The ABC Game Ch. 09


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Just then my phone rang. I answered it and before I could even say anything Steve was talking.

"We are here at the rehab center, and I was right. The doctor is his stepfather."

"What about Gabby? Is she okay?"

Steve took a deep breath before he said "She is here, but she is very strung out on something. The doctor isn't talking other than to say he wants a lawyer."

"Fuck the damn lawyer. I'm leaving in half an hour. Find someplace private to put Spitzer, and get Gabby out of there and into a hospital with around the clock security."

After hanging up I went upstairs and woke Karen telling her to pack an overnight bag, then I went downstairs and did the same with Jennifer and Stephanie. I could see the fear in Jennifer's eyes and told her I would explain it when they came back down.

Within five minutes they were all in the kitchen with Jennifer and Stephanie looking very scared. I explained everything to them and I could see Jennifer begin to shake. Karen put her arms around both girls and tried to make them feel safer with a crack about them having a girls night out, and maybe ordering strippers. Just then the windows rattled as Tony's helicopter landed in the backyard. This scared Jennifer even more, but time was of the essence right now, and I couldn't take the time to drive into town.

The helicopter landed at the airport and was immediately surrounded by a limo and two SUVs. I assured the girls everything would be alright and also that I would be back soon. Then a SUV showed up to take me to the far end of the airport where a private jet was waiting. I felt horrible about leaving them, but I had to put an end to this today.

The plane trip was long and as the plane stopped and the doors opened there were two SUVs waiting. I hopped in with Steve and he filled me in. "He still isn't talking, but he is blaming his stepson for everything. There is something else going on here. My people found an entire collection of photos and DVDs. The photos are very explicit and are of what looks like young girls at the college. He's blaming Jack, but I am betting that he benefitted from Jack's business."

I looked at Steve and took a deep breath before saying anything. "The gloves are off Steve. I'm not going to ask you to be a part of anything you don't feel comfortable with. This isn't a religious fanatic looking for his 72 virgins. This is your run of the mill asshole who used his position for his own jollies. He will tell me everything within half an hour, and I'm not going to ask you to do anything, just don't stop me."

Steve sat there not talking and then said "I messed up. I thought this kid was just a wannabe tough guy. I'm thinking now that he might be blackmailing more than the girls. You will have complete control."

The rest of the ride was filled with silence as the SUVs sped through the darkness. Finally we turned into a very dark parking lot behind a large metal building. We got out and headed for the door and once inside I saw that they had the good doctor strapped to a board with his head tilted down.

I walked up to the doctor and made a complete circle around him. "How are you feeling doctor? Better yet, how is my wife Gabby doing?"

You could see his entire body tremble when he knew it was me. The entire time I was talking I was walking around him. I knew he couldn't answer me as he was gagged, but right now I was just setting the stage for him to tell me everything.

"I'm going to give you one chance to do this the easy way. Then we revert to what they like to call aggressive interrogation techniques. Some call it torture. Some say it is illegal. The thing is, that isn't important to me. I'm not in law enforcement so it doesn't apply. Hell, I'm not even going to use it in court. So, like I said. One time the easy way. Then we get dirty."

I hit a lever and the end where his head was at raised up and you could see the fear in his eyes. Which was exactly what I wanted. I unbuckled the strap holding his gag and he gasped when it came loose.

"Now tell me everything."

"I demand a lawyer! This isn't right."

I shook my head. "That isn't what I wanted to hear. Try one more time or you are going to wish you had."

Spitzer started to cry as he knew he didn't have a choice, but I could see his wheels turning, wondering how much can he get away with.

"Don't even try it doctor. I can already see you thinking about what you can tell and what you can keep secret. The simple answer is you have to tell me everything, or if I think you're not, I'm going to take you for a journey that you don't want to go on."

"Oh God! Okay! I'll tell you everything. Yes, Jack is my stepson. He was at the clinic earlier today. He wanted me to help him, but I swear I wasn't going to go through with it. I was trying to get him in a position to call the cops."

"Stop! What did I tell you about lying doctor? I'm not playing a game here. Now start over."

"Okay!! I used him to get girls for me. I supplied the pills and he would bring me young women. I shared them with my friends. Men who are very powerful, so you might want to make sure I'm okay when I leave here. Do you understand me?!"

"Listen doc., I had you snatched out of your fucking clinic and not a soul is looking for you. Can your friends do that? So don't you dare threaten me again. Now continue, without the foolish threats."

"Look! I don't know where he is, but he really wants to make you suffer. I only saw him this mad once before, and that was with his mother. He got her hooked on street drugs and then turned her into a hooker. He pimped out his own mother till she finally committed suicide." I think he has the same plans for your daughter."

"I bet he does, but what were you going to get out of all this?"

He didn't say anything, but the look on his face told me he was going to get Becca. Right then for the first time since my past career had ended I had to use every ounce of strength to control my rage. I signaled for someone to come out of the office and once they were there I looked down at Spitzer and said. "Now tell these men the names of all your friends involved in your sick games, and don't even think about skipping a name. Trust me, what they can do to you is nothing compared to what I will do to you."

I walked away with Spitzer spilling every name of the men he partied with, and it turns out he also spilled his bodily fluids as a stench filled the air. Right then I hollered out over my shoulder, vc "Don't even think about throwing in names that don't belong. We are not going chase down false names without you paying a price."

As we walked away we could hear him striking names off the list. "How did you know?" Steve asked.

"It just comes from experience. You get where you can read their faces and eyes. You just know. Spitzer is the type who would use us to even scores, even though he knows the game is up for him. Hell, he let his stepson turn his wife into a drug addicted hooker."

Steve just shook his head as we went into the office. "There are times I don't care for the human race. How does a man do something like that?"

"I don't know, but I don't think he is telling us everything. After they get the names I'm going back out there."

It was another hour before they were through with Spitzer, and when they came in the office they were shaking their heads. "Man, if this guy is on the level this shit involves a US senator, several state politicians, a number of judges, and a damn football coach, among others." They gave us the list and I looked at it. I knew the senator on the list, and his name wasn't a shock. He was a sadistic bastard who liked hurting people. The rest were just a collection of names. Some I knew from the news, others I had never heard of.

I walked back out to the good doctor as he lay strapped to the table. "How is it going Doc.? I want you to understand that I already know that you were going to get my daughter after your step son was through with her. You can keep lying and you and him can spend eternity together. Now start from the top and tell me how this sick operation of your's started."

Spitzer told me the same story he told the other guys. His stepson Jack had turned his own mother into a hooker and had used her until she couldn't take it any longer and she had committed suicide. He also told me that Jack had even supplied him with Jack's own girlfriend. Spitzer said he was terrified of Jack, but I knew he was more terrified of me.

I left there and called the old man up. I explained that Jack was in town and I wanted some of his people to put this problem to bed once and for all. I didn't want to get Steve or his people's hands dirty so this was going to be farmed out. I left there and went to grab a bite to eat. I knew they would have Jack rounded up by daylight, and I was starved.

As I was finishing my dinner my phone rang. It was Steve.

"We have a problem. Jack might be an idiot, but he isn't stupid. He ran to Wilson's house. He's there now."

"I'll meet you there in about twenty minutes."

"Ken, did you hear me? He is at former Governor Wilson's house. We can't go in there and drag him out."

"I know. I will do it."

"What, are you going to just walk into his house and say excuse me governor, but I need to take this man with me?"

"No, I'm going to tell the governor I know about his relationship with Spitzer and I'm taking Jack with me."

"You really think he will just let you walk out with him?"

"I know he will. He is a politician. Every move he makes is about survival. He will put on a good front at first, but then he will back down. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

I got to Wilson's house and met the people who were watching it. They told me nobody had come or gone since they had been there. I hopped back in my SUV and drove past the open gates, and up to the front door.

I rang the door bell and soon an older gentleman answered the door and showed me into the study. There I saw Jack setting in a large leather chair puffing on an overpriced cigar, and a very nervous looking ex-governor sitting behind his desk.

"You can come out from behind that desk if you don't mind governor. I would rather we all talk where we can see each other. You can bring that pistol you have with you, if it makes you feel safer."

Jack started laughing "I told you he would know you had a hidden gun."

Governor Wilson just sat where he was at, so I opened my coat and showed him my Sig on my belt. "I promise you governor, I am way faster than you. So just come out here and join us."

He walked from behind the desk and brought with him a large .357 with him that he probably couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with. He sat down in a chair similar to the one Jack was sitting in. I sat on the sofa.

"Now I'm sure Jack here has told you why I'm here, and I'm also sure Jack expects you to protect him. Well, I'm afraid that isn't an option. Jack has violated far too many agreements with me for me to even think about trusting him."

"I understand that young Jack here has over stepped the ground rules that you asked him to follow, but a great number of people are indebted to this young man for different reasons. I'm afraid I can't allow anything to happen to him."

"I understand governor. You are talking about all the girls he got hooked on drugs and then turned over to you and your friends. I'm sorry, but I hope you don't feel disrespected when I tell you that you don't scare me, and neither does Senator James. Yes, you see I know all the names. The good doctor can be very talkative when given the right motivation."

Wilson looked at Jack and then at me. You could almost see the blood drain from his face. He was very pale.

"Don't let him get to you governor. He is trying to bully you. Dad won't say anything, and there is no way they can go by what he said while they tortured him." Jack said as he grasped at straws to save himself.

"You don't get it Jack. The governor isn't afraid of going to jail. He is terrified of his reputation getting drug through the mud. He doesn't have to be convicted to be destroyed. You should have ran to one of your businessmen friends. They would have defended you longer, but they also would have caved."

"You can't let him take me. I'll tell everyone about you and your friends. How you fucked your own daughter, and made those sluts call you daddy."

Looking at the governor I could see his wheels turning. I didn't know what he was thinking until he pulled the pistol from his lap and fired two rounds into Jack's chest. Jack looked shocked as he sat in the chair, and then he slumped over.

I had already pulled my pistol and had it pointed at the governor. "Drop the weapon. Don't make me shoot you." I shouted.

The governor sat the pistol on the table beside him and looked at me. "You saw it. He was going to kill me. He pulled a gun."

Just then Steve and the other men came bursting into the house with guns drawn. I holstered my weapon and looked them shaking my head.

"Don't ask me. This dumb ass shot him."

They looked at the former governor and then at Jack.

"He has a pistol between the cushions. He was going for it and I had to shoot him."

Steve looked in the cushion and came out with a Glock. fully loaded with one in the chamber.

"What happened here?" Steve asked me.

"I'm not sure, but I think the governor was going to let his old buddy Jack shoot me. When he found out that Spitzer had spilled the beans he knew that his only way out was with Jack being on the wrong end of the gun. So what now? Blame it all on a drugged out burglar choosing the wrong house?"

"You said it son. I'm a politician. I know how to survive. I weighed my options and him dead was easier than you dying. it doesn't mean I won't kill you if you try to bring me down."

"Governor, I have no intention of dealing with you in any way. I already feel like I need to spend a year in the shower to get your stench off me. I hope you do understand one thing though. If I hear about you and your friends being involved in something like this again I will single handedly destroy them, and you."

I turned and walked out the door with Steve at my heels. Once outside he looked at me and said "You know he won't stop. That pervert will keep trapping and using young girls."

"You sound like you want me to do something Steve. Weren't you the one warning me not to make this guy mad?"

"Yeah, but then I saw his smug face, and now I want him to fry."

"You need patience Steve."

Just then my phone rang and I told the person on the other line they only had one package to pick up. After hanging up I looked at Steve and motioned him over to the side.

"Wilson won't be a problem, and neither will the rest of his friends. I'm thinking a curse will befall the entire group."

Then I walked off to my SUV. I called Jennifer and told her our problem had been solved and we were going to take a long vacation once I got home.


Over the next eighteen months a series of tragic events struck the members of Governor Wilson's exclusive club. The poor governor would actually out live all his friends only to be found after a heart attack during some twisted S&M game. He was found trussed to a bed while wearing a corset and stockings.

Jennifer, Karen, and me spent the next five years enjoying life together. Jennifer eventually found someone closer to her own age and they are now happily married. Karen and me grew closer over time and now we live together on her parent's old property. We still head out to the little cabin by the river on most weekends. My daughter Becca ended up moving to Europe to be an artist, and Gabby kicked her drug habit and now she lives in Europe with Becca.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Fun, sexy story but with a shitty ending.

Your a fantastic writer, you had me hooked from the start. Unfortunately the conclusion wasn't very good and the epilogue just flat out sucked! It's still worth checking out for all the hot group sex!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Crappy ending

Really crappy ending. It was contradicting to your entire story. Why take a cheap way out when you spent all this time building it up? You probably felt you lost control on too many characters, but too bad, this was not the way to deal with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Loved It.

I usually do not comment unless I consider the story fantastic. nuff said

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Needs tightening

Lots of poor English:

"My daughter Becca was doing good." Good is an adjective - should be "doing well."

"Epilog:" should be "Epilogue"

"Jennifer, Karen, and me spent the . . ." Should be "and I."

Punctuation and capitalization should be checked.

Further, extraneous stuff that could be cut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You took a fun little story ( early chapters) and turned it into some Macgyver, Borne identity piece of shit. No stars for you :(

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