The 102nd Virginia Ch. 02


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It occurred to him soon enough that he might cum. His moans gave away his condition and Jennie took the cock out.

"I want you inside me, Henry. I want you now."

Her pussy was right at the waterline. When Henry placed his cock there, the rippling water nearly made him cum. Quickly, he entered her. The tightness of her body was the only thing that slowed him down.

They both let out little cries of satisfaction as the cock slid inside. Henry felt like he was back in her mouth. Jennie felt something she had never felt before because of his size. Both were happy.

They fucked in the shallow water, splashing blissfully in the open air as they got closer and closer to orgasms. Jennie clung tightly and cried out, "Yessss, Henry. Oh God, yesssss! Harder!"

He urged her on and grunted with each thrust.

"Yes. Yes! Ohhhhhh....," she wailed.

"C'mon, Jennie."

"Ahhhhhhh!" she shrieked so loud it echoed in the trees.

Jennie's orgasm caused her to buck wildly under her younger mate. Henry held her by the wrists, trying to stay inside her. Then he, too, was starting to cum. Long streams poured into Jennie as his cock erupted over and over again. New shots flowed out when her pussy continually constricted around his cock, forcing his balls to empty until it hurt to go on.

She was still bucking underneath him when Henry's limp cock slid out. He watched as Jennie used a hand to finish the last of her many orgasms. Then they held each other near the bank of Jackson's lake.


July 3, 1863

Gettysburg, PA

For two days, Jack's brigade had remained between Cashtown and Gettysburg while the horrific sounds of battle rumbled across the rolling farmland. They heard of a Confederate victory on the first day, yet the battle raged on the second day with less encouraging words being passed back to the men. They were told Lee might move around to try to flank the Union army. They were told Jeb Stuart had arrived and might, yet, salvage his reputation by rolling up the enemy from the rear.

But here they were, on the morning of the third day, being told to assemble in the trees of an area being called Seminary Ridge. Rumors abounded of plans to assault the very center of the Union line, with Jack's brigade among those destined to lead the charge because of their relative freshness.

Jack hunched behind a two foot high stone fence. Above him, thick branches blocked the sun. Surely, the day would end up in the high eighties. Maybe even ninety degrees. One way or the other, it would be Hell.

A deathly silence fell over the field. Jack and the others squinted in the direction of the Union line, less than one mile away. Dust rose from the wagons putting the artillery in place. Every now and then the glimmer of bayonets could be seen. For as far as Jack could see, from his left all the way to the little round hill to the south, there was nothing but Federal soldiers and artillery.

Jack and twelve thousand five hundred other Confederates were to attack. He knew that now. Sam and Wilson were saying among themselves that it was suicide; that only a prolonged artillery barrage beforehand would give them any chance of winning.

That barrage started shortly after noon. As soon as the first rebel cannon was fired, the Union side fired back. Cannon balls exploded in the trees above Jack, causing leaves and branches to rain down on him. He laid out flat behind his stone wall, listening to the deafening roar and smelling the smoke. Soon, the entire field was covered in a thick haze and neither side could see the other.

The Union artillery fire slacked off during the last half hour. Jack and the men hoped it was a sign they were crippled, and not just saving ammunition for the inevitable infantry charge.

Then even the Confederate guns were silenced, and officers rode up and down the lines calling the men into battle order. Jack clamored over the stone fence and faced the foggy field. Orders were read and the men were reminded what fate would face the deserters.

A mighty cheer went up for old Virginia, and with abrupt conviction, the line moved forward. Sunlight penetrated the ever-lifting smoke and the mile-wide line of bayonets glowed like lights. Colonels and sergeants yelled out orders to align as they marched, and not to fire until they were much closer.

Then the Union artillery commenced firing once more. Immediately, huge swaths were cut through the closely-bunched Confederates. Jack heard the shots fly overhead. He saw them burst all around him and fellow soldiers fell in droves. He and Sam and Wilson survived the initial onslaught and approached a road bordered on each side by picket fences. Some of the fencing was down, but other sections rose ominously in the men's front.

Jack saw Sam hoisting Wilson over one such section. And then a flash. Jack fell backward, stunned by the explosion. When he leaned up, Sam and Wilson were gone. Jack yelled out their names above the din.

He saw them; laying side by side; bloody, shredded hulks of the men he knew so well. He started to go to them, but another shell drove him back. An officer rode past and ordered him forward.

Jack was halfway across the road when he was hit. He was spun around by the force of the blow to his left shoulder. He clutched at the wound, saw the blood on his hand, and began to stumble to his feet. Jack's vision blurred. The sounds of the battle became distant; muted. He collapsed.


"Get this one off the road. He's blocking the road!"

Jack opened his eyes to find two men hastily rolling him onto a stretcher. He cried out in pain.

"Hey. He's alive. Put him over with the other's."

He was carried a few hundred feet and rolled off onto the ground amid a dozen or so other moaning men. That's the last thing he remembered.

When he next awoke, Jack was looking up at a ceiling. A quick look around seemed to indicate a barn, or other large structure. It was full of cots and bustling people; civilians, moving about like ants from one cot to another. There were men, and women. Each with a pan of water and sometimes a cloth. Voices blended together until he couldn't recognize anything being said.

Soon, one of the women came to him, and wiped his face with a wet rag. Jack then saw the bandage wrapped around his shoulder and arm.

"You're a damn lucky one," she said. "Not many get hit like that and not break a bone. They won't even have to amputate. Damn lucky."

Jack tried to smile through the pain, but let her finish and move on to the next cot.

So he had survived, he was finally able to reason. As thoughts became clearer, he remembered Sam and Wilson. Then he wondered about who had won, although he had a good guess.

"Ma'am. Hey, ma'am," he said weakly to the next woman he saw.

She came over.

"What happened? I mean, who won?" Jack asked.

"Nobody won," the old woman replied. "Can't you see that by looking around? But Lee has skedaddled back to where he came from. That's all that matters."

Jack felt an immense ache in his stomach. They'd been beaten, just like Sam and Wilson has predicted. And now he was in some barn in Pennsylvania while the rest of the army headed back home. He had a tremendous urge to roll off the cot and begin running after them. But his head and shoulder and arm hurt too much. He closed his eyes.



He didn't know how long he had slept. It seemed much darker than before. And somebody was shaking him by his good shoulder.

"Jack! Wake up!"

The woman's voice was almost a whisper. He looked up.

"Jack, it's me. Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth. What...what are you doing here?"

"Shhhh. We're going to get you out of here. My sister lives right down the street. Now don't say a thing," Elizabeth told him. "Can you walk?"

"I...I don't know."

"Get up."

Jack rolled unsteadily until his legs hung over the side. They found the floor and Elizabeth grabbed his good arm when he stood. Jack felt another pair of hands on his back, and looked around to see a young woman, a teenager, assisting him as well.

Elizabeth said, "Can you walk now?"

Jack put one foot in front of the other, but it was hardly walking. The women helped him the best they could as he stumbled toward the door. It took a while, but they made it out into the fresh, night air.

"This way," Elizabeth said, guiding him. "Kate, do the best you can."

"I am, Aunt Liz."

Jack looked at Elizabeth, who said, "That's my niece, Kate. When I found you here, I knew I'd need help."

The group walked silently the rest of the way. It seemed to take forever to Jack, but it was actually only a few houses and they were climbing the front step into the red brick house. The door closed behind them and Jack was led into a large room with a few chairs.

"Sit down," Elizabeth said. "I'm going to check the bedroom one more time."

Before long, Jack was stretched out on the most comfortable bed he'd ever laid on. Elizabeth was tending to the bandage and Kate was coming and going with whatever Elizabeth called for. New faces occasionally stood at the door, a man and a woman about Elizabeth's age. They looked at Jack like he was from another side of the planet. Jack could hear words outside, but they were too soft to hear.

"Now you rest," Elizabeth told Jack. "Then you can eat. You're safe here, Jack. OK?"

He nodded. It had been thirty six hours since he fell on the road with his wound. A steady rain the evening after the battle had made the job of tending to the wounded very difficult. If his wound had been more severe, Jack Campbell would be dead. If Elizabeth Wade had not gone into town the next day and, as was her custom, tried to help whoever and wherever she could, she would not have stumbled upon the familiar face in the makeshift hospital. Jack would have either contracted a disease in the unhealthy setting or been sent to a prison camp. Either could have been deadly.

Instead, the woman he'd been with days earlier rescued him. And Jack slept with those memories clear in his mind.

Kate Turner was an eighteen year old blonde. Her attention was sought after by every unmarried man anywhere near her age within twenty miles of Gettysburg. A tom-boy for sure, she still enjoyed using her femininity to taunt men in and around the town. Short and thin, she had smallish breasts, but perfect legs and a tiny ass that she loved to flaunt.

Jack found her hovering near his bed the next time he awoke.

"I brought you some food," she said, putting the dish on the table next to him.

"Oh, thanks Kate," Jack said groggily.

He sat up, recognizing quickly that he had no shirt on, but did still have his pants on. Even in his sleepy state, Jack could see the beauty of the girl. Her dress was simple and hung over her petite body with ease. It tied up the front and she showed a conservative amount of skin. It was from the waist down that the dress did its best work. Kate truly did have an ass and legs to marvel at.

"Do you need help?" she asked.

Jack pulled the plate over and rested it in his lap. "I don't think so, but you're welcome to stay if you want."

Kate eagerly pulled up a chair and watched the young soldier begin to eat.

"What's it like being in the war?" she inquired.

Jack waited to swallow. "It's hell."

"Were you scared?"

"Damn right I was."

Kate watched him. She gazed at the muscles in his arms and chest. She studied the rugged features of his face.

"Then why do you fight?"

He looked at her closely. "You wouldn't understand. You're too young. But I believe every state should have the right to do whatever they want. And besides, you people invaded my home."

"Seems pretty stupid," she said. "People in the same country fighting each other."

"I agree," Jack admitted.

He ate some more.

"What are you going to do when you grow up?" he asked.

"I AM grown up," she shot back. "But after the last couple days I know I want to be a nurse. I like helping people who are hurt. Like you."

"That would be a good thing. I'm sure you'd be good at it."

They chatted until Jack finished. Then he said, "Where is everybody?"

"Gone. They're helping in town or something. Lots to do after you rebels came in and destroyed everything."

She cleared away his plate. Jack didn't respond to her obvious jab, said with a straight face. Then Kate turned and bent over Jack's chest while checking his bandage. Jack couldn't help but look at her body as it lingered so close, or her long hair as it dangled over her shoulders. Once her inspection of the wound was complete, Kate unexpectedly ran her fingers across his chest.

"It looks good to me," she said, never looking at his face.

"I'm going to live?"

She grinned. "I hope so."

Her hands were sliding back and forth, sinking lower on his body each time until she was pushing the blankets down to his waist. Kate got to the top of his pants and skimmed a finger across his stomach. She pushed the blankets away.

Jack saw her eyes lock onto his crotch. Then a hand was on it, pressing ever so slightly in search of something.

She looked up at him and smiled. Kate unbuttoned his pants and began to open them. Thick, dark hair came into view and Kate tugged on the pants. Jack lifted his ass off the bed and the pants slid a few inches down his legs. His cock was still somewhat hidden, so Kate finished the job and exposed it fully.

Her hands turned into magical instruments as they fondled him, caressed him, and held him like nobody ever had before. Kate was seemingly worshiping the cock and she watched it steadily grown in her palm. Soon, she was able to wrap her fingers around the erection and slowly pump it.

Jack had no intention of stopping her until, or if, she chose to do more than use her hands or mouth. He was content to let her continue petting him until he shot cum all over her hands, if that's what she wanted. But her skills had only partially been exhibited.

Kate turned so that her ass was more directly facing Jack at the side of the bed. Then she leaned over and slowly licked his cock from the base to the tip. She did this several times, each one more erotic than the others.

Jack reached out and lifted the bottom of her dress, up to the middle of her thighs. White drawers covered her sweet ass and Jack slid a hand inside one leg. Kate shifted her feet so that he had better access, and soon he was cupping her luscious ass cheek in his hand.

At the same instant, Kate lowered her head down onto his cock and began sucking on it feverishly. Jack sought out the warm, wet space between her legs and probed it with prodding fingers. He alternated between her pussy and her ass cheeks while Kate sucked him and stroked him with one hand around the base.

Jack found her clit and concentrated on that as his pending orgasm got closer and closer. He moaned when his body started to give in. Kate applied more pressure with her lips and yelped when Jack pressed harder on her clit. A minute later, Jack was thrusting his hips up towards the teenager's face in anticipation of his climax.

Finally, he cried out and felt the cum flow through his cock and into her precious mouth. Jack writhed on the bed, clutching at her ass, as Kate took in shot after shot. It dribbled down the side of her face and clung to her chin, but Kate never halted her assault on the cock.

When he was done, she wiped her face with the blanket, but Jack was still fingering her pussy and her own desires were approaching the breaking point. He found her clit once more and Kate shrieked. He rubbed harder. Kate leaned on the bed.

A few seconds later, she was muffling her howls while Jack forced her into having multiple orgasms by stroking her and plunging fingers inside her wet pussy. Her hair fluttered back and forth as she came in a blonde flourish of ecstasy.

Afterwards, while she pulled up his pants, Jack said, "You'll make a fine nurse, Kate."

"Just doing my part. Trying to help," she smiled.

(To be continued...)

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