The Abduction of Susie Wells

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A dark tale of abduction and humiliation.
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It all began with a show on TV. Jeff Hicks was watching a detective show about a young girl abducted and abused. She was later found naked on the side of the road in a dazed state but still very much alive. She could not remember much about what had happened and could not identify the person who abducted her. Jeff wished they would have given more details of what happened while she was captive.

It was at this point Jeff began to consider the possibility of abduction. Jeff was not an evil person but had a problem with women. It just seemed he never clicked with them. Even as a child his mother had always told him what a bad person he was and blamed this on the fact his father had abandoned her. She was left to raise a son on her own. She would often scold him while punishing him. Jeff did not like to remember the various punishments she would use. They would definitely be considered abusive by current child rearing standards.

Jeff had experienced sex with a few prostitutes and had enjoyed it. However, he did not like the fact that he had to pay these used women for their services. He wanted a fresh person and he wanted someone that he could completely dominate.

Jeff did not think of this again until he was surfing the internet and found some information on a plant from South America. This plant was found to help women who had difficulties reaching orgasm. It seemed this plant stimulated the sexual receptors thorough out the female body resulting in a large release of sex hormones. There were even some warnings of this drug effecting women’s judgment and lowering their inhibitions.

Jeff continued his research on this plant and learned that he could obtain some seeds from a dealer over the Internet. Jeff ordered the seeds and in several months he had several small plants growing in a small greenhouse approximating the tropical climate. The process of obtaining the active ingredient was relatively simple and he soon had several vials of the potent liquid. This lead Jeff to begin to formulate a plan of abduction.

Jeff went to great length to formulate a safe workable plan. He found an isolated shack in the wood that had long ago been abandoned. It was perfect for his plan. Jeff designed a wooden framework that allowed him to bring ropes down to hold his hostage. It was also arranged where the ropes could adjust bringing the person’s hands and feet either far apart or close together without have to untie anything. This gave him complete control over his victim’s body. This frame was place on small trailer so he could easily move it around.

Jeff also procured a dart gun and was able to find some tranquilizer darts that rangers used to capture animals. After researching this area he arrived at the correct dosage for a small human female.

Jeff next found a non-descript older white van and purchased it. It was an old service type vehicle with no windows in the cargo space. Jeff pasted some company logo on the van that could be easily removed. It would make it much more difficult to identify in a worst case scenario.

Jeff then began to cruise the city in search of a victim. It was near the local university that he first saw Susie Wells. She looked in her early 20’s and she was very pretty. She was small but had a lovely body. She dressed very conservatively unlike many of the young women attending the university.

Jeff did a bit of investigation on her and learned from the internet that she was single and was a senior majoring in economics and accounting. From his observations it appeared she had no close friends and was not in any type of romantic involvement. She seemed to be perfect.

Susie had a very regular pattern. She would go to school each morning and arrive back at her small apartment at around 3:00. She would then study and usually go to bed early. She would awakened at around 5:30, drive to the nearby park, and go for a run of about 3 miles. She would return home and prepare for school on weekdays and on weekends usually spend time studying.

Jeff made his plan and on a dark Saturday morning he positioned himself in the path where Susie usually ran. He had his dart pistol loaded and was in the bushes only a few feet from where she would pass. Jeff did not have to wait very long to see his prey running toward him. He sat quietly. There was no one else in sight. As Susie past with a few feet of him he shot her in the butt cheeks.

“Ouch!” Susie exclaimed as she felt a sting in her butt. As she stopped running and reached back to rub her ass she found the small dart.

“What is this?” she said as she pulled the dart out. As she did the tranquilizer began to take effect and Susie began to feel unsteady on her feet.

Jeff looked around and there was still no one in sight. He watched as Susie staggered off the path and simply collapsed in the bushes. He quickly ran to her and determined that she was unconscious. Again checking to make sure there was no one around he picked up her small body and took her to his van.

Jeff quickly loaded her in the van. He handcuffed her hands behind her; he put a blindfold over her eyes, and a ball gage in her mouth. Jeff was pleased that all of this took very little time and he was soon on his way to the shack. His calculations indicated it would be a while before Susie became conscious again but he wanted to make sure she could not identify him. Jeff did not want to kill Susie; he only wanted to play with her.

After arriving at the shack and making sure everything was clear, Jeff took Susie into the building. He quickly removed her clothes. He took a moment to admire her body and then got on with his work.

He placed both her hands into Velcro type handcuffs that were attached to ropes that were attached to his frame. Then using the pulleys he raised her to her feet by a rope to each hand. He spread her arms out wide. He attached other Velcro to her feet and pulled them about 3 feet apart.

Jeff then sat back and looked at his work. Susie was a petite woman with small but very firm lovely breasts. Her ass was perfect. Sally did not shave her pussy and had a nice growth of dark brown hair as she hung from his wooden stockade.

Susie slowly returned to consciousness.

“What happened?” she tried to say but found something was in her mouth preventing her from mouthing the words. She then noticed that she was being held by her arms that were stretched above her and to the side. She began to panic when she found her arms were being held in that manner and she could not release them.

Panic began to rise as Susie found her legs were also bound and she could not move them. She shifted her weight away from her arms and back to her legs releasing the pressure on her arms but she was still very trapped. It was then she felt the cool air on her bare skin and released that she was standing nude with her arms raised above her head. To make things worse her legs were spread and she knew that her most intimate private areas were exposed to whoever might be looking at her.

Panic set in and Jeff watched as Susie began to frantically fight against the restraints. He did nothing but watched and make sure his video equipment was catching all the action.

“Mghghghg!” he heard Susie mumble attempting to scream through ball gag that effectively squealed her pleas for help.

Susie struggled for a few minutes and soon was exhausted from her efforts. She struggle a bit more then appeared resigned to the fact she was a captive and there was little she could do about it.

Jeff took his digital camera and walked around her taking a number of very good shots of her. Even through the blindfold Susie could sense the flash of the camera and guessed what was happening.

“Mgmgmgmg!” she tried to protest but only meaningless mumblings resulted.

Susie was totally captive in a strange unknown place by an unknown assailant and she was at his mercy. She gave a long sigh through her gag and let her body slump against the ropes waiting for the next phase of this nightmare.

“Okay, now that you have settled down it is time for the rules,” Jeff suddenly said to his captive. He watched as her head jerked up trying with blindfolded eyes to see who was doing this to her.

“Now that I have your attention,” Jeff continued.

“Umfmmmfuu,” Susie mumbled through her gag trying to communicate.

Jeff gave Susie a sharp slap on her ass cheeks.

“Ugggghhh!” Susie squealed.

“Don’t interrupt me when I am talking. Do you understand?” he said and slapped her other ass cheeks. He noticed some redness forming where he hit her.

Susie nodded her head that she understood.

“You are now my total slave. You will have to do everything that I say or else you will be punished. There are no if’s, and’s, or but’s. That is simply the way it is. Do you understand?”

Jeff could see tears beginning to flow from Susie’s eyes under the blindfold as she nodded her head in agreement.

“I’m going to remove the ball gag but you are not to speak unless I ask you something and give you permission to speak. Any other words from you mouth will result in punishment,” Jeff said. He undid the Velcro clasped and pulled the ball gage out of Susie’s mouth.

“Please don’t hurt me!” Susie immediately said.

Jeff was prepared. Before he removed the gag he had picked up and small boat paddle. Just as Susie finished her short statement he swung.


“Owwwwwwh!” Susie screamed as she felt the paddle hit her tender ass cheeks already reddened by Jeff previous slaps.

“Do you understand now?” Jeff asked.

“Yes,” Susie whimpered.

“Okay now that we understand one another I have to compliment you. You have some really great tits. They are small but perfect,” Jeff said and pinched her nipples.

“Oh please don’t do that,” Susie whispered.


“Owwwwwh!” Susie cried.

“You said something again,” Jeff explained.

“Susie, you also have a very pretty pussy. Tell me do you like to rub it?”

“No, I don’t do that sort of thing.”



“I know you must rub your pussy some. Don’t lie to me Susie. Tell me how much you like playing with her pussy,” Jeff insisted.

“I like playing with it,” Susie whimpered crying now.

“You like playing with what?”

“I like playing with my pussy,” Susie said feeling totally degraded.

“Please stop this and let me go. Help someone!” Susie suddenly screamed.


“Owwwwwh!” Susie screamed and Jeff watched as Susie began to let loose stream of pee. It ran straight down and then splashed on her to legs going down in a puddle where she stood.

“You dirty little bitch. Look what you have done,” Jeff said in disgust.

“If that is the way you want it then ok,” Jeff pulled out his dick and let loose.

Susie did not know what was happening at first. She felt so humiliated that someone was watching her pee on herself that she did not immediately comprehend what was happening. She felt the warm fluid strike her stomach and then up into her face. It finally registered that this man was peeing all over her and Susie struggled to get away but that was useless.

Jeff laughed making sure he had captured all of this on video.

“What a fucking mess you are Susie! No one would want to touch a piss covered bitch like you. I guess I will have to clean you up.”

Susie still could not see what was happening but felt the device upon which she was tied was moving.

Josh pushed the frame over to where he had a large tub of very cold water. He poured some more ice in the water. He moved over to where Susie stood and began to crank the bottom pulleys. This pulled Susie’s feet together. It was of no use for her to struggle.

“Oh!” Susie exclaimed but kept quiet not wanting another paddling.

When Susie’s feet were together Jeff took a Velcro cord and tied them tightly together. He then picked Susie up by her feet allowing her to be suspended by her hands. He loosened the ropes to her hands and positioned her over the tub of ice water. When he had her perfectly positioned he let her drop quickly into the cold water.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Susie screamed as she felt the ice cold water cover her body.

“Oh Pleassssse! It is so cold,” she pleaded.

“Well you should not have pissed on yourself. I would not have had to clean you up and this was the only water I had,” Jeff calmly explained as he watched Susie thrashing about in the cold water. There was little she could do but splash around since he had her completely under his control.

“Please!” Susie whimpered as she felt her body becoming numb with the cold.

“If you will just stop fighting I will get up cleaned up. Then you can get out of your bath,” Jeff explained.

“Ok but it is so cold,” Susie whimpered but stopped struggling. Her body felt as if it was freezing and it was becoming difficult for her to move.

Jeff poured more cold water over her head and washed out all the piss. After a few minutes he judge her clean enough and grabbed her legs. He cranked the pulleys to her hands and lifted her out of the cold water. Susie could barely stand and was mostly supported again by the ropes to her hands as her body began to thaw and she began to regain control over her limbs.

“Here have a sip of water,” Jeff said and allowed her to take a sip from a water bottle. Of course this was his special water; Jeff had added the rare ingredients from his South American plant. He wondered if it would actually raise the libido of this tortured woman. His plan was to break down her will and he hoped that this would increase the effect of the drugs. It was also great fun to play with her like this. He loved being in total control of this young woman.

As she remained almost limp from the cold she suddenly felt a pressure on her left nipple. This increased to the point of pain.

“Owhhhh!” Susie cried.

“It is just a nipple clamp,” Jeff explained as he tightened the clamp a little more.

“It hurts!” Susie cried as she felt her right nipple being pinched.

Jeff attached the clamp to the right nipples and let the chain that connected the two clamps fall.

“Owwww! It hurts!” Susie cried.

“Shut up pussy,” Jeff commanded. He grabbed the chain and tugged on it pulling her nipples straight out stretching them even more.

“Owwwww!” Susie screamed and tried to bring her tied hands down to rub her tortured nipples.

Jeff stood back and looked at his helpless victim as she held her head low. She was made small whimpering sounds as her nipples were puckered and tight being held firm by the nipple clamps.

Jeff decided it was time for the next phase. He went to the suitcase and pulled out his outfit. The costume was made of black latex and fit over his entire body. Even his head was covered only allowing small opening for his eyes, nose, and mouth. There was a zipper so he could easily release his cock as he wanted. He put thin black latex gloves on and he was ready.

Jeff looked at himself in the mirror. Susie would be able to get an idea of his general figure but nothing else was to be seen of Jeff. There was little she could use to identify him. He looked around and made sure there was nothing else of any significance visible.

He placed several large mirrors so Susie would be able to easily see her predicament. There were three video cameras running recording everything that happened and Susie could be aware she was being taped.

He stepped behind Susie and quickly undid the blindfold letting it fall.

Susie did not know what was happening. She suddenly felt hands at the back of her head. Then she felt the blindfold release and fall. The light was bright but her eyes quickly adjusted and she surveyed situation.

The first things she saw were the mirrors and the reflection of her nude body tied to ropes. Susie was a very shy person and since she had been a teenager no man had seen her naked. Yet, here she was totally naked for the entire world to see. What was worse was she saw the camera filming her.

“Oh no, please let me go!” Susie moaned and began to struggle all over again.

Jeff suddenly appeared in front of her and Susie panicked. He had to admit his outfit produced a rather frightening image and he began to laugh as Susie panic outbursts increased.

“Please help me. Someone help me. Please!” she screamed.

“I thought we had gone over this. Now I have to punish you again,” Jeff said softly but loud enough to get Susie’s attention.

“No, Please don’t hit me again. I’ll do whatever you want. Please!” Susie begged as she watched this strange creature before her pick up the large paddle.

“I’m sorry Susie but you have to learn. You have been a bad girl,” Jeff said as he stepped behind her.


“Owwww!” Susie screamed and as she launched forward her nipple clamps jerked.

“Owwww!” Susie screamed again as the nipple clamp chain flew up and then down pulling her tortured nipples down with them.

“Now Susie you will remember to only speak when I asked you something. That way I don’t have to hit you again,” Jeff explained.

“Here, have another sip of water,” Jeff again produced the special water bottle. He watched as she took a long sip and he wondered how it would affect her.

Susie noticed the water had a strange taste to it, but she was so thirsty it did not matter.

“I think your nipples are ready,” Jeff said as he inspected them. He squeezed one and Susie grimaced in pain but did not say anything.

Jeff went over to the workbench and got something. As Jeff walked back over to Susie, he watched as he eyes got very large when she saw what he held.

“Oh this wont hurt,” he said as he looked at the two long needles.

“You have to have your nipples pierced, don’t you?” Jeff said.

“No, please. Don’t do this. If you let me go I will never tell anyone anything about this. Please,” Susie whimpered. She could feel panic again setting in as she looked at these needles.

She watched as Jeff tied a cord to her nipple chain.

“Owwww!” she screamed as he pulled the cord tight. This pulled the nipple chain straight out pulling Susie’s nipples into a perfect position. Susie tried to lean forward but the ropes held her fast.

Jeff looked closely as Susie’s nipples. He had placed the clamps toward the back her nipples so about a half inch of Susie’s long nipples were exposed past the clamps.

“Does it hurt Susie?” Jeff asked and smiled. He could see the tears of pain and outrage flowing down her face.

Jeff took one of the needles and placed it on her left nipple.

Susie’s eyes were wide with horror as she helplessly watched.

With a quick push the needle went through it mark.

“Ahhhhhh!” Susie screamed as Jeff backed up.

Susie could see the needle protruding through her nipple.

Jeff then moved to her right nipples.

Again Susie’s eyes were wide with horror as he proceeded.

Jeff took the other needle, pressed it again her nipple, and with a push it went through.

“Owwwww!” Susie screamed.

“Very nice Susie, don’t they look good?” Jeff said.

Jeff looked at his work and saw he had done a good job. He took out two small gold rings and grabbed the first needle. As he pulled out the needle he slipped the ring in the wound in her nipple. He then did the other nipple. Susie now had two nipple rings.

Jeff then quickly released the nipples clamps.

“Owwwwww!” Susie screamed as the blood rush back into her nipples and they came alive again.

“It hurts. Oh it hurt!” she cried.

“Oh it is not that bad Susie, grow up,” Jeff said. “They do look great.”

As the pain subsided Susie saw in the mirrors a totally naked woman with two bright gold nipple rings hanging on her small breasts. She began to cry again.

“Let’s rest a while. Here is some more water,” Jeff said and Susie took a long drink.

Jeff stood and looked his captive. He was still in his latex suit and it was little hot inside but he liked it. He could feel his hard cock pressing against the hot latex.