The Adventurers' Club Pt. 02


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Tom answered him. "I know exactly what you're asking. Remember, the original purpose of the club was to provide a safe haven for us to be involved in these activities. That includes privacy. We have never in our history had a problem with this, but let me tell you about our 'insurance policies.' Also remember that none of this is aimed at anyone - it is sort of the same as 'Trust everyone, but always cut the cards.' First, everything so far would only be hearsay. It would be one individual's word against all of the rest of us, even assuming any of us could be identified. The same will hold true through the beginning of the pledge weekend. If anyone decides to leave during the weekend he will be blindfolded again and taken away without knowing where he was. But suppose someone decides to expose the club after that weekend when he knows our names and the location of the house. Before leaving on Sunday each person will be sworn to hold certain things secret. To many people such an oath would carry no weight at all, but because of the way we select members it will probably mean a great deal to each of us. But in addition sometime Sunday we will take some pictures of each of you. Pictures in compromising circumstances. These pictures are locked in the club files and will normally never be seen again. However, should someone try to cause trouble for us they could find their way onto campus, on the net or even to the person's home town. As I said, this has never happened in the entire history of the club, but just in case.... I hope no one takes offense at this"

Rick replied, "I certainly don't. In fact I feel very reassured."

There were several more questions. Someone wanted to know about cost. They were told that cost was not really a problem for anyone. The club had other sources of funds. Even though the source of the money for the house, equipment, and activities was rather vague, all six of the new people understood that money would not be a problem.

At one point Barb brought up something no one had asked about, but that some might have considered. What about dating people outside the club? "During your pledge period you would be expected to not engage in any sexual activity with anyone outside the club. Later if you meet some one it is allowed under some conditions. For example, all of you know that club members can date others because your sponsors have. Dating is not limited to prospective members, however, but we do insist on caution to prevent any STDs. In rare circumstances if you meet someone who is also into our type of activities, provisions can be made to add them as a member. Or if you find someone not so inclined to BDSM and want to, you can leave the club at any time. This has happened a few times but not many. And once a member wanted to come back later after she lost interest in the new man - or maybe he lost interest in her - and we took her back in."

About 11:30 the meeting broke up. The members each shook hands, or in some cases exchanged hugs and even a few kisses, with the six new people. Blindfolds were again applied and the sponsors led them back outside. After another twenty minutes of driving, John pulled over and removed Laura's blindfold. "You don't have to give me an answer for a couple of days if you want to think about it, but what did you think?"

Laura immediately answered, "I don't need a couple of days. I made my mind up somewhere around 9:30. This sounds wonderful! I still would be hesitant of group sex in general, but I feel so comfortable with these people I know I'll have no problem."

"Great," John said. I'll give you the name of the clinic or I can set up an appointment. We should do it as soon as possible."

"OK, go ahead and set it up. But there's just one thing first. I know we both have classes in the morning, but right now I feel higher than a kite. Take me home and fuck the daylights out of me!"

Chapter 3.

Laura's appointment was that Friday afternoon. They must have made special allowances for the club. After all, they did say it was a former member running the clinic. Laura was surprised to find that the doctor who examined her was a young woman no older than her early thirties. From a couple of things she said, Laura guessed she was the former member. She did one of the most complete exams Laura had ever had - both external and internal - and drew samples for a full lab workup. Knowing she was a former club member Laura couldn't help but think of her in another light than just a physician. For example, when she examined Laura breasts for any possible lumps, Laura found herself becoming excited and noticed her nipples had hardened quite a bit. At first Laura was embarrassed by this, but then the doctor gave her a look and a wide grin and deliberately brushed her palms directly across her hard nubs. Laura drew a quick breath, but then the doctor turned away and went on with the exam.

Finally the exam was over. She had already discussed birth control and Laura had decided to go with an implant. The doctor now inserted it. The doctor then discussed the results of the exam with Laura and told her she seemed to be in the best of health. Pending the lab work she had no trouble giving the green light to "whatever activities you want to join." This was followed by a smile and the comment, "And maybe someday I'll join you for some of them."

Next came a waiting period. Laura wasn't worried about the lab results, but she wanted everything to be completed so she could get on with the pledging. She thought more and more about the club and couldn't wait to begin. She and John went out several more times and each time she ended the night naked and tied to his bed while he drove her more wild than she had thought possible. And although he used the paddle, strap, and cat she never had any marks that lasted past the next day. Finally one Tuesday night, as they lay soaked with sweat letting their breathing return to normal, John said, "By the way everything is now done. Pledging will start this Friday night."

Laura's face was something to watch: first there was surprise and then a real eagerness. Then as she slowly began to think about it a look of accusation came. "How long have you known? I bet you just waited to tell me so I'd have to stay on edge."

John laughed. "Actually I only found out last night. The lab results were in on all of you last Friday, but we had to meet as a club and ok everyone. I'm happy to say that all six of you are still scheduled to join. I assume you still want to?"

Laura tried to make a playful swing at him, but came up short when her wrist reached the end of the tie holding her spreadeagle. "You're damn right I want to join. I'm staying wet half the time thinking about it."

"In that case I guess I need to do something to keep you wet the other half," John said as he lowered his head and used his tongue to first tease her nipples and then on down between her legs. Laura gasped and strained at her bonds. It was going to be a long wait until Friday. As John closed his lips around her clit and started to suck she realized it was also going to be a long night.

Friday came. John and Laura went to a pizza place for dinner even though she was too excited to eat much. After they left and got back into John's car, he handed her a small bag. "I'll take you back to your place so you can get ready and then pick you up about seven. You won't need to bring anything except maybe your own brush and comb. Wear a skirt and blouse - like you had last time will be fine. But wear the items in the bag. Your regular shoes are fine, but nothing else."

Laura looked into the bag. Inside was underwear: a pair of plain low rise briefs and a simple bra. Laura wondered if they would fit and then realized that of course they would. But how did they know her size for certain? Maybe from the medical exam? Probably.

She went upstairs to her room and showered and changed. She had been right. The new underwear fit perfectly. Just at seven she was downstairs waiting as John pulled up.

Once again John pulled over just after they left campus and brought out the blindfold. Laura allowed him to wrap the black silk around her head. The very act of cutting off her vision served to excite her and she squeezed her legs together.

They drove for nearly a half hour and finally pulled in what sounded like a gravel road or drive and then parked. John helped her from the car and led her across a space to some steps and through a door. They stopped for a minute while John took her coat and put it somewhere and then went on through another door. Here John removed her blindfold.

Laura looked around her. They were in a short hall with two doors leading off to the left and right and a third door at the far end. Through the door to the right Laura saw what looked to be a dining room. At least there were several tables: three large round ones and a couple of smaller square shaped. She couldn't see much more because John led her through the door to the left into a large room filled with several chairs and a couple of couches. A large fireplace dominated the end of the room and two doors looked to lead elsewhere in the house. Laura noticed that all of the windows not only had blinds drawn, but were also blocked with some kind of shutters or otherwise completely sealed against light. She suddenly realized that this was probably to keep them from guessing anything about where they were.

There were perhaps a dozen club members in the room and Laura also saw Carol Anne, Rick and Paul. Just then several more people arrived including Ashley and James along with Janet and Ashley's sponsor, a tall, fair haired man named Brad. Ashley and James both stopped to look around and the expressions on their faces showed that they were thinking about the same thing as Laura. Namely that this was not a cheap place. Someone connected with the club must have a lot of money!

Tom stepped forward and called for attention. "I think everyone is here now. First we'd like to show the pledges around a little. This is the club-owned house. On this floor in addition to this room and the dining room you probably saw on the way in, we have the kitchen, a laundry room, two studies, a library, an exercise room, and a - I guess you might call it a den or TV room. There are two floors upstairs with a total of sixteen bedrooms. And the attic is finished into two large rooms which can be used as more sleeping area .... or for other activities. Normally, no one but club members is allowed beyond this room or the dining room. Shall we take a quick walk around?"

The six new people and their sponsors, along with one or two other members, followed Tom as he led them around the first floor. The kitchen looked like it could have come from a small restaurant. There were two ranges plus another two wall ovens and three microwaves. Two large refrigerators and a large upright freezer were along one wall. "Well, at least we should eat well," Laura thought.

The library was exactly that. It looked to contain several hundred books, both reference and some fiction. The studies had several desks and tables and three computers in each. As they looked around Tom said, "We enjoy ourselves, but we also take our studies seriously. The average gradepoint in the club is a 3.8 and we want it to remain high. So we provide whatever help we can to make study easier. It's also nice to remember that there are a number of upper classmen you can ask about things. Usually you can find someone who has already had the course you're taking."

The exercise room had a couple of treadmills, weights, several different types of exercise machines along with mats. There was a sauna and shower room off to one side and an actual swimming pool through an adjoining set of doors. This place was too much to believe!

The den had a large screen TV, stereo, VCR, and DVD player. There was also a cabinet containing discs and tapes. A wet bar was along one side. There was a lot of soft furniture - stuffed chairs and love seats - placed about the room. It looked like an ideal room for a party or for just relaxing.

The group returned to the first room where the other members were waiting. "OK," Tom said. "Last chance before we begin. Is there anyone who has changed their mind?"

No one responded. "All right. Then we can proceed to the pledging ceremonies. First, however, We're going to ask each of you to swear to keep what you have seen and what will happen a secret and never to discuss it with anyone outside the club. The one exception will be if, after you leave the club, you marry and your spouse will also agree to this hold this secret."

Every one swore that they would follow these conditions.

"In that case," Tom said, "It is time to see the lover level. Downstairs we have three smaller rooms, a couple of others that are really just large closets and one large room we refer to as the dungeon. Sponsors, will you now take the pledges and prepare them."

The six new people, the six sponsors, and two other members - Kelly and Michael - proceeded down the stairs followed by the remaining members. At the foot of the stairs the female sponsors led the girls into a tiny room on the left and the three male sponsors did the same with the men, taking them into a similar room on the right. The other members went through a door straight ahead.

Once inside the room, Kelly said, "OK, ladies, we'll get you ready now. Please remove your blouses and skirts. You won't be needing them for quite a while. Leave your underwear on."

Slowly, and with not a little apprehension, the women began to unbutton their shirts. All were hesitating, waiting for someone else to go first. Finally Ashley gave a look that seemed to say, "What the hell. This is what we're here for," and pulled off her blouse. Now the tension was broken and all three quickly removed their outer garments along with their shoes and socks. As she had guessed, Laura saw that all three wore identical underwear.

"You can hang your clothes over there," Kelly said. You won't be needing them until you leave. Also remember that you can leave at any time. You have the two safe words - red light and yellow light - which you can use if necessary. No matter how strange things seem, remember, the safe words will always be immediately honored. Now, please hold out your hands." Kelly and the sponsors quickly attached padded leather cuffs to each girl's wrists. Small metal rings on the cuffs were fastened together with small clips so their hands were bound in front of them. The sponsors fastened similar cuffs around their ankles. They then applied the silk blindfolds again and led each girl through a door into the large dungeon. Of course they couldn't see this, but even blindfolded they could tell they had entered a large room.

They were led over to one wall where, although they couldn't see them, there were four large X-shaped frames padded with leather. There were also two chains dangling from the ceiling. Laura felt herself being backed against some kind of frame and then her hands were raised above her head and spread a couple of feet apart and fastened to the frame. Her ankles followed and were soon spread to the two sides. While this was going on she could hear other sounds and guessed the other pledges were being treated in a like fashion.

Soon the movements slowed and stopped. The members than began a slow, soft, almost whispered, chant: "Pleasure and pain, pain and pleasure. Both the same, both are treasure." The chant was repeated over and over, each time a little louder.

"This is silly," thought Laura. But then she realized that silly or not it was having the desired effect. Goose bumps were being raised all over her body and she began to feel very apprehensive about what was to come.

Suddenly the chant stopped. Then a deep voice began. Laura thought the voice was Tom's, but she couldn't be sure. The atmosphere was now such that she would have probably believed the voice wasn't even really human. The voice intoned, "Sponsors, you have brought these pledges to join us in our rituals. But first they must be tested. Sponsors, are they prepared for the testing?"

Six voices answered in unison, "Yes, they are ready."

The first voice than replied, "Then let the tests begin."

Someone now removed the blindfolds. Laura looked around her. She was in a really large room. It must have been forty feet long and twenty-five feet wide. Candles along the walls dimly lit the room with flickering light and although she could see members both to her right and left, the shadows concealed their faces. She looked to her left and right. She was fastened to a large X-shaped frame and James and Rick were on either side also fastened to similar frames. They wore only low rise briefs. Beyond James on her left another frame held Carol Anne. And beyond Rick Laura saw Ashley and Paul with their arms attached to chains from the ceiling and their ankles fastened to rings in the floor. Their blindfolds were also being removed and they were examining their surroundings.

Looking around the rest of the room Laura saw several heavy tables or frames and some other pieces she couldn't identify in the shadows along the far walls. But directly in front of her two strong spot lights in the ceiling illuminated two padded wooden benches. These were about three feet wide and had a small bench running from left to right about 10 inches off the floor. Beyond this bench was a heavy, padded beam about the same length but about a foot and a half higher. A third cross member, a round rod two inches in diameter, ran parallel to the first two, slightly lower than the second, and about three feet beyond it. The entire contraption was held together with sturdy pieces perpendicular to the others. Laura wasn't sure of their purpose, but thought she could guess.

After a few seconds the voice - it was Tom! - asked, "Have you selected the first pair, my lady?"

Another voice - Barb? - yes, Barb - replied, "They have been chosen at random by the fates, my lord. They are chosen!"

"Then bring them to the appointed place and let the test begin."

Two members moved to unfasten Paul and Ashley. They were led to the two benches beneath the bright lamps. The members placed them on their knees on the first cross bench of each frame. Their ankles were then securely fastened about two feet apart. "I was right!" thought Laura, as each of the two pledges was bent forward so their hips rested against the padded center beam. Their hands were then stretched beyond their heads and spread, to be fastened to the third cross piece. Their hands were pulled far forward so that very little freedom of movement remained.

Tom now spoke. "You will be tested three times by each member. First with the leather paddle." He held up a thick but flexible leather paddle about three inches wide and nearly eighteen inches long. "Next by the wooden paddle." Now he held a typical frat paddle, about the same size, but made of half inch thick wood. "And finally with the strap." Here he held a leather strap attached to a wooden handle. The handle was about a foot in length and the strap itself was about one and a half inches wide and eighteen inches long.

Laura and the other pledges cringed at the sight of these. Tested three times by each member! And there were eighteen members! They probably wouldn't feel too much like sitting for a while.

Two lines formed beside each of the two pledges with their respective sponsors at the front. Each held one of the thick leather paddles. At a signal from Tom both sponsors swung their paddle directly at the pledges' asses with a force the surprised Laura. The loud Whap! from each came almost together and both pledges jerked as much as their bonds allowed and let out a small cry. The sponsors handed the paddles to the member in line behind them and moved to the end of the opposite line. The blows were repeated until each pledge had received the full count of eighteen.