The Abduction Game Ch. 01


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The noise finally came to an end right after what sounded like 2 or 3 minutes of, "Slap-slap, Slap-slap, Slap-slap" along with my wife making a "Gher, Gher, Gher, Gher, UHHHGGGGGGHEReeee." And then silence. I seriously didn't know at this point if Margie had orgasmed or passed out, or perhaps both.

Finally after another 5 minutes and to my relief the door opened and Tanner entered and asked I come with him. As I followed Tanner through the house and to a side door, my mind was ablaze with the gravity of Margie's situation from this point on and that all the things, even stuff that was way out there that I had seen on the website could very well happen to my wife in the hours ahead.

I followed Tanner through the kitchen and then to a door that led to a covered carport, where I found in front of me a full sized windowless van. He then opened the passenger door, put his finger to his lips telling me to be silent, while pointing to the passenger seat with his free hand. I nodded my head yes and stepped into the van's passenger seat and closed the door. As Tanner walked around the van to the driver's side, I looked towards the back of the van and it took my brain a few seconds to take in what I was seeing right behind me.

The van had only one bench seat near the back that spanned about two thirds of the way across. The seat was more or less designed for workers or perhaps even prisoners and was well padded but the frame was a steel tube frame. The tube frame looped up on each end to support the arm wrests and then down to form the legs where it was bolted to the floor. Taking up almost that entire seat was my wife Margie. Margie was still naked and had been placed on her knees facing backwards on the seat, with each ankle and knee pulled out to the arm wrests and secured with black straps to the metal tube. Her arms were in turn pulled up and out to the side of the van behind the seat and secured to each outside wall. In this position her ass was wide open facing forward, her stomach against the top of the seat back with her large breasts hanging free below her chest behind the seat. In essence, my wife was wide open, immobile and exposed for whatever someone wanted to do to her.

As I stared at my wife's open crotch, there was no doubt in my mind that both her pussy and asshole had already seen some serious attention by the two men in the room down the hall as I waited and listened. Either way, like some kind of a new found cuckold, I now sat and stared at an unknown mixture of what could be massage oil, lube, sperm, her own moisture or perhaps all of the above, slip from her freshly shaved pussy and drip down to the bench seat below her. Above her pussy, my wife's tight pink asshole was surrounded by a similar mixture and pouted slightly open and pink with signs of abuse also.

As I watched her pussy slowly expel the unknown fluid, I noticed that the man that I had seen earlier, leading her down the hall, was now in the very back of the van, knelt behind the seat and appeared to be massaging her nipples and kissing her intently on the lips. As I watched this I could hear my wife moaning into the man's open mouth while pulling at her bonds just slightly. As I watched this I couldn't tell if she was struggling in defiance or trying to move her mouth closer onto his or perhaps move her hanging breasts fully into his open hands. I paid no attention to Tanner or the van's movements. I just watched the man alternate from pulling on each nipple then slap each breast from all sides with one hand as he used the other to pull Margie's mouth tight into his.

We traveled south on the freeway and then exited at the airport. Then right before we entered the airport we pulled off at a large Hotel that most likely catered to business travelers. Tanner pulled the van alongside the hotel to a side door, where two men stood waiting with gym bags. As soon as the van had stopped, one of the men pulled open the side door and then both entered the van, each one instantly taking note of the naked woman spread out directly to their left as they entered.

Minutes later the van pulled away from the Hotel and the men's hands began to grope Margie all over, getting an instant reaction from her in the form of moaning and groaning. In just a few more minutes Margie started to swear as one of the men began pulling her ass cheeks apart and pushing fingers inside of her while the other one opened their small bags and began to take out an array of sex toys. At this every moment I realized that my wife Margie, was in for the ride of her life, right there inside the back of a windowless work van, with me her husband of 14 years only able to watch.

We pulled back onto the freeway and headed south again. And it wasn't long before the sound escalated from the back of the van. Margie grunted, groaned and cussed as one of the men from the Hotel passed a ball gag to the man still behind the seat that was kissing my wife earlier. He then pushed the red ball inside her mouth and quickly pulled the straps tight behind her head.

Once the ball gag was in place, it was only a few minutes before my wife began to earnestly try and talk around it, then eventually try and scream through it. As she did this I looked down and saw that one man was pushing a large dildo slowly into her pussy while the other was forcing a well lubed medium sized dildo into her ass. As all this was happening, the third man was still behind the seat playing with her swinging breasts, only now handling them much rougher than before.

As we continued to drive south, suddenly I could hear Margie breathing furiously through her nose and let out a long groan, while at the same time the van could be felt moving up and down and slightly side to side. I quickly looked again and couldn't believe what I saw.

Margie's pussy and ass were now totally filled with the two dildos. Or maybe I should say, not so much filled as being totally filled, over and over again. I say this because as the man on the left pushed and pulled the dildo in and out of her ass, the man on the right did the same thing with the larger one, in and out of her pussy. And all the while as those two men carried out their assault on her pussy and asshole, the third man pulled each of Margie's heavy breasts in various directions by her nipples, forcing my wife into a stiff self inflicted arching of her back as she attempted to take the strain off her nipples.

A wild convulsive orgasm followed almost immediately as the two men behind her increased their pace while the man at her breasts not only pulled up and out to the sides, but now began to roll the tortured nipples in between his strong fingers at the same time.

All this along with the hardest open hand spanking I have ever seen, kept Margie in a forced orgasm for a time period longer than I though humanly possible. And in the end she collapsed in her bonds, looking to be passed out. The men then slowly removed the dildos and then groped her naked body while talked quietly to each other about how this was nothing compared to what "The Master" would be doing to her when they got to where they were going.

I was emotionally drained at this point by the fact they appeared to have only gotten started with her, and there was more to come. And not just more, but what sounded like even a rougher treatment taking place at the hands of the one they called, "The Master."

About 5 minutes later we pulled off the freeway and into an upscale neighborhood. We then made a few corners and then backed into an open garage. Tanner shut off the motor, closed the garage door with a remote on the van's visor and asked I come with him into the house. I was a little reluctant to leave my wife in her present condition in the hands of the three men that had just rocked her world to the point she had passed out, but after a few seconds I reminded myself that this is what she truly wanted, got out of the van and headed into the house with Tanner.

Once in the house, Tanner took me to what appeared to be the master bedroom, only unlike most bedrooms, it was devoid of anything but a large bed with four posts and a full canopy above. It was at this point I realized that the house itself was empty as if not lived in except for this one room. As I scanned the room, Tanner took me to a large walk in closet and asked I sit in a single chair that was just inside.

As I sat just a bit confused, Tanner said that as we had discussed, I would not be present for all of my wife's fantasies, but nearby. He smiled as I sat down and said that this part of the adventure would be administered by another man that was very skilled and experienced at this sort of thing and he would have control of the door, as in, whether it remained opened or closed. This had my head spinning for sure, and as I struggled to deal with what was just said, Tanner slowly closed the door in front of me.

Only a few minutes had passed before I heard a commotion in the room that lie directly in front of the door I was now staring dead into. I heard things like, "Hold her, pull that tighter, ok, now give me that one,........ good." And as I listened to what sounded like one man's unfamiliar voice giving all the orders, I heard my wife Margie moaning and trying to speak around what must have been the ball gag that I assumed had been left on her from the van ride here.

Suddenly there was silence, then the footsteps of a single man coming towards the door. A second later the door slowly opened and I found myself face to face with a man about my size wearing only a black leather face mask with a distinctive white lightning bolt across the forehead of the mask. He said nothing to me, just cocked his head a little sideways a few times and made an "Mmmmmmm" sound.

As he moved away from the opening I could see my wife Margie was gagged, blindfolded and strung up at the foot of the bed, nude and in an open X fashion, facing out from the bed. Both Margie's knees were firmly on the bed, but had been pulled painfully wide to each dark post and firmly secured. In turn, her forearms were pulled up and out to each post and strapped down as well, leaving her wide open and fully exposed.

My view was primarily from the side, but not totally, so I could see both posts and the front of my wife from a sharp angle. Due to the way Margie had been tied up, her breasts were hanging free and away from her chest just slightly and easily cleared the closest bed post.

As I watched intently, the masked man pulled up a chair matching the one I was sitting in and placed it right in front of my wife. Then he retrieved a large suitcase, sat it down to the left of the chair and opened it.

My heart skipped a beat as the man sat down less than a foot from my wife and began to take an array of dildos from the case and lay them out below her open crotch. There were no small dildos at all, just medium sized to immensely large and long ones. One in particular was a string of rubber balls all molded together in a line and at least a foot long. At one end the balls started out small, like a large marble, and at the other the largest was the size of a cue ball, and above that a handle. Last out of the case was a large pump bottle of some kind of lube, literally a pint perhaps. The man took it from the case and placed it on my side, his right, and I found myself just staring at the large container wondering whether or not he would need that much lube or if perhaps he did this a lot and was just saving money buying in bulk.

I was quickly reminded of who was in charge as the masked man then stood up face to face with my wife and slowly lifted her blindfold. Margie went totally ballistic when she saw his face and began to scream around the gag while at the same time pulling roughly at her bonds. The bed shook and the man growled a low gruff laugh from behind the mask and then reattached the blindfold securely over her eyes. Even with the blindfold back on, Margie continued to protest from behind the gag. I became alarmed for her safety due to the way she was now reacting as if she really feared what was going to happen next. As I considered it, I was reminded of what she had said earlier, "Her ultimate fantasy would be for everything to go as far as it could with her not being marked permanently or injured."

So with this thought I resettled in the chair and watched as the masked man ignored her struggles and retrieved a long black cord of rope and quickly encircled my wife's right breast at the base, then roughly continued to go around and around it until it looked like a bloated and over filled fleshy balloon with one extremely large and hard nipple pointing straight out at the end. Then the man quickly did the other the same way. The man then attached another rope to each of the encircled ropes near the outside and attached each rope to the nearest post just below where Margie's arms were secured. This pulled each of my wife's ballooned breasts forcefully away from her chest, out to the side and slightly up. At this point Margie just groaned and arched her back, as she appeared to be trying to take as much tension off her breasts as possible.

Now with Margie secure in this position, the masked man took the time to play with her nipples and then move his hands to other parts of my wife's body, rubbing and probing as he quietly whispered in her left ear. Then out of nowhere the masked man stopped what he was doing, walked towards me and slowly closed the door.

With the door now closed, all I could do was listen as the man started by telling Margie that he and she would work together the next few hours and that the goal would be to take the largest of the dildos in her pussy while at the same time allow all but the last rubber ball to pass into her asshole. I had a pretty good idea which dildos he was referring to and judging by the way Margie was screaming through the gag, I was sure that he must be demonstrating to her with the blindfold removed now.

The next hour and a half was nothing less than torture. Every time the man would introduce larger toys slowly into her pussy or challenge my wife's ass to one or two larger ball sizes, I would hear yet again the familiar sound of the man pumping on the large lube container. And then shortly thereafter, my wife Margie would begin Huffing air as fast as humanly possible through her nose followed by a long groan then an almost animal grunt as the bed would shake and slap against the wall at the opposite end. And every time she had accomplished the next step, I would then hear a slapping sound that had to be skin against his open hand. The slapping would start out light and eventually escalate along with the masked man telling her that he would keep spanking her ass and slapping her tits until she agreed to move on.

Margie was rewarded with several small orgasms along the way, but the largest by far was at the very last. During the final orgasm Margie made noises that didn't seem humanly possible along with screams that seemed to dislodge the gag altogether, while all the while, the bed hammering against the wall sharply with a steady rhythm. After that, the room beyond the door grew quiet and I could hear someone taking pictures with what sounded like a digital camera, over and over for five minutes or so. Shortly thereafter there was a lot of movement in the room and then silence.

My mind was reeling from everything I had just listened to take place in the other room and as I waited for someone to open the door I honestly lost track of time. Finally realizing that, I checked my cell phone for the time and made a mental note of it. I decided I would wait 15 minutes and then take the initiative to open the door myself and end this adventure before my wife was actually injured in some way.

After 15 minutes had passed and no one had opened the door I slowly got up and opened the door and found myself alone in the room. The Masked man was gone along with the large lube bottle, sex toys, ropes and cases. The house seemed too quiet and I quickly found my way through every room and then at last to an empty garage. I soon found myself sitting on the step leading down to the garage slab and just staring at the garage floor. My heart sank as the realization set in that Margie had been taken by the men and I was no longer going to be able to assure her safety. And for that matter, I had no clue where she was now.

As my gaze moved from the garage floor to the overhead door, I saw a piece of paper taped to the center of it that I didn't remember being there before, or perhaps I hadn't noticed it. Either way I stood to inspect the paper and found it addressed to me.

The note said, "Call a cab and go home, you're at 16532 NW 12th ST. when you get home, check your e-mail. We will be keeping Margie until midnight, at which time you will be given an address to pick her up. She will continue to receive what she has asked for and will not be injured.


End of Chapter 1

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26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

We’re lucky, he didn’t finish this mess.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
non continuation

u fucker why label a story with chapter no.s if u don't post further for years

bioman57bioman57almost 8 years ago
Needs to be finished>>>

The story flowed well but needs to be finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great Story - Is this author on Amazon?

I sure wish there was another chapter to the story. I've noticed that some authors here have started releasing their long stories on kindle. Does anyone know if this author is on Amazon and what name the author uses there?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
A big fan of Tim Smith

This is such a good story. It's a shame it seems to have end here.

Helen UK.

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