That Old, Familiar Feeling Ch. 04


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"I'm Monica. Welcome," she said.

Rikka didn't react, but close up Monica could see the empty, haunted look in her beautiful green eyes. What had been done to the poor thing? She was clearly in distress, and Monica decided to wait in the guest room until Master joined them.

She could hear him opening and shutting the screen door, bringing the luggage and storage bins into the house. After a few minutes she heard his footsteps climbing the stairs.

"How is she?" he asked as he entered the room.

"Scared, I think," Monica replied.

"Let's get her shoes off and lie her on the bed. Maybe some sleep will help."

Monica untied and removed the Daemon's running shoes and with Master's help got her lying on the bed and covered with a comforter. Rikka's expression was unchanged. He nodded at Monica and the two of them left the room, closing the door most of the way.

"What happened?" Monica asked in a hushed voice when they were in the kitchen.

The anger returned to his face. "They're selling Samuelsson's house, so Rikka couldn't stay. Gwen said either I take Rikka, as Samuelsson had wanted, or Gwen would call someone from Mental Health Services to come and get her."

"Oh my!"

"Yeah. Her Master dies and then they evict her from her house. Being forced to leave her home would be awful for any Daemon."

Monica shuddered at the thought of it happening that way to her. She wouldn't be in any better shape than Rikka!

"So...just like that? They dump her like she's an old couch they don't want anymore?"

"Pretty much." His tone left no doubt he was disgusted by the whole affair. "Gwen said Rikka is a beneficiary in Samuelsson's will, so she'll send along whatever she's due, but that will be it. The family doesn't want anything more to do with her."

"They don't believe she's a Daemon. They think she's crazy." Monica remembered her own experiences, having her anxiety labeled as a 'disorder', being prescribed hypnotics and anti-depressants that left her listless and disconnected from her feelings, having to leave her job. If it weren't for her wonderful Master, she'd still be wearing that label and the shame that came with it.

He nodded, clearly still fuming.

"She has nowhere to go?" she asked.


"We're going to keep her, then?" Monica winced at the way it came out of her mouth, like she was talking about a stray cat that had wandered into the backyard.

His eyes were serious. "Unless you strongly object, yes."

She took a moment to think. How DID she feel about suddenly having someone else in the house? HER house. Someone younger. Someone pretty. Someone who would compete with her for Master's time and attention.

Someone who needed help. Someone with nowhere else to turn. A fellow Daemon - that had to count for something, right?

She sighed. "I'll support whatever you decide, Master." In the end, it was the only answer she could give.


The rest of the day was an effort to make contact with their young change. Garnet poured over Samuelsson's journals, looking for anything that might suggest a way to help.

Monica sat in a chair next to the bed in the guest room, talking about anything and nothing, just so the younger Daemon could hear a friendly voice. Every so often she would try to coax Rikka into drinking some water, and a few hours in, her efforts were rewarded when she got her to take a few mouthfuls.

Encouraged, she sat on the edge of the bed and held Rikka's icy hand as she continued to talk, eventually stroking her arm as well in what she hoped was a reassuring way. After another hour, Rikka closed her eyes and slept, freeing Monica to return to her Master's side. It was almost dinnertime.

"Anything?" she asked. Garnet had journals from the storage bins spread over the couch and coffee table.

"Maybe. The journals go back to when Rikka was just thirteen, so she'd been with Samuelsson for at least seven years."

"She's twenty?"

"Yeah. Hard to believe, I know. She looks younger."

Monica hesitated, trying to figure out the right phrasing for her next question. "Was Samuelsson... taking her measurements...back when she was thirteen?"

"I was worried about that, too. But the record of her measurements doesn't begin until her eighteenth birthday, so I'm assuming not. But he did engage her in a lot of questions, so he was certainly probing her mind, if not her body."

"That must have been weird for her."

He nodded. "Did you have any luck getting her to respond?"

"No, although she did take some water. She's asleep now."

"Great work. Water and sleep can only help her."

Monica made some grilled cheese for both of them and they ate in the living room. After dinner she left him to read and went back up to the guest room to unpack Rikka's suitcases and put the clothes away.

She was relieved to discover that the younger Daemon's clothes - including underwear - favoured utility over appearance. Whatever else Samuelsson had been up to, he hadn't been dressing her sexy.

There were a few framed pictures as well, with Rikka and a man that had to be Samuelsson, and they gave off a 'relaxed' vibe rather than a creepy one. Monica set the pictures on the nightstand where they'd be easily visible to Rikka.

She found a few books in the bottom of the suitcase as well - all of them romances, with covers depicting big-bosomed women embracing muscular, shirtless men. Rikka looked like a girl, but clearly had womanly thoughts from time to time. Monica vowed to keep an eye on that.

Rikka was still asleep and Monica took her hand again. It felt warmer. It least she wasn't freezing anymore. The poor female had been through grief and trauma, maybe she just needed to shut down for a little while and make sense of things.

Monica and Garnet worked until nine, then her Master decided it was time to pack it in for the night. He had work tomorrow, although he wondered aloud if it might be better to call in sick in case there was an issue with Rikka. Monica quickly agreed that a sick day might be the best option. She hated it when he left.


"She's quite pretty," Monica said as she crawled into bed with her Master.

He nodded. "Hopefully she recovers a bit when she realizes she's safe here."

"It's going to be different with a younger girl around," she said.

"I guess you're right."

"It will mean you'll have to divide your time. I mean, you'll want to be her Knight-Observer too, right?"

"I think that's what Samuelsson had in mind when he wanted us to meet."

"Well what do YOU want? You're the Master here, after all."

He looked down at her, apparently realizing they were having two different conversations. He took a few moments before replying.

"I want you to be kind to Rikka, and accommodating. I want you to teach her whatever you have to teach. I want you to be an example for her, and give her lots of affection. Share with her. You know, make her comfortable."

She sighed, unsatisfied with the reply but not surprised. "Yes Master."

"And at the end of the day, I want you right here, in bed with me. Naked. I want your body and your thoughts and feelings and ideas. You're my Familiar, after all, and we share a really deep bond."

She looked up into his eyes and read the sincerity there. His words left a warm glow inside her and a smile on her face.

"Mmm. I'm eager to share right now."

In response, she felt his fingers slide slowly between her labia. She spread for him.

"Five," she said.

"That's far too low. Looks like we have work to do," he said, as his fingertips grazed her clitoris.

"I don't have any other plans," she said.

She realized she'd need to change the sheets in the morning.



Later that night Monica extricated herself from his warm embrace and the sex-scented sheets and went to the washroom. Too much tea too close to bed time.

She was scurrying back to bed when a muffled scream cut through the silence, followed by another one which ended abruptly. Rikka! Master hadn't stirred and she debated waking him but decided to investigate on her own first - he didn't like to be woken.

She hurried to the guest room, stepped inside and flicked on the light.

Rikka was sitting upright in bed, tear-filled eyes wide in terror. The mess down the front of her clothes and on the bedsheets - and the accompanying awful smell - were telltale signs that she'd emptied what little had been in her stomach.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry," Rikka sobbed, looking up at Monica.

Monica forced herself to ignore the stench and went to the younger Daemon's side, then stroked the back of her head and rubbed her shoulders.

"It's okay Rikka. Don't be afraid. Everything's okay." She returned to the doorway, then looked back at Rikka. "Get out of those clothes. I'll bring something for you to put on."

Well, at least her guest was responsive! An improvement from the catatonic state she was in earlier that day.

Monica tip-toed to her bedroom and grabbed her pink robe. By the time she got back to the guest room, Rikka was standing next to the bed in just a white pair of panties, hugging herself tightly. Monica helped her into the robe, then gathered her cast-off clothes and bed sheets into a big ball of linen and stuffed it into the hamper.

"Sorry..." Rikka said again. She'd started to shake violently.

Monica flashed her warmest smile. "Don't be silly. Come downstairs, let's get you something to eat." Without waiting for a response she took Rikka by the hand and led her out of the room and down to the kitchen. The younger Daemon's skin was cold again, and Monica could feel her trembling. Poor thing.

With Rikka seated, Monica put the kettle on and cored and sliced an apple. Soon Rikka was nibbling and warming her hands on the hot mug. It was a relief to see her eating something. Monica pulled up a chair and sat next to her. For a long time they sat in silence.

"Thank you," Rikka said quietly, after the last slice of apple was gone.

Monica squeezed Rikka's hand. "What else would you like? Toast? Maybe grilled cheese?"

She shook her head. The tea was only half-gone, so Monica continued to sit with her young guest. Rikka's green eyes looked scared and hopeless. Monica tried to think of something reassuring to say. What would sound good if Monica herself were in Rikka's position?

"It's safe for you here. This can be your home, if you choose to stay."

The words seemed to have the opposite effect she'd hoped for, and quiet tears ran down Rikka's cheeks. Monica got up and hugged Rikka from behind, feeling her shake as silent sobs wracked her tiny body.

When the crying subsided, Monica took her hand again and guided her to the living room couch, seating Rikka on the end and draping the comforter over her. Not knowing whether closeness or distance would make her young guest feel the most comfortable, Monica opted for the former and sat down next to her.

The minutes passed wordlessly. Rikka stared vacantly ahead, her thoughts clearly far away. Monica stared forward too, keeping a surreptitious eye on Rikka with peripheral vision. An hour passed, maybe more.

"Monica?" The sudden sound of Rikka's voice started her. She was surprised Rikka remembered her name, given the state she'd been in when Monica had introduced herself.


"I'm sorry about the bedsheets. I'll wash them in the morning."

She held Rikka's hand. The younger Daemon felt warmer now.

"It's really no trouble. I have lots of sheets. We'll get them washed - don't worry about that." Monica paused. "How do you feel? Do you want anything?"

"Just...scared. Everything's gone. In just two days...gone."

Monica expected another bout of tears but apparently those were done for now. She squeezed Rikka's hand, trying to think of healing words but coming up empty. There was more silence.

"Where are your clothes?" Rikka asked at last. There was the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the younger Daemon's lips. It was a welcome sight.

Monica was mildly surprised to realize she was naked. She'd gotten so used to it over the last two weeks it didn't register as unusual anymore. She grinned and shrugged.

"I don't wear them. Master likes to see me naked, and as a Daemon I have no use for modesty. I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable. I can go put something on." Monica began to rise but Rikka's grip on her hand tightened as though in protest, so Monica sunk back down onto the couch.

"You're a Daemon?"

Monica nodded.

"Karl...Mr. Samuelsson...thought I was a Daemon. I knew he was wrong but he was so insistent that I eventually just went along with it. It seemed to make him happy."

"I know how you feel. I felt the same way at first."

"But now you believe it?"

"I'm certain of it."


"It's hard to explain. When I lived as a human, I never felt comfortable. There were all these fears and worries. I was so awkward, so out of place all the time. I kept trying to 'fix' myself but nothing worked. Do you know what I mean?"

Rikka nodded slowly.

"Once I realized I was a Daemon, all of that went away. My life made sense all the sudden. I felt comfortable and happy I became different. It's a powerful feeling, to live as you truly are."

The younger Daemon was quiet again, perhaps considering Monica's words or maybe lost in thoughts of her own. Minutes passed as they held hands.

"Your Master...what is he like?"

"Garnet. You'll meet him in the morning. He's a Knight-Observer, just like Mr. Samuelsson was. He's gentle, and wise. You won't meet a kinder man."

"What is he going to do with me?" the question was an apprehensive whisper.

"He'll only do what you agree to. He won't force you or hurt you or do anything to make you uncomfortable."

"He'll want to study me?"

"Yes. How do you feel about that?"

Rikka shrugged. "It's kind of weird. There's nothing special to see."

"I thought that too, but the data he's gathering is important," Monica said. "If you're not comfortable with it, I'll ask him to-"

"No, no. It's okay. Karl was like that too. I guess I don't mind. I don't want to make trouble."

"Why don't we discuss it more in the morning? You can give it some more thought. I'll go put new sheets on your bed."

"I'll come and help."

The two of them went upstairs and together put fresh sheets on Rikka's bed, and Monica dragged the foul-smelling hamper down to the laundry room amid apologies from her young guest. When they came back upstairs, Rikka removed the robe and slid into bed.

"I'm just down the hall. If there's anything you need, or if you're feeling a little nervous, just call me and I'll come back," Monica said.

"Would..." Rikka started, then stopped.


The younger Daemon blushed. "Would you stay with me tonight? When I'm alone I have all these awful feelings, but when you're around I feel more calm. You make me feel a bit stronger."

Monica hesitated, torn between her desire to sleep next to her Master and the pleading look in Rikka's eyes. Rikka was twenty - was that too old to require this sort of reassurance? But after all the younger Daemon had endured, it made sense that she'd be anxious and unsteady. And her Master had told her to make their guest comfortable, and to show affection. And it was only one night...

"Okay. You close your eyes and try to get some sleep," Monica said, turning off the light and climbing onto the mattress next to Rikka, then sliding under the covers.

It felt a little strange to be naked in bed with another female, but Monica quickly dismissed that as silly. That was 'human' thinking. The dynamic between two Daemons might be completely different - she needed to stop attaching human values to everything she did!

As she lay still, trying to sleep, Rikka's hand found hers under the sheets. In a few minutes, the younger Daemon was breathing deeply and slowly in slumber. It took some time for Monica to join her.


"My grandfather always spoke highly of Samuelsson," Garnet said at breakfast. Well, probably more like brunch given the hour. Monica and Rikka had slept late, and Master hadn't disturbed them.

Rikka just nodded and avoided eye contact. She'd been quiet since meeting him. Her toast and jam sat untouched on her plate.

"And...I'm really happy he recommended you to me. I'm hoping I can live up to his example."

Another nod.

"So, I'd be proud if you'd allow me to be your Knight-Observer. Of course, it's entirely up to you. You're free to refuse. You'd still be welcome to stay here whatever you decided."


Monica topped up Rikka's tea. She knew her Master was trying to come across as easy-going and low-pressure, but clearly the approach wasn't working. Rikka was still too raw for those conversations to happen.

"Master, I was thinking Rikka could spend the day with me today," Monica said. "I want to show her where everything is so she can help around the house and feel at home."

He looked up at her and flashed a grateful smile. "Okay. I can spend the day going through Samuelsson's journals - there's a lot of important stuff there I can learn."

"Why not use the desk in our bedroom, so we girls have free run of the house?"

He nodded, understanding. He finished his meal and started moving the plastic storage bins up to the bedroom, then sequestered himself there with the door shut.

"I'm sorry. That was rude," Rikka said, when they were alone. "I...get really nervous."

"I was the same way. When I first met him I didn't even want to let him in the house."


"Really. Back then I thought it was an anxiety disorder. Turns out I'm just a perfectly normal, healthy Daemon," Monica said. "You'll get used to him over time. He's a wonderful Master."

"I should apologize."

"He understands. Don't worry about it."

Monica gathered the dishes and hand washed them. Rikka surprised her by grabbing a dish towel and drying the dishes.

"So, are the two of you..." Rikka trailed off.

"He's my Master, I'm his Familiar. Did you and Karl take the Master-Familiar Pact?"

She nodded. "But I didn't feel anything different. Just really uncomfortable during the ritual. I think Karl was, too."

"Master said it's different for each pairing. With Garnet the connection was immediate, and powerful. I started noticing changes right away."

"I wish I was like you."

"How do you mean?"

"What you said last night. Free and happy. I never feel that way."

"Give it time."

"I was with Karl for seven years. That's a lot of time, but I feel I'm the same as I've always been."

"You still think of yourself as human. Maybe that's the problem."

"But I am human."

Monica grinned. "I bet you'd be happier as a Daemon."

She caught Rikka's half-smile out of the corner of her eye. "That's silly."

"I'm serious. You can just be the way you're supposed to be, without feeling all this pressure to act some other way."

The two of them did the dishes in silence for a few more minutes. Then Monica took Rikka to the basement and showed her how to operate the washing machine and they put through three sets of dirty bed linens. Monica couldn't remember a time when she'd needed to wash the sheets so frequently.

"So how do I 'become' a Daemon?" Rikka asked, as Monica was showing her the closet with all the cleaning detergents. "How do I start to believe, like you did?"

"I guess the first step is to open yourself up to the idea. As a human you've never really felt comfortable in your own skin. Maybe that's not your fault. Maybe there's a simple explanation."

"It sounds crazy."

"I guess that means you think I'm crazy."

"No! No, not at all. I didn't mean..."

Monica laughed. "Crazy is what they called me when I was a human. I saw plenty of psychologists and took bottle after bottle of medication to treat all the problems they told me I had. That went on for more than forty years. Even after I got married it didn't stop."