Thank God for Irish Women Ch. 05


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She bowed her head and thought for a moment.

"Patrick and I were at a friend's house for a swim party. One of his friends was on the diving board and didn't see a girl who was swimming under it. When he dove in, he hit the girl and it knocked her unconscious. Patrick and a buddy jumped in and pulled her out. We called 911 because she wasn't breathing. One of the parents was trained in CPR, and she had her breathing again after a minute or so. The girl was eventually okay but was taken to the emergency room to be checked out. That badly scared all of us. I've no idea why I dreamed about that incident."

"Patrick was a hero for pulling her out."

"I suppose he was. You know, I catch myself thinking about the little things he did and how he talked and his facial expressions. Maybe in my dreams I do the same thing. Just random experiences with no real meaning."

"I think it'll be like that for a long time. Your memories of him were wide and deep. There was great love between you two, and no one can just move on and forget something that was perfect."

"Matt, please don't interpret my thinking and dreaming of Patrick to be more than just that. I know you're different and I know that you love me. But you'll never compete with Patrick because you don't need to. You're perfect in your own way, and I'm looking ahead with you, not back with Patrick. Am I making any sense?"

"Yes, you are."

"I realize more and more that you were right. I just can't turn the corner and move on as easily as I claimed. Just because I've had much misery to overcome, it doesn't get easier to suck it up and move on. Please have patience with me."

"Emily, you're now the focus of my life. I'll have infinite patience with you, I promise. But, I can't read your mind so we need to talk when you're hurting. I might be able to help."

"And if I talk in my sleep again, please let me know right away. I never knew I was doing that."

"I promise, unless it's X-rated."

"Oh no. Have I used bad language in my sleep?"

"Not yet."

"Good. Stop laughing Matt. This is not funny!" But then she smiled.

"It's 6:30... we need to get a move on."


Sharply at 8:00 we were outside the hotel when a very large white Ford F-350 Super Duty pickup with a king cab pulled up and Jodi jumped out. "Hey guys," she said as her feet hit the ground.

Emily replied, "Hi Jodi. That's a massive truck."

"Yeah, it is but Clint needs it for his job."

Clint came around the front of the truck and smiled as Jodi introduced us. He was a sharp looking guy, maybe an inch or so taller than I and had that lean, chiseled look of a real cowboy. Not the kind of person you want to cross.

Jodi surprised me with a brief hug, and Emily did the same with Clint. The king cab had plenty of room in the back seat, and we were off in just a minute. The talk was all about the nightclub and how much fun we would have.

Clint said, "We have many friends who'll be there and they'll want to dance with you two. Jodi tells me you need a lesson so we'll do that first. Our friends are into fun, and the dancing is just an excuse to socialize and drink beer. Emily, we know you're only 19 but I promise you'll have fun."

When we arrived at the club, the parking lot was nearly full. I never imagined it would be that busy. We checked in by showing our licenses and receiving the proper wristbands.

Clint and Jodi appeared to be the resident party animals as many couples came to greet them and to be introduced to us. All were in a lively mood, and the music was loud and the beer flowing. Emily ordered a non-alcoholic beer, and I had a soda. Jodi and Clint had beers.

Jodi took my hand, and we walked to the floor to join the other fifty or so people doing various versions of the Texas Two Step to the music of George Strait.

Fortunately, it came back to me quickly and we had a blast with improvised turns and swings. She was a great dancer and always had a smile even when I flubbed a step.

I looked around to find Clint and Emily. He had her over to the side teaching her the dance. Jodi and I paused long enough to watch as she first struggled but then, with Clint's excellent coaching, caught on fast. In a moment, she nailed it and was doing moves that I'm sure she already knew from her cheerleading days. Jodi and I walked over and joined them.

Emily saw us coming and exclaimed, "Jodi, he's a great teacher!"

Clint immediately responded, "Naww, she's a natural. This young lady can dance. Why don't you and Matt go show us what you can do."

We walked onto the floor and joined the dance underway. I had to admit... Emily was very good. I made more move errors than she, and she had just learned the dance. I was frustrated with myself, but we had fun and stayed on the floor for the following Clay Walker song. I noticed Clint and Jodi on the floor near us, and they were, as the old saying goes, poetry in motion... easily the best dancers there.

For the next hour, it was one guy after another coming over to ask Emily to dance. Every time I stopped to catch my breath, another lady would show up to dance with me. We were having a wonderful time.

Clint was always nearby and would occasionally jump in and sweep Emily away without warning from some of the guys. I asked Jodi about that.

"Clint had a problem with one guy who's here, and he doesn't want Emily to dance with him or his two friends. They think they're God's gift to women, and a dance with them is one grope after another. I made the mistake of dancing with him, and I left the floor crying. Clint caught up with the guy in the parking lot and roughed him up. Tonight, Emily is his target it seems. Don't worry. Clint and our buddies see what's going on and they'll handle it. Security is also closely watching the guys."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll watch for her as well."

By 10:30, the night was wearing down for us. Emily was on the floor with one of Clint's pals and seemed to be having a great time laughing and joking with him and another couple dancing near them. I was talking to Jodi and Clint at our table when we heard a woman loudly yell over the music. I looked up and saw Emily in the middle of a fracas. She and another woman were tearing into a man.

Clint and I ran to her and saw Emily pounding the hell out of that asshole as he lay prone on the floor with his hands over his face. We were told that he had come behind her while she was dancing and fondled her breasts. After she and her battle buddy tore into him, Clint's pal decked him, and security rushed in to take over after allowing Emily a few more punches. He was obviously drunk, and security dragged and carried him out the door, along with his two friends. His nose and eye were bleeding.

Tim, the guy dancing with Emily at the time, apologized. "Emily, I'm as sorry as I can be. I saw him coming up behind you, but I never thought he'd do something like that."

She replied, "Tim, it's not your fault. There are just some unpredictable pigs in the world." Emily hugged the woman who helped her kick the guy's butt and learned that she was a retired U.S. Army MP.

Several couples and many women came by to apologize to Emily for what happened. Although they were not friends of his, they were embarrassed it occurred on their home turf. Emily was livid that it happened, but very appreciative of everyone's support and comments about her impressive fighting ability. I thanked Tim for slugging the man and he assured me it was his pleasure. Evidently, the pig didn't have many friends, at that club anyway.

After hanging out another 30 minutes, we called it a night. Emily and I were exhausted, but we walked around to bid farewell to all our new friends. Emily and I must have hugged or shook hands with 20 people we had met. It was a remarkable night despite the groping Emily suffered.

Clint and I walked the girls to the truck. As we approached it, I felt a blinding pain on the side of my head. My next memory wouldn't be until three days later.

The End of Chapter 5

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