The Afflicted


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Sean was the first to pop. Abby pulled off him and floated down to hover above the tip of his cock. As silky strands floated up from his cock, she sucked in and drank his lovely mix of water and semen.

They surfaced while Jacob continued to fuck Jessamine down below. Looking up, they could see the shimmering, blurry images of their mates; the waves they were creating obscuring the view.

Jacob was prepared to continue making love for some time to come, but he was interrupted suddenly.

"Jacob, I need you," said Frederique's voice in his head.

There was a certain emphasis on the word 'need' that left no doubt as to her meeting.

"One minute," said Jacob.

"Very well, but hurry."

Jacob began longer thrusts and let Jessie know with his eyes that he was coming. She nodded and urged him on. His cock emptied several bursts of his usual load. Below the water, tiny ribbons drifted out from where his cock met her moist labia. He allowed himself no more than four bursts, knowing he would soon be called upon. Before rising, he gave one final kiss to Jessamine and then left her. His cock escaped her with little fanfare; not much more cum floated away. She remained below, smiling at him through the water -- a mermaid if ever there was one. Before emerging, Jacob opened his mouth wide and took a huge drought of the clear water, replenishing his system.

"Frederique is looking for you," said Abby.

"I know," he said.

"Here," said Sean.

Sean touched Jacob's skin and the water shot away from him, leaving even his hair dry.

"Thanks," said Jacob.

"That was lovely, Sean," said Abby. "Now, I think Claude is missing me."

She winked out. Ever since their 'jump-fucking' as Bullet had so aptly called it, they had all found that a jump to each other was getting easier each time.

Jacob reached out with his mind and found Frederique. She was standing alone in a luxurious bedroom somewhere in the north part of the mansion. Thinking he might have a bit of fun, he shimmered out of view, then he 'slid' into the room where she was waiting as quietly as possible. She didn't seem to notice his presence and stood playing idly with the bedcovers as he snuck toward her.

His love for his mates was complex. Abby was his prime, but when faced with only one of his female companions, he found her to be the most divine creature in the world.

This was certainly the case with Frederique at that moment. Her hair was tousled and her body exuded the familiar glow as well as the blush of recent passion. Her tongue danced absent-mindedly across her full lips. Her other lips were also full; her pussy was gently enflamed between her legs and the tempting pinkness beckoned to Jacob.

He watched her for at least a minute, stunned by her beauty and also contemplating how he might take her.

Should he attack? Pin her down and ravish her? Of course, that could only happen if she wished it. Even if she didn't have the new gift of deplacing, there wasn't a man in the universe capable of forcing her to do anything.

Should he kiss her? Let her find an invisible lover?

She shifted positions and her new stance inspired his plan.

She had taken a wide warrior's (or dancer's) stance and kept waiting patiently for the lover who she had beckoned.

Jacob's cock, which had been hanging half-full, now filled again to his standard proportions. The sight of her, though, made his hungry demon start to ascend even further.

Wait a minute big boy, he thought to his cock. We should try something new.

He padded silently up behind Frederique and bent his knees a bit.

With his long slender cock, he had often found he could work it into a bit of a curve but since his new discovery; he hadn't toyed with such angles. Hard was hard, and that had been his perpetual state whenever aroused since mating.

Now he chose to concentrate on his proud member and see if the same manipulations he had been learning with size and length might also apply to shape.

Interestingly, Jacob was always able to see himself. Though he knew when he was completely invisible to others, his eyes always saw a shimmering outline of himself.

Crouching behind Frederique, he focused on the outline of his cock and willed it forward. It stretched out and stuck horizontally between her legs.

Now curve, thought Jacob. Curve for me, straight up.

He had to suppress a noise of excitement as he saw his rod began to curve.

That's it. Perfect. Now you know where you're going.

His cock stretched and curved upward and Frederique jumped a bit upon feeling Jacob's hot tip pressing into her.

"Oh," she said. "Hello there. I was wondering when you would show up. Come on in, won't you?"

Frederique arched her hips backward to allow him better entrance. Still, though, he kept the curve in his cock and began sawing in and out smooth strokes. The invisible Jacob kissed Frederique's neck as he pushed deeper and deeper into her.

"Did you know I was there?" he asked.

"Of course," she purred. "But I wanted to see what you would do. I like what you came up with."

"Do you now? You like the 'up' part?" he asked.

To emphasize the word, he shoved even further and she yelped out with pleasure as his cock filled her.

"Ooh, I like this," she moaned. "How about we stay here, just like this?"

She rose up then, levitating herself and spreading her legs even wider. Though she was facing away from him, Jacob had no complaints. It afforded him a view of her beautiful back. In different ways, she was almost as stunning when viewed from behind. Her legs were so lovely and her ass was perfectly rounded. The small of her back and her narrow waist tapered from there and up to her feminine yet strong shoulders. Her breasts, so large and buoyant, were two half-moons (or at least quarter-moons) peering out from either side of her chest when she lifted her hands to run her fingers through her hair -- which she loved doing in this position.

Under her own power, she slithered up his massive rod, floating up to the very top and then reversing course. With this new angle, he allowed his member to straighten and began gliding even further in.

Jacob felt that something was different. Her inside was wetter, or smoother than he remembered. He wondered if he was simply noticing the difference between Jessamine's unique lubrication and his other mates, but he wasn't sure if that was it. He also knew what he was feeling wasn't the remnants of cum. With their recent adventures, he certainly knew that sensation -- and this wasn't it.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked, peering with her perfect eyes back over her shoulder.

"Oh no, nothing," said Jacob. "You just feel so good."

"I'm glad," she purred.

Frederique shrugged and turned around again, concentrating on the lovely ride she was about to begin. She started slowly, working his great length with long strokes, but then she picked up the pace. She was a flier, one of the greatest in the world. She took advantage of that skill as she began bouncing up and down Jacob's extended cock in faster and faster motions. Soon, she was nothing but a blur enveloping his shaft, possibly moving faster than he could have moved under his own power. Such delicious friction couldn't be resisted for long and Frederique began to cry out as her orgasm began.

"Oh Jacob," she shrieked, suddenly slowing her pace.

She pulled her legs in and moaned as her body shuddered. She moved almost into a fetal position, her arms resting on her legs as she stayed hanging on the air, impaled on his fleshy stake.

"Keep going if you would," she stammered. "But if you could do the work; it's all I can do to keep myself up in the air."

Jacob nodded and reached up to take her hips. The entire time, he had scarcely touched her, but now he grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, forcing her weightless body down on his cock and tipping her climax even further down the slope of bliss.

"That's it, my Jacob," she stammered between ecstatic shudders.

Her cunt locked down on him and seemed to be doing its own pulling, tugging him inward, sucking him forward.

He'd had enough of the view of her gorgeous back and spun her around on his shaft so he could see her face which was lost in a mask of delight. She pushed out her legs to rest against his chest and then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"This is so good," she cried. "So beautiful."

Jacob had had enough of standing and he flew them gently up. He spun their bodies gently from vertical to horizontal and then laid them down, side by side.

She cradled his face in her hands and kissed him softly.

"Will you cum for me Jacob?" she whispered. "Will you?"

"Of course," he replied.

To urge him on, she squeezed him again. Her silky sheath seemed to be increasing its skill by the day, because the pink wetness wrapped around him seemed to be working him like another set of hands. Jacob moaned with pleasure as her interior massaged his cock.

"Work with me," she pleaded.

He knew just what she meant. Lying on their sides, movement wasn't as easy, but they had other ways. He willed his cock to retreat and then grow again; her tight muscles reacted to every change and complimented it with perfect wet friction. His cock was the piston and her cunt was the fleshy cylinder. Their 'engine' was generating an increasingly combustive supply of lustful energy.

"That's the way, my Jacob," she moaned. "Let me make you cum. Will you? Will you cum for me and give me every drop you can find?"

He groaned and could only answer by doing exactly as she wished. His cock shot a huge load and also expanded upward into her.

"Smaller," she said urgently. "Make it smaller. I want more room for your cum."

Barely conscious, Jacob somehow complied and pulled his cock back. Yet, Frederique didn't close back around him. Within, her stretched pussy stayed open and she gasped as she felt blast after blast of his cum pooling into the cavity remaining. Even Jacob felt it; his long slender tool was soon bathed in cum within her. She did something then, reaching into his body and giving an indefinable squeeze which triggered further blasts that Jacob wouldn't have believed possible.

"That's it, my Jacob. All of it. Give me all of it."

Jacob exhausted anything left within him and started to pull out.

"Oh stay," she moaned. "Stay for as long as you can."

"I will," moaned Jacob. "I'll do anything you want."

His lids were growing heavy and he surrendered to sleep, his cock buried in Frederique, soaked in his own seed.

Like Martin earlier, Jacob woke up uncertain of his surroundings. Something was waking him though.

"Jacob," said a lovely voice. "Jacob, wake up!"

Jacob opened his eyes and peered at the ornate clock on the wall. It had been less than half an hour, but it felt like days since he'd fallen asleep.


"What is it Glennis," he moaned.

She slid on top of him and kissed him fiercely.

"I need you awake," she pouted.

She massaged his softened member.

"All of you," she insisted. "I need all of you awake."

She slipped down under the covers and kissed him to firmness.

"There we go," she said. "That's just what I needed."

She climbed back up to sit astride him and reached down to play with his cock behind her.

"Remember Claude and Abby in the bathing pool?" she said.

"Yes," he murmured.

"People do it here, too," she said.

She pushed his cock back against her ass to illustrate.

"Oh," said Jacob. "Yeah, they do."

"Have you ever done it here?"

"Umm, a few times."

"Well I haven't," she said in a determined tone. "And I want to do it every way possible. Let's go."

Without any fanfare, she pushed the tip of his cock firmly against her brown bud. Pushing down, she grimaced as her sphincter resisted.

"Almost... almost.. there!" she said as her ass opened up to take him in.

"Well, that's different," she exclaimed. "Let's try this. Let's see how much of you we can fit into me this way."

* * * *

Claude found himself alone for the first time in weeks. 'Alone' was a relative term; he was surrounded by many members of the Afflicted, but this was his first time without one of his mates since they had merged.

Claude thought back over the events since the sharing and his cheeks glowed with revisiting them: Abby in the gym; Glennis in the gym; Aimée in the corridor; Aimée in the lounge; Aimée in the safe room; Frederique in the library; and then Glennis again... he had a hard time remembering where.

"Hello there, hero," said a familiar English voice.

It was Brolly. He was curled up in a lounge chair with a jumper whose name escaped Claude at the time.

"Oh, hello, Brolly," said Claude. "It's been a wild night, hasn't it?"

Brolly laughed heartily.

"Night," he said. "You're the second bloke who's said that. Nights, plural. We've been down here in this lovely Xanadu for two and a half days now. That's the advantage of not having the sun interfering, you don't know what day is what."

"Two and a half days? Really?" said Claude, amazed.

His mind revisited the same sessions he had just been thinking of. There had been marathon sessions, and besides, the sharing must have taken a good portion of the first night all on its own.

"I wonder why I'm not more tired," said Claude.

"It works that way, doesn't it?" said Brolly. "Especially with the old Hampton Wick involved, yeah? Nothing like having four ladies keeping you going. It catches up though. I'd imagine even with your kind, you'll be taking a full-day nap once this is done. But ever onward, young hero, ever onward."

Claude continued wandering said hello to several friends from the Academy and then went to the kitchen for a snack and a much-needed drink. He was just refilling his glass when a tall blond woman walked in.

"Brana!" he said in surprise.

They hugged warmly and took each other in. With Brana, always efficient and busy, there was much more than met the eye. Unclothed, she was surprisingly slender but with breasts larger than her shape seemed to justify.

"Where are your beautiful mates?" asked Brana.

"Oh, around," said Claude. "Some are busy, some are just resting."

"Yes, busy," said Brana in a dry tone. "There are a lot of busy people around here."

"Haven't you been busy?" asked Claude.

Brana blushed a little, but just a little, and her eyes met Claude's proudly.

"Yes, young Claude," she said. "I have enjoyed more than my share of busy-ness. In fact, I just busied two young men into exhausted slumbers."

"I see," said Claude with a raised eye brow. "And you don't' have a mate yet?"

"Not yet," she said. "The dorms are a full-time job, as you well know. I don't have time for much else. Usually it is an unmated person who takes on the duties and we do so for five years. I have two years left. After that, I'll be ready to pair up again."

"I see," said Claude.

They remained in the kitchen for a few minutes, chatting about where various cadets had ended up, lamenting those they had lost, and reminiscing in general. "Well," said Claude, as the conversation wound down. "I think I'll take another tour around, see who I might find."

"Very well, Claude," said Brana. There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. "It was wonderful talking to you. I hope to spend more time with you and your mates in the future."

"Me too," said Claude.

"Take her," said Abby's voice in his mind.


"Just take her, she's exquisite," said Abby. "I fully approve."

"Me too," said Frederique's voice in his head. "Enjoy her and then come to me."

Claude considered the situation. When two of your mates pretty much ordered you, there wasn't much room for argument.

"You know, Brana," said Claude, stopping by the door.

"Yes?" she said, looking up expectantly.

"I was thinking, perhaps we could find a bedroom."

Her eyes flashed with excitement.

"Why wait?" she said. "I'm sure we can work something out here."

A few seconds later he was throwing her up on the counter. His cock was the perfect height and her legs were wrapped around his ass.

He didn't even bother with asking if she wanted a different size. Once his cock was in, he naturally adjusted to the perfect length for her and she moaned as her hips began rocking with his thrusts.

They could have flown, they could have dropped to the floor, they could have done a thousand other things, but there was something that was sheer perfection in that moment with that position. Brana was able to wrap herself around Claude entirely. The counter and his adjusted proportions gave him the perfect angle. From fast to slow, from playful to intense, they fucked each other in that exact position for the next ten minutes. By the time she was ready to cum, he was too.

"Do it," she growled. "Do it for me, Claude! Fill me with that beautiful cum."

Claude did just that. She held his face in her hands and stared intensely into his eyes as he practically cauterized her interior with his hot spunk.

"Oh yes, Claude. That's so wonderful. And so much. Oh god!"

When he finished, the two of them were breathing heavily and kissed some more as their hearts stopped pounding. Claude remained buried inside of her and showed no signs of softening.

"Wow," she said softly. "Can I ask, Claude; did you give me everything? Did you give me all of your cum?"

Claude looked a bit embarrassed. "No, I'm sorry," he said. "I have a... an appointment shortly."

"Don't apologize!" she said, laughing. "You practically had it spraying out of my ears and you were holding back? How amazing you are."

She looked to the skies, addressing his absent mates. "Thank you, ladies."

To her surprise, four voices sounded in her head.

"You're welcome."

After a couple more minutes, Claude slowly removed himself and kissed her a final time.

"Thank you, Claude," she said.

He winked out and was gone. She blushed from the memory and wondered if she would be so bold as to boast that she had slept with one of the Seven -- or simply keep the fact to herself. She decided on the latter. The act was reward enough.

Claude deplaced to where Frederique was waiting. It was the guest bedroom of the mansion. In Afflicted homes, the guest bedroom was often the most finely appointed sleeping quarters, and this was no exception. The bed was huge, beyond king-sized, and the sheets were made from the finest cotton on the finest looms known. In the center of the bed, Frederique waited.

She looked as if she had spent a few hours making herself beautiful. In fact, she had simply taken a shower and then spent a few minutes doing wind-work with her hair, swirling it up and dry with her gift and letting her natural curls fall as they would.

Regardless of the amount of effort she had put in, the results were magnificent. The glow was even stronger now. Her face truly seemed to be lit by some ethereal light and Claude could only stand in stunned admiration at the vision lying before him.

"I've been waiting," she said in a low voice. "Come to me, my son."

He crawled into the bed and kissed her gently.

"Let there be no rush," she said. "I want this time to be beautiful and perfect. Let's take all the time we need."

* * * *

Outside, it was evening. Abby had deplaced to their first group hideout, the empty floor above the dry goods store. She waited patiently for the others to finish and called to them.

"Please, my dears," she called. "I wish you could join me."

Glennis, Martin, Aimée, and Jacob appeared.
