The Absent Travelers Wife

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Young wife explores new freedoms that her husband suggests.
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Amanda was not happy that her husband, Troy was, once again, leaving for yet another business trip. They had been married for 11 years and he had been traveling for business their entire marriage, however, lately the number and length of those trips had been steadily increasing.

She understood that travel was a part of her husband's business, and she never gave him any grief about it, but she still found it difficult to be alone for long stretches of time. Rigorous exercise and volunteer work kept her busy during the day, but the nights alone were the worst for her. They were a childless couple, unable to conceive, despite spending a tremendous amount of money and many heartbreaking years trying every medical option available. Troy was not open to adoption, so Amanda had resigned herself to never being a mother.

Amanda realized that many of the other women in their social circle considered her to be "just a trophy wife" and, in a way, she supposed she was one. She had met Troy at a party when she was a sophomore in college, just 20 years old. He was 30 at the time and already impressively successful with his tech business. Her parents were not thrilled when she started dating a man 10 years her senior, and even less so when Troy and she were married a year later.

Troy encouraged Amanda to drop out of college so that the two of them could enjoy each other's company at every opportunity. He had even curtailed his business trips for a couple of years to spend more time with her. Eventually, however, the business pulled him back on the road as much or even more than he ever had been.

Amanda busied herself with volunteering and physical activities, honoring her husband's request that she not return to college, to insure she was available those times when he was home. Her activities had paid off in the form of a tight, five-feet, six-inches tall, 115-pound body that made men (and some women) drool, while the rest of the women hated her just a little bit for it. Worse, or better, depending upon the beholder's perspective, her pert, 34C breasts and long, dark-blonde hair plus bright-green eyes completed Amanda's striking looks.

Being childless and not working did not give her much in common with other women and, as a result, she found herself on her own much of the time. Most of those women were not enthusiastic about including her in social situations that involved their husbands as they didn't enjoy the attention she drew from their spouses.

The worst of it, though, may have been that Amanda was a very sexual person. She loved sex with Troy and was also very orgasmic. Their lovemaking was hot and exciting... when he was there to be with her. Recognizing his wife's unfulfilled need, Troy had purchased several sex toys for her, including a Sybian, the mac-daddy of sex devices. He had also encouraged her to watch and read porn, as he did, when he traveled, but she declined.

Amanda used the toys on herself, particularly the Sybian, which gave her many extreme orgasms, but she wasn't into watching or reading erotic content and the toys did not fully satisfy her sexual urges. She wanted the real thing.

In an attempt to curtail his travels once again and spend more time with his wife, Troy brought on a junior partner two years ago to help him with the business. Bobby Nichols was on the spectrum for autism, which made him very much an introvert who kept to himself, but also somewhat of a savant when it came to the type of work the company did, and he quickly ingratiated himself to Troy. However, Bobby's expertise soon resulted in a huge increase in their business and actually created more travel for Troy rather than the desired reduction.

The one thing that Troy noticed about his new, 26 year old business partner, however, was that he appeared to have a fascination with Amanda. Whenever she was around the business, Bobby would make a point of stoping by to say hello to her and would linger for a bit of awkward conversation, which was both cute and sad. Amanda was always very warm and nice to him, as she genuinely liked the boy and would dismiss it when Troy would tease her about her young fan.

And so it happened that, as Troy was about to leave for the airport, the following conversation took place between the spouses:

"Are you really going to be gone for 10 days this time?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, I will, for at least that , unfortunately. I am not certain how much time I will need to spend with the new client in Toronto, but I know it's likely to take a while," Troy answered.

"I get so lonely when you are gone. Worse, I get so horny when you are gone! The toys you got me help somewhat, but they do not scratch the itch that I have," Amanda pouted.

"What do you need to scratch this itch?"

"I need human participation. I need you. I'm in my sexual prime and my husband isn't around most of the time to be with me."

"I understand, honey, honestly, I do. You know that I want you to be happy and satisfied in every way. Sometimes I still can't believe you agreed to marry an old fart like me, and the last thing I want is for you to be frustrated or lonely."

"You were not and are not an old fart. You are a wonderful and loving husband, whom I adore. I'm just an oversexed diva, I suppose."

"Oversexed, maybe - diva, never," he answered. "I happen to really like the oversexed part of you, even if it is difficult for me to keep up at times. I've been thinking about this and I have an idea, but first, do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, Troy. You have never given me a reason not to."

"OK then, don't freak out, but you should know that if you should ever want to engage in casual sex with another man, I would not have a problem with it. I'm not talking about an affair, simply raw, just for fun, fooling around from time to time."

"What the hell? You want me to be unfaithful to you? How can you say that to me?"

"That is not what I am saying. I would never want you to be unfaithful nor would I ever do that to you. I am telling you that I am OK with you using another man as a sex toy for your enjoyment when the urge arises. No long walks on the beach or taking showers together. Just using each other for physical pleasure and that is it."

"Sounds like the same thing to me. You want me to have sex with another man behind your back."

"No, that is still not right. I am telling you that I will not have a problem with you fooling around if you want to do so. I would prefer that you tell me about it beforehand, if possible, but afterward at least."

"Is this something that you want to do as well? Do you want to have sex with other women while you are on the road?"

"I expected that you might think that, but no, I do not want to do that, nor have I ever. I simply recognize some of the compromises and sacrifices you have made to be in this relationship and I would like to mitigate some of them this way, if I can."

Amanda paused to consider the conversation for a moment and then, "You wouldn't be jealous?"

"I won't really know until it happens, will I? But I don't think so. I suspect it may even be a turn-on for me, as I have thought about it while masturbating in my hotel rooms at night after reading stories about wives fucking other guys, with their husband's permission. If I am wrong, we can call an immediate halt to the arrangement and never discuss it again — with no recriminations ever."

"I'm going to need some time to consider this and you better not be kidding me, because it wouldn't be funny. I'll get back to you later," Amanda declared.

"Sounds fair, honey. Whatever you decide will be fine with me, but I hope you choose to try what I am suggesting,"

Troy left on his trip later that day and Amanda settled into a familiar pattern that was her life while he was away. Morning workouts every day and evening yoga classes every night. Weekends were the worst, because there was less for her to do to distract herself and the few friends that she socialized with during the week were busy with their families.

Toward the end of the first week, during one of her semi-regular nightly conversations with Troy, he mentioned that he thought it might be a good idea if she were to invite Bobby to dinner at their house on Saturday night. "He is a lonely guy with limited social skills. I'm sure he would truly appreciate an evening with you."

"Oh, I don't know, honey. He is so stilted and stifled conversationally that it is a lot of work to try to talk with him. To think about an entire evening with him depresses me somewhat."

"Knowing you, I am confident that you can pull him out of his shell. I've told you before that he seems fascinated with you and he is very important to the company now, so we need to ensure that he is happy and stays onboard."

"Crap! All right, I'll invite Bobby to dinner this Saturday night, but you'll owe me big time for this, buddy!"

"I already owe you big time for being such a beautiful, loving, and supportive wife. Text me updates Saturday night and let me know how it is going, OK?"

"Sure, but I expect the dinner won't last very long with me having to carry the conversation all night."

"We'll see. He may surprise you. One more thing — why don't you give him a thrill and wear something sexy. It will make his night."

"Maybe — I'll have to see what kind of mood I'm in that night."

Amanda called Bobby at the office the next morning and invited him to dinner Saturday night, expecting that he would decline. To her surprise, he quickly accepted and asked what he could bring. She suggested a bottle of Cabernet, if he liked red wine as she did. He enthusiastically thanked her for the invitation and said he would bring something nice for them to drink.

Her doorbell rang promptly at 7:30PM Saturday night.

He must have been waiting outside for the exact time to arrive. That is so cute.

When she opened the door she was pleased to see that Bobby had dressed for the occasion. His normally scruffy beard was neatly trimmed and he was wearing a nice, slim-fitting pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, untucked with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows. Even his tan leather tasseled loafers screamed a GQ guy rather than the scruffy curmudgeon that she was used to seeing. He was actually a good looking guy, even kind of sexy.

He was holding not one, but two bottles of NAPA Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. "Oh, Bobby this is so sweet of you, but it's too much. There are only two of us, you know," she said as he entered the house.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wanted to make sure we had plenty and I wasn't sure how much it would take, so the guy at the wine shop suggested that I bring two bottles, I'm sorry."

"Please don't apologize. It is very magnanimous of you to do this and, you never know, we might just need that second bottle. Better to be prepared than not, and we are not only prepared, we are well prepared, Bobby. These are spectacular wines that you have bought, wow!"

"Thanks! The guy said they were good and that anyone who knows wine would appreciate them." Bobby grinned with satisfaction as he said this. "By the way, you look great, Mrs. Sullivan. I mean you always look great, but you look even greater tonight."

She thanked him for his somewhat awkward compliment and then asked him to call her Amanda from now on. He readily agreed and followed her into the kitchen.

"Troy tells me you are a vegetarian, so I have prepared a vegetarian meal, OK?" Amanda asked.

"That will be perfect, thank you," he replied with the grin still on his face.

She saw that he was checking her out without employing much subtlety, which made her glad that she had taken Troy's other advice to dress a little sexy for her young "date." She had chosen to wear a short denim skirt with white sneakers and a thin knit top. She noted that her lace bra could be discerned from underneath her top without too much effort. She had gone for "cute, but sexy," and thought that this look achieved her goal.

The dinner began with eggplant and porcini "meatballs" in tomato sauce, followed by a main course of miso-roasted eggplants with tomatoes, dill, shiso and black vinegar. Both dishes paired well with the wine Bobby had brought. As dinner progressed, she found that Bobby was a much better conversationalist than she had given him credit for previously. He seemed relaxed and engaged — taking a true interest in what she had to say and contributing interesting content to their conversation himself.

The wine he brought was indeed excellent. So smooth, in fact, that they finished off the first bottle before they completed the main course. The second bottle helped turn their conversation from "surface" areas to more intimate stories about themselves.

Amanda found herself revealing to this young man the number of lovers she had known before Troy and what she liked best about them.

Bobby revealed that he had only had sex three times in his 26 years and that two of those times were with the same girl — a friend of his sister.

"Did you enjoy yourself, at least?" Amanda asked.

"It was OK, I guess, but not what I was hoping for, actually," he admitted.

"What was wrong with the experience," Amanda asked, now genuinely interested in his response.

"I think my expectations were unrealistic because I watch a lot of adult videos and they can affect how a person expects sex to be," he said honestly.

"Do you think you should maybe stop watching so much or maybe even stop altogether?" Amanda asked as she took another sip of wine.

"No, I don't want to do that. I really enjoy going to the adult theaters and watching the films there."

"But can't you watch porn on your computer in the comfort of your own home without having to go to some seedy theater?" Amanda asked incredulously.

"Sure, I do that at times also, but I like going to the theater because sometimes there are women in the audience and I like watching them watch the movies," he said without hesitation.

"These women seem to like to watch people having sex on screen while other people are sitting around them?"

"Very much so, if fact, some of them will touch themselves or let others touch them while they watch."

"No shit? They let strange men touch them in a public theater?"

"Not all of them, but some do, yes. I think the answer to my problem may be that I need to date a woman like that. Someone who is into porn as much as I am," Bobby said earnestly.

"You make a good point, Bobby. That may indeed be a solution to your situation. You know, Troy likes porn. I've caught -- I mean seen him looking at it on his computer, but we have never discussed it before. As for me, I have never seen a XXX adult movie," Amanda mused.

"You have never been to an adult theater and never even seen a porn movie? You have got to do that, Amanda. You don't know what you are missing. It can be one of the most exciting experiences ever, particularly the first few times you go. I'd love to take you to see one sometime."

Surprising herself, Amanda did not immediately decline. "I must admit I am curious now, but I don't know if it is such a good idea," she said with doubt in her voice.

"There is no reason to be concerned, Amanda. I will be right there with you to look out for you and we can leave anytime you want, if you find you don't like it. I think it would be a fun new experience for you and I would love to have you go with me so that I can watch you experience it. Heck, I will take you to one tonight, if you would like to go. What do you say, will you go?"

Handing him a third bottle of Cabernet from their stock, she replied, "Give me a few minutes to think about this. I am intrigued and the wine is giving me courage, but I need a little time to process this, OK?"

"Absolutely! The theater stays open all night, so we have plenty of time," Bobby said as he handed her a glass of wine from the third bottle and watched her ass as she walked away.

Amanda retreated to her bedroom with her glass and mobile phone. A few minutes later, Troy received a text message:


Are you there?


Yep, I've been waiting to hear from you. How is it going?


Quite well, actually. I've really enjoyed myself tonight. He is kind of a hottie, albeit an odd one.


That's great — glad to hear it.


There's just one problem. Bobby wants me to go to an adult theater with him to watch a porn movie and I kinda want to go, but I'm not sure it's a great idea.


Of course it's a great idea! This is exactly what I was talking about a few days ago. Loosen up, have fun, take risks, be a little naughty. Plus, you will make Bobby a very happy guy. Go have fun, baby and don't worry about a thing.


You're sure?


I'm sure, now go!

Amanda took a few extra minutes to freshen her makeup and then rejoined Bobby in the dining room, "OK, I checked with Troy and he is fine with us going to the theater, so I am onboard as well. We should call a ride share though, as neither of us should be driving."

Bobby agreed as the big grin returned to his face. They called for a car and decided to take two flasks of bourdon with them in Bobby's pockets because the theater did not sell alcohol.

Admission for Amanda was free, but Bobby had to hand over $20 to enter. "They like to encourage ladies to come here, so they don't charge them," he explained.

"Perfectly understandable," Amanda answered as they entered the theater.

The room was surprisingly large, as the building had previously housed a mainstream theater that seated 200 people. The regular theater seats had been removed, however, and faux leather sofas were lined up side-by-side in 20 rows. As her eyes adjusted to the low light, she could see that there were at least a couple dozen people in the room, including another woman. Upon further inspection, she could see that the woman was giving a guy standing in front of her a blowjob and was being felt up by two or three others.

She gave Bobby a quizzical look and he told her, "Like I said, some women like to have men touch them while they are here. Some, want to do more than that. It's kinda great, isn't it? I love watching that. Maybe you do too?"

Amanda felt a twinge in her lower abdomen in reaction to this last bit of information and seeing the woman sucking a guy's cock. "Yes, I do. I've never seen people having live sex before, this it is really hot."

She felt Bobby's hand on her arm as he directed her to one of the couches that was unoccupied at the time. As yet, it did not appear that anyone had taken notice of their presence, as most eyes were on the screen or the action surrounding the other woman.

After taking her seat, Amanda turned her attention to the large screen at the front of the room. On it, there was a woman performing oral sex on a black man while another was slamming his penis into her from the back. "It's called spit-roasting, for obvious reasons," Bobby explained.

"Yes, I can see why it would be called that. She seems quite good at it and is maintaining good rhythm between the two men," Amanda observed with clinical detachment.

Bobby handed her one of the two flasks and opened the other for himself. They both took a couple of sips of the brown liquor and settled in to watch the movie. The woman on screen had progressed from sucking one of the men's cock to mounting it and fucking him with her pussy. The man that had been fucking her had repositioned himself and was now fucking her in her ass.

"That's called double penetration," Bobby narrated.

"Obviously," Amanda added.

There was a little bit of a commotion at the front of the theater where the other woman was located. The man she had been giving a blowjob groaned loudly and appeared to be ejaculating into her mouth. As soon as he finished, she made a show of swallowing his semen and then stood up to leave the theater. One of the men also stood and escorted her out of the room. "Probably her husband," Bobby noted. "A lot of men like to watch their wives doing stuff with other guys. If I had a wife, I know I would."