The Actor Ep. 03


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When her awareness began to return she realized Jake was rutting into her hard and fast. Their bodies slapped together and the sounds of flesh meeting flesh echoed off the cabin's walls, the small space now taking on the scent of her pussy. He grabbed a handful of thick locks of her fiery red hair and pulled, jerking her head back and pulling her until her body was upright with his. He reached around and began rubbing her clit while he pounded her out. Her orgasms hit one after the other in rapid succession, and she found it nearly impossible to keep the air in her lungs. She felt his body stiffen between her releases, and she heard his breathing quicken. "I... I... I can't hold it back," he groaned.

"Inside me... please... inside me," she whimpered. As the aftershocks of her last orgasm rolled through her, she felt thick heavy spurts of semen gush into her womb. He collapsed forward onto her, and they both sank to the floor, struggling to regain control of their breathing. Eventually, he slipped off of her but pulled her close to his side. As their sweat sensually mixed together, he leaned in and they shared a long deep kiss. Then his eyes met hers.

"Jamie, I got carried away, I didn't mean to be so rou--"

She raised her fingers to his lips, which silenced him. "No, it was perfect and I loved it," she whispered. Her two other lovers had treated her like a fragile, helpless little china doll. She never knew a man could be like this... that sex could be like this... that it could ever be so incredibly amazing. Just like the other night in that hotel room, he was continuing to awaken something deep inside her, and she wasn't confident that she could go back to the way things were with Chad.

"As long as I didn't..."

"Shhhhh... perfect." He pulled her even closer, and she rested her head on his muscled chest. Even in the middle of the dark, scary woods, he made her feel safe, protected, and... cherished? Yes... cherished.

- - - - -

"Thank you," Jamie said as Jake handed her a glass of white wine for them to share. It wasn't a fancy glass, but it was clean, and the wine warmed her from the inside as she sipped it with him. They snuggled back under some of the comforters in front of the fire. Jamie set the wine down gently. "And thank you... for this."

"For... what?"

"This evening, the cabin, the fire, the lovemaking, it's all very romantic. I don't... really get this kind of treatment much." Or at all, ever. She nuzzled her head into his hairy chest.

Jake kissed the top of her head. "If you think a dank cabin in the middle of nowhere is romantic, wait till you see what I have in store for you tomorrow!"

"I'm being serious, Jake. This means a lot to me."

He tilted her head up and kissed her softly, lovingly. "This means a lot to me, too," he whispered.

"But, since you brought it up, what's on for tomorrow?"

"Well!" his voice perked up. "In between the vast amounts of sex we'll have, I thought you could help me with some construction."

"Oh, wow, you'd let me help you with construction? No wonder the women fawn all over you!" They both shared a little laugh. "Okay... construction and then?"

"Then maybe we go fishin' in the afternoon and catch our dinner." In an instant little tears filled her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. Jake saw that he'd somehow touched a nerve. "Baby, if you don't want to fish we don't--"

She took a deep breath and attempted to get her emotions in check. "The last time I was at the lodge, when I was a little girl, my father taught me how to fish in the little creek that runs in front of it."

He tenderly ran his fingers across her beautiful face. "Good memories?"

"Yes," she whispered. "I'll always remember that day." She thought for a moment. "We were very close and sometimes I... you know... I miss him."

"We'll make more good memories for you tomorrow, I promise you, baby."

She'd never shared those personal feelings with anyone, but with him she felt safe, understood. So many times Chad had made fun of her when she tried to open up to him, but with Jake she could be vulnerable and she knew he wouldn't use anything she told him against her. She knew she'd dampened the mood by sharing memories of her father and she quickly tried to turn things around. "I can catch a bigger fish than you, anyway, and I'll prove that tomorrow."

He laughed. "You're talking to the anglin' king here, girl, so that's a bold statement."

"You goof." She laughed, rolling her eyes and then cuddling up with him again. "My goof. How long have you been working on your cabin, anyway?"

"I'm in my third year now. I hope to have it finished by this fall."

"Do you want to live here?"

"Well, I could. I was thinkin' more along the lines of turnin' it into a rental starting in the spring. You know... like an AirBNB thing... for maybe hunters, or people who really want to get away from it all."

"That's a good idea, get an income stream going?"

"Exactly, I can't be a cowboy forever. So I need to make some money before I get put out to pasture. After that, I guess I can live here."

"So... do you have running water?"

Jake laughed. "Yes, the toilet works. But not the hot water, I'm waiting for one of those tankless water heaters to arrive. However, see that metal contraption by the side of the fireplace? I can hang a cauldron of water on that and swing it into the fire. I can give you a sponge bath that way."

She giggled and then snuggled up even closer to him. "That sounds kinda sexy, I'd love that," she purred. Then she changed the subject. "You seem like you're really good friends with Clint and Marcy?"

"Yeah, I've worked here 20 years. Plus..."

"Plus what?"

"Well, I did pretty well financially from doing the show way back when--"

"Montana Skies?"

"Yeah, that one. And then there was one after that, Cap, where I was a fire chief, that didn't last very long but I got three million dollars for one year."

"Okay... and that relates how?"

"We shot Montana Skies out here, lots of it at the Bar G Ranch, used their horses, everything. They were so helpful and we became very good friends. After the show ended I would still come up here for a good part of several summers. Then their barn burned down and part of the lodge did too. Nobody was hurt, thank God, and they didn't lose any animals, but they were... essentially ruined."

"Oh, my God, that's horrible! How did they... get out of the hole?"

"I... gave them $150,000 to help out."

"Gave? Or loaned."

"Gave. They wanted to pay me back and I just told them to forget about it. A few years later they took me in when I was dead broke, gave me this land, gave me a job that I wasn't really qualified for... they... rescued me and gave me a life. So I consider us pretty much even."

"But you could use that money now, right?"

He just shrugged. "If I had the money back then, one of the wives would've taken it or I would have partied it away. So, it was money well spent."

"It seems you were, you know, a real bad boy back then, weren't you?" she gently teased.

He laughed. "I was an idiot, but I turned things around. Living out here really gave me a new perspective on things." He thought for a moment. "I did a lot of stupid things and made some really bad decisions, but it's all in the past, you can't live life with regrets, honey."

"No... ummm... I guess you can't," she whispered. His brutally honest confessions were causing her to reconsider her life and her decisions, especially her relationship with Chad. Before she met Jake, she'd been so certain that he was the one, the one she was supposed to be with, but now she had doubts. He was causing her to question everything. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Plenty of time to worry about all that later.

"So, these wives of yours... no regrets?"

"Well... I wish I had done things differently, sure. But there's nothing I can do about it now. So, no, I don't sit around regretting what I did back then. There's no point in that. Hand me the wine?"

"And their names were?" she asked, handing him the half-empty glass.

Jake purposely splashed some wine onto her breast, causing Jamie to yelp loudly in surprise. "Hey!"

But he immediately swooped in and began licking and slurping the wine from her ample breast before concentrating on her nipple. He sucked hard and lifted his head up as far as it would go, stretching her breast to its fullest before it fell out of his mouth.

"Oh, God," Jamie moaned.

"You like that?" Jake bent down to suck and lift her other breast.

The electrical jolts from her nipples were far more substantial than anything she'd experienced before, and when Jake cupped her sex, contracting his hand in a firm grip, she lost all control and collapsed onto her back.

Jake took this moment to begin licking her inner thighs of all the excess juice she produced. Intrigued by the volume of her secretions, he settled in between her legs and began licking her swollen lips. He swallowed every ten or 15 seconds as he tried to keep up with her juices. Jamie clamped her thighs around his head, trapping him.

Jamie shuddered as his tongue penetrated her. She gripped his head with her thighs to keep him from moving. If he licks my clit I just might die.

But Jake had that cowboy-strong thing going on, and he pried her legs open. He lifted his head and smiled at her, little strings of drool connecting his lips and her pussy. She felt his fingers enter her, and then he began massaging her G-spot, right beneath her clitoris but inside her vagina. Sparks flew, and she unconsciously grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples and twisting them, tugging them as she tried to replicate how Jake had made them feel a minute or two ago.

Jake lowered his head as he watched her climbing quickly. She let out a deep guttural moan when he pressed two fingers deep into her and curled them upwards, putting pressure on her G-spot. As she pulled and pinched her nipples even harder, little fluid droplets began leaking from her vagina. He pressed his flattened tongue down hard on her clit, and then he started making little circles on the tip of it while aggressively rubbing the little bumps deep inside her body. "Jake... Jake... oh, my God... fuck," she moaned. The liquid droplets increased, and little jets shot out of her onto his face and chest. Jamie's eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her body began violently shaking and convulsing. He withdrew his tongue and fingers from her, but the tremors continued, and she was taking in huge gasps of breath. He watched in amazement for a full minute as she attempted to regain her faculties and come back to him. Finally, she opened her eyes, and they met his. "What... what the hell was that?" she whispered.

He grinned while wiping some of her secretions off his face. Then he slid up her body and pulled her tight into his arms. "It just means that we're getting a whole lot better at this, little darlin'."

"Yeah, but... did I... pee? It almost felt like it." She turned her head to the side, looking away from Jake. She felt a little embarrassed and vulnerable, but when she looked into his sparkling blue eyes she saw acceptance. A calm came over her in an instant and she felt at peace.

"Honey, no! It's fine, it's incredible! It's so sexy, have a taste." She looked back at him and saw some droplets on his cheek, and she took a tentative lick.

"It tastes like... me... has this happened to you before?"

"Only one other gal, yeah. I find it to be..." Jake reached down and positioned his hardened cock at her wet opening, "... very, very stimulating. In fact," he moved his hips, easily entering her pussy, "I'm going to try to make you do that again." He thrust entirely inside her and her legs wrapped around his back.

"Jake... Daddy," she whispered, her eyes closing. "What... are you doing to me?" She locked her ankles around his back and arched her back to meet his every stroke.

"Just," he grunted, "making love to... a very special person."

"Not... fucking?" she panted.

"Well, it's... Jesus, will you quit squeezing me so much!" She scrunched her nose up at him and flexed her pelvic muscles again. Jake struggled to talk as he pounded away at her. "It's kind of a combo... I am making love to you... but I'm also... trying to fuck the shit out of you."

"Just... keep fucking me... Daddy... don't stop... don't stop... please... don't... stop..." Her voice faded as she repeated her begging several more times.

Jake's hands cupped her ass, gripping her tightly. With barely a thought, his middle finger made several circles around her wet asshole, causing Jamie to squeal and then moan. Emboldened by her reaction, he pushed his finger inside her asshole to the first knuckle. Instantly, her body stiffened. This was another first, something that neither of her other lovers had done. "Oh, God, Jake... fuck," she moaned.

His weight on top of her, his thrusting cock, and his finger inside her asshole... the intense pleasure was almost unbearable. His lips met hers, his mouth claimed hers, and they shared a deep passionate kiss. When he broke the embrace, she sank her teeth into his shoulder and he let out a deep moan. Her next orgasm hit without warning, and just as one receded another took its place. The muscles inside her vagina were squeezing and contracting around his cock. He wanted this moment to last forever, but she felt so incredibly good that he couldn't hold back his release. He held his breath, and his body stiffened. "Come inside of me, Daddy," she moaned.

Just as her final orgasm subsided, she felt hot jets of his semen flood into her womb. She wrapped her arms around his neck just before he collapsed on top of her. Both of them struggled to get control of their breathing. When her eyes traveled over the deep bite marks on his shoulder, she gently kissed the wound. "Jake, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay, baby," he whispered. Tears were filling her eyes, and he wiped them away. "Are you okay, honey?"

"I didn't know... ummm..."

"Didn't know what?" he said soothingly.

"I didn't know that sex could be like this, could be this good," she said softly.

He looked into her eyes and smiled. "You're a real wildcat, you know that? It's always the quiet ones that you have to be careful of," he gently teased.

A little blush broke over her face. "I've never been like this... I don't even know the word for it."

"Well, maybe... slutty? Wanton? Those two words come to mind."

She laughed. She would have killed Chad for calling her a slut, but when Jake said it, it only made her want him more. "Maybe I am."

- - - - -

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love their love-making, and I love Jake's hairy chest. I can just imagine her rubbing her face through his sexy chest hair -- exciting for them both! Keep your story going! Chad doesn't deserve her at all! And Jake can more than make her happy! He makes her moan and scream in sexual delight!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am a country boy about Jakes age and can relate. Two ex wife's and now 33 years with my lover/best friend. Love the store

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Too many "baby" and "darlin"s to be taken as serious romantic terms. Didn't feel the romance building in this one. More just like unexplained lust. Wasn't clear if she was even going back to her old boyfirend.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 stars, I am really enjoying the series. It is really well written.

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