Texting Turns to Sexting Ch. 03


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"That's a beautiful dress Hannah. I love the paisley, it reminds me of the old days of sex, drugs and rock and roll."

Hannah laughs, "Nan told me you were funny. Actually, I found this dress in a consignment store up in San Luis Obispo."

"I've heard San Luis Obispo is a charming college town. We should explore it this weekend."

"That would be fun. Nan says you are adventurous and travel quite a lot with the trailer."

"I am I guess. I've recently visited Big Sur, Morro Bay and Sequoia National Park. They would have been a lot more fun if you travelled with me. I have a comfy queen-size bed we can share."

"Oh Rob, you are too much. Although, that sounds like an offer to good to pass up. A queen size bed, you say?"

Nanette emerges from the trailer in her blue Hawaiian print dress. She looks stunning. I guess it's my turn to change. I have a surprise for the ladies. I don't take long to change and walk out carrying the blanket, towels and my backpack. I hand the items to the ladies and grab the cooler.

"Shall we go test the waters?"

Both ladies are smiling as we walk to the beach. I help Nan over the wooden fence that borders the park before turning my attention to Hannah. I grab her wide hips and help her navigate the fence. It takes a little extra time given her short stocky legs. Once over, I kiss her cheek and tell her good job. After we are past that hurdle, we head to the wide swath of sand. We walk by the sand dune that Nan and I occupied earlier today. I wink at her. She smiles. We almost have the beach to ourselves; there are a few people scattered about. This section of Pismo Beach is mostly inhabited by visitors who are camping in the park. We get situated and spread out the blanket and towels. I pull out another wine cooler and hand it to Hannah.

"Gee Rob, if I didn't know better, I'd say you are trying to get me a little tipsy? Think you can have your way with me after a few drinks? Not that it would be a bad thing."

I look over at Nan and she raises one eyebrow. I tell Hannah that I want to keep her hydrated. She giggles like a school girl. Nan takes off her sundress and I am happy to see her in her string bikini, showing a lot of skin. I wait for Hannah to disrobe wondering what she has on under the paisley coverup. I don't have to wait long. Hannah lifts the garment up and over her head. She is wearing a light blue one-piece suit with a low-cut front and cut out sides. Her huge tits are pushed up forming two soft pillows with plenty of side boob. Her skin tone is slightly tan. The swimsuit material seems to be some sort of Lycra that stretches around all her curves, and there are plenty to stretch around. From her big boobs to her round tummy to her wide rear end, the suit displays all her bulges.

It's time for my unveiling. I unzip my cargo shorts and push them down to reveal my flower print speedo. It's barely big enough to contain my cock and balls. In fact, my thick shaft is pressed sideways along the front. My cock creates an impressive bulge that Nan takes notice right away. The expression on her face is priceless.

"Come on ladies, time to take a dip."

We walk out to the water's edge hand in hand with me in the middle. Nan squeezes my hand extra tight as she stares at the bulge in my bathing suit. Hannah lets go of my hand and prances into the ocean up to her knees. Nan and I stay back and let the waves wrap around our ankles.

"So, Rob, that's a cute little number you're wearing today. Did you pick it up on Amazon? It looks to be a few sizes too small."

"You like? I was thinking about wearing a banana hammock, but the speedo shows off so much more."

"It does indeed. I'd like to know what your thought process was in choosing this look? Oh my god."

"Well, I think if I show Hannah what I'm packing, without getting myself arrested, she might take the bait, so to speak and want to explore more possibilities. Do you think she noticed?"

"Do I think she noticed? Rob, she's been staring at your package the entire time. What's not to notice?"

We look out to Hannah who just turned in our direction before a big wave rolls in waist high. She jumps as the surprise breaker washes over her. She seems to be staring right at my crotch.

"Tell you a secret. I took a couple of Viagra at lunch, so I would stay erect all afternoon. I think I accomplished my goal, my cock is super hard right now. It feels like I might explode any moment."

"You've got to be kidding Rob? Two Viagra? Are you nuts? Well, if we weren't on a public beach, I'd throw you down and mount that thick shaft right now. But we're on a public beach, so what can I do? Oh my god."

"Give me blow job back at the trailer?"

"You are too cute. Oh my god. I'll tell you one thing, you can certainly tell that you are circumcised. You know that speedo is almost obscene?"

"Yeah, I know. Isn't it great?"

"If you hadn't given me an orgasm already today, I would be a little miffed. As it is, I'm doing all I can to avoid grabbing your cock right now."

Nan and I wade further into the surf. I move in the direction of Hannah as another wave breaks and splashes around my waist. I catch my breath as the water hits my cock and covers my speedo. The wet material enhances my boner even more. I grab Hannah by the waist, or should I say love handles for a quick kiss on the mouth. She doesn't back away.

Next, I turn and rush over to Nanette and do the same. She slips her tongue into my mouth as our lips touch. She reaches down, grabs my shaft through my speedo and squeezes for three or four seconds before releasing her grip. The three of us cavort in the ocean for another ten minutes or so, before returning to our blanket and towels.

Nan dries herself and lays down on her stomach to soak up the rays. After Hannah dries herself, I suggest that we protect her with a little sun screen.

"That's very thoughtful Rob. Thanks."

I instruct her to kneel on her towel and let me apply some lotion to her shoulders. I grab the bottle of SPF30 from my backpack and provide Hannah with another wine cooler. I kneel behind her and dribble some lotion along the top of her shoulders. My hands work the lotion into her skin as I massage her muscles like a true professional masseuse. I protect her back and then continue to massage her shoulders.

"Mmm, Rob you have a magic touch. A girl can get used to this kind of treatment."

"It's all part of the service Hannah."

I look over to Nanette. She is resting comfortably. By the look of her gentle breathing, she may even be asleep.

It's time to see if Hannah is game. I drizzle sunblock all along the smooth skin of her exposed breasts. I rub and massage and squeeze the top portion of her tits. I spend a lot of time slowly manipulating the soft pillows. I use my fingers to trace lines back and forth just above the top of her swim suit. I pour some lotion on my hands and distribute it all around her side boobs. I rub and pinch and move the sunblock around her sensitive areas. So far there is no resistance.

I take my actions one step further by dipping my hands down each breast until my fingers are several inches underneath her Lycra top. I move my hands side to side to stimulate her tits. It's time to add a little vocal stimulation.

I whisper, "Hannah, I love your soft boobs. They are so big and round. I've been a big boob fan all my life, and yours are by far the most incredible boobs I've ever touched."

Hannah sighs and places her hands on mine. I take that as a signal to move further. I dip my fingers lower searching out her nipples. I feel a difference in her skin and know I have reached her areole. I dip even lower and feel the soft bumps of her nipples. They are hard little pebbles; she is definitely stimulated.

Again, I whisper in her ear, "Your nipples are so hard. I would love to kiss and suck them between my lips."

Hannah purrs as I run my fingertips back and forth over her erect nipples. This is enough stimulation for now, I want to leave her hanging. I glide my hands side to side as I pull them up and away from her bathing suit. Again, Hannah groans. I continue to massage the exposed skin of her breasts and squeeze the upper mounds before letting go.

"I think your wonderful breasts are protected from the sun. Thank you for letting me help you."

I nuzzle the side of her neck as I slide my hands up and down along her sides. I move my hands all the way up to her side boobs and back down again over her bulges and end at her wide hips. She is now putty in my hands. I suggest that she lay down, so I can protect her legs.

Hannah complies with my request and lays down on her back. I move to her side and load up my palms with sunscreen. I place my hands at the top of her thighs, just below her swimsuit. I nudge her thighs ever so slightly and she parts her legs a few inches. The lotion spreads easily as I use my fingers to massage her inner thighs. There is a lot of flesh to play with. I notice a fair amount of hair escaping from her suit on both sides of her pussy. It's thick, black and curly. I realize Hannah is a natural girl. I visualize a very hairy pussy that has yet to see the sharp edge of a razor.

The more I rub and massage her inner thighs, the more she spreads her legs. I detect a wet spot forming on her light blue suit. She is enjoying my touch. Hannah's pussy is responding. The spot grows larger as I concentrate on her thighs. I let my pinky slide along the crease between her cunt lips and thighs. With every pass, I move my finger a little closer to her mound. As a final gesture, I blatantly cup her puffy outer lips with my palm and move my hand up her torso as I lay down next to her.

"You have such a beautiful body Hannah. I'm glad you are here."

She sighs and closes her eyes, almost drifting off to sleep. I close my eyes and rest with two lovely ladies on either side of me. I drift in and out of consciousness for the better part of an hour. My cock has remained erect this entire time, partly from handling Hannah's tits and partly from the Viagra. I think about one more test for Hannah. I move closer to Hannah and press my thigh against her thigh. I readjust my cock within my speedo and point it straight up my body. Four inches of my thick shaft are now exposed. The tip is leaking a small amount of pre-cum. I'm counting on no other people walking by our encampment.

I lay still wondering if Hannah will notice a special treat just for her. Several minutes pass by and Hannah is still. She has a measured breathing pattern and I think she may be sleeping. I move her left hand and place it on my exposed shaft. Meanwhile, Nanette is laying on the other side of me. She is dead to the world and not privy to my exploits.

I'm content to wait for Hannah to find her prize. This stunt could lead all sorts of problems, or it could be the turning point of the Hannah seduction. I find myself getting drowsy. This mid-afternoon sun is like a sleeping aid for all of us. Fifteen minutes down the line, I feel movement on my shaft. A slight squeeze turns into a solid tug. The movement stirs me, and I open my eyes to see Hannah looking over at my cock. Her hand is firmly wrapped around my shaft. She looks up to me and our eyes lock. She smiles. I think my plan is panning out.

Hannah releases her grip, moves onto her side facing me and uses her right hand to grasp my cock. She slides her hand down to the base of my cock and my entire shaft is exposed; all seven inches. Hannah tightens her grip and begins to jack me off. This is turning out better than expected. She adjusts her hand and pushes my speedo down, freeing my balls in the process. Hannah cups my balls and rolls them around her fingers before grasping my shaft again and pumping my cock.

I look her in the eyes, "Hannah, your touch feels so good."

"I've been staring at your cock all afternoon. I can't believe how big you are, and so hard. I didn't think you were this big. Is it OK if I play with you for a while?"

"It's more than OK. What if Nanette sees us? Do you think she will join us?"

"I have a feeling she might. When we talk about our husbands' lack of attention, I get the feeling she might be up for something like this. I hope she is. I would like to touch her body. She has such nice boobs."

"I hope so too Hannah. I hope so too."

Hannah continues to stroke my cock for several more minutes, before I take it to the next level.

"Hannah, I would love to eat your pussy. Do you think we could do that back in my trailer? Maybe after dinner?

Hannah smiles and shakes her head yes, all the while never letting go of my cock. I let her tug my shaft for a few more minutes, before grabbing her wrist and telling her we should probably get back to my trailer. She looks a little disappointed but understands my decision. I tuck my cock back into my speedo and adjust my shaft to the side.

Hannah sits up and pulls the top of her one-piece down, exposing her tits for me. They are huge as I assumed. They are like overfilled water balloons, big and round and sagging down her chest. Her areole are pale pink and must be five or six inches in diameter. She has small pencil eraser nipples. Little bumps on these massive mounds of skin. Just as I get an eyeful, she pulls her top back up and winks. I believe Hannah is going to be a fun playmate.

Nanette is still comatose. I roll over and rub her back. My hand travels down to her bottom and I squeeze full ass cheeks over and over. I run my fingers along her crease and squeeze her cheeks again. She begins to stir and looks over to me.

"What time is it?"

I let her know it is close to four o'clock. I keep my hand on her ass as she shakes the cobwebs from her brain.

"I must have fallen asleep. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I have a few things to tell you. Let's just say my plan is working perfectly. I'll fill you in back at camp."

Nan looks down at my cock. She reaches over and rubs my shaft.

"Does it have anything to do with this?"

I grin and shake my head. We take our time getting situated. The ladies stand and stretch before putting on their clothes. I stand up and step in my shorts. We sort out the cooler, towels and blanket and then head back to space 07.

Back at camp, I light the briquettes and get the barbecue started. We're cooking chicken tonight. There is more than enough to feed three hungry souls. I let the ladies change in the trailer while I start a fire in the pit. Every so often I hear giggles and laughter from inside the trailer. I'm sure they are laughing at my expense. They are probably making comments about my choice of swimwear. I don't care, it did its intended job.

The ladies emerge from the trailer all smiles and holding hands. They are both wearing long tee shirt dresses and it's obvious they are braless. I can detect hard nipples on both ladies. Nan walks up to me and plants a hard kiss on my lips.

"Hannah told me what you did. Playing with her tits and then letting her stroke your cock. You are so bad. Oh my god. I guess we have a date in your trailer after dinner."

"We don't have to wait. I can bend you over the table right now and take you from behind. This hard cock needs a warm pussy."

"Cool your jets, big guy. Oh my god. Don't worry, you'll be taken care of. It's a good thing I brought extra vibrators. It looks like you'll get your threesome after all. Oh my god."

Nanette walks off to the lady's restroom. Hannah hands me a wine cooler and we clink our bottles. She is all smiles. We stand next to the fire pit warming our bodies. I wrap my hand around her waist and cup her hanging right tit. I squeeze her pliant flesh and pinch her hard nipple.

"Rob, I told Nan all about our time at the beach. I hope you don't mind, I couldn't keep it to myself. I told her you rubbed sunscreen all over my body and then played with my boobs. I said your hands felt good on my body. I was hoping something like that would happen. I also said I touched your cock and rubbed it up and down. She wanted to know what your cock looked like and how it felt. She admitted she stared at the big bulge in your speedo and wondered what it would be like to hold. Nan said it might be fun to get you naked tonight and play around, but we can never tell our husbands."

"Wow, she said that. Are you OK with the three of us being together? I know you and Nan are close friends. I don't want anything to ruin that friendship."

"Yeah, we'll be OK. Wait until you see her boobs. They are so round, and her nipples are really pink and pointy. I've seen them before when we were topless at Avila Beach once. In the trailer when we changed, her nipples were hard and stuck out at least a half inch. I think I want to touch them. I hope you don't think I'm strange or something."

"Not at all Hannah. I think it is perfectly normal for women to experiment with each other. I can't wait to see her boobs, if they are just like you described them. Wow. Pink nipples you said?"

"Yep, bright pink and really hard. I think I want to suck on them."

"Me too. And I want to play with your boobs. They are so big and so soft. And I told you before, I want to lick your pussy. Tonight, should be fun."

Yes indeed, tonight will be epic. First, a little barbecue and then the fireworks will begin. I can't wait.

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RobAnthony53RobAnthony53over 5 years agoAuthor

The ‘Oh my god’ is based on a lady I know who actually talks this way. It’s a bit of a flaw, I know. But she said I could use it in my story. And, by the way, she really does have pink, pointy nipples that are constantly erect.

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69over 5 years ago

This is going to be a very good story when you finish it! The lucky fella gets to play with two women now! Can't get much better than that! I'm assuming that lucky fella is you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Agree with other person. The oh my god comments are annoying, otherwise it’s a good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

stop saying 'oh my god' so much

otherwise, good

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