Testing Theories - Her


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"If I hear screams later I promise I won't come running!"

Oh God. The idea of John making me scream was the final straw. If I could have stripped him with my eyes he'd have been naked there and then when I looked at him. I thought I saw him swallow nervously at the intensity in my gaze, and he was certainly shaking when he tried to get the door open. Thankfully Nick and James were just as keen to be together as we were and they didn't try to prolong our agony. I had to take over opening the door eventually because it didn't look like John was going to manage it.

He surprised me the second we were in the room. I found myself pressed against the wall, his hard body holding me there and his lips on mine. I returned his kisses with just as much passion, and helped as he started to strip me. When he got my top off and saw me he moaned, and I was really glad I'd made the effort to find my best underwear. He certainly seemed to approve and I smiled at him. His hands were on my breasts almost instantly and I felt the pleasure shoot through me.

I was suddenly picked up and carried across the room. He sat me down and started to work on teasing my body, learning all my curves and what made me moan. The sight of his chest when he stripped off his own top distracted me for a moment, but he wouldn't let me play with him for long, clearly thinking it was his turn. Still, I would be able to do this again and next time I'd be able to play with those muscles and all that tempting fur.

His hands went to my breasts and I couldn't help but moan. When his lips moved to join them, teasing my nipples through my bra it was too good and I wanted more. I undid the hooks and he helped me remove it, grinning at me. His hands went straight back to teasing them but his lips came to mine again. His kisses were soft and sweet and I wasn't sure when he stopped and started to move down my body whether I wanted them to end or the kisses to my neck and shoulder were better. Still, when he started kissing my breasts I didn't want that to stop and I put my hands to the back of his head to keep him there for my pleasure.

I heard my moans and sighs as he worked and I couldn't stop them. It had been far too long since I had had sex this good, and we weren't even at the main event. More importantly though, this was John, who I'd wanted for so long. When he started to strip more of me I just moved to help him get me naked. He couldn't do many of the things I wanted from him unless my clothes were gone.

I felt self-conscious for a moment when he got me stripped to my underwear and then stood back to look at me, but the look in his eyes was total want and need, and turned me on just as much as his kisses and touches. His eyes seemed drawn to my crotch and I knew he would find me wet. The first stroke of his fingers across me nearly had me jumping out of my skin. His fingers kept stroking me while his lips went back to lick and suck at my nipples. I was in heaven.

When he started to strip the last piece of clothing from me I helped him again, desperate to find out what else he would do with me. Totally naked, already seriously aroused, I waited for him to make some move, staring at him and trying to will him to touch me again. I needed him so badly and it must have been obvious because he groaned before his hands came back to stroke across my skin. For a moment his hands were nowhere sensitive but it still made me shiver with desire.

A moment later I was lost completely, one of his warm hands encircling my breast and the other teasing between my legs. I wriggled, unconsciously trying to get his fingers inside me or to touch my clit, or even better both, but he managed to avoid my movements as I gasped and moaned. I started to wonder if just this might be enough to get me off, but before I could test that theory he moved things up a gear.

His kiss was insistent, and I felt a touch just inside me before he started to move his hand around my clit. I knew I was wet, and his fingers slid easily across me. I had no idea what noises I was making, but every one seemed to spur him on to new movements. I tried to get closer to him but I could barely move with what he was doing, driving me wild, so I settled for wrapping my arms around him and stroking down the muscles on his back. His skin felt hot under my hands, but nowhere near as hot as he was making me.

I felt his kisses increase in force and passion and joined him in them, still trying to get my body closer to him. When he slid a finger inside me, to go with the teasing he was still doing to my clit, I had to break the kiss to gasp for breath. I was bucking against his hand now, trying to get him to fuck me with something. I wanted cock but his hand would do for the moment, I was so close, I just needed a little more of him to push me over the edge. He must have sensed it, because the rubbing increased in force and he started to fuck me with more fingers. It was too much and I cried out, scraping his back with my nails as I came harder than I had done for years.

He kept moving in and against me and I couldn't take it, having to push his hand away from my overly sensitised parts. I was breathing hard, my whole body still in overdrive from what he had done to me. One look in his eyes had me grinning at him, trying to say with a smile what I couldn't form the words for. That had been incredible. He was still holding me loosely and I relished the contract, but as I recovered I started to realise that I still wanted more.

There were a few inches of him I hadn't yet become acquainted with, and at the thought of that my pussy seemed to pulse, wanting to feel him inside. I wondered for a second if he could read my mind when he started to unzip his jeans, and I was suddenly alert, eager to see what would be revealed.

"A very good idea that. Now that I'm all warmed up I want to feel you in me."

I wasn't sure that he needed any help or encouragement, but I gave both, helping to strip him more for my own amusement than anything. His cock, when it was revealed, was perfect. Hard for me already, not too long or thick but beautifully made so I was going to feel every stroke. The thought of that had me being very obvious about what I wanted.

"Come over here and fuck me."

I certainly didn't sound demure or innocent, but fuck that, I wanted him too badly. I went to lay down on the bed, pulling him by the hand behind me, although I had no doubt that he would follow me now. He needed a release and I was going to enjoy every moment of him getting it just as much as he did. I watched him roll on a condom, pleased that I didn't have to ask, but annoyed that it took time before he lay down with me, or on top of me as it turned out.

He felt so good pressing down on top of me, and I spread my legs immediately, not able to wait. He started to kiss me again, and the fires inside me started to burn so hard I was shaking, but I got hold of his cock to guide it into me, having to move myself because he seemed to have frozen for a moment at the feel of my hand on him. As I felt him start to fill me it was wonderful, and his moan said he agreed. He kissed me as he took over the movement, and the twin connection was almost too much. I pushed back towards him, wanting to feel every bit of him buried inside me, making little excited noises that made him smile at me.

He started slow and it wasn't enough. I felt like we had been stuck in foreplay for far too long -- not tonight, but for months while I struggled to deny what I felt for him. When I stared to move faster he joined me, our hands exploring each other as we slammed our bodies together, our lips pressed together and tongues playing in a deep and passionate kiss. More than anything else, I enjoyed the feel of his buttocks flexing under my hands each time he thrust inside.

I was getting close, I knew it, and I tried to move so I could get the maximum penetration from him and the angle to grind myself against him. I could tell by his frantic panting and the odd face he was pulling, which was kind of sweet, that he was also close to coming, and if at all possible I wanted us to be together when it happened. When he worked his hand between us and started to rub my clit it was too much and I cried out as I came, and heard him coming only a moment later.

He lay on top of me when he finished, sweaty and panting, and I hugged him to me. That had been amazing, and I wasn't going to let him go if I had my way, I wanted a lot more of him. His little kisses as he recovered still turned me on no end, although I doubted he would be able to do anything about it even if I did get horny again. I smiled at him, seeing that he was smiling back.

"That was incredible," he said quietly. "Way better than I ever imagined."

"Yes, I know what you mean."

"'Have you been having indecent thoughts about me young lady?"

I laughed. Absolutely was the real answer, but I felt the need to tease him back.

"Maybe," I told him, grinning.

"'How long? I'm not complaining at all, but how did today come about after all this time?"

Time to confess, I guessed. He needed to know what had happened and how much I cared about him.

"A long time. Maybe not from the first moment, although I did think you were cute. When I started spending time with you at your house, especially all the time we spent alone. I wanted to stay and talk to you, even though I was kicking myself for it because it kind of felt like I was being unfaithful. In the beginning I tried to convince myself I was just enjoying a friendship, but I knew there was more to it than that. You were right about me not being able to trust myself around you. It was fine as long as I could convince myself I wouldn't let anything happen and you didn't want it to, but after that night..."

I stopped talking, not quite sure how to explain what I'd done since then because I knew it had hurt him that I stayed away, maybe even more now he knew that I'd wanted him too. He kissed me though, so hopefully he wasn't too upset.

"I am sorry about the way I handled that. I probably should have at least been sober, but I didn't think I would be able to pluck up the courage to say anything to you if I was. It didn't exactly go to plan."

"You don't have to apologise. I said you were right. I got angry with you because it was either that or throw myself at you and I couldn't have done that to Gary. I've wished a thousand times that I had been single when I met you, or I'd handled that whole situation better. I am really sorry for just running out on you and hurting you over the months I haven't seen you."

I had to kiss him then, to try and make up for that. I didn't know how he could be blaming himself, but he needed to know that wasn't what I felt. I was glad for the heart to heart, but even more glad to still be pressed into the bed by his gorgeous body. He moved, but didn't go far, and as soon as he settled down I lay alongside him, an arm and leg across his body so I could still be close, and he seemed glad I had but still wanted to talk.

"I'm just glad we got to this point, even if it did take a long time. Incidentally, how long have you been single?"

I laughed. It hadn't been long at all, but perhaps I should have faced up to things even sooner.

"'About five days. It took me a little while to work up the courage, and to be honest, James pretty much made me do it."

"I knew I liked him! Turns out he's not just good for my brother."

"Yeah. I think he wanted to sort out my love life seeing as I had sorted his out. I never told him how I felt about you, but he must have seen it somehow."

"So you two didn't talk about me?"

"Yes, of course, but not about what I was thinking. He knew I liked you, but I didn't say how much. I reckon he knew I wasn't entirely happy with my relationship and he thought you would be better for me, but I didn't even tell him exactly what our argument was about until today."

"And he sent you straight round once he was sure there was something between us we could work on?"

"I guess so. I suppose I made it clear I was thinking about you," I replied, blushing hard when I remembered what I had been thinking about him.

"What's embarrassing you?" he asked.

I was probably bright red, but I felt I should tell him.

"Well, when I was with him earlier, my mind kept drifting off. He definitely knew what I thought about you today and it was almost as if he could see what was going on in my head. Which was x-rated!"

"Oh, really! You'll have to tell me now so I can fulfil all your fantasies!"

"You just did what I was wanting, and it was fantastic! I might tell you some of my other fantasies later," I replied, grinning.

"I can't wait! By the way, you do realise you aren't single any more?"

I felt that comment go through me as a shudder of pleasure, so happy that he wanted to be with me. I didn't want him to be too aware of how turned on I was at the idea of being claimed, so I made a joke of it.

"I hoped I wasn't! I am going to have to leave you briefly though."

I had to kiss him before I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I could feel his eyes on me, and I lingered for a moment longer than I needed to. He was right outside the door when I got out of there, and he grabbed me and kissed me, so I hugged him and returned his kisses until he had to let me go.

"Get yourself sorted and come join me in bed. I need to sleep, but I want to do it with you holding me."

"Exactly what I was thinking. I won't be long."

I got back into the bed, surprised that I missed him being there with me, and making an obvious invitation for him to get back in there as soon as possible. I made him spoon up behind me. I was exhausted, but I needed to feel his body against mine and that was a wonderful way to do it, his arm resting over me. I was too tired even to appreciate it when he kissed my neck, causing me to shiver with pleasure.

"Sensitive spot?" he asked.

"Mmmm," was all I managed to say, worn out in the best possible way. I managed to give him a quick kiss before I snuggled down, so happy to be with him but no longer able to keep awake and appreciate it.

* * * * * *

I woke to the feeling of being held tight, for a moment not knowing where I was or who I was with, but it didn't take long for me to remember. John was kissing me, right on the spot that last night had caused me to shiver. Now it was waking me up in the best possible way, and turning me on at the same time. I moaned, so glad to still be in his arms and loving what he was doing to me.

I could feel his erection against my ass, and I pushed my body back up and into his, giving him an open invitation to do whatever he wanted, moaning as he continued to send waves of pleasure through me. That brought his dick closer to where I wanted it and I moved myself so I could take hold of it and slide it inside me, needing that increased connection right then. I heard him gasp but I didn't think he would complain, and almost as soon as I got him inside me he started to move, soon finding the perfect angle so we could work together at a lazy morning fuck.

This was good, the best wake up call I had ever had, but he was getting close, no longer nipping at my neck, but panting in my ear and speeding up his thrusts into me. He shocked me when he bit down on my shoulder, groaning his pleasure out as I felt him harden and then spill inside me. The feel of his teeth on me somehow made me come, and I buried my face in the pillow nearby as I cried out.

After a few moments of shaking I managed to roll over, wanting to see him and kiss him. Somehow we had missed out on that part so far and I needed that too. I was smiling, but he was looking rather worried, and I suddenly wondered whether he wanted what I did.

"What's wrong? Didn't you enjoy that?"

"God yes, it was fantastic, but we didn't use a condom."

"Well, I know I'm clean, and I'm on the pill. Does that help?"

He visibly relaxed then. "'Sorry, real life getting in the way of the fun there. I haven't had it in ages, I'm clean too. I think I was more panicked about the idea of kids after less than 24 hours together."

"It's okay, I got a bit carried away there too, but I wouldn't have done if there was no contraception involved. Or at least I hope I wouldn't. You made me too horny to think straight though."

Looking up at him after my comment, I knew my feelings were showing on my face, and he kissed me with passion, turning me on again. I realised we hadn't yet kissed today, even though we had already made love, but it didn't really feel like I had missed out until I got to have that as well. He withdrew a little, looking into my eyes.

"Sorry for biting you. Does it hurt?"

"A bit, but I really don't mind," I replied, blushing slightly. Perhaps I would leave discussing my few kinks with him for a later date.

"I thought I was going to scream and it was kind of automatic to stop myself. I'm amazed you didn't, although you did seem to be eating that pillow!"

I laughed with him then, but he had no idea how close he had come to making me scream, it was only awareness of where we were that had stopped me. That he had felt it so intensely as well just made me happy.

"I didn't fancy the idea of waking our neighbours with screams of pleasure either! Especially as they would take the piss."

James had teased me so much before we had gone to bed last night, that I really didn't want him having any more ammunition this morning. I was pretty sure John was thinking something similar, and we were both quiet until we heard something that made us both burst into laughter.

"Aah... James... YES!" came clearly through the wall from next door.

We giggled at that for a little while, both very amused that we'd just been discussing what the others might have heard and them then not being anywhere near as careful about the sounds of their lovemaking. I stopped laughing though when I saw the look in John's eyes. He was staring at me with such love, but he also looked slightly sad, and I worried about what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned about the answer.

He kissed me softly before responding.

"Absolutely nothing. I was just thinking how glad I was that this happened and making sure I remembered everything about you. I can't lose you again, it's too hard living without you, and now I've had a taste of what I've wanted for so long I don't ever want to go back to that."

I let out a breath, feeling my heart melt at what he was saying. It was his turn to look worried waiting for my reply, but there was only one I could give.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

It took him a moment to stop staring, absorbing what I had said, but it was obviously the right thing as he started to kiss me hard and he pulled my body as tight to him as he could. If he never let me go I would be happy, he'd been so right about me not being able to control myself around him. Now I had experienced what I had only ever been able to imagine before now, there was no way I was going back to hurting the pair of us by keeping us apart.

"I love you too," he whispered.

A grin spread across my face, knowing we both felt the same and that I could be with him. All the months apart had faded away and now this was my reality, in the arms of the man I loved and happier than I had ever been.

* * * *

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taxpapabobtaxpapabobover 14 years ago
From Theory to Practice

Sweet but HOT-HOT sex! Excellent description of a good start to a long-term passion presents the love you/hate you/love you complicated romance many of us have been lucky enough to enjoy. Great story -- needs a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Sizzzzzzzzzzzling HOT!

Damn, you smoked up the screen gf! I loved it. T'was fun, sexy, hot, humorous, sweet, charming! A love story that takes your breath away. Fabulous work dear... - Oh btw I like this story-a-day thingy you got going here. A story a day keeps the heartache away! :) And now I must go feed my dogs before I read John's POV before they decide to have me for supper for having them wait so long. Poor babies! Toodles.... Cat

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