Tessa's Toilet Troubles


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"You're right there Tessa," said Daddy, clearly relieved that it wasn't my time of the month on top of everything else.

Daddy seemed very nervous as he reached for the clasps of my overalls, his sweaty fingers undoing the right clasp first and then the left one, before pulling them down to my ankles. I stood there in front of the toilet, my white cotton bikini style panties with pink flowers and matching waist and leg elastic on display.

Needless to say, it felt weird my Daddy unfastening and pulling my overalls down, but nothing compared to Daddy gently taking the waistband of my knickers and pulling them down too, sliding my undies down my legs until they joined my overalls down around my ankles.

I knew that my Daddy could see my female mound with the neat triangle of light brown pubic hair. I did trim my pubic hair away from my bikini lines and did some landscaping between my legs, but for the most part kept my pubes intact, sporting a classic 'Map of Tasmania'. Justin always loved my pubic hair, when we were fooling around he often liked to slip his hand down the front of my panties and have a fumble around in my knickers, his fingers usually stroking, teasing and lingering upon my pubic hair.

But it was quite one thing for my boyfriend to see my pubic hair, quite another for my father to see it. Poor Daddy, having to help out his daughter in this embarrassing situation and far worse was to come.

Daddy gently sat me down on the toilet, me adjusting my bare bottom as I sat on the seat so I was comfortable. Daddy looked at the roll of toilet paper, knowing that the next thing he had to do was far worse than pulling his own daughter's knickers down and sitting her on the toilet to do number twos.

Breathing heavily, I began to urinate. I couldn't believe I was pissing on the toilet in front of my father, but the reality was that I was urinating, my yellow pee stream flowing out of my urethra and going into the toilet bowl, tinkling and splashing as it hit the porcelain bowl and went into the toilet water.

It was highly embarrassing for me, but it did bring relief to my full bladder as it emptied. My pee stream slowed down to large splashes, then droplets before abating altogether, leaving the water in the toilet bright yellow and bubbly, and me with a very wet pussy.

Telling Daddy that he needed to wipe my vagina was going to be very awkward and thinking that actions spoke louder than words, opened my legs to display my fanny to my father. Daddy looked really nervous as he took a quick glance at my slim, oval-shaped pink pussy knowing what he had to do. Daddy reached for the toilet roll, unwound four squares, scrunched them up, and put his hand into my crotch and wiped the residual urine from my pussy.

The toilet paper was nice and soft and really absorbent, triple-ply with a flowery pattern embossed on the tissue. It soon absorbed my pee-pee, and Daddy dropped the soaking toilet tissue into the bowl.

"Thank you, Daddy," I said.

"That's okay Tessa." Daddy clearly wished this was the end of it and so did I, but the poo pressing against my anal sphincter clearly had other ideas.

Gritting my teeth, knowing what I had to do, I tried to relax the muscles in my rectum. I certainly succeeded in that aim. I farted loudly, my wind echoing in the toilet bowl and the smell immediately made itself known.

I blushed and squirmed on the toilet, looking down at my knickers. "Sorry Daddy, please excuse me."

Daddy put aside his own embarrassment to reassure me, and he stroked my hair. "Hey, don't worry about it Princess, you're on the toilet, it's natural."

"Thanks Daddy," I said, pleased my father was so understanding. I only hoped that he would be so understanding when I actually moved my bowels.

I was hoping desperately that my poo was going to be firm logs that slipped easily from my bottom and would only require a minimal amount of toilet tissue to wipe my bum. But this hope was in vain. I farted, and my shit came oozing out of my arse with a massive rush, my toilet smell rising up from the bowl as the feces splashed into the toilet water. I could feel the sticky residual shit around my anus.

Daddy looked at me as I stopped pooing. "Do you um need me to ... um, ah ..."

I finished the sentence to try and lighten things up. "Wipe my bottom?"

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to say it, you know."

"I understand Daddy. And yes, could you please wipe my bottom?"

Daddy unwound some toilet paper and I moved forward on the toilet, leaning forward so Daddy would have easy access to my bottom. I knew that Daddy could see my anus, and that he could see the smelly brown poo around my rear opening.

"Daddy, please remember that girls always need to be wiped front to back," I reminded my father.

"Definitely know that Tess." I looked down at my knickers as my father put his hand towards my backside, and I waited for the touch of the tissue. The nice soft toilet paper tickled my fanny as Daddy wiped my dirty bottom front to back, the soft white toilet paper absorbing my poo-poos, me seeing my feces all over the loo paper as Daddy dropped the soiled toilet tissue into the bowl.

Daddy got more toilet paper and wiped my bottom again, but this time the most extraordinary thing happened. Rather than being absolutely humiliated at being 27-years-old, sitting on the toilet with my knickers down taking a smelly shit and my Daddy having to wipe my arse for me because my hands were incapacitated, this time Daddy's touch to my rear end as he cleaned me caused a tingling sensation in my clitoris, and I felt a dampness in my pussy.

This was turning me on? Fuck, no way, never, not in a million years. There had to be another explanation for it. It was probably just a physical thing, the unfamiliar feeling of somebody else - a man - wiping my bottom for me, when I obviously always wiped my own backside when I sat on the toilet. But this wasn't any man, it was my father, my gay father with whom I had always been so close. It made no sense.

"I take it you're not finished yet Princess?" Daddy asked me.

I shook my head. "Sorry Daddy." I then felt my anus open again, and more smelly and messy poo came out of my bottom and went into the toilet, joining the first lot of feces I had defecated and adding to the ripe smells from my rectum.

"Sorry about the smell, Daddy, it's so embarrassing," I apologized.

"It's not your fault Tessa, you can't help it, you're going to the loo, it's natural," Daddy reassured me.

Once again, I leaned forward on the toilet seat so Daddy would have plenty of room to wipe me, and soon felt Daddy's firm hand on my backside as he cleaned my bottom with nice soft toilet tissue. Again, I felt that feeling of being turned on at my father's touch to my vagina and my bottom, albeit with toilet paper between his fingers and my private parts.

This time, my fantasies went even further than being touched. That Daddy could see and smell my poo as he wiped my anus for some reason excited me, as did the fact that he had seen my anus, vagina, pubic hair and my bare bottom. I looked down at my knickers, and saw the creamy colored feminine stains on my double cotton panty saddle from my vagina self-cleansing all day as Daddy wiped my bottom again.

Had Daddy seen the female stains I had made on my panties? If so what did he think of them? Did he like them? Of course he didn't, he was a gay male and I was his daughter, it was sick to think things like this, but still I kept doing it.

Soon, I had something else to think about. Sometimes, I would get a build-up of gas in my lower intestines, and would have to massage my tummy while I was on the toilet to relax my bowels and get rid of all my farts. I could not do this today as my hands were out of action, but Daddy could.

"Um Daddy, I kind of need your help with something else," I said coyly, feeling very shy and self-conscious about asking.

"What's that Tessa, I hope you haven't started your period two weeks early?" Daddy laughed.

I also laughed. "No, nothing like that, don't worry. I kind of have a bit of a wind problem down there, if you know what I mean. Normally when I'm on the toilet I massage my own tummy to help me get rid of it, but I can't do that today, and I was hoping ..."

"Would you like me to massage your tummy Tess?"

"Yes please Daddy, it would help me relax and get rid of all that nasty, smelly wind."

Daddy stood beside me, put one of my firm masculine hands on my stomach and began to massage it, holding one of my hands with the other to reassure me. I couldn't feel Daddy's touch to my hand as it was too numb, but it did help relax me.

I farted and farted and farted on the toilet, my smelly wind echoing in the bowl each time my anus opened to pass gas. I even did a fanny fart, queefing from my front bottom but the sound was lost among the many more farts that came out of my back bottom.

Soon I could feel that my farting had done its trick and the build-up of wind was gone, and as I released one huge fart this preceded a massive avalanche of shit that came out of my rear end and went everywhere in the toilet, staining the white porcelain, the odor of my crap appalling.

"You all done now Princess?" Daddy asked in hope.

"Just a minute Daddy." I farted, and another log of shit came out of my rectum and splashed into the toilet. Now my bowels felt empty, no farts and no more poop. "I am now."

Again, Daddy had to get toilet paper to wipe my bottom, and it took seven lengths to clean up all of my residual shit. I saw one soiled length of toilet tissue after another emerge from my dirty bottom covered in my poo-poos before Daddy disposed of them into the loo, then finally the sixth piece had only small skid marks and the final piece no poo at all. Finally, I was done.

Daddy helped me stand up off the loo, and I looked into the toilet at the poo and my shitty, soiled toilet paper, seeing a gas bubble from one of my turds emerge and go upwards through the toilet water, a gas bubble that would have been a fart had it remained in my body. For a girl so small in stature, I sure had shit a lot.

Daddy put down the lid of the toilet and flushed it, consigning my pee, my poo-poos and the toilet paper my father had used to wipe my bottom and clean me up down into the Melbourne sewer system. I continued to stand in front of the toilet with my overalls and my knickers down around my ankles, my triangle of pubic hair on full display to my father.

"Sorry Princess, I don't want you to feel embarrassed, but this is necessary," said Daddy, taking a can of toilet freshener and spraying a liberal amount around to get rid of my toilet smell.

"That's okay Daddy, I would be doing the exact same thing," I said. It was obvious, I had absolutely stank the toilet out. Fuck I could be such a dirty and smelly little bitch when I went to the toilet.

Daddy washed his hands then approached me, clearly nervous about pulling his daughter's knickers up but I stopped him.

While Daddy had done a superb job in wiping my arse in a situation that was clearly hard for him, I still felt all yuck around my bum after such a messy and smelly poo. Had I wiped my own bottom I would no doubt have felt more confident that I was clean around my rear opening, but as I hadn't it felt wrong, and even if I wasn't dirty back there I was probably still pretty smelly.

"Are you okay Tessa?" Daddy asked.

I nodded. "Yes, but this is really embarrassing. I know you did a great job um, well - wiping my bottom - there's no other way of saying it, but I still feel all smelly and kind of yuck back there."

"Would you like me to wash your bottom for you Tessa?" Daddy seemed to be psychic.

"Yes please Daddy, that's if it's not too weird for you."

"No Tess, its all part of the service."

With my panties still down, I watched as my father took a clean washcloth - a blue one with seascape print - and wet it down at the sink. "So I'll get you to come over near the sink Tessa and bend over."

I shuffled awkwardly - it being obviously difficult to walk with my overalls and knickers around my ankles - to where my father stood. I bent over, presenting my bare bottom to my Daddy and I knew he could see my pussy and anal opening as my butt cheeks spread apart.

Again, I could feel myself getting turned on at my Daddy being able to see my peach-shaped buttocks, my anus and my genitals, and again mentally reprimanded myself for getting aroused by weird and twisted things. But this was difficult at Daddy's touch to my private parts, my father washing my pussy first, really getting the cloth into my fanny flaps and giving my genitals a thorough wash between my legs.

Daddy washed my pussy smells off the cloth, then turned his attention from my front bottom to my back bottom. As Daddy washed first my buttocks then around my anus it felt so good, before Daddy stopped.

"You were right Tessa."

"Sorry Daddy?"

"I thought I'd wiped you properly when you were on the toilet, but obviously I didn't. Look at this."

I looked at the washcloth, and could see it had my poo-poos on the blue fabric. There wasn't much, but if I had pulled my knickers up I would have wound up with feces in my underwear, and subsequently embarrassing and smelly brown skid marks at the back of my pants.

"Sorry Princess," said Daddy, as he washed my poo off the cloth.

"It's okay Daddy, it's not like you have to help your daughter use the loo every day."

Daddy finished washing my bottom to make sure that there were no more smelly surprises back there, then dried my pussy, anal area and buttocks with a nice soft towel.

"This will make you feel really good, Tessa," Daddy promised me, as he took some talcum and applied it to my bare bottom, powdering my arse and making me feel clean, dry and confident.

I felt so turned on as Daddy pulled my knickers up, and adjusted them in place around my bottom and my box. He then pulled up my overalls, and fastened them in place. Given that Daddy had just washed my bottom, he washed his hands again and also washed my numb hands for me too.

"I can't thank you enough Daddy, that must have been so awkward for you having to help me while I was on the loo," I said as we left the bathroom. "I'm so sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Tessa, and it must have been worse for you, given you were the one who went to the toilet."

"Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing," I said. It was a half-truth. I was indeed embarrassed at first which was obvious as I had to sit on the toilet with my knickers around my ankles and do my poo-poos in front of my father as he wiped my bottom for me, but then strangely I had been getting turned on by it.

"And you can thank me by never telling anybody about this ever," said Daddy.

I was way ahead of my father. "Don't worry Daddy, I won't tell anyone, not ever."

Going into the kitchen, Chad sheepishly came back into the house. "Is it safe to come back in now?"

Daddy laughed. "You're fine now Chad. Tessa and I have agreed never to talk about this ever again."

"I'm definitely good with that, I can't imagine how embarrassing it must have been for both of you," said Chad.

"The only thing we're both glad about was that it wasn't my time of the month," I declared.

"Oh ew, that's so nasty!" exclaimed Chad.

Again, Daddy laughed. "Chad, we really need to get you over this menstruation phobia of yours."

I was a bit surprised about this. Lots of guys were afraid of the mention of periods, my boyfriend one of them, but given Chad was such a camp gay, I didn't think he would be one of them.

"You aren't scared of periods are you Chad?" I giggled.

"Chad is absolutely positively terrified of periods, Tessa!" he exclaimed. "Chad is afraid of menstrual periods, he is afraid of periods that measure geological and historical time, he is scared of period dramas, he is even afraid of periods in American punctuation."

Chad as usual had me in hysterics. "Why, when we girls are the ones who have to have periods for over 40 years of our lives?" I giggled.

"I think one of the reasons that Chad became gay is so Chad would not have to face periods ever in his life. Full stop, definitely not period."

I again laughed, and Daddy smiled.

"Chad, we really have to work on your period phobia," said Daddy. "One day, you're going to have to be really brave at the supermarket and be a big boy, walk down aisle six in a calm, confident manner and pick out your own toothpaste and mouthwash."

"Can't Chad be brave in another way, like handling a taipan, going into the lions or tigers' cages at the zoo, waving a red flag in front of a water buffalo or swimming with a crocodile?" Chad suggested.


The afternoon passed into the evening, and Daddy had to help me out with other things as my hands remained numb and swollen. He had to feed me my dinner and help me to drink, he had to help me when I had a wedgie and my knickers rode up into my bum cheeks and he had to hold my phone for me as I contacted Justin and let him know what had happened with the allergic reaction to the plant.

My feet were getting sweaty and itchy in my shoes and socks, and I wanted them off. "Daddy, could you please take off my shoes and socks?" I asked.

"Of course Tessa," Daddy said.

The simple act of my father untying and removing my sneakers then taking off my white cotton socks, leaving me barefoot turned me on no end as did everything else Daddy had to do to help me that evening, even having to feed me as I could not handle cutlery to eat myself. I couldn't believe it. What was wrong with me?

Finally came bed time, and I needed to have my teeth brushed, go to the toilet, have a shower and get into my nightwear for bed. It should have been most embarrassing for me except for the tooth brushing part, but I couldn't wait for Daddy to have to assist me on the toilet again, and I especially looked forward to Daddy having to help me shower as then he could see me naked. Again, I could not believe I was thinking this way. Why did I want my gay father to see me naked?

It was de ja vu as Daddy and I were back in the ensuite bathroom. Daddy brushed my teeth for me and helped me rinse my mouth, then he pulled my overalls and knickers down and sat me back down on the toilet again, barefoot with my overalls and panties around my ankles.

This time, I wasn't on the toilet as long and I didn't fart as much as before, only once mid-stream while I was peeing and twice as I was moving my bowels. My poo while still very smelly wasn't as messy as before so Daddy had to use far less loo paper to clean me up, but each time I felt his strong male hands on the more private parts of my body - albeit with toilet paper in between us - I squirmed on the toilet seat, my pussy getting wet.

I stood up off the toilet and Daddy flushed it, before he sprayed toilet freshener around, washed his own hands and helped me wash mine. There wasn't much point in pulling up my pants as I was about to have a shower, so I waited with my overalls and knickers down as Daddy went and changed into bathers, and collected my sleep shirt and some fresh white cotton knickers for me to wear to bed tonight.

My pussy was already sticky in anticipation as Daddy re-entered the bathroom. I trembled at his touch as he took off my overalls and my knickers, leaving me naked from the waist down. My clitoris sent me wild as Daddy took off my tee-shirt, and I was now wearing only a white bra.

This wasn't for long, Daddy took hold of the clasp of my brassiere and removed it, the undergarment coming away to show my perky B-cup breasts. I was now completely naked, and that Daddy could see every inch of my nubile and petite young body in a state of total nudity made my fanny feel like it was on fire.

Daddy helped me into the shower and turned it on, and I was carried to new levels of desire as my father washed me with cloth, obviously not the one Daddy had used to wash my smelly bottom after I went to the loo during the afternoon. I could see that Daddy was a bit nervous about washing my tits, my bare bottom and my pussy, but he did it nonetheless. It really turned me on as Daddy washed my pubic hair, my bush filled with suds and bubbles before Daddy rinsed me.