The Age of Ares Ch. 05


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I closed the website and sat in my car, grinning like an idiot, "They're doomed!" I said, "We've got enough evidence to put all of these guys away for a long time."

Nicole shook her head, "No, we don't. We have evidence that they're paying a porn subscription." she said, "We need proof that they're abusing their daughters and the other girls in town."

I nodded in agreement, "Then I think we need to go to one such source." I said, "We need to talk to Caitlyn Bridger!"


We waited four hours before we drove over to her house. She lived in another part of the neighborhood, three blocks away. By the time we got there, we saw two cars in the driveway, so clearly her dad was home from work. They probably drove home together, but I wasn't sure.

We walked up and rang the bell. A bulky man with black hair, a youthful face, and brown eyes opened the door. I knew immediately that this wasn't Aaron Bridger. This was his 21-year-old son, Paul.

"What do you want?" he asked, abrasively.

I smiled, "Hi, Paul, it's Ares Carmichael, from high school." I said, "I just wanted to see if Caitlyn was home!"

Paul blinked in surprise, "Wait, Ares Carmichael? The kid who got bullied in high school?" he asked.

I smiled, "The very same!"

Paul looked me up and down, "You got bulky!" he said.

"So did you! The last time I saw you, you were skinny like a string bean and trying to flirt with your English teacher!" I added, grinning.

Paul smirked, and then turned over his shoulder, "Caitlyn! Get down here! Someone at the door for you!"

A few minutes later, Caitlyn came down dressed in a bikini top and short shorts. She glanced at me and groaned, "Not another one!" she said, walking up to the door, "Look, I don't know who you are or why you keep harassing me! I wish you'd all stop harassing me! I'm not a porn star, and I don't want to sign any autographs!"

I looked at her puzzled, "Wait, what?" I asked.

She blinked, "Wait, you look familiar!" she said.

"It's Ares from high school!" said Paul, "Artemis' brother!"

Caitlyn looked at me, her eyes turning from disgust to hunger, "Hi, you look different!"

"In a good way, I hope!" I said, grinning.

Caitlyn returned my grin, "In a very good way. What's up?" she said, "I know you didn't come over just to reminisce about high school!"

I smiled, "Yeah, you're right. I've got an ulterior motive." I said, "Can we talk? Outside if possible?"

She nodded and walked out the door. Paul closed it behind her and we walked down the street. As we rounded the corner, I started.

"So, a while ago I graduated from my university and got on a plane home." I explained, "When I got home, I was met with a bit of a shock. It turned out I saw something I wasn't supposed to, and it's gotten me in trouble and now I think I need help!"

Caitlyn paused, "Okay, but what does this have to do with me?"

I took a deep breath, "I found out recently that my dad had turned his house into a sexual harem, and has a website devoted to live-streaming his exploits."

Caitlyn scoffed, "So you're dad's got an ego and is sexually active. Big deal!" she said, "What does any of this have to do with me?"

I sighed heavily, "Because I know that you're fucking your dad!" I said, turning to face her, "And I know your mom's involved, too!"

She stopped walking and stood still, a shocked expression on her face, "I don't know where you got an impression like that but it's fucked up and gross!" she said, angrily, "If you ever tell anyone something that egregiously false again, I'm going to have my dad sue you for everything you own! I'm leaving now!"

"Caitlyn, wait! I can prove it!" I said quickly, taking out my phone, "LOOK!" I shouted, making her pause. She turned and looked at the video I had uploaded to my phone from the website.

She glared at it until recognition reached her eyes. She then slumped down onto the ground, "What the fuck?!" she whispered.

I knelt down in front of her, "I know this is difficult, but I need you to stay calm!"

"Where did you get that?" She demanded, "And who was recording that?"

"I got it from a website called HaremHouse." I said, "And it was taken by the man recording it. Your father, four hours ago."

She shook her head, "That's impossible, he wasn't holding a camera!" she said, "I know, I was looking straight at him!"

"So you were sucking his dick in his work office?" I asked.

She nodded, "And he wasn't holding a camera or a phone!" she added, "He wasn't even wearing clothes! He was naked from the waist up!"

I looked at the video, "Could there have been a camera behind him with a high zoom?" I asked, "Or above you, like on a shelf?"

Caitlyn looked down, thinking, then her head snapped up, "Dad's office couch is in front of a back wall. There's a shelf with a bunch of mementos!" she explained, "If there were a hidden camera, it would have been there! But I've never seen one!"

I sighed, "Okay, at least we know you weren't aware of it." I said, "I've been compiling evidence about the website to use against my father. I think...I think he and a bunch of his friends have been uploading images and videos of their kids over the last few years for some weird reason. I still don't know what, but they all seem to have some kind of incest fetish."

Caitlyn stood up, "Which friends?" she asked.

I grimaced, "Based on the usernames, one of my dad's cousins, your dad, the police chief, and our old principal, to name a few."

Caitlyn's eyes widened, "I knew he was a pervert!" she said, cursing, "He always lurked in on our cheerleading practice! I got so paranoid that it was more than just aimless glances!"

I sighed, "I guess our town is rotten to the core if everyone in some form of power has this weird fetish!" I said, "The question is, do you want to help us take it down?"

She gave me a hard look, "Absolutely!"


Two days later, I was back in my apartment with Nicole, Polina, and Caitlyn. We had gone over all of our evidence and compiled a list of usernames. Almost everyone in Premium Access was one of dad's friends in some way or another. As for basic and preferred access, there were a handful of people we knew who were users but the rest were unknowns. Based on the comments of all the basic users, none of them suspected that anyone in the videos was related to dad or other premium users.

"We still lack any motivation for why they're doing this sort of thing!" I said, "But my theory is that someone wants young wives, either for a cult or twisted scheme, and everyone in premium access is grooming their daughters for this new role."

"That's a terrifying thought!" said Caitlyn, "I know my dad wanted me to stay home after I graduated, and he seems willing to let Paul go off to college. He made it clear to me that my job, once he left, was to be his constant live-in sex toy. I hate that thought. I never saw him as a potential sex partner. He's not even that hot! He's overweight and his dick isn't even that big!"

Polina and I grimaced, "Our dad's dick isn't that big either." she said, "Four and a half inches."

Caitlyn smirked, "Four and three-quarter inches!"

Nicole glanced at me with pride, "Nine inches!" she added.

Caitlyn looked at me, then grinned. I even let out a small smile.

"Okay, so our working theory is they're grooming their daughters and using them as live-in sex toys." I said, "The question is, what's the end goal?"

Nicole shook her head, "I have no idea. I was looking at some of the other parts of HaremHosue, and it includes a forum." she explained, "According to some of the chats that have been going on, some members of Preferred Access have been requesting videos from Premium Access users. I think there's something in there that's the key, I just don't know...wait a minute, look at this!"

We looked at what she showed us. It was a series of conversations between Caitlyn's dad and a bunch of preferred access users. I looked in and saw a bunch of short videos.

I clicked on one of the videos and it showed Caitlyn in a bukkake. I glanced at her and saw that she had her hand up, covering her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

"Something we should know?" Nicole asked, her voice gentle.

"A couple of months ago, dad had a party with his Law Firns's named partners," Caitlyn explained, "He told me to suck their dicks and make them hard. He also told me I'd get a bonus on my allowance if I got them to cum. They all came on me and essentially drowned me in their seed. I felt so dirty afterward, I cried in the shower!"

Polina leaned in and hugged her, shushing her with comfort. I sighed heavily and cursed the fact that the video gave me a hard-on.

Nicole continued scrolling and found a bunch of comments on the video, "You've got to be kidding me!" she said.

I looked and saw that some of the Preferred Access users were setting up dates and times.

"It seems your dad is going to pimp you out next month." I said, darkly, "We now have a deadline and hard evidence!"

I looked at the room at large, "We need to find other areas where Users are setting up their daughters."

As soon as the words escaped my mouth, an update came up on the forum. We looked and saw that my dad's username 'AlphaDog101' just uploaded a video and a comment.

The comment read, "This is Clio, she's ready to be passed around! Watch now and book a time slot! $50 per user".

The video was of her sucking his dick and getting a small load from his cock. I double-checked from the live stream. This was the money shot from earlier today.

"Looks like dad realized he took a placebo and wasn't able to cum enough so he used Clio's mouth for his finale." I said, "Now, he's going to use her to get a bonus."

"Then it's settled. We find every Premium Access User's accounts, find out how long they've been grooming their daughters, and use the evidence we've collected to blackmail them into submission!" said Polina, "With any luck, we'll have them ending their little operation within days if not..." her words were cut off when a loud banging sound came from the apartment door.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open and three men rushed through. It was dad and his black-suited bodyguards. Everyone stood up as Damon rushed me, grabbing my arms and twisting me into a vice grip, his arm hugging my waist, while Henry pointed a gun at the girls.

Dad stormed in and slapped me across the face as I was being held, my arms pulled in odd angles preventing me from escaping.

"You fucking bastard!" dad said, "Did you really think I was foolish enough not to have cameras on the outside of the house? I had ordered a set to be installed the second you left the day you came home!"

"Nice to see you too, dad!" I grunted, smirking.

Dad glowered and punched me in my gut. I winced in pain and glared at him.

"I knew you'd be trouble the moment you saw my little side project!" he said, "I knew it was only a matter of time before you found out about the website. And yet to have your sister be in on your little scheme!"

He turned his attention to Polina. "You, child, are grounded for a year! You are forbidden from wearing clothes in the winter, you will get no outdoor time, and you will spend a month sleeping in the playroom! You will take anal sex every week on the Sybian at the highest stimulation level and you will get one meal per day! If, after that year, you have proven your loyalty to me, I will give you some of your freedoms back."

Polina glowered at him, "How about no!" she said, defiantly, "I'm done with you!"

Dad walked over to her and slapped her face, "This is not a negotiation!" he said, "You will obey or you will be punished!"

"If I'm gonna be punished anyway, what's the fucking point?" she asked, "I'm not going to do anything for you ever again! My pussy belongs to Ares, now!"

Dad turned back to me, "So you've corrupted your sister, now! For shame, son!" he said, in mock disdain, "It seems you've abandoned the contract we laid out and have no interest in following my rules, so now we will have a new set of rules!"

He walked over to me and punched me again, "As of right now, you are done!" He explained, "Tomorrow you will be evicted from this apartment, you will receive no more of my funding, and your five-year plan will be revoked. You will leave this city tomorrow morning at noon and make for New York. Your uncle will be taking care of your re-education. Once he's finished with you and you are an obedient son, you will find a job there and never be welcomed home!"

"And if I don't?" I grunted, wincing in pain.

Dad grabbed my face in his hand, digging his fingers into my skin, "Then you will be arrested and charged with molestation, assault, and rape." He explained, "My cousin has his own branch of friends in high places and he will ensure no one believes your version of events. I have the chief of police in my pocket in exchange for his silence as I conduct my business.

"If you refuse me, you will spend the rest of your life in confinement, where I hope you meet a very large and very hung individual who will enjoy your ass almost as much as my cousin will! Part of your re-education will involve anal sex, and you will be a very obedient bottom!"

I sighed heavily, not enjoying the prospect of being raped by my uncle. I lowered my head in shame as Damon released my grip. I then slumped down to the ground in defeat.

Nicole screamed, "Ares, get up!"

I kept my head down, not knowing what to do. When I refused to meet her gaze, she tried to approach me but was stopped by Henry. "Sweet little girl, you shouldn't rush a man who has you at gunpoint!" he said, sneering, "Maybe once your little boyfriend is done being a gay man's bitch for six months, I'll have a chance to break in those voluptuous titties of yours!"

Nicole glared at him darkly, "Try it and you'll see how well you can fuck when your dick is chopped off and your ass is full of bullets!" she seethed.

Henry grinned and took a step forward, pushing the gun against her neck, his hand reaching forward and grabbing her breasts.

"Ooh, just my kind of titties!" he breathed, lowering his hand to her crotch, "Let's see how well your pussy feels!"

I glanced up and grimaced, before trying to rush Henry, only to be grabbed once again by Damon. This time, he kicked me in the diaphragm and I fell forward. He then grabbed my neck and started choking me while I was down. As I gasped for breath, I vaguely heard Polina.

"Dad, stop this!" She screamed, "I'll go with you, I will! Just make him stop!"

Dad glared at her, "And what will it take for you to stay with me and leave him forever?"

Polina shifted her gaze to me, then back to dad, "Your forum server!" she said, "I'll let you sell my body instead of Clio's to anyone who will pay. I won't object, ever!"

Dad grinned maliciously, "Only under the condition that you get your tubes tied!" he said, "I don't want you getting pregnant from random encounters!"

Polina sniffed, "Deal. Just let him go!"

Dad smiled, triumphantly, "Damon, release my deadbeat son!"

Damon released his grip on my throat just as I felt myself losing consciousness. I slumped to the ground and started coughing wildly. Caitlyn knelt down next to me.

"Henry! Let's go!" said my father, sneering at Nicole. Henry released his grip on Nicole, but not before grabbing her neck and forcing her to kiss him. "Until next time, slut!" he said, grinning and releasing her from his grip. He backed up, his gun pointing at her before passing the kitchen island.

Polina sniffed for several minutes until they reached into the hall, then brought her fists up into Damon's face, while reaching for his arm and biting down. He grunted and released his grip, and she started running for the counter, reaching for a knife. Henry quickly turned and grabbed hold of her arm, pulling it behind her back and kicking her legs to make her stagger.

Nicole, seeing Henry's reach, grabbed a small knife and stabbed the man's side. Henry let out a grunt of pain and toppled over, releasing Polina from his grip, while Nicole grabbed the gun and aimed it at Damon.

Damon regained his focus in time for Nicole to aim the gun at his face.

"Get out!" she screamed, "And if you ever come at us again, this bullet will be waiting for your balls!"

Damon backed up as Dad glowered at her, "Don't do anything stupid, girl!" he said, taking a step back into the apartment.

Nicole glared daggers at him, "Leave us alone, and you'll get no further trouble from me!" Henry tried to get to his feet but toppled over, blood pouring from his wound, the knife still lodged inside.

Dad took a step forward, "Give me Henry's gun, and I'll stop making any attempts against my son." he said.

"Bullshit!" said Nicole, "You're not going to stop until everyone who knows your secret is under your thumb!"

"Maybe so, but I hold more cards than you do!" dad said, "I have control over an entire branch of the local law enforcement and I have private security on my 24/7. All you have is a free account and no means of control!"

Nicole shook the gun in her hand, "I have this!" she said, "And I'll say it again, leave us alone or else!"

I stopped coughing and looked up at the situation. Dad paused, then stepped right up so that the barrel was an inch away from his heart, "Then, by all means, shoot me." he said, "And you'll never see the light of day again!"

Nicole's hand started to shake. Slowly, she lowered it. But as dad reached for it, she quickly brought it up and whacked it against his head. He stumbled off to the side, just as Damon charged for her. Thinking quickly, she raised the gun and fired two shots. I watched in shock as Damon toppled over, blood gushing from his neck.

Dad, seeing what had happened, panicked and tried to reach for Damon's gun, but a second later, Nicole fired a third time, this time aiming for his hand, but dad moved too quickly, causing the bullet to lodge in his back. He toppled over and grunted in pain.

Caitlyn, acting quickly, grabbed a dish towel, and ran over to Henry, clamping the towel onto his wound, just as Nicole dropped the gun at his feet. Henry made no move to reach for his gun and winced as Caitlyn's hand wrapped the towel over his wound.

I looked at the group at large, "Somebody call 9-1-1!" I screamed, "NOW!"

To be continued...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Holistic_VoyeurHolistic_Voyeurover 1 year ago

Intense, right at the right time!

Holistic_VoyeurHolistic_Voyeurover 1 year ago

Intense, right at the right time!

chipmonk9chipmonk9over 1 year ago

That was to mugh at the end but I'll see what you fo next.

LT_BookwormLT_Bookwormover 1 year ago

Damn...that escalated quickly...

Motherlessone77Motherlessone77over 1 year ago

wow you made your main character a woos, nice (sarcasm)

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