The Affair Episode 12


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The warm tingle between her legs was starting to spread. There was no doubt in her mind that he could make her come like this, but she wanted more. She wanted to feel his weight pressing her body into the bed; she wanted to feel his cock filling her pussy. She wanted run her fingers through the hair on his head, then pull him up until he was deep inside her, but he showed no signs of stopping what he was doing.

"I want you inside me," she moaned.

It was becoming more and more difficult to suppress his desire to bury his head between Charlotte's legs and lash her clit with his tongue until she climaxed, but he summoned the willpower to resist his lust filled urges. He continued to gently press his lips against her sex and swirl his tongue around her clit. He could feel that she was getting wetter and hotter, and that increased his own state of arousal. Her hips rose to meet his face as she continued to struggle against the wrist and ankle cuffs that held her in place.

When he covered her breasts with his hands and gently tugged on her nipples she tumbled over into the climax she had been resisting. She had wanted to come with his cock buried deep in her pussy, but her wish had been denied. The warm tingling sensation that had been slowly spreading outward rushed over her like a wave, engulfing her entire body.

"Oh, oh, oh! Yes, yes, yes, I want you, I want you..." her words became a steady moan as she surrendered herself to the orgasm Brad had given her.

Her cries of pleasure caused his willpower to fail. He stopped licking her sex and pounced on his wife like a jungle cat, plunging his aching cock deep inside her with a single thrust. Keeping his arms straight he held his body above her, watching the impact of each thrust passes through her body. Each time he rammed his throbbing erection into her sex he saw her hips shudder from the blow; her breasts bounce towards her face and the sound of her voice change slightly. Brad could not look away from the sight of her labia stretched around his rigid shaft. As his own orgasm began to build it sapped the strength from his arms.

As she floundered in a sea of euphoria Charlotte realized her pleas had been answered. Brad's hard cock filled her pussy. The relentless thrusting either extended her current orgasm or started a new one, she didn't care. When she looked up at her husband she realized his attention was directed downward. When she followed his gaze the sight both shocked and aroused her. The shaft of his penis was coated with her wetness, and slid in and out of her pussy with a steady rhythm. It was a sight she averted her eyes from when they watched porn together, but this time she could not look away. Brad's body began to descend on to hers, like a curtain coming down at the end of a performance. Her breasts flattened against his chest and she felt his hot breath on her neck. As her climax faded away she regained the power of speech.

"I want you to come inside me," she moaned.

"Yes, oh, oh, oh, yes," he replied.

The instructions were not necessary, but it was what he needed to push him past the cusp of his orgasm. He felt his cock jerk as it spurted thick cum into her pussy. Brad didn't understand why, but he always became more aware of Charlotte the moment he climaxed. Suddenly he could feel her vagina squeezing his cock, her swollen nipples pressing into his skin, and her warm breath on his face. Coupled with the endorphins flowing through his body it created a state of bliss that he wished would last longer. He stopped moving and tucked his arms under Charlotte's shoulders, pulling their bodies together.

"That," she whispered, "was amazing."

"You are amazing," he replied.

"You're schmoopy," she said with a laugh.

"No, you're schmoopy," he answered, completely the line from a sitcom that had watched long ago.

Brad lifted his body off hers, taking one more look at her naked form.

"I must look like a hot mess," she said.

"You look hot, that's for sure," he replied, his eyes taking in her sweat soaked skin.

"You can't mean that," she protested.

"You're dripping with sweat, you are clearly very hot," he replied sarcastically.

"Such a smartass," she countered.

"I guess you would like to be released," he continued as his eyes raked her form, a hint of regret in his voice.

"Ya think?"

One by one he unbuckled the cuffs. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her rubbing her wrists and he released her ankles. Despite his exhausted state he could not resist glancing at her naked breasts.

"Do you think I can do it?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied, knowing she was asking about the threesome.

"I'm pretty worn out, I can't imagine what it will be like with another man to please..." she said, her voice drifting off. Charlotte wondered what her obligation was to the third party. Would she be expected to please him, or was she just going to be a toy for both men to play with until their desires were satisfied.

"I don't think it will be like this, at least it wasn't..." Brad stopped himself. They had never discussed his trysts with Sherry.

"Wasn't what? It's okay, you can tell me. I don't know how you expect me to watch you fuck Sherry if you think I can't handle you talking about it."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I don't want the play by play, but it might help if I know what to expect," she answered.

"Okay, well, she wasn't tied up."

"Because she doesn't like it?'

"No, that's not it. It just didn't fit in with what we were doing."

"And what was that?" she asked.

"I think it started with a shower. Chance and I put on a bit of a show for her, and she put on a bit of a show for us."

"And then," she asked. Even though she was worn out the story intrigued her.

"Then she joined us"

"All three of you in the shower?" she asked, trying to picture the scene. Sherry had reported that Chance still looked as good now as he did when he was an intern a years earlier. It wasn't hard to imagine Sherry inserting herself between two wet, naked men.

"For a little while," he replied. Charlotte's interest in the story was encouraging; it reassured him that she would not back out of the threesome.

"So did you take turns?" she asked.

"Take turns doing what?" Brad replied.

"You know..." Charlotte struggled to say the next word out loud, "Fucking her."

A smirk spread across his face, then he answered, "No."

"Then h... how did it happen," she asked, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

"Sherry got on top of me and started riding my cock."

Even though she had allowed the arrangement between Sherry and Brad to go on for some time she had never imagined her husband and her friend having sex. For the first time she pictured the two of them together, Brad lying naked on the floor with Sherry straddling him. She envisioned Sherry's fingers buried in the hair on Brad's chest as she sank down on to his throbbing erection. Of course Brad's eyes would be glued to Sherry's large breasts. What she wasn't sure of was how Chance fit into the scenario. The most likely situation is that he was standing up with his hands on Sherry's head, pulling her mouth down on to his cock. Charlotte wondered what it would be like to have one man filling her vagina and the other filling her mouth. Her mental image froze when Brad began to speak again.

"And then Chance got behind Sherry. I'm not sure if she leaned over or he pushed her, but she was on top of me," he said, deliberately pausing, wondering if Charlotte would ask what happened next.

Brad's revelation caused Charlotte to gasp. If Sherry didn't give Chance a blowjob, and they didn't take turns fucking her that only left on possibility. Chance had fucked Sherry in the ass.

"So you were both fucking her at the same time?"

"Yea, and it was pretty hot."

"That's not going to happen with me, you can just forget about that."

"I'm sure we will come up with something you like," Brad said.

"Is that all you did to her?" she asked.

"Yea, until the next morning. When I woke up Sherry and Chance were already fucking," Brad said, failing to mention that is was Sherry fucking Chance in the ass with a strap on. "Once I was up," he smirked at his double entendre, "she sucked my cock and I came on her face." He watched her face closely, wondering how she would respond to the last detail.

"Gee, that sounds familiar," Charlotte said, she had no trouble picturing Sherry with cum splattered all over her face like a porn star


Brad lay next to his wife and pulled her body tight against his, "Ready to go to sleep?"

"I was going to take a shower..." she said.


"I feel dirty."

"You are dirty, and I want to sleep with my dirty little slut."



"Can I at least brush my teeth?" she asked.

Brad thought for a moment, "I will allow that, but I'm coming with you to make sure you don't wander into the shower."

Without another word she walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, noticing that Brad did the same. As they turned to exit the room, she considered offering to let him shower with her, but decided she was too exhausted. She walked back to the bed and quickly fell asleep.

The room was filled with morning light when Charlotte opened her eyes. Her head was resting on Brad's chest and her arm was draped over his shoulder. Most of her body was sore. Her arms and shoulders hurt from being in the restraints for so long, her nipples were tender from the clamps. She wasn't sure if the ache between her legs was from the size of the toy Brad had penetrated her with or the way he had rammed his cock into her, but she had no desire to have anything inside her. At the same time waking up naked with her husband had her slightly aroused.

"Morning, you sleep okay?" Brad asked, turning his head slightly.

"Everything hurts, but in a good way," she replied. "Please tell me you are at least a little bit sore."

"I'm sore," he said, "but not that sore."

"I'm that sore," she replied. "Fucker," she added with a generous dose of sarcasm.

"How about a back rub then," he offered.

"That might help," she said, rolling on to her belly.

The fact that she stayed on the bed was encouraging. Serious massage required getting off the soft mattress and lying on the floor. It was possible she just forgot, but Brad preferred to think that she wanted more than just a back rub. He leaned over and opened the drawer of the night stand, feeling around for the small bottle of grape seed oil that they used for massages. Once he found it he sat up and straddled her legs. The oil pooled in the palm of his hand and he held it there for a few moments to warm it up. Once he was satisfied with the temperature he tipped his hand and let the oil drizzled on the Charlottes back.

The first place she felt his hands was in the small of her back. First they moved down, cupped her ass.

"I thought this was a back rub," she said.

"Just getting a running start," he replied, rapidly moving his hands forward until his thumbs were pressed against her neck.

Just as rapidly his hand moved back down, not stopping until his thumbs were nestled between her ass cheeks. The next repetition was slower, and the next one slower still. His fingers spread out and pressed into the muscles of her back. One thing she noticed was the conspicuous absence of his cock. On the rare occasion that he gave her a back rub without getting an erection she would feel the head of his dick resting on her ass. Such was not the case this time.

"Tell me you don't have a boner," she said, trying to sound exasperated.

"I cannot tell a lie..." he replied.

"You're not going to fuck me again," she cautioned.

"I know," he said, pressing his thumb under the edge of her shoulder blade.

"Mmmmm, that feels nice," Charlotte moaned. The idea that Brad had an erection was flattering; she wondered how many of her friends could get their husbands hard again after such a wild night. She raised her hips slightly and felt his rigid shaft brush against her ass.

"What are you doing?" Brad asked.

"Well, you went to all of the trouble to get hard, it seems a shame to waste the opportunity to make you come again," she replied, pushing her ass upwards until she felt his erection slip between her cheeks.

Brad winced, he had not been kidding about being sore. The exact source of the discomfort was a bit of a mystery. It may have been trying to hold back a powerful orgasm twice, or perhaps just the length of time he had been hard. A third possibility was the orgasms themselves, perhaps coming twice overtaxed whatever muscles were responsible for pumping his cum into his wife's mouth and pussy.

"Don't..." Charlotte said. She was about to say 'don't even think of fucking me in the ass', but she decided to let Brad think whatever he wanted to. It was highly unlikely that he would ever get the chance to shove his throbbing erection into her virgin ass, but if he wanted to fantasize about it she would not stop him. She briefly wondered if he thought about her when Sherry let him fuck her in the ass. Tensing her muscles she gripped his rigid shaft with her ass. Enough of the massage oil had spread down her body that he was still able to slide back and forth. The massage had stopped, and his fingers were following her ribs downward until they touched her breasts.

Tipping his head down Brad watched as the head of his cock briefly emerged from between Charlotte's ass cheeks, then retreat. It wasn't the same as fucking Sherry in the ass. In some ways it was better; he wasn't worried about going too hard or too deep, and when she tensed her muscles he could feel it along the entire length of his cock.

When his hands cupped her breasts Charlotte decided they both needed to come one more time. Her nipples were sandwiched between Brad's oil slicked fingers and he was squeezing them until the pressure caused them to slip away. Then he would relax his grip and start the process over. Raising her hips up again she slid her hand between her legs and lightly stroked her clit. The soreness in her pussy was still there, but her magic button was begging for

attention. It didn't take long before she was on the verge of climax.

"Hold still," she moaned to her husband. For some reason he stopped with just the shaft of his cock against her ass. She rolled her hips upward until she felt the mushroom like head between her cheeks, and when she did Brad gasped. Charlotte smiled; making him come would be easy. She bowed her back and moved her hips until the tip of his erection was buried deep in her ass cleavage, then squeezed it with as much force as she could. He started to retreat, but she ordered him to stop.

"I said hold still. I'm about to come, let me finish."

"Me too," Brad replied, and now that she had mentioned her orgasm his was much closer.

With a single finger she spread her labia apart and penetrated her sex to the second knuckle. That was enough to push her over the edge. With a loud moan she let Brad know she had found nirvana. Just in case that wasn't enough she added a little more fuel to the fire.

"I want you to come on my ass," she whispered. Brad thrust his hips forward a few times and then she felt a jet of hot cum spray splash on to her backside. He kept sliding his erection back and forth as cum continued to spew out of it. Finally he stopped and lowered his body on to hers, pressing her into the mattress.

"I thought you were sore," she teased.

"I am, but I'm willing to pay the price. You are fucking amazing."

"Thanks, am I allowed to take a shower now, or am I still your dirty little slut?"

"I will allow it," he said, rolling over on to his back.

As she stood and began to walk towards the shower Charlotte could feel his cum running down her legs. Pushing the door shut behind her she turned on the water and stepped into her shower. It had not warmed up yet, but the cold water was something of a relief. Slowly spinning she let the water wash away the decadence, she would step out her old self.

When she opened the door to the bedroom again the scene had changed dramatically. Almost everything from the previous evening was gone. The bed in which she had been tied up, whipped, teased and finally fucked in was neatly made. The smell of leather and sex and been replaced by the scent of breakfast. She dressed quickly and walked to the kitchen. There she found her husband wearing only a pair of nice fitting 501s standing over an omelet pan.

"Eggs to order?" he asked.

Charlotte briefly wondered if the previous night had been a dream, but the first step she took reminded her it had. There was still a dull ache between her legs.

"You remember the Denver plus"?"

"Of course, sit down and I will bring it to you."

Once at the table she gingerly took her seat. Brad reached over her shoulder and neatly slid the omelet from the pan to her plate, then sat down across from her.

"Any plans for the day?" he asked.

"Not yet, I think I will take it easy."

"I have a few errands to run, and I'll probably stop by the gym. That should give you a few hours to relax," he said as he cleared the dishes.

"That sounds good. When you get back maybe I will give you a massage," she said.

Well that sounds fucking fantastic, Brad thought as sauntered out the front door.

"And Brad," she added.


"I think I'm ready for, you know..."

"If you can't say it, you can't do it," he chided.

"I'm ready for a threesome," she said, her face turning red.

"I think you are too, I'll make the arrangements," he said, digging his phone out as he walked away. A smile spread across his face and his aching cock began to swell. They would find out soon enough if Charlotte was really ready.

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Tripper_DudeTripper_Dude18 days ago

Incredible that I just found this and have enjoyed the reading and experience of them. While I don’t think any chance to see this conclusion to the 2 more threesomes I would encourage you to conclude this series.

Thank you for sharing I’ll be reading more from you soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You need to finish the story

ThoseWhoBiteThoseWhoBiteover 9 years ago
Lved it

-hopes for the follow up-

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