The Accident


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"Yeah, I do. She's a special lady." He was openly rubbing his cock. "Her pussy, ... mm it was like she was a virgin. I loved breaking new ground in her. So tight, yet receptive."

"Well she has only had me. Do you want some help with that thing?"

Brad removed his clothes and sat down again. Army began stroking Brads cock. Brad leaned back and let Army have his way. He closed his eyes and relived the morning with Mel.

"You like fucking my wife for me, don't you?

"Yeah I love it."

"Did you know she's not going to be fertile until next month?"

"No, really?"

"Yep, you get to fuck her for at least another month. You're going to stretch that little pussy good by then"

"MM, I hope so."

"She already loves this big cock inside her. You're going to spoil her."

"MM,... I hope so."

"She's not going want my little dick again."

"MM hmm." Brad was loving this idea more than he thought he would. Suddenly he felt something warm and wet on his cock. He looked down to see that Army had taken the head and first few inches into his mouth. He had never had a guy do this.

"Uh... you don't have to do this Army."

Army bobbed up and down a couple more times, then said "Relax and enjoy." and swallowed the beast again. He spent a few minutes getting the rhythm and learning to guard his teeth. Then he got serious. He grasped the beast at its base, as he worked on its upper half. He would lick up and down the entire shaft then return to sucking it.

Soon, Brad began to move his hips up and down. Army was playing with his nuts and felt the sack tighten. He knew what was about to happen. He saw Brads stomach muscles tense up, as he thrust into his mouth.

"ARMY!! I'm gonna ... Oh god. Ah. ..."

Army's mouth was quickly filled, and he swallowed, just to get another mouthful. He continued to swallow the copious load. Four mouthfuls, before Brad stopped shooting and relaxed. Army knew he crossed a line. A bell you couldn't un-ring. He didn't care. He nursed on Brads cock until it deflated.

Brad didn't seem the least bit embarrassed, or uncomfortable. "Man! That was awesome. Where did you learn that?"

"I'm not sure. Just seemed right. You are helping me with Mel, so I should help you."


Army spent most of the next morning in his office. All he told Brad was he had business to attend to. Brad was a little pissed because they had skipped the morning routine. He Told Army he was going to work him twice as hard in the afternoon.

In the hot tub, Brad pushed him pretty hard. In the pool he made that look easy, forcing Army to finally cry uncle. So Brad gave in and took him to the massage table. As usual neither was dressed. Brad worked on his back and his legs in silence. Army finally asked if he was upset about last night.

"No dude. That was nice. I was just thinking about how much improvement you have shown already. I just hope it continues. I know Mel would like that."

"Well, for now Mel has you to take care of her. And you are doing a fine job too." he laughed. As Brad circled the table Army could see that just the thought of 'taking care' of Mel, had its affect on the beast again.

As Brad flipped him over, instead of laying flat on the table, Army hung his head off the edge. "Come over here." Brad went to the end of the table, only to have Army grab the beast and guide it into his mouth. With his head at this angle, it was a straight shot down his throat. Brad fed his cock in about 6 inches, before retreating. Then went 9 inches, and realized that he could virtually fuck Army's throat unimpeded. He began sawing in and out giving him all of his cock and back out enough for Army to breath.

He had never seen this done before, and decided he liked it, a lot. He loved the way Army's throat muscles massaged his shaft, and how his balls slapped Army's face. The alpha male in him really got off on this. Plus he was face fucking the husband of the woman he was trying to impregnate. He thought of his cock going in like a swordswallower's sword, probably past his Adam's apple. How his load would go directly into Army's stomach like it went straight into Mel's womb.

It didn't take long for Brad to tense up and push one last time into Army's throat. Army could feel the cock throb, and the pulse of the surging cum, as it made its way through the urethra, straight down his gullet.

"Man, you are getting good at that. The best I've ever had. I felt like I shot a quart of cum down your throat."

Army reluctantly released the beast from his warm mouth. "I'm glad you liked it. I did too, though I didn't get to taste it this time."

"Would that have made it better for you, getting to taste my load?"

"Yes, now that I think about it, I guess it does. I don't know why though. I'm learning all kinds of things about myself , these days."

Army realized he actually liked having Brad's cum in his mouth. Was it just Brad's, or anyone's?... No... it was definitely just Brad. Must be some sort of man crush.

"Like what? I mean what have you learned about yourself that you didn't already know?"

"Well, the first thing I learned is that I can appreciate another man's body. Maybe it's because mine is so wrecked now. And I see you, a perfect specimen of manliness, and now I can appreciate the male body. I have always liked the female body.

"Second, I learned I could touch another man's penis without being repulsed. Maybe because it is such a beautiful penis, not some run of the mill penis.

"Third, I discovered that I like to watch my wife get well and truly fucked. She is so beautiful as you make love to her. Actually, you both are. I'm glad she is getting those mind blowing orgasms that you can give her, and her pussy is getting what it needs. Kind of like a high performance race car. With me, I never drive it over 20 mph. You take that pussy out and really drive it hard, turn it loose, and let it perform the way it was meant to.

"Fourth, I can like a guy enough to suck his cock. Never thought I would even say that. Not only can I suck him, but swallow his load and enjoy it. Enjoy it enough that I missed not tasting it. The oddest thing is I just realized that, had my body not been wrecked, I would have a raging hard on from sucking your cock. Again, not just any cock, just yours."

Army looked into brad's eyes, and noticed a tear forming. "That is probably the nicest thing I have ever been told. I mean, most guys wouldn't admit something like that, so I know you really mean it. I'm touched." Brad wrapped his big arms around Army and gave him a hug.

"Don't go getting all sappy on me. You're only saying that because I sucked your cock. Once Mel gets back you will forget all about this."

"No, I mean it, I really like you too. Of course, Mel should have first dibs on my cock for now, cause we are trying to get her pregnant. But you are welcome to suck it anytime she doesn't need it." Brad laughed

"Damn nice of you, ...Asshole. Here I am pouring my heart out to my friend, and you tell me I come in second. Well, I may never suck that monster again." Army kidded back at him.

"Bullshit. You know you love my cock, and you just told me, you love it when I fuck you wife."

"Okay you're right. And she loves that beast too. Now finish my massage so we can get some food. I'm starved. Though I have already had my protein."


Friday morning, Brad got Army up early for a quick workout in the pool, before getting him dressed for his visit with the doctor. The doctor was impressed with Army's recovery. He was even more impressed with his muscle tone. There was no sign of atrophy at all, which both ,Army and Dr. Armstrong, attributed to Brad. His range of motion was excellent as well.

The doc said they could leave off the casts most of the day, as long as Army was in his chair or otherwise immobile. He still had to sleep with them on however, in case Army might twist something in his sleep. Brad and Dr. Armstrong started talking therapeutic strategies, so Army chatted with the pretty nurses.

The boys had a quick bite of lunch and headed to the bank where Army worked. They were standing by the elevators when they heard "ARMY!! Thank god you're here." Helen came rushing up to them. "Harold Linderman is in Hiltons office as we speak. He is throwing a fit. Please help."

They entered the outer office of the bank president, and found his assistant looking as if a bomb was strapped to her chest. The inner office door was closed, yet they could hear a man yelling. "... and that new guy doesn't know shit from shoe polish when it comes to stocks. Now either you get Army Vaughan back in here, or me and my friends will close our accounts in your little bank. That would be... what... 50 per cent of your deposits. That probably wouldn't look good on your annual report to your share holders."

The door opened and Brad wheeled Army in, "Did someone ask for me?" Linderman turned and saw Army, complete with both legs and an arm in casts.

"Army! What the hell happened to you. They told me you had some sort of accident. I was beginning to think it was just a ploy to move your clients to that dumbass, Clinton. Damn man you look like you've been hit by a bus."

"Well it was something like that. And thanks for the beautiful arrangement you sent. Now what's all this about moving your accounts?"

"Hell, man I aint heard from you, and all these shit for brains do, is make excuses. But if you're back, then I'm happy as a pig in slop. Call me later." Linderman put on his cowboy hat and left.

Hilton breathed a sigh of relief and shook Army's hand. "Thank you Army. Does Linderman and his friends really make up half of our deposits?"

Army nodded, "You just got to know how to handle him. The rest follow his lead. There might be a few who would stay around, but not many."

"What are we going to do. You obviously can't work."

"I think we can come to some agreement. By the way, this is my new assistant, Brad. We were just here to see Johnston about some personal accounts."

Brad and Army spent over an hour with Hilton. Army would bring Brad into the conversation, by saying "What do you think Brad?" Brad would give a thoughtful expression, nod, and say" Yeah, that sounds about right."

By the end of the meeting it sounded like Army had given been a V.P. position and a raise. With an office in a new building going up near his house. In the mean time, he would work from his house. Then Brad wheeled Army over to Johnston's office. Johnston had a bunch of papers for Brad to sign. He also had his student loan papers showing that it was paid in full. He gave Brad two Bank books, showing deposits of $100,000 in each. Then he waited outside while Army talked to Johnston privately.

As they left the office, Brad handed one of the bankbooks to Army. "I haven't earned this yet. You keep it until I do."

"Thanks Brad. You just won me a hundred bucks." Army turned and waved the bank book at Johnston. "Johnson bet me you would keep them both. I said you had too much integrity to do that. Now the old bastard owes me a hundred. Would you believe, he actually thought you might be black mailing me. I told him I trusted you completely. This proves I'm right about you. You have integrity, even if you are fucking my wife." At that thought, they both broke up laughing.

After their evening workout, Brad and Army had a nice lobster dinner. Then sat down to watch a game on T.V. "What did you and Doc Armstrong have to talk so long about?"

"To be honest, I told him of our concerns about your dick. I mean about not getting erect. You are off the antibiotics, and on very little pain meds. I explained my findings in our sessions, and he said he will have some expert look at your charts. I hope you don't mind that we talked about that."

"Well, it's kind of private, but I am concerned. And I trust you to handle such things dealing with my recovery. Although right now all I can think about is watching you make love to Mel again. If anything would get me hard it would be that."

"Man, I do love fucking your wife. That little pussy is fine." Brad said as he rubbed his crotch.

"She will be back in a couple of days, and you can resume stretching her little pussy. It is amazing to watch your big cock pushing deep in her tiny body. I wish you could see her labia grip that beast of yours."

"Damn you, Army, you got me all hard again. I'm beginning to think you do it on purpose."

"Let's see. I did it day before yesterday, and I got to suck it. I did it again yesterday, and I got to suck it. Hmm, now I did it again... I think you're right. I might be doing it on purpose. If I get the same results, and do it again tomorrow, then I would say yep I'm doing it on purpose."

"So, you're saying you want to suck it again?"

"Yes." Army replied sheepishly.

"I'm glad I took this job." Brad quickly removed his clothes, the beast was in full bloom. Army wasted no time in taking it into his mouth. "You're really starting to like sucking cock, aren't you?"

"Just yours, Brad, nobody but yours. I have seen gay porn before, it did nothing for me. Somehow sucking your cock is very satisfying, even if I can't get it up or cum. I love sucking you. Strange aint it?" Army returned to the task at hand, or mouth as it may be.

"Strange or not, I love when you suck me." Brad took hold of Army's head, and began stroking in and out of his mouth. "Do you want to taste it this time, or should I try to send it straight down your throat?"

Army stopped his ministrations, and looked in Brad's eyes. "I want to taste you. Then swallow your cum."

"And you want me to get Mel pregnant. You want me to stretch her tiny pussy, don't you?"

"Mm hmm."

"Me too. I would love it if she wanted my cock all the time."


Mel returned on Monday, as promised. She was barely inside the door, when the boys had her in bed. Her tiny pussy had retracted some, so it took Brad a few minutes to get into her again. She had cum several times, and her pussy was really juicy, when Brad finally gave her the last couple of inches.

"Oh God! I have missed this" she said as she came again.

Army was afraid she would break his hand, as she squeezed it so hard. "You like his big cock, don't you?" Army just couldn't believe how she responded to that beast.

"I love his big cock. Keep fucking me... please just keep fucking me."

Brad gave her several deep thrusts, pushing her over the edge again. "Tell me, who's cock is better, mine or Army's?" Mel moaned, but didn't answer. "I want to know." Brad asked again.

"I love Army." Mel said and she squeezed his hand again.

"I do too." said Brad "But who's cock do you like better?" he continued, giving her really long strokes. "Army wants to know too... tell him."

"Oh Army, I'm sorry, but I love his cock. It fills me so good."

Brad pulled out until just the plum size head remained in her, and stopped. "Who's cock is best Mel?"

"Yours, Brad, yours is best." He shoved it back in hard, and she came again. "Fuck me with that big cock. I love how you fuck me Brad. Just don't stop fucking me."

Brad picked her up and flipped her over onto her stomach. Then he pulled her hips up to fuck her doggie style. Army slid under her, and started to lick her clit. Mel went ballistic. She could feel Army's tongue move from her clit to Brad's cock and back. She knew Brad's balls were bouncing on Army's forehead. The thought of intimate contact between her two men, drove her into spasms.

Brad finally groaned out his own orgasm, firing huge streams of cum into Mel's womb. Mel dropped her shoulders to the bed in exhaustion. Brad leaned over her back caressing her belly and breasts. Army continued to suckle where they were joined.

As he caught his breath, Brad knew what Amy wanted. He slid the beast out of Mel's wet tunnel, and slipped it into Army's mouth. Mel immediately felt empty inside, at the loss of the beast. But Brad didn't lay down beside her as usual. Then she heard sucking sounds. She looked between her legs, to find Army cleaning Brads cock. "Oh my god, honey, that is such a turn on. Suck that big cock, get it nice and clean, then clean me too."

Army finished with the beast and let it slide from his mouth. Then he attacked Mel's swollen pussy. Licking and slurping like a starving man. Brad lay beside Mel and kissed her passionately. "He really seems to like that." Mel said.

"Yes, We both kinda do." Brad volunteered.

"Really? So this isn't the first time he had your cock in his mouth?"

"No. Are you mad?"

"Actually, it has been a fantasy of mine for years. I just never told him, because I didn't think he would do it. Now I can't wait to see it again."

Mel made a wonderful meal for dinner, and Brad told her about the doctors visit. Then Army told her about the meeting with Hilton, and the new offer. How he was to be V.P. and manage a new office of hand picked brokers and financial experts. The bank was moving all that department to the new location, and the clients wouldn't have to go across town to talk to them at the bank. Army conveniently left out about the meeting with Johnston.

After dinner, they all went to the pool. Brad and Army to workout, and Mel to have a glass of wine and watch the naked men in the pool. Then they all showered together in the master bath, to get the chlorine off. Neither of the boys could keep their hands or eyes off of Mel.

As they got into bed Mel said "Army, would you be a dear, and get Brad nice and hard for me." Army looked a little stunned momentarily, then smiled and took the beast into his mouth. Mel sat with her back to the headboard, and played with her clit. Brad watched them both for a moment, then decided to go down on Mel. He brought Mel to her first minor orgasm, before stopping Army from making him cum. Mel was a little disappointed that she didn't get to see Brad cum in Army's mouth, but she got over it when Brad pushed his big cock into her pussy.

Army contented himself by sucking his wife's tits and finger her clit. Then he would slip his hand down to feel the beast sliding in and out of her. After a while he sat back and watched his friend making love to his wife. A sight he decided he would never tire of. It was if their bodies were meant for this, for each other even.

Mel gave herself completely to Brad, and Brad made sure she would always want to. He seemed to know just when to speed up, and when to slow down. Long strokes or quick short strokes. He played her body like a fine violin. She would have repeated orgasms, as she clung to him, as if her very existence depended on every movement he made.

For Army it was the sweetest of agonies. He wanted her to experience sex to the fullest, yet he couldn't give it to her. He was happy for Brad too. A young man he had come to love, had found a willing and wonderful recipient of his passion, even if it was his own wife.

After several gut wrenching orgasms, Mel stopped Brad mid stroke. She kissed him passionately, and whispered in his ear. Brad smiled at her, then, maddeningly slow, pulled his big cock free of her wet pussy. Army watched in awe as the beast withdrew, so hard it barely sagged under its own weight. Brad turned to Army and asked, "She isn't fertile right now, so would you like your cream straight from the source?"

Army looked at Mel, and she was grinning. He moved over to Brad and took him into his mouth. He was just getting into his rhythm, when he glanced down at Mel's stretched pussy. It was gaping open again. For some reason this thrilled Army. Knowing that pussy had been pounded by a magnificent specimen of a cock. The very cock that was in his mouth.

Brad was looking at the pussy too. He could tell that he was stretching that little pussy to fit him. That pussy would only be happy with his cock in it. That sent him over the cliff, and he began to fill Army's mouth with his creamy load. Army swallowed as fast as he could. Yet savoring every drop as it passed over his tongue.