Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 01

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An interesting vacation leads to an interesting revelation.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/02/2018
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Serendipity. That's how it all started. A random low probability confluence of events that forever changed my marriage and my life.

Shama and I were on a vacation at a couples-only all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. Our son Abhi had reached four years of age, and was independent enough to be left alone with our friends back in Atlanta for a few days. Since Shama got pregnant five years ago, everything in our lives had pretty much revolved around Abhi. And of course, our demanding careers. We had gone through half a decade of our personal chemistry slowly waning and settling into this rut that first time parents find themselves in.

This week-long vacation was a conscious effort to change all that. To rekindle our dormant romance in our mid-to-late 30s. Which it did. But it also ended up kindling something very different.

As I said, it started very randomly. On our second-last day at the resort. The next morning, we were to fly back to Atlanta.

We had enjoyed five days and nights of relative solitude in our private beach villa, moonlit walks on the beach, lounging around on the beach, jogging on the beach, watersports from the beach, and of course, sex on the beach. We had more sex in those five days than the previous year combined. Having demanding jobs and a demanding child makes it difficult to find enough intimate moments.

The sex had also been helped by what Jamaica is synonymous with - weed. Within an hour of reaching the resort, one of the friendly staff had quietly offered us a bag of joints at a very affordable rate (in US dollars anyway). Shama and I hadn't smoked weed since grad school. So we indulged in it enthusiastically.

That fateful morning, we had both just returned from a jog on the beach. As our forties loom large, we have both gotten very health-conscious. I sweat a lot, so I jumped into the shower. When I came out, Shama was on the balcony, smoking a joint.

"You started without me?" I asked, joining her.

"Hehe, there are so many joints still left and less than 24 hours. I didn't think you'd mind, Parth." she said in a dreamy voice holding the joint out for me.

"Of course I don't." I said, taking a hit.

Soon we were both high, staring at the waves crash on the beach.

"I am gonna take another long bath." Shama said a while later.

"Maybe I'll join you like yesterday." I stroked her ass. Unlike the tub at home, this one was big, and as we had discovered the previous day, big enough to comfortably have sex in.

"I'd like that." she rubbed my crotch and said.

"Hey, let's just record a video for Abhi first." I said. She nodded.

I soon had my laptop open and the webcam on. We had been doing this everyday, twice a day. Recording a video message for Abhi and sending it to our friends who then played it for him.

"Let's try not to sound high. Hehehe." she said.

"We were high in the one yesterday and Rajat said Abhi didn't notice anything. Hehehe."

Our weed-addled selves giggled for a while. And then we finally composed ourselves. I turned the recording on.

"Hi Abhi! We love you and miss you!!" we both said in chorus.

"Your dad misses you." I said.

"And your mommy misses you." Shama said.

"And we are both very excited to see you again tomorrow. Rajat uncle and Neela aunty say you have been a very good boy." I said.

"Be a good boy for another day. And we will see you soon." Shama said.

"Love you!!" we both said in chorus.

I was feeling really high and had a bad case of cottonmouth. I reached for the water bottle as I turned the record button off.

"That's the last one." Shama said as she started stripping her clothes off.

I stared at her curvy figure come into view as she took off her tank top and then her tights.

"You're so hot!" I said.

"So are you." she said. "But we need water."

"Yeah." I said, nursing that last bottle.

The resort had told us that unlike the US, tap water wasn't safe to drink. They left a lot of bottled water outside our door and we could go pick it up from the front desk anytime. Of course, since we were both perpetually high, we had been going through the water at twice the usual rate.

"Go get more water. I'll get in the bath and get ready for you." she kissed me.

"Alright." I said.

I watched Shama's naked full ass bounce as she walked to the bathroom. I felt an instant erection rising. I was tempted to follow her in there and take her again right there. But my physical thirst was exceeded by my actual thirst.

"I'll be right back and then it's sex in the bath." I sighed as she blew me a kiss over her shoulders and wiggled her ass seductively.

I had to wait a few minutes to let the erection subside before I left the villa. The seclusion of those beach villas meant that it was a bit of a walk to the front desk. In the sun, I realized just how high I was. Wow, Jamaican weed is strong!

I finally reached the front desk and made sure I wasn't still hard before asking them for water. They quickly handed me a case.

As I was about to start walking back, my phone rang.

"Hey Parth, sorry to disturb you two. Abhi was just really insistent."

"Don't worry, Rajat. It's fine. Put him on." I said, trying to focus.

I put the water bottles down and sat down on a couch.

"Dad! You will not believe what we just saw! Five bunnies! Five!"

My son launched into a story about how five bunnies had been gamboling around Rajat's backyard and how excited he was to see them. Then he talked about their visit to the zoo the previous day. And the movies they had watched.

It took all my will power to stay focused and talk to him normally. Without sounding high. I am pretty sure I managed it.

I don't know how long I talked with him. Weed warps your perception of time. Finally, with a promise that I would send him another video soon, I hung up.

It seemed like a long walk back to the villa with the case of bottled water. Finally I reached our door, swiped my card and tried to open it. I was surprised to find there was a chain lock.

Annoyed, I was about to rap on the door when I heard the chain being opened. The door opened with Shama's gorgeous face popping out. She seemed to be breathing heavily. She stepped back to let me in.

"Why did you..." I started asking about the chain lock when I saw my wife in her entirety.

She was completely naked of course, but her ample bosom was heaving like I had rarely seen. Her right hand was at her clit, rubbing furiously. I dropped the water right there as she slammed the door shut. And put the chain lock again.


"FUCK ME NOW!!" she said, pretty much jumping at me like a lioness in heat.

"G..g..gladly!" I said, as she knocked me down on the floor.

I had never seen her in such frenzy before. She grabbed my shorts and pulled them down. Seeing her in this form had already started getting me hard. By the time she pulled my shirt off and got on top, I was fully erect.

This was a new side of Shama. She enjoyed sex of course, but in our 10 years together, 3 dating and 7 married, I had never known her to be the aggressor. Not in such an aggressive way.

She bit my chest and my neck hard as she lowered a wet and warm cunt onto my erect dick. And then she scratched my chest hard as she started moving her hips back and forth rapidly.

"Do you like my tits?" she asked, lowering one of them in my open mouth.

"Mmm hmmmm." I said, biting her nipples.

"Spank me. Spank me hard." she said.

"Okay!" I landed a couple of smacks on her ass.

"Harder!!" she said in a throaty voice. "Spank me like you mean it!!"

And so it went. It was awesome and memorable, even through the marijuana haze. My wife had never been this way before. She came hard twice on top of me. Then got on all fours and asked me to "take her like a bitch." I did.

Finally I came inside her. Something I always appreciated about her having an IUD.

She lay writhing and moaning naked in my arms on the floor as we kissed and bit each other for a long time. Finally, our passions subsided.

"What...brought that on?" I said, gently kissing her.

"I don't know." she shyly responded, sounding like her usual self.

She slowly got up, reached for a water and started drinking it as she walked to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"Just cleaning up." she said and the door closed behind her. Soon I heard the shower start.

Once my breath got back to normal, I slipped my clothes back on and walked towards the desk to fulfill my promise to Abhi about the video. That's when I noticed a light blinking on the laptop.

Oh fuck, had I not turned the recording off? I rushed to the desk and sure enough, it was still recording! I thought I had turned it off, but I was so high that I might not have clicked the mouse hard enough or in the right place.

I focused and turned it off. It was about 45 minutes. Ugh, no way I could send the whole video with our sex sounds to our 4 year old.

I opened an editing software, and started at the beginning. Where Shama and I had started recording the message. I cut the file where it ended, and saved it. I watched the 2 minute thing a couple of times to make sure it was all G-rated. And then emailed it to Rajat.

I looked at the entire file that had been accidentally recorded. I was about to delete it. But then I stopped.

Shama and I had never made a sex tape. Given the position of the laptop, I knew even this wouldn't have recorded her jumping me at the door. But I was curious to see what sounds it did record.

I was about to open it and see when the bathroom door opened.

"Parth." Shama said standing naked in the door. Water was dripping off her nipples.

"Yes, honey?" I swallowed as I watched her curvy form.

"Fuck me again." she said.

"Gladly!" I shut the laptop and ran towards her.


We flew back to reality the next day. That final day had been really special. But also a bit weird. Shama had been insatiable in bed, demanding that we cancel all planned activities and just stay in bed naked and having as much sex as we could. This I did not mind. We had sex six times that day, a personal record.

But between the sex, she seemed to be lost in thoughts and even a bit glum. When I asked her about it, she'd flash me a smile and reach for a joint. We'd get high and then fuck again.

One thing I later thought to be of significance was that she kept checking the chain lock all the time.

"You know, have privacy here." I said one time.

"You never know." she laconically replied.

What if I had just deleted the remaining video from that day, I often think. Would my life have played out differently?

As it turned out, I had forgotten about that video almost right away, which happens often with things under the influence of weed. I only remembered it when I saw this unusually large file in the folder a week later at home in the Atlanta suburbs.

It was late at night. Shama had gone to bed early after a long day at work. Abhi was asleep in his room. I was in my study, backing up the videos and pictures from the trip.

That's when I came across the video and remembered all about it. Oh yes, potentially our first sex tape!

I opened the 45 minute video. It started with out message to our son. I jumped to a few minutes before the end. And sure enough, even though we weren't in the view of the camera, I could hear Shama's screams and grunts and exhortations to "take her like a bitch".

I chuckled, making a mental note to show it to Shama the next day. And talk about making an actual sex tape to spice things up.

And then, I don't know what made me jump a little further back. Maybe it was serendipity. Maybe it was the recollection that Shama had been uncharacteristically randy and aggressive when I walked in the door.

Soon, I saw why. It was after we finished recording the message to our son.

The camera covered a lot of our room. Including the entrance to the bathroom. On the video, I saw Shama taking her clothes off. I was standing by the side.

"You're so hot!" my voice said.

"So are you. But we need water."


Shama's naked body advanced towards me.

"Go get more water. I'll get in the bath and get ready for you." there was a kiss.

"Alright." my voice said.

The camera showed my naked wife seductively walk to the bathroom. And me just standing there for a few seconds staring at her.

"I'll be right back and then it's sex in the bath."

I could hear myself leaving. And then the bathroom door closed and there was a faint sound of the water being turned on.

It was just dead air for a few minutes. I was about to skip forward when I heard a noise. Of knocking.

"Housekeeping!!" a male voice in the distance said. "Hello, housekeeping!"

I remembered that in my high state, I had forgotten to put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. I slapped my forehead.

I heard the door open and a skinny young Jamaican man drifted into vision. I remembered seeing him around the resort. He had a cart with the usual stuff in front of him. By then, the sound of the bathtub filling had subsided. Looking at him whistle and do his work, I was sure he thought the villa was empty. He was just doing his job.

I watched him empty the trash can. Then pull the sheets off the bed and put them in his hamper. He was whistling pretty loudly as he did this. Which made me wonder, how did Shama not hear all this in the bathtub? Or maybe she did.

My heart was beating loudly as I wondered what had happened next. I was tempted to skip forward. But I was stunned as I kept watching the video.

There was a sound of a door opening. The young man was near the balcony, and he seemed genuinely surprised. Probably instinctively, he ducked behind the bed.

Shama walked out, naked and dripping wet. And I understood why she had not heard the slight commotion the young man had caused. She had her waterproof wireless earphones on. And was humming along to a song.

With carefree caution, she strolled to the coffee table, wiped her hands, and said,

"Parth? You back yet?"

She took one earphone out an looked around the room. That's when she noticed him.

"AAAAAAA!!" she yelled, stunned as her hands instinctively went to her pussy and nipples.

"SORRY SORRY!" the young man cried, shielding his eyes.

"WHAT...what are you..." she reached for the bed to pull a sheet off it to cover herself, but he had already stripped the bed.

"Sorry sorry!" he kept saying.

Shama seemed at a loss about how to cover herself. I felt like shouting, just go back into the bathroom and get a robe or at least a towel. Instead, she grabbed a bare pillow and held it in front of herself.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? Didn't you see the Do Not Disturb sign?" she yelled.

"Maam, sorry, there was no sign, maam." he said in a Jamaican accent.

"Yes there was!"

"No maam, there wasn't, maam." he was pleading, but not looking away as much.

Then I watched him walk towards the door. I thought he was leaving like a gentleman. But instead, I heard him say off-camera in a more self-assured voice,

"See? The sign be right inside the door, maam."

All this while, my wife was standing there, still naked, holding a pillow in front of her. It did not cover as much as she might have thought it covered. She was breathing hard and was clearly flushed. There was silence for a few seconds. What was happening?

"Are you...is that? Are you hard?" she said angrily.

"Sorry maam...very sorry maam." his voice said off-camera, although he didn't sound as sorry as he had before.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Sorry maam..." he paused, then said. "It's just...you have such great tits, maam. And an ass I'd love to spank all night."

This seemed to stun Shama into silence for a few seconds.

"Get out!" she said as she slowly backed into the bathroom, still holding the pillow.

She slammed the door shut. And then appeared a few moments later, wearing a robe.

"Why are you still here?" she said in a tentative voice.

"Your bed, maam. I still have to make it." he said, now sounding more self-assured.

"Fine. But be quick." she said moodily and just stood in the corner.

The guy came back into camera view. He was still sporting a sizeable hard-on. But he focused on his work, putting the sheets back on the bed. Shama was just standing there in her robe staring at him.

"Done, maam!" he said and nodded.

"Okay." she said and waited for him to leave.

But he stayed there for a while.

"Well?" she asked.

"Pardons, maam. Just need to let this go down." he sheepishly said pointing to his erection.

I saw her stare at his bulge for a few seconds, and swallow nervously. Then she looked away.

"You want to help, maam?" he said in a playful voice.

"WHAT?" she asked in her sharp no-nonsense voice.

"Just saying that if you like...you know..." and I saw him unzip his pants and take his big thick erect cock out.

Shama stared at it with her mouth open. The young man looked proud of his organ. They were like this for a few seconds.

"You want it maam?" he said playfully.

"I'm...I'm married." Shama said in a trembling voice.

"Everyone here married, maam." he said and started walking towards her.

Shama seemed torn between her baser desires and her familial and societal obligations. She struggled with that for a few seconds as the young man came to within two feet of her.

That seemed to snap her back to reality.

"I am not asking you again. Get out!" she said in a flat but firm voice.

"Whatever you say maam. But how about you show me them titties again? Maybe let me spank your ass a little?"

She paused for a few seconds. As if really considering to do what he asked. But then the real Shama seemed to take charge.

"GET OUT!" she screamed.

And the young man nodded, took his cart and left the room.

Whatever I had seen so far cast my wife in a really favorable light. It was not her fault that this dude had been in the room. It was somewhat my fault. I had forgotten to put the DND sign on the door as I left. She handled the situation with aplomb and whatever dignity was realistically possible when a stranger had seen her naked. And she had gotten him to leave.

What intrigued me was what happened next.

Once the guy left, she instantly went and closed the chain lock. Which explained her subsequent explanation with the chain lock.

But after that, she got naked again, and lay down on the bed. And closed her eyes and started fingering herself. Moaning and groaning and shaking as she quickly brought herself off to an orgasm. And then again. And then another one. It was a fascinating sight, because even after a decade together, I had never seen Shama masturbate.

She did this for a good fifteen minutes or so until there was another sound of the door opening and the chain rattling. That was me.

I walked in. You know the rest.

My wife jumped me like a bitch in heat, asking about her tits and demanding that I spank her, echoing the comments the guy had made. And then, she was insatiable at levels I had never experienced before.

I sat there re-watching the video a few times. I saw the couple of times she waffled at the guy's passes. Eventually, she stayed chaste. But I could read the temptation in her voice and demeanor. And I had personally experienced the outcome, without realizing it then.

She had been so turned on by what had happened that she had pretty much fucked me dry in the aftermath.

And she had not told me that this random guy had seen her naked.

It had been a week and she had still not told me. I wondered if she ever would. Which brought up...possibilities.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great start. Five stars.

Came to your profile after seeing your name in the comments section of another story I liked. Since I'm not particularly fond of servant or Watchman or other similar themes that for some reason seem common in Indian erotica and porn, I chose this story to read first. And I love how you started it off. Can't wait to read where it leads to. Good job. 👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I totally LOVE this story, gave u a 5.0 (=100%!) The scenario was brilliantly conceived & masterfully crafted! Bravissimo!


This is a sex story & a love story two-in-one!

I am very very glad I came across your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Awesome to see you back.


Keep writing ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank god you are back

Its great to see you back... Was waiting for you.. And your watchman story was awesome.... Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

you are my favorite author. welcome back

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