Thank God for Irish Women Ch. 11


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I glanced at Emily, and it was as though she was in a trance. Total shock would be an accurate description.

Emily exclaimed, "That's ridiculous! You're lying to me. She was very much against the British Army occupation of the northern counties. She never would have sided with them and against the IRA."

"Emily, that's what she told you and she did believe that at one time. But, there was an IRA bombing in 1987 that changed her mind. It was called the Remembrance Day bombing on November 8 in Enniskillen. There were 11 civilians killed and 63 injured by a Provisional IRA bomb. These were totally innocent people, not the British Army.

"A wounded father of a little girl who was killed gave a very emotional plea on the BBC expressing his forgiveness of the killers and asking Loyalists not to seek revenge. That convinced Keira that the IRA was just a gang of cold-blooded killers and not the patriots she had thought."

"Never did I hear Mom say anything negative against the IRA. Not once!" she screamed. "You're lying to me!" I could tell she was very angry as she stood, pointed to the door and yelled, "GET OUT!"

"Please hear me out Emily. If she had said anything and it leaked out that she was against the IRA, you and she would be in extreme danger. She agreed to go undercover and work with us to find and stop as much of the money flowing from the States to the IRA as possible. We will prove that to you in just a moment."

Emily was dumbfounded. She sat and reached for my hand.

"Her job at the Irish Consulate and her social contacts through Sean's band members put her in contact with many IRA sympathizers. That was key to disrupting the flow of funds from drug operations."

Agent Hennessey continued, "I was working out of LA when she was killed in June, 2007. The Bureau immediately asked me to look into her death to see whether there was reason to believe it was not an accident. I worked with Agent Jackson, and our findings were inconclusive. However, there's now been a break in the case that we need your help to investigate."

Agent Norris continued, "The reason we're telling you this is that we have found on your old computer a note from your mother that was never opened after it was written. We know this note was intended for you. It was buried in your music files, not the documents folder. Your mom must have known you would find it there."

"Yeah, I was always playing music on my laptop and would have seen it, I'm sure."

Agent Hennessey said, "Your mom's cell phone was never found, as you know. That was one of the reasons we were suspicious. Agent Jackson led a team that searched for it. We had AT&T review their records and discovered the text message sent to you the night of her death. Until yesterday, we didn't think anything of it." He opened his notebook and read. "The text message said, 'Em, Let's have a tea party. Lv u. C'."

Emily gasped and began whimpering. I moved to put my arm around her as she wept. The agents gave her a few moments to compose herself.

"This now looks like it was a coded message that we should have investigated but didn't. The file on your computer was titled 'Tea Party.' Does that mean anything to you?" Agent Hennessey asked.

Emily wiped her tears. She looked at me and nodded her head.

"Mom and I made up a set of codes to use in case I was ever kidnapped or in trouble. She always worried about that happening, but I never knew why. One of the codes was 'tea party' and that meant our next tea party would be in Heaven. She wanted me to know that she was about to be murdered."

Agent Hennessey replied, "So she knew she was going to die and used that code thinking her killer wouldn't be concerned about that text message."

Emily replied, "Yes. That was the reason for the code words we made up. It was our own little language. 'Tea party' was for death. She always said that our happiest tea party would be in Heaven."

"Her given name was Keira. Why did she sign it with a 'C'?" asked Agent Norris.

"Her middle name in Irish was Cathleen. She was named for Saint Catherine. That was also a code and confirmation that she sent the message. My middle name is Keira, and I was to use a 'K' on any coded note to her. She used the code that she wanted me to use if I was in that situation."

"Can you recall for us all the events of that day?" asked Agent Norris.

"That day is burned in my memory forever. It was June 20th, 2007, and I was visiting with my friend Trish all day. We had gone to the mall and then to a movie. I spent the night with her since Mom would be home very late. Mom was working and planned to be at a party for one of the visiting diplomats that evening. She often was called on to help entertain visitors from Ireland or Europe."

"Where was Darren, your stepdad?"

"He was working from home that day. He often did."

"Did you have your cell phone with you?"

She paused and said, "I started to say yes but I don't think I did. I had been having trouble with it, and my stepdad took it to the AT&T store to have it fixed that day, as I recall. I know I did have it the next day because many of my friends called."

"And her text message was not on it the next day?"

"No it wasn't." The agents glanced at one another.

Agent Hennessey said, "This note was saved on your computer June 19th, the day before her death. The last activity showing in the memory was early in the morning of June 21st after she was dead. The motherboard died that same time. Were you using the computer when it suddenly quit working?"

"No, I didn't notice it until several days later. Mom's death was the only thing on my mind and I didn't try to use the computer for two or three days. I do remember my mom asking to use it to look up something the night of the 19th. She often borrowed mine because she said she liked it and hers was for business."

Agent Norris cautioned, "Emily, this note that she left for you will be painful for you to read. I'm sorry to ask you to do it here. There are some comments in it that we don't understand, but you might."

She nodded, and I could see her chin quivering.

Agent Norris looked at me. "I'm sorry to do this to her, Matt."

He opened the notebook and pulled out two sheets and handed them to her. I read along with her.

"Dearest Em,

"I think my days are numbered, and I want to leave this note for you in case I'm right. I love you with all my heart, and I assure you that we will be together in Heaven someday. I never took you to church, and I'm sorry for that. I do believe in God, and Jesus and I want you to become a believer also.

"I'm working for the US Government and the Irish Government to track and expose efforts in the States and Ireland that fund actions by the IRA in Northern Ireland and England. I have been doing this for eighteen years. Although the Troubles are now over, the IRA is still funneling funds from drug sales here to their political parties.

"Sean accidentally discovered what I was doing and left me when you were five. He did not run off with another woman as I told you. He was sympathetic to the IRA efforts. Thankfully, he never exposed me, probably because he loved you so much. He returned to Ireland and is now terribly addicted to drugs. Please do not try to contact him. He is pure trouble.

"For the last three days, someone has been following me. I think I'm in serious danger and could be killed and want you to know many things before I die. I have reported this to my FBI contact.

"This work has put me at risk many times. I tried to raise you so that you would be as independent and self-sufficient as possible when I'm gone. I know you are mentally tough and a very hard worker. Had I pampered you and satisfied all your material desires like your friends' parents did, you would never have become tough and self-sufficient.

"My employers have been very generous over the years and that money is waiting for you in a safe deposit box that only you know about. Think about our tea parties and it will come to you. Please use some of the money to pay for Stanford and your living needs until you have that great job I know you will get one day.

"There are many personal documents and letters in the box that only you should see. There are also documents that I want you to give to Agent David Hennessey who is at the FBI office in Los Angeles. Only he is to see these documents. I do not trust one of the other agents I've worked with. David is a dear friend and you can trust him.

"Em, we will all die and be held responsible for our actions one day. I pray that you will live your life to the fullest and not be ashamed to stand before God when your day comes. You have not had it easy, but I trust you will understand some day why I made it difficult for you.

"I never told you about my parents. It was too painful for me to do that as I let them down. I ran away from them and let my heart overrule my head. I turned my back on them, and they didn't deserve the pain I caused. I have been too ashamed to go home to Dublin, but I hope you do. They need and deserve your love. Darren knows how to contact them.

"Darren doesn't know about this note because I don't trust him. It hurts to say that. There are some things that he's said and done that I won't explain here. The details are in the papers you are to give to Agent Hennessey.

"Please use some of the money I left to move out of our house as quickly as possible. Don't forget to take your favorite toys, especially the tea service, and teach your daughters the way I taught you. Your grandparents will be very happy to have you live with them. They are wealthy, and they love you very much.

"I know you are serious about Patrick, and I hope that works out for you. But, trust with your mind and not with your heart, as I did. As I learned, people are not often all they seem to be.

"I hope I'm wrong and we can laugh about this together someday. I love you and know that you will have a wonderful and full life. I trust that you will make a difference in the world, as I tried to do. Evil can never be allowed to win.

I will always pray for you and be there in your heart. Remember our great times and infinite love for each other.

"With all my love,


After we read it and Emily was again composed, Agent Hennessey added, "We haven't found the safe deposit box key and have no clue where the box is located. Do you have any idea?"

After sitting there for at least a minute looking down at the note on the table, Emily asked whether she and I could talk privately. That seemed to surprise the agents but they agreed and walked outside into the hallway.

"Matt, I don't want to tell them which bank has the box. There's something very wrong about this. Can we get an attorney and negotiate an agreement with them concerning the contents of the box? I want the things that Mom left for me, but they can have the documents she left for Agent Hennessey. I'm afraid they'll want to take everything, despite Mom's wishes. There are clearly documents in that box that are only for me to see."

"Why do you think there's something wrong?"

"It's just a feeling. Please, Matt. There's something wrong. I can't put my finger on it, but I believe they're covering up something. I don't want to take a chance."

"Does the content of the letter seem to be something your mom would write?"

"Very much so. There were many of the same phrases she always said to me. It's her letter, at least most of it. I could feel her presence as I read it."

"Let me find an attorney to represent you."

I went to the door and asked the agents to return. Emily told them her decision to hire an attorney and develop a formal binding agreement concerning the box. Surprisingly, they understood and didn't argue.

Agent Hennessey said, "Emily, your mom loved you more than life. Based on this document and what you said, we believe she was murdered and there are people still at large who did it. They have a great deal of interest in the contents of this box. We believe this puts you at risk until that box is opened and the documents are reviewed.

"Your mother was always guarded with her analyses. I think she was concerned about implicating people before there was solid proof established that they were guilty. I reviewed all her reports for the last several weeks of her life and found nothing that would indicate the reason for people to suddenly be following her. We also have nothing to indicate that she contacted the Bureau for help, although the note said she did. Her contact during that time died of natural causes last year so we can't ask him.

"We now believe she discovered something major that resulted in her death. We just don't know what it is. We want to provide 24-hour protection for you starting tonight until that box is opened, and the documents reviewed. Do you understand and agree?"

Emily glanced at me before replying, "Yes. But who else knows about this box?"

Agent Norris replied, "Unfortunately many people do. Our real concern is that someone working within the Bureau may be compromised. We've had other indications of that in the last couple of years. But we don't know who it is."

"Maybe that's why Mom wanted only Agent Hennessey to see the documents."

"That's likely the case," replied Agent Norris. "There are nine other agents your mom worked with during 2004 to 2007. She might have been implicating any of them in this note.

"Emily, we've assigned two special security men to move into the room next door. They'll work 12-hour shifts and accompany you anywhere you go until such time that you're comfortable with us reviewing the contents of that box."

Agent Hennessey added, "Emily, you were only six or seven the last time I saw you. It's very clear to me tonight that you've grown to be just like Keira. That's a wonderful thing. I'm very sorry that we lost her, and I don't want to lose you. Please do exactly what our two security guys say at all times."

"I will. Thank you, sir."

Agent Norris called the room next door and asked Jason, the 8:00 pm to 8:00 am bodyguard to come over. We were introduced to him and Agent Norris described his military background and experience working for the FBI. We were very impressed. He was one tough dude.

I asked, "How did you know that Emily would need protection tonight?"

Hennessey responded, "She made the exact decision her mom would have made about obtaining a lawyer."

Emily smiled. "You did know her well."

After the agents left and Jason returned to his room, Emily said, "I wish Mom had told me what concerned her about my stepdad. She never said a word to me about him."

"Maybe there's something in the box about that."

"I hope so. Do you think she was cautioning me about Patrick?"

"I doubt that. You said she liked him and his parents."

"But why would she tell me to think with my mind and not my heart? And why did she add the comment that people are often not what they seem?"

"Could it be that her investigation had revealed something about the marijuana deal he was doing? Did she know or suspect something about the money being used for IRA terrorists' activities?"

"I don't think Patrick would have been involved with it three years ago. It seemed to me from what he said that he was involved only for the last year. Maybe I'm wrong."

"I think it's interesting that the FBI doesn't trust their own agents."

"I still can't believe Mom was working against the IRA. She never, ever said anything negative about them to me."

"It's probably like Agent Hennessey said, she was afraid of being exposed and putting you at risk."

"I must read about the Remembrance Day bombing. I've never heard of it."

"I will too. I knew such things happened but don't know anything about that one."

"Gosh, there are so many bad things that could happen."


Emily was very tense and emotional all evening. She kept going over her mom's note. We sat up in bed and talked until well after midnight. She eventually told me everything she knew.

"The bank they're searching for is a Bank of America branch on Lytton Avenue in Palo Alto. Mom set up a small checking account there for me when I turned 16. The tea party Mom mentioned refers to a wonderful tearoom just around the corner from that bank. We used to go there often and buy tea that she drank when she was a girl in Ireland. I never knew Mom had a safe deposit box in the bank, but she must have."

"Did anyone know you had an account there?"

"Not as far as I know."

"I'll ask my boss to recommend an attorney for you. I'll call you tomorrow with the name. You should get in touch with his or her office and schedule an appointment... the sooner the better. Please tell them everything you can since you may need their representation later."

"Can you come with me?"

"Sweetheart, I'm so tied up with this project, I just can't. If you want to conference me in during the discussion, send a text message, and I'll call you."

We were exhausted and able to sleep only a few hours.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ron recommended a friend of his who was a defense attorney and had been very successful defending business people in the computer industry against FBI charges. He sounded perfect for us. Emily called his office and was able to set up a meeting for later that day. Brad, the daytime bodyguard, would take her.

A few minutes after the end of our team meeting, Jeri called to tell me that Linda Sue had arrived. I walked to the conference room and entered with some trepidation.

"OH LORDY!" Linda Sue loudly exclaimed. She stood and walked quickly to me.

"You look great, Matthew. I've missed you." We kissed each others' cheeks and hugged. She still wore that same perfume I remembered.

"Linda Sue, you look wonderful, as always. I've missed you too. I had no idea you were working out here."

"Yeah! What about that? When I left Tech, I went to work with the Department of the Navy in their nuclear development labs. They initiated a project with Precision and I was asked to move out here. I work at a lab a couple of miles away and love it."

"I knew you were destined for big things. It's great to see you again and maybe work together on this development."

"When did you begin here?"

"This is my first week."

"Ah, a newbie. Welcome to the zoo. We've got to get together for dinner one night," she said with a sly grin and a twinkle in her eye. She whispered in her cute sexy voice, "I've been under a lot of pressure recently."

All I could say was, "I'd love to." Maybe I could tell her about Emily during the lunch break.

We had a productive meeting. Linda Sue reviewed recent innovations in energy storage and a nanotechnology application that would later prove to be critical to our drone success. She became a formal consultant to our team, with the blessings of the Navy since they were also interested in drones. Several of us met with her during lunch and that prevented a private conversation.

Linda Sue had to leave mid-afternoon for a meeting at her lab, and we agreed to meet again on Monday. I walked her to the car where she surprised me with an insistent lip-locking kiss.

"Matt, I'd love to be with you again. God, you were the best lover ever." She reached down and began to rub me through the trousers. "Can we get together this weekend?"

"Linda Sue, I'm engaged now and just can't. Please understand."

She frowned and looked hard into my eyes. "You're engaged?"

"I'm sorry," I whined. She frowned even more.

"I should've stayed in touch with you, Matt. I let you get away, and truly regret that."

"It just wasn't meant to be, I suppose."

"I'd love to meet her sometime," she pleaded.

"I don't think that'll work. Having a former lover and a current lover in the same room would be awkward."

"Damn it, Matt." She glared at me and shook her head. "Okay. I tried."