The Agency Ch. 04


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"Try not to fall off the ladder," she whispered to his reflection, "lazy ass."

Standing at the elevator door, Michelle stood on one foot, letting her right knee bend slightly in front of her left leg, while watching Fred's reaction. Michelle smirked as Fred had to put the light down for a moment to adjust himself. Placing her hand on her hip, as she'd seen models do, Michelle relished the fact that she was exciting Fred with so little effort on her end. When the elevator doors opened, she slowly, and as elegantly as possible, walked into the car letting her feet cross slightly as she did.

"Perv." She said under her breath as she turned to see she had Fred's full attention.

Back in her apartment, Michelle hung up her dress, and contemplated removing her heels. Instead, she sat on her couch, putting her feet up on her coffee table, and picked up her tablet.

"Of all the things I thought I'd look up," Michelle said as she opened the app, "never did I think I'd look at how to give myself an enema!" Watching the video twice, the second time while looking at the parts to the kit she'd gotten from Jeff, Michelle decided there was no time like the present. "Just relax." She told herself softly as she removed the plug. "Breathe."

The plug came out far easier than the first time, which Michelle was very proud about. Following the instructions, Michelle braced herself. The rush of warm water filling her colon was almost too much for her to bear. It was a wonderfully erotic and odd feeling.

"Holy sweet Jesus!" Michelle moaned as the warm liquid rushed through her.

Taking a couple minutes to compose herself, Michelle eventually removed the kit and disposed of it. She'd decided she'd had enough of her sexy lingerie, stepped out of her heels and walked to her bedroom. It took several minutes, which she found comical as she now owned more clothing than she ever had in her life but couldn't' find a thing to wear! Eventually, Michelle settled on a red and black sports bra and shorts set. The red on the shorts followed the shape of her butt, looking like a heart, which she found quite comic.

Michelle spent the night looking at the wish lists Ms. Allison had set up for her on various sights. It quickly became quite clear what direction her training was heading in, there were several different dildos of various sizes and shapes, an ever expanding array of butt plugs, as well as lingerie of every type from soft and satin to leather and latex. One that made Michelle gasp was a latex suit that would totally encapsulate her while making her look like a blow up doll.

"Holy crap!" Michelle exclaimed feeling a variety of reactions within herself. "How do you even function in that?" The current tightness of her cage told Michelle at least one part of her was excited about what she was seeing. "Hmmm, what would a high priced bachelor party bring a girl!" Chuckling at herself and blushing, Michelle decided she'd had enough for one night.

Getting ready for bed, Michelle contemplated wearing her current outfit to bed. She was just going to put it on in the morning for her workout after all. Looking toward her closet, she smirked, then selected a long red satin and lace nightgown with spaghetti straps and a low cut back.

"With so many options," Michelle yawned as she slipped under the covers, "why wear something not designed for sleeping"

Waking again from another dream filled night, Michelle wondered when her next milking would come. Not that it had helped with her level of horniness, but she seemed to constantly wake with precum soaked panties. Maybe it wasn't the fact she wanted to be milked as much as it was she wanted another round of anal play with Ms. Allison. Her morning workout didn't help with those thoughts either. One of her exercises had Michelle lying on her back with her feet flat on the floor while she thrusted her hips into the air with a kettlebell resting on her lower abdomen.

Ninety minutes later Michelle was on her way to work, plug firmly in place, 4-inch red patent heels to match her red lace bra, thong and garter belt which held up nude lace top stockings. Her lingerie neatly concealed underneath a red pencil dress that featured a built in sheer scarf allowing Michelle to control just how much of her cleavage she wanted to show off. As she occasionally caught the glances of fellow passengers Michelle found herself wondering what breast augmentation would cost.

"I can't believe I'm wondering how much a boob job would be!" Michelle hissed to herself. "You're here until you get that bonus check," Michelle said stepping into the elevator, "then it's time to move on!"

The day was actually a busy one, allowing Michelle to focus more on work and less on her life as a girl. She was almost fully committed to what she'd said to herself in the elevator, she'd never heard the term "sissy guilt" before and because she'd never bought her own lingerie prior to her weekend with Babette she'd never experienced the sissy version of The Purge. Unlike the movies, it happened at random times when sissy guilt had grown to the point the individual got rid of their stash of lingerie and all other "improper for a boy" things.

Today she and Babette focused on searching the computers of two new applicants, who'd unwittingly allowed the process by checking a box without reading the fine print. Neither applicant reflected the interests needed, but looking through their profiles gave Michelle the confidence that, when she stepped away, Ms. Allison would have someone else readily available to fill her spot.

That night, after work, Michelle decided to sleep in her Capri pants and sports bra, to prove to herself she could go without a sexy nightie for one night. Regardless of what she was wearing, her dreams were still the kind that caused her to have moist panties when she woke. Michelle tried not to focus on that as she worked her way through another round of a tummy toning, butt blasting workout. To continue to prove to herself she could step away from Ms. Allison, Michelle decided on 3-inch heels today. Still, she coordinated the outfit nicely with jade green lingerie, suntan stockings and a black with green accent dress. She even went so far as to skip wearing the plug, but had to admit she'd actually missed feeling it on her way to work.

"It's only because I'm used to it." She told herself as she rode the train. "Just like I'm used to guys like that checking out my legs." Nevertheless, she still smirked when the gentleman sheepishly grinned when she caught him.

"Big day today!" Babette announced as Michelle walked into the office. "I mean," she paused for a moment looking around, "you have direct deposit, right?"

"Yeah, it wasn't really an option to get a paper check."

"Then at lunch time we will celebrate!" Babette was positively giddy.

"Celebrate what?" Michelle asked as she set her purse aside"

"Ms. Allison has our checks deposited the day before," Babette whispered excitedly, "instead of at midnight."

"Oh, well that is exciting." Michelle replied. "I honestly don't even know what my salary is!"

"You won't be disappointed." Babette replied with a wink.

Michelle then realized that Babette had been the one to rifle through her laptop just as they'd done to those two applicants yesterday! A mixture of anger and embarrassment filled Michelle as she realized Babette had been privy to her deepest thoughts and kinks. Yet, Babette had never once judged Michelle on them. She knew, read and saw it all and never brought it up or teased her about it. The feelings quickly passed to admiration for her friend. Michelle wondered if they could still remain friends after she left? Tomorrow night Babette had her first date with a client, would she be back on Friday? There were too many questions for Michelle to deal with at once, she needed to focus on work for a bit.

She was disappointed to learn that Babette wouldn't be in tomorrow in order to get ready for her date. Her first time out with a client was the priority for Babette after all. Michelle would be on her own, but managing an office with little to no foot traffic was beyond easy. Their quiet conversation was interrupted by Babette's phone making a cash register sound.

"Pay day!" Babette squealed.

Michelle took a moment to log into her banking app, she'd rarely used it prior to last week because she rarely had money. It was only when her first bonus check arrived that Michelle carried any kind of a balance, prior to that she'd only been paycheck to paycheck. The figure in front of her eyes didn't make any sense. How could she have that much money in her account. Surely there had to be some kind of miscalculation somewhere. Quickly doing the math Michelle figured out that even after taxes she would be making three times what she'd made at her last job!

"This can't be right." She whispered. "Is this right?"


"Oh that's right," Babette giggled, "you're probably the highest paid office assistant in the entire city, and the money only goes up from there!" Michelle realized she could move out of her apartment today if she wanted to based on this paycheck. "If my night goes well tomorrow," Babette whispered, "which I know it will, I'm going to buy myself a pair of those designer heels all the celebrities wear." Michelle looked quizzically at her friend for a moment. "Oh, you poor girl, let me show you."

Logging into a site, Babette made a couple quick keystrokes to bring up a pair of black heels with what had to be a 1-inch platform and a spiked heel that looked like it could hurt someone. The red sole of the heel looked almost as impressive as the deep, highly polished black. Then Michelle looked at the price tag and gasped. The shoes were more than she'd spent on food for herself last month alone!

"You can't be serious!" Michelle blurted. "For shoes?"

"French designer shoes Sweetie," Babette gushed, "I plan on having a closet full eventually!"

Michelle couldn't wrap her head around it, a month ago she'd have been lucky to make that after busting her ass all week, and that was before taxes! Now Babette was looking forward to spending that amount on a pair of heels! Money wasn't everything, but this kind of money is life changing. Mike had fought for every dollar he earned, while Michelle was being thrown money for just showing up and looking pretty! Michelle feared she wouldn't be able to walk away from this job when the time came, aside from the large influx of cash, she reluctantly had to admit she felt most comfortable as Michelle.

The remainder of the work day had Michelle's mind swirling, wondering about her future, not just with work. She didn't have a close relationship with her parents, had no siblings, and no real long term friends. The closest she had to a friend was sitting next to her at work! She could easily spend the foreseeable future as Michelle and no one would know. But, could she do that? On the train ride home, still sitting lost in thought, Michelle got part of the answer.

"Hi," a gentleman said as they stepped off the train together, "I'm Max."

"Hi Max." Michelle warily responded.

"I don't normally do this," Max was obviously uncomfortable, something Michelle was very used to, "but this is my card."

"Um, okay." Michelle took it wondering why the stock broker was handing her a card. "I really don't play the stock market."

"Actually," Max was now blushing, "I was thinking of dinner, maybe, if you're single."

"I'll have to let you know," Michelle responded, feeling an amazing rush, "and I just came into some cash so maybe we can do both."

"That would be great!" Max's face lit up as he responded. "I'll look forward to hearing from you!"

Michelle had to smile as Max all but bounded up the stairs. She'd just been hit on! Asked out! It was oddly exciting to her for some reason and took all her self control to wait until she got to her apartment to text Babette all about it! Within a minute of sending the text Michelle's phone rang.

"Oh my GOD tell me all about him!" Babette squealed with delight.

"Well hello to you too," laughed Michelle, "not quite as dreamy as Jeff, but still cute."

"You need to call him!"

"I can't call him!" Michelle shot back. "He's a guy, I can't go out with a guy!"

"Why the hell not?"

"I don't know," Michelle replied, "it's wrong, it's not like I'm a real girl after all."

"Answer this question for me," Babette's tone was soft yet serious, "aside from the paycheck you got today, were you happy as Mike? I mean really happy?" Michelle couldn't respond. "The day you walked in for your interview you didn't look all that happy," Babette continued, "but yesterday you looked ready to not just walk the catwalk but to OWN IT!"

"True." Michelle gave in.

"Today you seemed off, like you were ashamed of how you felt the day before." Babette paused for a moment. "Am I right?"


"What happened last night or this morning to change your mood?"

Michelle relayed the shopping list items that made her nervous, the blow up doll latex outfit and dildos mostl were the issue. Babette was able to quell Michelle's fears, to ebb the guilt Michelle felt. The truth was, the guilt wasn't about her dressing or even about the toys, it was the fact she was enjoying them so much. She was guilty because for the first time in her life she felt like herself! Michelle had read and enjoyed stories of sissies experiencing sex with a man and been turned on by them, there was no denying she was turned on by them, but the fact she was that much closer to it becoming a reality was scary. Even more scary was the fact Michelle was even MORE excited by the idea of it happening.

"Does that mean I'm gay?" Michelle asked, feeling tears form in the corners of her eyes.

"Don't live under society's labels," Babette replied, "the only label should be whether or not what you're doing makes you happy." Babette desperately wanted to reach through the phone and hug her friend. As much as she was looking forward to spending the day getting ready for her date, Babette wished she could be at work to help Michelle. Truth was, only Michelle could help herself at this point. "Do me a favor," Babette said, "put on something sexy tonight, something outrageous and fun, and don't take it off until bedtime!"


"Promise me you will!" Babette pushed.

"I promise, I will."

"Send me a pic when you're done too," Babette's voice was now light and fun, "I need something to arouse me tonight!"

"If you say so!" Michelle replied with a blushing giggle. "Thank you."

"That's what I'm here for!" Babette replied. "I'm always here for you Sweetie."


Michelle could tell Babette meant it. It was amazing to Michelle that someone she'd barely known 10 days knew her far better than anyone ever had. Now, she felt like she couldn't let Babette down. Michelle walked with a purpose to her bedroom, rummaging through her closet to find whatever it was to entice Babette and prove her commitment to both of them. Then Michelle found it! Quickly stripping out of everything, Michelle laid out her items on the bed before carefully getting dressed. It only took a couple minutes, but she immediately felt the change in her attitude.

"This calls for just a bit more." Michelle said, slipping into a pair of 4-inch heels and heading to the bathroom.

The change in lingerie called for a change in eye shadow, which called for a change in lipstick as well. There, sitting on the small vanity was the silver plug, Michelle felt her body tingle at the sight of it. Exiting the bathroom, she pulled down her bottoms, putting her stocking covered knee on the bed. With one slow and deliberate push Michelle had the plug back inside her.

"I hate to admit how much I missed that feeling!" Michelle cooed as she pulled her panties back up. "Okay, photo time!"

Michelle minced to her main living room, setting her phone up on the kitchen table and resting it against her purse. Using the selfie camera, Michelle managed to find the exact spot to stand so the camera captured her perfectly. Setting her phone on a 10 second delay, Michelle also chose the option to have a series of 3 pictures taken with a brief pause in between. To be sure she had options, Michelle took 9 pictures total before picking up her phone to see which ones to send to Babette.

"Okay," Michelle said looking through them, "I gotta say it, I look GO-OD!"

Michelle had selected a hot pink satin corset, white back seamed stockings, pink and white wing-tip style heels, and low cut cheeky boycuts with rows upon rows of ruffles. She'd even added hot pink glossy lipstick and hot pink eyeshadow to complete her look. Finding her two favorites, Michelle texted them to Babette, then waited. And waited. And waited more.

"Holy sex on a stick!" Texted Babette. "I had to decide whether jerking off to you was worth the fine or not before I responded!" Michelle blushed deeply as she sank into her couch. "Oh, I just LOVE IT!" Michelle could only bring herself to respond with blush emojis. "The pic of your back and ass is now my home screen on my phone. Muah!"

The boost to her confidence was just what Michelle needed. She felt not just sexy but powerful. Michelle felt like a 50's movie star lounging around waiting for her "gentleman caller". Once again she immersed herself in stories from her favorite sites, picturing herself as the sexy sissy bending to her Mistress' every whim. When she was too tired to read anymore, Michelle slipped into a hot pink and white fly away babydoll with sheer bikini bottoms before climbing into bed. In the morning she rededicated herself to her yoga routine.

Leaving for work, Michelle seemed fully ready to accept her future as a girl. Her tan satin and lace demi bra, side string bikinis and garter belt felt wonderful under the black skirt and tan top. Michelle had picked a pair of tan slingback 4-heels to carry her to work, she loved the look of them even if they were a bit much to wear all day. Even the weighted plug felt as if it belonged buried inside her. Michelle felt the exact opposite today from how she'd felt yesterday when she left for work and the day proved to be perfect. She and Babette spent the day in the office alone as Ms. Allison had appointments elsewhere. At lunch they enjoyed the warm weather, deciding to eat together outdoors. It had not just been the best day of her employment, it was also the best day of Michelle's recent memory

"I'm going to miss you tomorrow." Michelle said, giving Babette a hug after they locked up for the night.

"I'm going to miss you too." Babette replied while hugging Michelle thightly. "I'll text you when I get home tomorrow night," Babette said as they walked hand in hand to the elevator, "although it may be a late night."

"That's fine." Michelle replied almost envious of her friend and her first date with a client.

"I'll give you the full rundown on Friday," Babette smiled, "but I may be a bit late depending on how late my night goes."

"Just enjoy it and be safe."

With that, they parted ways heading to their respective homes. They texted a few times during the night, but Babette's focus was obviously elsewhere. She'd been preparing for her first date since she was hired, tomorrow night was almost a graduation of sorts. Slipping into bed in her blue satin nightie, Michelle tried to relax while wondering about her friend. Sleep eventually came, but took a while.

After her morning workout, and an extra cup of coffee, Michelle dressed in a cream with floral print lingerie set, tan stockings, a pink and cream lace dress with cream 4-inch heels. She even transferred all her belongings to a cream colored purse before leaving for work. It felt odd being the only person in the office that morning, but it wouldn't last long.