gasp out a warning.

"Oh Baby...you feel so good. I'm gonna cum..."

She kept up her frantic actions, smiled up with her eyes and garbled "BLLL UTTT." Closer and closer...I could feel it building, and then, just before I exploded, I figured out she'd said "PULL OUT". As my burning cum boiled up, I did just that and blasted onto her chest. "ARGGHHHH!" I yelled, squirting Bam Bam Bam onto her pale little titties as the blazing pleasure roared through me.