That 90's Gap In-Between Ch. 05

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Makings of a fuck boy.
6.5k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/29/2016
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He had her right where he wanted her, and by all accounts, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her messy bun curls sporadically popping out of the tight updo. She truly was beautifully poised, and fucking perfect but he was about to ruin all of that.

Harlee sat there, her brow furrowed and a slick smile filling up her face. Suddenly she stepped back and her arm swung back behind her and then quickly released it forward. They both held their breath, seconds ticked slowly until that final moment when the ball crashed into the pins! Strike!

"YES!" Harlee jumped for unimaginable joy in the living room. The Wii remote flew from her hand and swung around her wrist as she did several victory fist pumps into the air.

"I finally won! Woohoo!! "Harlee exclaimed pumping her knees to her chest as she jumped foolishly around the living room.

"Hey hey hey, now. Calm down turbo. I still have to bowl too you know" Alex said, with a stiff voice trying to not sound bitter.

"You have to pull two strikes out of your ass to beat me, so I think It's safe to say I won," she said with a smile filling up her face playfully.

Alex gave Harlee a side eye and the engine gears started to turn over in his head. he was employed with a sticky good idea. His left brow rose and this top lip followed as he turned his head to face the tv again. The light bulb had flickered and became luminous he was on to something on to something juicy.

"Alright fine, let's make it interesting. If I win," He stopped turning to look Harlee with a wicked smile on his face. "If I win," He said again. "You have to let me take you out to 'Split' next weekend. That way I can publicly kick your ass in our weekly bowling grudge match" He said quizzically while he scratching his chin.

"...and if I win?" She said more cautiously more nervous about her fate of a lose.

"If... " He said with a pool of sarcasm, "If you win, I will surrender all my rights and let you have your way with me" Alex's wicked grin filled up his face as he playfully threw his hands in the air.

For a few moments, Harlee remained silent. A part of her wondered if he could hear the racing of her heart beating out of her chest as she weighed her options. This was a game of risk and he was far better at it than she was. She blinked up at him trying to read his eyes for the lack of seriousness. They told her nothing. She began to swish her lips from side to side and narrow her gaze at Alex.

"Hmmm..." She stopped, taking in the next few words. "I already have my way with you, so if and when I spank that ass which clearly I am about too. I want..." again she stopped and placed her left arm over her stomach while placing the right on top of it to touch her soft lips in one swift motion, daring him with her eyes. She could feel his anticipation growing as he leaned into her waiting to hear her response.

"I want, the Mustang," she said matter factly moving her hands and her remote to her hips staring him down from below his eye level. Their eyes never left one another and the intimidation built between them.

"Ha, yeah right! We aren't betting her. Na-ah. nope. Not happening." He said in protest. Walking to the other side of the circular table in his living room.

"Fine, she said, "if I win, I get to take her for a spin. A nice long, hard curve enthused spin." she said with a twinkle in her doe eyes.

Silence fell in the room for a brief moment he lost himself in her soft eyes looking up at him, the seduction, the passion, and even the competitiveness of this moment electrified between them, he knew he couldn't say no to that face. The innocent sexy face that he loved to watch come, the one he loved to watch sleep and the one he loved shooting. He knew he had to win this damn game because he really wasn't going to let her drive his baby.

"Alright bet. But here's the thing we are shaking on it, and when I win, you're going to be in awe of my Wii skills." Alex said extending his hand out to shake on their little bet.

They shook hands and Alex prepared to pull magic out of a hat. He wanted to take Harlee out on a proper date, he wanted to do normal couple things with her. To him, they were a couple. The laughed, played, lay, together just as couples did, it had been like this for too long. Staying in the house mundanely hiding from society. It took him weeks to even persuade her to let him give her a ride to campus if she had stayed the night, but the faintest disconnect between them was living in front of him.

Alex continued the game and prepared to play his turn. He got up into a stance and became devilishly serious. All he had to get was 21 to tie and it was the 10th frame. He didn't need the tie though he needed the win and the odds were not in his favor. He hadn't bowled a strike the entire game and he wasn't very good in the first place. He had been lucky every other time they played. He instantly regretted placing a bet on his horrible skills. He said a quick prayer to a higher power and geared up to bowl.

"Don't mess up," she teased as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"Sssssh. I got this" he stated, getting further into his gamer zone.

He took a pro stance followed by a slow deep breath before he peeled his arm back squeezing the A button down. His knuckles white gripping the slender white remote a little bead of nervous sweat balled up at his hairline and teetered between falling down and staying in place. With supine damn near slow motion, he swung his arm forward again releasing his tense grip on the controls towards the screen. The ball rolled down the alley as if time was ticking in its slowest millisecond. His eyes clenching shut as he and Harlee stood back up to witness the digital clunking sound of the ball to pins.

"Yes," Harlee screamed much louder than expected to stand on her toes with much anticipation. "9," She completed beginning to shake her ass and jump for joy.

Alex's eyes flung open. The lonely 4 pin still holding its ground determined not to fall no matter the force. Hot anger crept to his cheeks fueling the fire to his once moist brow. Lips pursed as he was holding back liquid swords of rage. He stopped himself from swearing to unimaginable beings and regained his composure so he could take his second roll. He now needed a spare, a spare would give him the third roll in order to beat Harlee. A third roll would give him enough opportunity to make this game an unforgettable comeback.

He began to take his calm pro stance again to attempt to pick up the final pin. He took a deep breath and again swung his arm back clenching on the buttons for dear life. When he released his breath he swung his hand forward and his fate rolled in the balance.

His entire gaming career flashed before his eyes. He thought about growing up in the arcades playing Pac-Man and dominating in Galicia. He thought about all those game nights he had as a boy with his friends how they used to stay up for hours perfecting and beating every new game that came out. How he couldn't possibly be that out of touch to lose to something as simple as Wii Bowling.

You would have thought Harlee won the 'Nobel Peace Prize' the way she danced and ran around in excitement and pure joy plastered all her face dripping with the grin over her win! She began 'jerking' and doing the 'Carlton' and got on the floor to start doing the worm. She was screaming at the top of her lungs her victory.

Alex's jaw dropped as he missed the pin by a hair and lost the game of a lifetime. He dropped the remote and it bounced off the couch to crash into his carpet to his feet. He turned to watch Harlee full of joy around the room and as sexy as she fucking was he just lost his chance to a real date.

"Hahaha, I did it! I won the mustang! Yassss," She exclaimed grinning from ear to ear shaking her round full ass to the imaginary drums in the room.

"Wow, you are taking this win a lot more to your head than the average person." He said, kinda with a smile as he slowly cocked his head to the side as he watched her ass jiggle in her leggings. Stewing in his mind how he was going to shut her up.

"You're only saying that because you lost 'Mr. Unbeatable',"she joked while she jumped up and down on the couch.

"You know what..." He said as he went after her and grabbed her by the waist.

"Someone needs to teach you how to be a modest winner." He said as he lunged for her body trying to grab for her.

"Aaaah no, stay away from me," she screamed a little and laughed as she got away from him.

Harlee ran to the other side of the white couch so he couldn't grab her and she stuck her tongue out at him. Teasing him, taunting him, as she always did. She blew him a kiss lingering the pucker on her lips. Her lips were moist the ones between her legs drenching uncontrollably by the way he cocked his head towards her.

"Oh now I'm really about to teach you a lesson bring that ass over here," Alex said, lunging across the oval shaped glass table and passed the couch and grappled her down to the floor. Her body wiggling beneath him and he pinned her full frame to the ground. Harlee's playful screams filled the room followed by her laughter as he began to tickle her. He dipped his hands in between her legs to tickle her between her thighs, then back up to her waist. Her laughter coursed her soft moans as she squirmed underneath him for mercy.

"Stop! Okay, okay I'm sorry," Harlee said laughing in between her words.

"Oh no, you aren't getting off that easy," he said. He took his left hand and pinned both of her wrists together and used his right to tickle her even more up and down her body. She looked so beautiful to him, looking at her laughing and carefree under him, watching her chest jiggle as she wiggled. His dick thickened inside his pants her aroma was inviting and the way her hazel eyes beamed up at him as she laughed turned his dick to attention.

"Ah, that's it." He said stilling for a moment keeping his hands on her wrist over her head. "I'm going to fuck your insides out until there is no more laughter left in your throat. That's your punishment for being a sore winner," Alex's voice was deep and sexy, his eyes hooded as he kissed the indentation on her shoulder, and her body shivered slightly as his lips sucked in on her flesh. He released his hands from her wrists as he swiftly pulled himself up off the floor having pulled her up along with him and up to his shoulder just to release a loud smack to her ass.

Harlee played along with this game as her pussy dripped with arousal. She pretended to kick her way in resistants ultimately to surrender herself to him to receive her punishment. She sucked in her lips to the brisk slap as she felt the sting creep up her lower back. Alex walked her into the bedroom only keeping one hand tucked around her body for support as he maneuvered his way through the obstacles of furniture in his way. Harlee playfully kicked her legs in protest and pretended to fight for her freedom. "Put me down," she said again as he continued to holster her at his shoulder. When Alex stopped short of the bedroom her kicking stopped as she prepared herself to be put down just as Alex turned from the room to the face the balcony. Devil's night was coming again he thought.

"Where are you taking me, you better not be throwing me off the balcony," she joked in a playful whine.

"Of course not, but you do have to trust me." He said while he turned to get something before finally taking her through the large glass door of the balcony.

The city was still and the stars were in full view in the cool crisp air, the heat generated between them was apparent as he slid the door open adding a chill to their heat and walked outside to greet it. The full moon reflected off her ass like a spotlight.

"Do you trust me?" He said to her before setting her down into the cool November air. For a moment she found herself skeptical of his question and took a beat before answering with a solid "no." He smiled and remained quiet as he guided her to an oversized wicker chair he had recently added to the balcony. The white pillows were plush and cold against Harlee's skin as she sat down in the chair.

'Nice improvement from the chair that was there before', she thought to herself, as Alex excused himself inside briefly. She pushed herself back into the depths of the chair and looked up at the well-placed string of light that had to be added, the night was full and the stars from the 12th floor were twinkling off one another. The air from where she was was so crisp and clean for November. The silence of the city made it seem like they were a million miles away from civilization. She patted her toes on the cold ground before tucking them into the chair up to her chest.

Alex reappeared to the balcony leaving the sliding glass door ajar behind him, he was now shirtless and his low hanging sweats cut dangerously close passed his happy trail straight to the little curls of his well-manicured pubes. Harlee looked up at him through her long curly lashes eyeing her now shirtless acquaintance in front of her, she smiled. Her eyes roamed passed his tattoo upon his worked out tanned skin and dropping to the impression in his sweats his dick made. Her pussy throbbed watching him stand over her entire frame. Her mouth salivated in anticipation of engulfing his dick deep into her throat as he fisted her hair fucking her mouth. She smiled to herself as Alex continued to stalk closer to his prisoner.

"So, you like taunting me huh," he said as placing a single hand in her hair escorting her back from the nook of the oversized chair.

She closed her eyes briefly and released a deep exhale before responding "Yes because you suck. Besides I enjoyed waxing that ass in a game you own," She teased adding emphasis to the word you as she sunk further into the chair backing away from him.

"Na ah ah come here," He said, hungrily as he grabbed her hands to plant tender deep kisses on her wrist.

"Do you trust me?" he said again looking down at her more seriously this time.

"...should I?" Harlee responded very cautiously before lacing her fingers into his hand.

"Of course," he said softening his expression "I'd never hurt you, that is unless you deserved it." He said lowering his eyes again as he remained light in his words. "Close your eyes and relax," he said with a whisper into the night air. Harlee submissively turned up the corner of her lips and did as he commanded. The hairs on her arms reacted instantly and the shiver returned to her body.

Her panties dripping the more he spoke. His low sensual voice drove the walls in her pussy into a frenzy contracting and reacting. His voice was Can't you and strong and every syllable that escaped his lips dropped her pussy prowled for his serpent. Alex motioned his other hand from behind his back to reveal a thin raven satin scarf hanging loosely on his fingertips. He danced them over the flesh of her knuckles as he stacked her wrist one on top of another. With another kiss, he began to wrap the thin satin scarf around and around her wrist until it was taut. Adrenaline rushed through the both of them as their blood boiled in the cool air.

Alex rubbed his thumbs over his handy work admiring the tight knot he topped off the satin. His dick pulsating in his pants. He rubbed his thumbs over the top of her wrist and began to tie them tightly together one over the other. Her instincts came to her and as she was about to open her eyes, Alex's free hand slid over her eyes. "Trust me," he said again softer and more melodic into her ear.

Alex began trailing a kiss from her wrist to the bend of her elbow and up to her shoulders sliding both of his big strong hands up her thighs slowing teasing her pussy once he reached her hips. He got down on his knees and began to kiss her again, leaving his hands at her hips dancing his fingers around her waistline. He bowed his head to her knees as if he was about to dive in her pussy face first. He kissed a trail from her feet, past her shin and back up to her thighs and falling just short of her pussy. His hands tugged a bit at her leggings before she lifted and he assisted her out of them. As he leggings and her pants fell to her ankles she smiled at her newly exposed pussy as her knees locked together to keep warm.

Pushing her panties to the wayside he lifted and spoke softly in her ear "I'm going to blindfold you now." His breath hot and stern on her lobes, "but if it becomes too much, just tell me to stop okay?" he finished with a soft kiss at the soft spot behind her ear and she squirmed a bit but she nodded her head in compliance remaining his prisoner.

Alex removed another thin raven slit of fabric from his pocket and lifted it around her head and over her eyes. Once it was in place he kissed off her ears pushing aside the bushy locks around the strings. His dick a statue, hard and needing her soft wet pussy was plastered on the chair bare and waiting. He stepped out of his sweats and boxers and they hooded his ankles he eyed her naked legs thighs and ass as he helped Harlee out of the chair and shimmed behind her. As he walked around her body he lifted her oversized Rolling Stone shirt off of her back leaving kisses on her new naked body. Licking and kissing up her back and to her shoulders taking her shirt off as much as she could with her bound wrist. He pulled the width of the shirt towards the ground bending her upper body forward. She let out a soft moan as he tugged again. Her body fully exposed for his enjoyment his sex slave hung before him. His head went from side to side eyeing the various tattoos she had wrapped around her body. He kissed the Ying and Yang tattoo that was on her right shoulder and sat down and back in the chair leaving Harlee bent over still on her feet partially standing.

Her nipples grew heavy as they pointed toward the cold bare concrete of the balcony.

Her body shook slightly because of the cold, but the hot gaze from his eyes burned into her back. 'Smack' filled the silence if the still of the night which shortly followed one by another one that echoed the first. Harlee's ass jiggled in front of him as his hand print faded off each one of her cheeks. His hands roamed over her waist and hips trailing up the back of her thighs while his thumbs scraped the inside of the crack of her ass. Without the weight of his hands pulling down her shirt Harlee was free to stand up when she didn't he took this as compliance to her punishment. He was about to give her no mercy. Alex used his foot to spread her legs apart slightly giving him a view of his personal full moon. He laid kisses on cheeks he slapped biting after each peck. 'Smack' rang again, this time, Harlee sucked her teeth from the pain. Reaching around to her from Alex took his right hand on to the shirt jerking it closer to the ground and his left to slide around to her cunt. Her soft moans of enjoyment were more audible than she anticipated. His fingers tip-toed around her opening as the hairs on his arms grazed her hot and cold skin. He slid middle finger on the swollen needing lips taunting her as she tried to buck on to it. The more her body dipped the more he played. "Don't move, You are not allowed to move until I say you can." His melodic tone was dark and powerful. Harlee's pussy clenched again on every word he demanded. She nodded her head but kept her whimper to herself as he called attention to her pussy again circling his middle finger around her fold.

His middle finger slid inside her as if he was cutting soft butter, he pulled it back out when she clenched. His taunting made her body shake and her body was a crumbling at his fingers. He dipped two fingers in when he returned to her pussy, this time, jerking the shirt again. She moaned, as he worked his two fingers in and out of her pussy before adding a third to the party.