Thanksgiving with Family


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Running out of breath, I lifted my head again and then for the next few minutes just pumped about half of his cock in and out of my mouth. My hands reached around him and I grabbed his firm ass in my small hands, squeezing his solid butt in my hands, pulling him even tighter into my face.

Rick reached down and I could feel his hand on my boobs through the thick sweatshirt. It was better than if I had a bra on but still not the best so I lifted up my sweatshirt high enough for him to touch my bare breasts. His fingers pinched my nipples, sending little shocks through my boobs and chest.

"Stand up," he ordered me in a stern voice.

I was several years older but he still viewed himself as the guy and thus "in charge". The reality was he would do anything I told him to do but for now, if it made him feel better to think he was dominating me, that was OK. After all, who had their most tender organ between my teeth! Dropping his cock, I stood up and wiped the spit from my mouth, grinning at him like the cat who just got the canary.

"Something you want my horny cousin?" I teased him, holding his warm cock in my hand as I faced him. It was sort of odd in that both of us were standing with our jeans down around our ankles. My sweatshirt fell down and covered my chest again and he still had on his flannel shirt.

"Yeah, like you don't want it too you dirty slut!" he said, grabbing me by the waist and spinning me around to face away from him. I almost tripped on my jeans and we both laughed for a moment before getting serious again.

"Bend over," he said, again with the strength of his mistaken authority. Dutifully I bent over in response. No matter what he might think, though, it wasn't because he told me to but rather because I wanted to.

"God, what a fucking ass!" he moaned as I felt his stiff dick pressing up against my bare butt. His hands roamed over my smooth exposed bottom and he squeezed my firm ass cheeks in his large hands.

"Fuck me Rick," I said softly, not wanting anyone waiting outside the door to hear me. "Hurry up and just put it in me."

Well, what would you have expected me to say? I really DID want to be fucked and with my cousin lined up behind me with a cock that was so hard it could bend steel, how could anyone blame me for begging for it? As it was, Rick really didn't need any further encouragement. With his hormones raging I doubt I could've stopped him from fucking me at this point even if I for some reason wanted him to. Face it, he was a LOT bigger than me and if really he wanted to fuck me there wasn't much I was going to do about it. Fortunately, stopping him was about the last thing on my agenda.

Just then there was a rapid knocking on the door and I heard someone call out, "Hey, anyone in there?" Damn, it sounded like Kate! Shit, just what we needed, little miss sanctimonious listening in.

"Dammit, go away Kate, I told you never to bother me when I'm in here," Rick called out over his shoulder to her.

"You better hurry up Rick," she threatened, "or I'm going to tell mom you're doing it again."

I couldn't help but grin at that last one from Kate. I had a good idea about what she was referring to. Something told me that Kate had caught Rick jerking off before! Oh well, so long as she thought it was just him stroking his cock, that was fine with me.

"Hurry up," I hissed at him over my shoulder, pressing my ass back against his dick.

"Oh just hold your horses," he retorted although I knew he was in just as much a hurry to get his dick in me as I was.

Despite all my willpower and preparation, I still couldn't help but moan softly when his dick pushed its way into me. The feeling of his cock head spreading me apart and then rubbing up against my inner pussy was incredible!

"I heard that! Rick, I know what you're doing in there and I'm telling mom!"

As much as I wanted to concentrate on how good his dick felt in me, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the little brat running up to her mom, telling her that her big brother was jerking off again in the bathroom. Hopefully nobody would notice I was missing as well and start putting the pieces together, regardless of how unimaginable it might be.

My thoughts quickly returned to the task at hand as his crotch smacked into my ass, sounding almost as if he had slapped me. I was pushed forward just a bit as the weight of him pressed against my butt, driving his dick even deeper into me. I put my hands against the cool tile wall, using it for support to keep me from being pushed forward onto my face.

"Oh yeah... that's it Rick, fuck me... fuck me," I whispered as softly as I could.

Between him being so horny and the BJ I had already given him, it wasn't going to take much to get Rick off and I knew a few well-spoken words would hasten things along. As much as I would have loved to spend the entire afternoon with his dick inside of me, I knew we had to hurry before someone got suspicious. As he kept stroking himself in and out of my wet pussy, I kept whispering to him, telling him what a great cock he had, how good it felt in me, how much I wanted him to cum inside of me. Although I prefer to have a guy cum in my pussy any time, at this time it was doubly important as I didn't want to have to worry about what cum I had missed if he shot it all over me.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," he groaned as I felt his cock push into me and then he held it still. I could tell he was trying to hold it back, to stop the flood of sperm and enjoy this moment of ecstasy as long as possible but after a few seconds he surrendered and suddenly he was cumming in me like a water hose. The feeling of warmth it created in me, coupled with the knowledge that his was his incestuous sperm being shot into me that was creating that sensation, was enough to make me almost cum.

"Oh shit that felt good," he sighed as he shot his last load and then promptly pulled out of me. Men, they're all the same, slam-bam and then they're done. One second he was horny as a dog in heat, the next he was totally oblivious to my bare ass sticking out for him to play with!


"Hey, what's going on in there?"

The voice from outside sounded like my Uncle Jim's and from the look on Rick's face, I was sure of it.

"Just a sec dad, be right out!"

"No, open the door NOW," his dad demanded.

Well, it wasn't like what we were doing would be any surprise to his dad. I couldn't help but grin at the thought he was probably going to be more upset that it wasn't him that had just fucked me. Rick unlocked the door and opened it a crack. His dad promptly pushed it open enough for him to look in and see me struggling to pull up my jeans over my bare bottom. Rick's underwear and jeans were up to his waist be he hadn't time to zip or buckle anything. All in all, it was pretty obvious to just about anyone what had been going on.

"Don't sweat it, nobody's out here," he grumbled. "Shit, your mother is having a hissy fit thanks to Kate. You know how she feels about your 'private moments' in the bathroom. Jesus, couldn't you two have waited until later?"

Rick just stood there in silence, for once being smart enough to realize that saying nothing was probably a better option than opening his mouth and giving his dad more to gripe at him about.

"Now hurry up and get to your room before someone sees you," he ordered Rick. Rick didn't even bother to look back at me as he held up his jeans and rushed down the hall to dart into his bedroom.

"As for you, my sexy little slut of a niece," Uncle Jim growled, trying to sound angry but the grin at the edges of his mouth couldn't be completely subdued. "Well, just let me say you have no idea how close you came to your aunt coming down here and seeing this. Get yourself together and we'll talk about it later."

At that his scowl turned into a nasty grin and he winked at me. There wasn't much doubt that his definition of "talking about it" didn't involve the need for a lot of words. From the way he was staring at my bare pussy, I think he would have fucked me right then and there had he not been so concerned about his wife. I was sure that my aunt was already wondering what was taking so long and it wouldn't do to find me like this! Just when I thought he was out, his head popped back in and this time he WAS grinning.

"Yep, I knew it. No way did you have panties under those things!"

With that, Uncle Jim closed the door and I quickly locked it again. Taking a spare towel out of the closet, I used it to wipe the cum and pussy juices from around my pussy and down my legs where it had run after draining out of me. Looking in the mirror, I grimaced as my hair was a total wreck but some quick work with a brush and it as essentially back in place again. After some cursing and half killing myself in the confines of the bathroom, I was finally able to get my jeans back on. With jeans this small, it was a lot easier to pull them up laying on my bed than it was standing up in the bathroom. I guess I could've laid down but there was no way I was going to lay down on a bathroom floor! Peeking out the bathroom door, the coast was clear so I quickly stepped out and headed upstairs. About halfway up the stairs I met Kate, looking like a girl on a mission.

"Oh, there you are!" she exclaimed, "Your mom was wondering where you were but nobody seemed to know."

I just shrugged, figuring it was better to just ignore the little bitch. She was nothing but a tattle-tale and anything I said would go straight back to her mom. Back in the kitchen, everyone was working hard. My mom saw I'd returned and steered me over to the side of the room.

"For goodness sakes, where have you been? Everyone's been asking about you."

"Downstairs. I had to go to the bathroom"

"For over half an hour?" Then she looked me in the eyes and let out of loud breath of air. "Oh god, don't tell me. I mean, you didn't... not already? Who?"

Really, what was the point in going through the motions? She knew darn well with the absence of Rick and me at the same time what that meant. For whatever reason it seemed to make her feel better to ask me and have me confirm it.

"Well, you'd better behave yourself the rest of the day," she warned me. I just nodded but a little grin managed to work its way out as I thought that my definition of "behaving" was probably not the same as hers.

"You know what I mean!" she added in, catching me in the act. How is it that mothers never seem to miss anything? Well, I guess that doesn't include my Aunt Shari. God, her son had just fucked me almost right under her feet and the woman was clueless! Actually, it was probably more that such a thing would never even be something she could imagine in her wildest nightmares.

Another half-hour or so and dinner was ready so the men were called in off from their couches and chairs where they had been watching TV. We all sat down, my Uncle Paul gave the blessing, and for the next hour or so we had a wonderful family time of eating and sharing. After dinner it was back to standard American family tradition - the men went off to watch football and fall asleep while the women cleaned up after them. I really didn't care about the game so it was just as well. When everything was finally cleaned off and put away, the women sat down in the dining room and the gossip session began. Well, I shouldn't say gossip. As my mom says, my Aunt Shari doesn't gossip, she "shares"; and when the gossip is really juicy, she "shares in love". She heard that from some comic one day and thought it was hilarious and I had to say it fit my aunt perfectly.

Listening to some of the stuff about people they knew, I found myself looking at my mother and Aunt Linda and winking at them. What would my other aunts say if they knew some of the goings on in our own family? There were times like this when I wanted to blurt it out, just to see the look on their faces. Fortunately, common sense always won out and so I never said anything stupid. But the thoughts of it still roamed through my head.

I was getting bored so I went in the living room to see what was going on there. Sure enough, my dad and Uncle Paul were fast asleep in their chairs, thankfully not snoring too loud. Uncle Jim and Rick were watching the game along with Laura and Ginny's husbands. I had to say one thing, they married well. Both of them were pretty good looking and I was imagining how it would be to join them in a threesome when Uncle Jim asked me if I would get him another beer. Rick chimed in, saying he wouldn't mind one as well but his dad just gave him a look that got the message across. Something about your dad's eyes that told you all you needed to know sometimes!

I went back to the kitchen and retrieved my uncle's beer along with a couple more for the other guys. When I handed his to him, my uncle gave me that "look" and just as Rick had known what his dad was thinking a few moments before, I knew exactly what he was thinking now about me. Checking quickly on the other guys and seeing them riveted to the TV, I winked at my uncle and licked my lips a little seductively for him before leaving the room again.

Taking a seat next to my mom in the dining room, I started to daydream and thoughts of my uncle came to mind. Frankly, the primary reason I let him fuck me is to please my dad. I mean, sure I would have let him do me once, no different than I would with most any other married guy. With my Aunt Shari being such a prude, it made it hot for me when he fucked me knowing how totally outraged she would be if she knew he even harbored such thoughts about me, let alone acted on them. The problem for me was that my uncle was the type that was dominating and sometimes forceful in sex, not at all like my dad. Sure there were moments, like when Uncle Jim would first enter me or cum in me, that I enjoyed it but it wasn't always the best sex for me physically.

Although my dad had not told me this himself, I suspect the reason he wants his brother to fuck his daughter is so that someday he won't feel guilty fucking his niece. Of course, Kate is out of the picture but I know he fantasizes a lot these days about screwing Tammy. More than once he has had to keep under the water in our hot tub when Tammy would arrive in her cute little bikini. I think it's her attitude that gets to him most. She is just so open and free, flaunting herself without even realizing she is doing it. I guess you could call her a natural born slut although her mom would be incensed to hear anyone call her that.

Speaking of my dad and Tammy, if there was one thing in my sexual history I regret, it is that I did not give my father my virginity. My mother has counseled me many times to stop fretting over it, as back then I didn't even have a clue that my dad was interested in me that way. Still, looking back the signs were there if I had read them right - the way he would get hard when I was around, the looks he gave me and where he looked, the way he would "accidentally" touch me sometimes. Maybe I was just naive but I thought it was just natural for my dad to be that way, not associating any sexual desires to it whatsoever. Sometimes when I look at Tammy I fantasize about how I might someday offer her to my dad as some sort of compensation for not giving him me. I could probably have kept thinking along these lines all afternoon when my mom's elbow jostled me back to reality.

"Hello! You listening Kelly?"

My head snapped up and everybody was looking at me. I realized I must have appeared to have dozed off or something and so I tried to get back in the conversation but looking at Tammy at the other end of the room I couldn't help but imagine how she would look in the future laying in her bed with my dad's dick deep inside of her. Actually, I wouldn't mind being in her bed now with my dad's dick in ME! I squirmed in my chair a bit as my pussy began to respond to my naughty daydreams. There was usually only one way to deal with it once it got going and that was to go off and masturbate. It seemed a shame, though, to have to do myself when so many cocks were waiting close by that would take care of me on a moment's notice. Well, why not see what I could do?

Turning to my mom, I whispered to her that I would be back in a little bit. She looked at me with a question mark in her eyes and I just smiled. She cocked her head and rolled her eyes at me and then turned away before making a scene of it. My mom knew better than to try to talk me out of anything when I was in this sort of mood. Most likely she figured I was just going off to take care of myself or else she probably would have had more to say to me.

Walking back to the living room, I really had no idea what I was going to do. The only thing I was confident of was that if Uncle Jim knew he had half a chance to screw me, he would figure something out. It was as if time had stood still in the room since I left. Everyone was in the same position and the only indicator they had been alive in the interim were the empty beer bottles that I had brought in before. At first I just stood there, trying to think of how I could get his attention without being TOO obvious about it. There was a time when I could have jumped in my uncle's lap and teased him but now that I was twenty that might have raised some eyebrows so I had to be a little more subtle. Turning to my uncle, I pretended to be confused about something.

"Hey Uncle Jim, where did you put our coats? I think I left my cell phone in the pocket."

"They're all on the bed in the back bedroom," he responded almost absentmindedly, his attention more on the TV than me.

"Thanks. You know, I really NEED it."

Well, maybe he wasn't being as inattentive as I had thought as he picked up on my tone of voice. It looked like he got my message in that what I needed wasn't my cell phone!

"Well, do you need any help finding it?"

I grinned as my confidence in my Uncle Jim was not misplaced. Now it was him that was helping things to move along.

"Would you mind Uncle Jim? That would be so cool."

As he got up out of the chair, it was if the two older guys never even hear a word as they argues over some silly play from the game. Rick, on the other hand, knew full well what my intentions were.

"Need any help dad?" he offered, not so innocently.

Uncle Jim just waved him back, again with a look that spoke volumes. The message was clear - she's mine this time. I thought it was pretty cool to see this father-son struggle over who got to fuck me. Was I to be the fantasy cousin or the naughty niece? Well, this time it looked like I was going to be the niece. I followed my uncle down the hall to the bedroom. Fortunately, it was in the opposite direction from the dining room where everyone else was. Nobody should have been aware that my uncle and I were doing anything at all, let alone heading to his bedroom for something half the people here would be aghast to know about.

Once in their bedroom, my uncle looked down the hall and seeing that it was empty, quickly shut the door. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lock but I doubted that with it closed that anyone would come in. The bathroom has an entrance from the hallway so even if someone needed to use it, they didn't need to go through the bedroom. With the door shut, he turned and what I would have given for a photo of the look on his face. The way his eyes stared at me, the slight opening of his mouth, his tongue on his lips, the flaring of his nostrils, everything was a classic portrait of a man consumed with lust. It was a look every girl learns about from the day she begins to change into a woman and the men around her start looking at her in a whole new way. It's a look I love to see in men when I "dress for success" where "success" is defined as getting laid. Even my dad looks at me this way some days when he is really horny. I mean, he IS a guy you know. Now, behind closed doors and having all but told him what I wanted, seeing that look I knew there was only one way I would walk out that door again. Where his cum would be was the only question - pussy, mouth, or over me?