The Adventures of a Slut Mommie Ch. 08

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Katie Muggleton's continuing adventures.
20.5k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 07/10/2023
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Chapter 8: Four Days with Kath.

Hello, readers. Katie Muggleton again. I am so happy you're still with me, and I can't believe how many people are still reading my adventures! It makes me feel humble that my story has touched so many. Let me remind you how the last chapter ended, and then I'll continue with my story.

I'd dropped my husband and daughter at the airport so they could catch their flight to Sydney. They wouldn't return until Sunday night, and I was looking forward to having plenty of time alone with my son. I'd stopped pretending I didn't desire him and had eagerly embraced him as the second most important man in my life. As such, I hoped we'd spend a lot of time together making love, interspersed with some good old-fashioned fucking.

That plan lasted until about thirty minutes after I'd returned from the airport. My son explained that he had a plan to erase my pictures from Frank's computer and cloud account. Unfortunately, his plan required me to distract Frank long enough for him and his friend Freddy to break into Frank's house and computer.

'Putting my head in the lion's mouth', as Johnny described it, I allowed Frank and his three mates, Tiny, Charlie and Jumbo II, to kidnap me from Bowen Hills train station. They took me to a private residence in Albion before taking me inside and to their Bdsm dungeon. They forced me to lie face down on a padded leather box and chained my wrists and knees to it.

I was made to blow Charlie and Jerry (Jumbo II) as Tiny raped my pussy, and later, Frank raped my ass. Then Jerry forced his enormous cock partway into my badly stretched pussy. But before he could force the rest into me, the door crashed open, and a police Tactical Response Team boiled into the room. Frank foolishly pulled a flick knife out and tried to cut my face, which caused one of the offices to fire upon and kill him.

As you can imagine, the shooting made Queensland and Australia headline news. Fortunately, my son and his friends had retrieved evidence from Frank's computer that he and his cronies were involved in multiple kidnappings, rapes and child pornography. Hence, the media were instantly sympathetic to my case.

Johnny, Freddy, Phil and I were subjected to several court cases where the Crown made its case against the remaining trio of Evan (Tiny), Charlie and Jerry (Jumbo II). We four also had to attend the Coroner's inquiry into the police shooting of Frank.

These events put an enormous strain on Sean's and my marriage. Sean never was convinced that I'd been kidnapped. He accused me of going voluntarily with the four men and having five-way sex with them. After numerous counselling sessions and insistence from Johnny, Freddy and Phil, he accepted that Frank had blackmailed me and that I'd only gone with him to give Johnny and Phil time to hack Frank's computer and erase my pornographic images.

Eventually, Sean admitted to the psychologist helping us that he'd had an ongoing, almost eight-year sexual relationship with his secretary and had so many illicit affairs outside his marriage that an accurate count was impossible. When the counsellor pointed out the hypocrisy of his position, he shamefacedly agreed.

On our way home, Sean apologised for not believing me and said he forgave me for everything I'd done. When we got home, Sean took me upstairs, and we made love for the first time since that night.

When we'd both climaxed, I burst into tears. Holding me tenderly, Sean assured me he hadn't stopped loving me and was glad we were back on an even keel. "I cannot imagine life without you, Katie," he said. "You're the yin to my yang, the tail to my head." Then he stated that he wanted us to live together long enough to be a disgrace to our children.

Giggling through my tears, I replied, "You can stick your (cock's) head in my tail anytime you want, buster!"

Somehow, that broke the dam wall between us, and our love for each other flowed freely once more. We made love again, and all the old passion was there. When Sean came inside me this time, I screamed my orgasm as he roared his. I woke the following morning wrapped in his arms, and all was good in my world.

During this dark time, there was one highlight. Sean insisted I take the four-day break I'd organised with my best friend, Kath Loughlin. Kath had stayed in constant contact with me during my troubles, and she thought that getting away for those four days would be good for me.

Readers, the events leading up to those four days and what Kath and I did during them are the subject of this chapter. Please don't judge me too harshly for what I did. As you'll see, I went a little nuts over these four days, but please, try to remember that I'd endured a seriously traumatic event and was mourning the seeming end of my nearly twenty-year marriage.

Waking up on Monday morning to an empty bed, I lay there and wept. I'd picked Sean and Kristy from the airport the night before, and they were agog with the news that the police had shot someone they knew. I didn't have it in me to confess in front of my daughter, so I remained silent during our trip home.

They both picked up that I was upset, and the conversation died. When we got home, Kristy whispered, "Nothing happened, Mom, if that's what you're worried about. I'm still a virgin. I tried to convince Dad to let me sleep with him, but he refused. The motel room we shared had two bedrooms, and Dad made me sleep in the other room. I tried to sneak into his the first night, and he firmly told me to go and sleep in my room."

I kissed my daughter's cheek and softly replied, "Please don't hate me when you hear what happened."

Concerned, Kristy asked what had happened, but I shook my head and said I'd tell her after speaking to her father.

I followed Sean up to our room and sat fearfully at my vanity as he unpacked. Eventually, he sternly said, "Out with it, Katie. What the fuck is up your ass?"

I explained what happened on Friday night, and Sean turned away from me for the first time since he took my virginity. I tried to hug him, but he remained stiff as a board and shrugged off my embrace. Taking his toiletries bag, Sean walked out of our bedroom and went to the guest room. I followed him, but he shook his head, shut the door and locked it.

Rolling out of bed, I dressed demurely and walked to the kitchen. Sean and Johnny were having a heated debate. Johnny's eyes flashed, and his face was red, but he stopped talking when he saw me entering the room. Sean turned, saw me, angrily turned away and stalked out to the dining room.

Not knowing what else to do, I asked Johnny what he wanted for breakfast and then made it. Doubling what I had made for my son, I asked Johnny to take the extra plate to his father. Johnny returned a few moments later with a full plate.

"Dad's stormed off to his new office over the garage, Mom. He says he doesn't want breakfast," Johnny explained.

Trying not to weep, I accepted the plate from my son and put it aside. When Kristy entered the kitchen, I offered it to her. Kristy took it happily and sat at the breakfast bar to eat it. Johnny sat with me as I described Friday night's events. At the end of my description, Kristy hugged me and said she was glad I was safe. She hugged her brother appreciatively, kissed his cheek and thanked him for rescuing me.

Johnny tried to demur, saying if he hadn't suggested it, the whole thing wouldn't have happened, and I would have never been in that situation. Kristy disagreed, saying she thought the risk was worthwhile to ensure the salacious pics Frank had of me didn't make the net.

After the kids had left to go to work, in Kristy's case, and to his club, in Johnny's case, I walked up the stairs to Sean's new office. But when I opened the door, I saw Sean was in a deep conversation with his first client. Not wanting to distract him, I turned and left, hoping he'd come to find me when he'd finished.

Unfortunately, dinner time rolled by, and Sean still hadn't come inside. I sent Kristy over to tell him dinner was ready, but he told her he wasn't hungry. A few minutes after Kristy had informed me her father wasn't coming in for dinner, Sean drove out of our garage and disappeared.

Sean didn't come to bed Monday night, either. I took the spare key to the guest room on Tuesday morning and opened the door. Walking into the bathroom area where he was shaving, I confronted my husband.

"Do you want a divorce, Sean?" I asked. "You've fucked north of a hundred women, many of them after we married. I've been orally raped by two guys, anally raped by one, and vaginally raped by two others. But if, in your mind, my sins outweigh yours, then I guess that a divorce is inevitable. Do I need to return to my parent's home until I can find somewhere to live?"

"Need your Daddy's cock in your slut cunt, Katie?" Sean sneered.

I slapped him as hard as I could and stormed out.

At the door, I turned back and said, "Fuck you, Sean. I am not without sin, but your high and mighty stance reeks of hypocrisy and false virtue. I did not purposefully seduce Frank and his three scumbag mates as you have seduced many women. They were only the price I had to pay to protect my privacy. How will your new business fare if your prospective clients can view pictures of my naked cunt online?"

I ripped the door open so hard that I tore some of the hinge screws out of the door sides. I was about to walk through it and slam it closed when Sean said, "Katie, wait!" Facing away from my husband, I held the door and waited. "We need, I need help to get through this, Katie. At the moment, I'm so angry with you that I can't think. Intellectually, I know what happened wasn't your fault, but every time I close my eyes, I see another man's cock in your cunt, Katie, and I can't stand it."

"How do you think I've felt for the last nineteen-plus years, Sean?" I softly answered. "Every time you left, I knew you'd be nuts deep in Amanda's saggy cunt virtually every night. The only times you wouldn't have your cock stuffed up her sloppy vagina was when you were balling some other slut.

"Yet, here I am, Sean. Standing before the only man I've ever loved, praying to a God I no longer believe in that you'll get past my rape and learn to love me again. My rape, Sean. Not my affair, not my dalliance, my rape. I was raped, Sean, and you stand there accusing me of having an affair. Do you have any idea how betrayed by you I feel?"

"Find us a marriage counsellor, Katie," Sean pleaded. "I don't want our marriage to end, but I don't know how to get past this."

"Once again, I will do what you know you need to do," I exasperatedly replied. "Do you have a preference for a male or female counsellor?"

"Male, please," Sean replied.

"I'll let you know when, Sean. But, in the meantime, do I phone Kath and cancel this weekend?"

"Four days at some retreat, right?" I nodded. "I think you should go, Katie. I promise to be here when you get home, but I can't promise more than that."

Convinced my marriage was over, I walked numbly to my room, lay on the bed, placed a pillow over my face and cried. Huge sobs racked my body, and I briefly wondered if death wasn't a better alternative than facing the end of life with Sean. As I lay there, I heard the unmistakable growl of Sean's Audi Avant backing out of the garage.

Stripping, I cocooned myself with the quilt and fell asleep. I woke sometime later, wrapped in strong arms. Initially, I rejoiced because I thought the arms were my husband's, but I quickly realised that my son held what his father should have been. Rolling, I wrapped my arms around my son's neck and wept into his neck.

"It'll work out, Mom," Johnny tried to reassure me. "Dad's angry now, but he'll soon remember how much he loves you and rejoice that you're safe and still his."

"Will he, Johnny?" I sniffed. "When Frank took those pictures, you yourself said that if your father learned I'd let Frank fuck me, he'd divorce me. Well, now he knows that not only did Frank fuck my dirty little whore's cunt, he fucked my slut arse, too. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, he knows I sucked off two other men and had two others inside my cunt."

"You never use those words, Mom," Johnny said fiercely. "Do not give up on yourself, even if it's true that Dad's given up on you. Dad loves you, Mom. I know he does. But even if he decides to be a hypocrite and divorce you, Kristy and I love you. We're here for you, Mom. We always will be."

My naked breasts pressed against my son's leanly muscled chest, and as he moved, his chest hairs dragged across my nipples. The deep hollow ache in my chest needed filling, and Johnny's hairs on my nipples fanned my arousal, and they hardened against him. Tilting my head back, I invited my son to kiss me. Johnny looked fondly down on me, and his eyes closed as our lips meshed.

My son's erection throbbed against my belly, so holding our kiss, I rolled onto my back and spread my long, shapely legs. Johnny moved with me and quickly moved to cover my body. I reached between us and guided his rigid cock into my needy pussy. Johnny pumped into me with long, fluid strokes, and my climax swiftly approached. Wrapping my luscious thighs around his narrow waist, I thrust my pudenda up at his cock as I pulled him into me with my calves.

Kissing me softly, Johnny whispered, "I love you, Mom. Cum for me, please."

My orgasm wasn't my typically screamed one. Instead, it felt like it came from deep within my shattered soul. I climaxed again as my son spurted his seed against my cervix and burst into tears.

"Shh, Mom," Johnny hummed. "It'll be alright. I love you, Kristy loves you, and it'll work out."

"I don't know if I can live without your father, Johnny. He's my entire life," I sobbed.

Johnny chuckled and teased, "And here I thought you lived for your children!"

His chuckle was so infectious that I grinned back at him. "I do," I replied. "But your dad was and is always first."

Sean didn't come home that night. Kristy phoned him, and he said he was staying with his parents for a couple of nights as he tried to get his head together. To me, it sounded like the death knell of our almost twenty-year marriage. Of course, I put on a brave face for my children, but inside, I was a torn-up mess.

Wednesday morning, I had a session with Patrick, my personal trainer. Trying to forget my troubles, I wore my white leotard sans underwear, hoping he'd flirt with me again. We worked together on my core strength and flexibility before moving into the strengthening exercises.

Our final set of activities was for my cardiovascular health. They included thirty seconds of star jumps, thirty seconds rest, thirty seconds of crunches, thirty seconds rest, thirty seconds of burpees, thirty seconds rest, thirty seconds of up and down our stairs, and thirty seconds rest. After the final thirty seconds of rest, we returned to star jumps. Patrick usually puts me through this cycle three times, but giving up the cigarettes meant my lung capacity had improved, and he added a fourth set.

By the time I'd moved through the rotation the fourth time, my thighs trembled with exhaustion. On my way down the stairs the last time, my legs collapsed, and I pitched forward. Patrick jumped in front of me to prevent me from crashing to the ground. Unfortunately, my weight and momentum knocked him back. To prevent from falling over backwards, he swung me and guided me towards the exercise mat.

As we fell, he rolled us, and I landed on my back with Patrick between my sweaty thighs. Patrick's cock exploded to erect almost instantly and throbbingly pressed against my leotard-covered entrance. He pushed his arms under my armpits and, resting on his elbows, held my shoulder tops as he looked longingly at me.

I stared at Patrick's lips, hoping he'd kiss me, but he just lay on top of me. Feeling his meaty cock throbbing against my entrance, I tilted my head back, softly moaned and pushed my pussy up at him. Patrick's eyes hooded, and he groaned as my legs lifted and wrapped his thighs. I softly moaned again as I relaxed my hips and then pushed up at him again.

Suddenly overcome with lust, Patrick lifted onto his knees, urgently ripped his exercise shorts down, pulled my leotard's gusset aside, and ploughed roughly into my soaking pussy.

Squeezing his hips tightly with my shapely thighs, I demanded, "Fuck me, Patrick. Fuck me hard."

Patrick didn't need any more encouragement than that, and he gripped me tightly as he pulled all but the tip of his magnificent cock out of my stretched pussy and slammed it back in. Almost at precisely the same time as Patrick's pelvic bone hit my clitoris, his cock's tip punched my cervix.

"Yes!" I grunted as he bottomed out in my tight pussy. "Yes!" I grunted again and then repeated, "Fuck, yes, fuck, yes, fuck, yes, fuck, yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeSSSSSS!" until my climax hit, and I screamed the last 'yes'.

When I orgasmed, my swiftly clenching and relaxing inner folds blasted Patrick into paradise, and with a vociferous growl, he came inside me. When his big cock spat semen onto my cervix, I climaxed again.

As I came down from my orgasmic high, I thought I heard a soft groan from above me, but I couldn't see anyone, so I threw it off as something else.

Patrick held me gently as he slowly rocked inside me until his wilted cock fell out of my cum soaked pussy. Then, kissing my pouty lips, he said, "I've wanted to make love to you since our first session, Katie. I understand if you never want to do this again, but I hope you'll keep me as your trainer."

Giggling, I joked, "Maybe you could reward every kilo I lose with another roll in the hay?"

Trying to be stern but failing miserably, Patrick replied, "Make it five kilos, and we've got a deal!" Then he chuckled and added, "I won't come on to you, Katie. But if you want to fuck again, let me know. It might be better if you don't 'let me know' by throwing yourself at me from three stairs high, though!"

I'd already let Patrick know that I'd be away for our Friday session. So after he'd tucked himself back away, he helped me to my feet, patted my bum, kissed my lips and said, "I'll see you Tuesday, Katie. How about this —if you wear your white leotard, I'll know you want to fool around. If you wear anything else, I'll know to keep it in my shorts."

I casually groped his cock and answered, "Deal!"

I watched Patrick tidy and gather his gear and showed him to the door. I couldn't resist goosing him as he walked through the door. He jumped, laughed, and jogged to his car.

I walked upstairs to shower and found Kristy sitting cross-legged on my bed. "Thanks for the orgasm," she said impishly. "But throwing yourself at him to finally get his attention? Mom, that's just tacky!"

"I did not 'throw' myself at him, Miss," I growled. "Patrick caught me when him making me do an extra set of stair climbs backfired on him, and my legs gave out."

Grinning, Kristy replied, "You certainly took advantage of the situation, though! Patrick looked like he had a pretty sizeable penis, Mom. How did it feel inside you?"

Answering guiltily, I blushed and replied, "His cock is perfectly proportioned. At the exact same time his pelvis hit my clit, his cock's tip hit my cervix. The twin sensations gave me an intensely satisfying orgasm. So, daughter, now that you've witnessed your mother proving your father right —that she's nothing but a slut. What do you plan to do about it?"

"If I can't convince you to make love to me, go to my room and masturbate as I relive your and Patrick's coupling!"

After a shared pair of orgasms, Kristy lay with me on my bed, cuddling. Feeling maudlin, I sighed and sobbed, "I think your dad and I are done, baby girl. Sean can't, or won't, accept that I didn't go with Frank and his mates just to have sex. He doesn't believe I was raped and thinks I had an affair."