The Actor Ep. 05


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She looked at her screen again. "Yes, of course. We have special instructions for you. Anything you want is to be charged to the room. You are not to spend any of your own money." She gave Jamie a wide smile. "Did you valet? Let me take care of that for you ... and I'll hold your luggage here until he arrives." Jamie thanked her as she handed her the valet ticket and headed towards the bar.

She tried not to look too anxious, but every time someone walked into the lobby her head snapped up. She had just finished her first Mimosa and was considering a second when Jake appeared. Dressed in jeans, cowboy boots, a crisp white shirt with a bolo tie, a dark blazer, and a clean white cowboy hat, he cut quite a fine figure as he strode confidently towards Melanie at the check-in desk. My God, but he looks good, she thought. And that mustache is new, too. He walks like he owns this town... and maybe he will.

She heard him laugh and became immediately jealous. That bitch better quit flirting with my man! But Jamie chastised herself for such shallow thinking; Jake was a VIP and Melanie was just being friendly. Melanie's head appeared from his side as she pointed to Jamie, and Jake turned to see her. He grinned immediately and stepped quickly to Jamie as she stood up to meet him.

"There you are, Babygirl!" he nearly shouted as he closed the distance.

"Jake!" she cried as she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. They clutched each other in a crushing hug, squeezing so hard that a kiss was impossible. Jamie's tears flowed onto his neck and collar. When he set her down, he tenderly wiped the tears out of his eyes. "I've missed you so much, Daddy," she whispered. They kissed ... for well over a minute ... both of them getting lost in the kiss and nearly forgetting they were in a hotel lobby. They finally broke apart when a police siren outside disturbed them.

"I've missed you too, Jamie, more than you'll ever know."

"I can't believe you're here, and I love the new 'stache!"

"Yeah? They wanted me to grow one for the part. If it don't work I'll just shave it off and they'll glue one on. You don't mind kissing me with it?"

"Let's try again, I was too excited the first time."

They kissed again, and she noticed his whiskers this time, but they didn't detract from his lips. As she moved her head slightly, they tickled her upper lip. "I love it, Daddy. Makes you look even more suave and handsome."

"Ha! Well, that's good, I'll take that. It will fill in more over the next month or so. Say, I just wanted to check ... is the breakup still in effect?"

"Completely! He's out of my apartment, out of my life, something that I should have done long ago. He's nothing that we need to worry about ever again."

"Okay, good. You ready to see this room?"

She gave him a radiant smile. "You bet I am."

"I have your luggage, miss," the young bellman offered as he wheeled both pieces toward the elevator.

"Thank you; this is a lovely hotel," Jamie responded.

"Just wait 'til you see your room! 1,900 square feet, outdoor Jacuzzi, it's incredible." Jake's arm wrapped securely around her as the car whisked them up to the top floor.

"Warner Brothers set you up real nice, Mr. McClintock. You know, Montana Skies was my mom's favorite show. I watched all the DVDs; you were great!"

"Well, thanks ... ummm ... Derrick," Jake said after reading his name tag. "Might be happening again, if I'm lucky."

"Good for you, sir!" They exited onto their level. "Right down this way, Sir. Well, you sure look the part! Here's your room." Jamie gasped at how large the living room seemed. "You've got your sofa and comfy chairs here for relaxing, coffee table, coffee and tea station right over there, widescreen TV with all the channels ..." Jamie figured neither of them would be watching it much, but it was the biggest TV she had ever seen.

Derrick proceeded to show the couple the expansive and well-appointed living area. "And out here is your private deck, private Jacuzzi ..." The impressive space featured a long couch that had an awning overhead to block the sun. Jamie squinted at what looked to be an outdoor king-size bed shaded by faux-white palm trees. In addition to the Jacuzzi and several lounge chairs, the deck also had a large table and chairs that would seat eight people.

"Holy hell," Jake exclaimed. "You could have a party for, like, 50 people here!"

"Oh, there've been some legendary parties here, I assure you, Mr. McClintock! Now the bedroom is right down this way. And there's a bucket of our finest champagne, compliments of the house."

Jake reached for his wallet but was stopped by Derrick. "Thank you, Sir, but all gratuities have been covered. You are not to spend a nickel of your own money. Orders from Dubya Bee." He finally left them alone after making sure they knew all about the temperature controls.

"This Is amazing, Jake! What an incredible room, but what did he mean by Dubya Bee?"

"Not bad, huh? 'Dubya Bee means WB, Warner Brothers. And look at this." Jake reached In and pulled out what looked like an American Express card. "It's a $5,000 gift card. I can use it anywhere I want, with no expiration date."

"They're pulling out all the stops for you. It seems like they want you very badly." Jamie walked to the champagne bucket and filled the two crystal glasses on the dressing table with bubbly. "However,I want you even more than they do." She handed a glass to Jake, and they both drank.

Jake took her in: her white sundress perfectly accentuated her shapely form, and her red hair blazed brightly against her short white little dress. God, he mused. What did I ever do to deserve this woman? He took her glass and set them both down on the table, then held her delicate face in his rough hands. "I've missed you ... so much. I need you in my life, Jamie. And I mean full time!" He kissed her as her arms wrapped around him. He felt his body relax, comforted by her presence and her kiss. She kissed him back just as passionately, her hunger for him evident. Then she pushed back from him, his hands fell from her face to her shoulders, and he looked at her quizzically.

"Jake?" she asked in a quiet, somewhat trembling voice. "Do you mean that, and what you said last week on the phone?"

"What, that I can't live without you? That I need you in my life? Yes, I absolutely mean that."

"Why?" she asked, her eyes glassy.

"Because ... I love you, Jamie. I should have said it at the ranch and, dammit, I've been kickin' myself ever since."

Her heart fluttered at his admission. "I think I fell in love with you a little bit when I arrived at the ranch and you took me to my room."

"What? I was just bein' friendly." He gave her his trademark smile. "It was ... severely high-interest for me too, when you stepped out of that van."

She smiled. "You've shown me what a real relationship is like, what it's like to be with a real man." He pulled her in his arms and they shared a hot passionate kiss.

"I'm never lettin' you go, Jamie, you're mine now, forever."

They began tearing off each other's clothes, the desire and need building between them. After a few seconds, there was a pile of clothing on the floor between them. As they kissed, Jamie reached down and began stroking Jake's sizable erection. "I've missed this big thing," she said whimsically.

"It's yours, honey, and I'll give you all you can handle."

While she continued to move her hand up and down his shaft, she could feel his pre-cum oozing onto her fingers. While keeping her eyes on his, she licked some of it off her fingers. He made her feel so wanton, so slutty, but also safe. For the first time in her life, she felt that she could just be and not worry about anything. The only thing she wanted at that moment was him.

For Jake, it was her scent that triggered him as much as anything. Some women in his past could be smelled 20 yards away due to the overpowering perfume they wore. It was always something that was very off-putting and nearly made him gag when he had them in a clinch. Contrastingly, Jamie's lovely lavender fragrance could only be discovered when he was up close, And when she undressed and her female scent was added to the mix Jake's lust skyrocketed.

Jake let go of her to yank the covers down, scattering the multitude of pillows. He pulled her onto the bed on top of him, where they joined in a frantic embrace.

"Oh, Daddy!" she cried, giggling at his sudden move. She squirmed on top of him as they kissed deeply, her soft body teasing him. "I need you," she whispered between kisses, "so badly. Would you mind if ..." She paused as he claimed her mouth again and again for several moments. His cock pressed against her wet pussy; they both wriggled their bodies as their passion increased.

"Maybe," he said, panting. "Maybe we could ..."

"Skip the foreplay?"

Jake looked up at the sexiest woman he had ever known, her normally pale cheeks now flushed with lust. I need this woman right fuckin' now.

"Yeah, we've got days to play--"

"Do it, Jake. Make love to me, fuck me, just give me that cock!"

He rolled her over, grabbed his cock with his hand, and rubbed it up and down her very wet pussy lips. Satisfied that she was ready and remembering her propensity for getting extremely wet, he placed his cock at her entrance and slowly pushed forward. Yes, I'm inside you, my love. This is where I belong.

Jamie arched her back as he entered her. "Oh ... my ... God," she whispered, gasping for air as he filled her.

"I feel ... the same way... fuck!" Jake continued his invasion, sinking deeper inside her until he completely buried his cock in her pussy. "That's all there is, love."

"I love it, it feels so good," she whispered. "I've missed you so much." She wrapped her long legs around him. "You make me feel so full," she moaned.

The bed didn't squeak or groan despite Jake's hard pounding. A top-dollar suite gets you a good bed, Jake mused. They tried to kiss, but his thrusts were too exuberant, too strong, and he buried his head in a pillow as he tried to pin her to the mattress. Her nails dug into his back and he screamed in agony and ecstasy. His body slapped onto hers, their sweat making the sounds louder.

Jamie squealed with delight as her orgasm neared. She tried to sink her nails in deeper so as to not let go of him ... ever. When he reached under her to probe her asshole, her fireworks went off in a grand finale kind of way.

Jake had been battling for the last half minute to not come, but when he felt her pussy contract on him, he let it go and poured his semen deep inside her. Jamie's whole body shook as she came and came ... flooding the bed as she squirted. Jake rose up to pump his final shots into her and watched her go limp for a good ten seconds before she roused herself again.

Both his cock and her pussy continued to throb with orgasmic pulses as Jake settled back down on her, and they kissed deeply, both trying to get as close to each other as they could. A full minute went by before Jamie pushed away from him, just a little.

"Easy there, cowboy, take a rest. I'm not going anywhere ever again." When he rolled off of her, she rolled with him and snuggled to his side, perfectly molding her body to his. Then she draped her leg over him as they basked in the afterglow.

"Can I tell you something, Jake?" she asked.

"Sure, as long as it's good," he teased.

Jamie laughed. "It's good. And it's naughty, too." She got up on her elbow to look him in the eyes. Jake reached for her and began working a lock of her hair. "I'm ... you know ... on the pill, but when you come inside me ... I imagine that ... that I'm not, and you get me pregnant. I can't tell you how arousing it is ... that fantasy of having your baby." Jake's fingers were caressing her breasts, and then he abruptly stopped and turned his head slightly. "Is that ... wrong? I'm sorry. I won't ... I won't say it again." Jamie's eyes welled up with tears as she reasoned that she had said something terrible.

"No, sweetie." Jake looked back at her. He smiled but not in his usual way. "I ... that's such a lovely thing to say, and I love you for it. There's just ... something I haven't told you before."

"Okay ..."

"I told you I don't have kids, which is true. But I always wanted one or two ... and I almost had one ..." Tears filled his eyes.

"Go ahead, honey, you can tell me."

"Well ..." He sniffed and tried to choke back the tears, but they came anyway. "My first wife carried our little girl to term but ... little Jennifer ... she died during delivery."

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry, I can't believe I was so insensitive--"

"No, baby. It's not that. It's ... the fact that you want a child with me... it's like... a dream come true. Even if I'm too old now and it wouldn't work--"

"Stop with that 'too old' shit," she purred. "You have a lot of years in you, I know it." She leaned up and kissed his tears. "I love you, more than you can possibly imagine. And I don't care about anything except you and me. I want you to get that through your thick skull, okay? You said something like you 'couldn't live without me.' Did you mean that?"

"Yes, I did. I do."

"Well, I can't live without you either, but I want children, at least one. So get your mind right, old man."

Jake grinned at her. "This is getting more and more interesting every moment we're together."

She kissed him firmly on the mouth, reached down, and began to stroke him to full hardness. "You and I have more business that we need to attend to."

He grinned. "You're insatiable."

"Yes, I am. You make me feel so slutty and wanton, but from here on out I'm your slut."

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her on top of him. She let out a little grunt when he pushed himself deep inside her. "Yes, you are."

- - - - -

Chad sat on the outside patio of BurgerIM, properly chilling with a cold 805 ale and a cheeseburger with ranch dressing and garlic fries. He thought the name of the place was stupid, but he was glad for the location, directly across the street from the Hotel Amarano.

He'd followed the bitch, Jamie, for over a week, but she hadn't gone anywhere unusual until today when he followed her to Burbank. He'd told her that he would get even with her and he wanted to keep his word. He'd watched and waited and was prepared to wait all day for Jamie to reappear with ... somebody.

A black Cadillac Escalade pulled up to the front of the hotel and let someone out. Chad sat up straight when the man put on a big white cowboy hat. He fumbled for his binoculars and brought them to his eyes. "Him?" he said aloud. "What the actual fuck is he doing here?"

Chad finished his lunch and then crossed the street to the hotel. He had a couple twenties; he figured the bellman could fill him in on what Jake the fucking cowboy was up to.

- - - - -

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So, So glad Jamie walked out on Chad and kicked him and his trash bags to the curb! She deserves the love of Jake, loves to be surrounded by his hairy chest and warm, loving body!

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Jamie getting back together with Chad ruined the romance for me. Story is starting to drag out for a romance, maybe it is in the wrong category?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

LMFAO at Jamie being indignant that Chad was cheating on HER. Pot calling the kettle black much? Oh and the "Daddy" "Babygirl" nonsense is disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm enjoying the story but the graphic section is steadily increasing which is actually detracting from the story. You had 3 graphic set scenes in 3 pages in this chapter. Please think about rebalancing your story and it will get better.

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