The Agency Ch. 10


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"I know what you're saying," Michelle replied, "I'm never confident with anyone, but I am with you." They crossed the street and were back in the building, walking to the stairwell still close. "I never would have been able to make that comment with anyone else asking if you were just a freak in the kitchen, ever!"

"Well, to answer your question," Brenda winked, "no, not just the kitchen!"

"Well, that is not all that surprising," Michelle giggled, "considering who your lunch date is most days!" Brenda laughed as well as they walked up the stairs. "I don't think they get much freakier than me!"

"You have a point!" Brenda laughed. "I still think you're adorable though."

"Thanks." Michelle replied feeling a warmth flow through her body. "I think you're beautiful!"

"In scrubs with my hair in a messy ponytail," Brenda chuckled, "yeah, you're freaky alright!"

Turning to face each other on the landing of Michelle's floor, their kiss intensified quickly. This time their tongues met, swirling and dancing together as their hands struggled to pull each other closer. Michelle could feel herself straining inside her cage as her breasts pressed into Brenda's, her hand reaching for Brenda's butt, finding it and giving it a squeeze.

"Don't' start something you can't finish!" Brenda panted as their kiss broke.

"There's certainly a way I could find to please you." Michelle responded.

"I have no doubt about that," Brenda replied backing up slowly, "I'm not ready for that just yet."

"Okay." Michelle responded, hoping she hadn't overstepped.

"There's a great little place on 5th," Brenda said as she started her way up the stairs, "with a great menu, how about 12:30 there tomorrow?"

"That sounds perfect!" Replied Michelle, happy to be getting more time with Brenda. "See you there!"

Returning to her desk, Michelle felt a sense of relief and excitement for her shopping day with Brenda. She still had to figure out what to wear, and desperately wanted to avoid the power thong! Certainly not for that length of time. There had to be a better way to keep things under wraps, or, she would just have to wear jeans or pants very, very sparingly! With her work done, Michelle browsed different sites trying to get an idea of what party dress she would want to wear.

"Good afternoon," a deep male voice said rousing Michelle from her window shopping, "is Allie in?"

"Uh, oh, yes, I believe so." Stammered Michelle as the gentleman approached.

He had to be six and a half feet tall and chiseled from stone. Deep brown eyes, dark hair that was cut close, and what must have been a tailored suit to hold all of him. He could be a professional football player, or wrestler. Whatever he did, he must have spent hours at the gym. Michelle struggled to stand, feeling dwarfed even in her spiked heels. Extending his massive paw, he took Michelle's dainty hand in his and introduced himself causing Michelle to almost faint.

"I'm Mike," his voice was a deep bass with a hint of gravely charm, "it's nice to meet you."

"Um, Michelle," she finally replied as he covered her hands with both of his, "I'm Michelle."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Michelle," Mike said delicately shaking her hand, "you said Allie was in?"

"Let me check." Michelle struggled to find the phone, then had to remember how to use the intercom. It took a minute of fumbling, all while Mike held her hand in his. "Yes, um, Ms., um Allison," words seemed to fail her, "a gentleman is here to see you."

"Tell him to have a seat," Allie replied as She smiled at the obvious flustered Michelle's inability to speak, "I'll be out in a moment."

Mike released Michelle's hand, turning to sit in one of the office chairs while Michelle struggled to sit at her desk. The small secretary's desk had been kind of fun, obviously designed to show off the girl sitting there, but now Michelle wished she'd had something to hide behind. Mike had picked up a magazine, but was partially facing Michelle, with a quick move of his eyes he was looking her over with no shame. Michelle felt like a piece of meat hanging in a butcher shop.

"Would you like something to drink?" Michelle finally managed to ask.

"I'm good, thank you." Mike replied with a knowing grin.

Obviously, he knew what was going on. Michelle wasn't the first girl he'd come to check out, and surely wasn't going to be the last. Sooner or later, they'd go on a date, and he'd have his way with her. He knew it, she knew it, and Mike knew that Michelle knew it too. His eyes roamed Michelle's legs up to her dress, then picked up again above the desk where he knew cleavage was on display. She could feel herself dripping with excitement. It was obvious that Babette had been more than correct, it was impossible to feel manly in his presence, particularly with little hearts printed on your stockings.

"Michelle," Ms. Allison said through the intercom, "please escort Mike to My office."

"Yes, Ms." Michelle's voice trembled as she replied. "If you'll follow me, please, Mike." Michelle said as she slid out of her chair and found her footing.

"With pleasure!" Mike's smile was cocky, he was having an obvious effect on her.

As she walked down the hallway, Michelle could practically feel his eyes on her back. He had to be checking her out, what else was there to look at after all? Surely, he was sizing her up for the day he bedded her. Michelle knocked quietly then opened the door, stepping in, then waving Mike inside.

"Right this way." Michelle instructed.

"Why thank you little lady." Mike's hand found her hip, his hand was so big his thumb was on the front of her hip while his fingers seemed to reach her ass!

"That will be all," Ms. Allison said as She stood to meet Her guest, "for now."

"Thank you, Ms." Michelle trembled as she quickly stepped back out of the office, practically running down the hallway to the safety of her tiny desk.

Time seemed to stand still for Michelle, somehow, her body ached to be called into the office and feel the real Little Mikey invading her. She trembled with excitement, the hair on her arms standing on end. An odd feeling happened as well, in her chest, more specifically her bra. Had her nipples just gotten hard? They had! She was physically excited in more ways than one, and while her cage was not strangling her cock, she was definitely leaking. A lot!

"Michelle." Ms. Allison's voice jolted Michelle back to reality. "You can go for today, enjoy your weekend."

"Yes, yes, Ms. Allison." Michelle replied.

Quickly grabbing her purse, Michelle made her way to the front door of the office and didn't stop moving until she'd exited the building. She was frustrated she'd been allowed to orgasm the other day, because she really, really needed an orgasm today! It wasn't the familiar ache in her crotch that was stoking Michelle's fire, it was more a tingle and need for penetration. Hard, forceful penetration.

"Jesus, I need a good fucking." Michelle hissed under her breath as she walked down the street to the subway.

It didn't even dawn on her that she was craving a completely different kind of sexual release that what would have been considered normal. Just two months ago, needing a good fucking meant something completely different. Sitting on the train, Michelle realized she was just about crotch height to the other passengers, who coincidentally all seemed to be men. Today they weren't men, they were cocks, great big hidden cocks. Images flashed through her mind, lewd images of her on her knees surrounded by...

"What the shit?" She tersely whispered to herself. "Get a grip!"

Michelle quickly left the train, the walk to her building a complete blur, as she finally entered the safety of her apartment breathing a deep sigh of relief. Looking at her kitchen table, Little Mikey lay innocently on the table. The tingle in Michelle's ass became stronger, almost like a vibrator as she squeezed her thighs tightly. Walking across her small apartment, Michelle removed her dress tossing it over the back of the couch before slipping her panties over her hips. Looking around quickly, Michelle licked the suction cup base before slamming it against the refrigerator door. Grabbing the lube from the kitchen table, she slathered the shaft, before rubbing the excess between her ass cheeks.

"Ohhhhhhhh motthhheerrrrr fffuuuccckkkeerrrr!" Michelle groaned as she slowly backed into the shaft, taking the full length inside her in one slow push.

Leaning into the refrigerator door, her body weight pushing against the dildo, Michelle took shallow breaths adjusting to the mass inside her. Sliding forward a few inches, Michelle plunged backward, impaling herself with a slight whimper. Her body on fire, Michelle repeated it again and again, each time moving further from the door before all but slamming into it again. She could hear the heavy appliance squeaking on the floor and bumping into the wall as Michelle continued to throw her body into it.

"OH MPHMPHHPHHH!" Michelle muffled her cry by clamping both hands over her mouth quickly as her leg buckled.

Resting against the refrigerator, unable to really move yet still impaled on Little Mikey, Michelle tried to calm herself. Moving her butt, she felt a sudden rush. In spite of her aching toes being crushed in the front of her shoes, Michelle pushed her ass against the appliance door. Opening her mouth wide, Michelle could only let out a small squeaking sound as white fluid dribbled from her cage.

"Holy shit!" Michelle's voice was weak with exhaustion as her palm filled with cum. "How am I still horny after that?"

Finally able to extricate herself from the dildo, she pulled it off the door, tossing it into the sink before staggering to her couch. Collapsing in a heap, Michelle greedily cleaned off her hand with her tongue. The sound of her phone ringing stirred Michelle from her trance. Thankfully, reaching for her purse didn't take very much effort.

"Oh, what the hell, why not?" Michelle said as she picked up the video call from Babette. "Hi Sweetie!"

"Hi!" Babette gleefully replied. "Oh and what have you been doing? Or should I ask who?"

"It's that obvious huh?" Michelle giggled trying to fix the front of her matted hair. "Well, Big Mike came by the office today."

"Oh I'm sure he did!" Babette teased.

"It's not like that," Michelle replied rolling her eyes, "he went into the office and Ms. A sent me home."

"Ah, I see."

"But I now know exactly what you're saying about how you feel around him," Michelle's voice was almost dreamy as she spoke about him, "then one thing led to another, and sometimes you just need a little something extra when you get home."

"Sweetie, Little Mikey isn't a little something extra!" Babette teased again. "Are you coming over tomorrow? I have a date tomorrow afternoon but I've cleared out space for you to start bringing your clothes over."

"I am!" Michelle excitedly replied. "I'm going to throw a couple bags together tonight, then drop them off before I meet Brenda."

"Really?" Babette looked as if she could be knocked over by a feather.

"She and I are going party dress shopping," Michelle replied, "she invited me to a bachelorette party next weekend."

"You're fucking kidding!?! Holy shit!" Babette slumped back in her chair in shock.

"She asked me the other night when we went out." Michelle replied relishing in the fact she had the upper hand with Babette for once. "We talked about dress shopping at lunch today."

"Wait a sec, how often are you seeing her?" Babette inquired.

"Ummm, well," Michelle hesitated as she counted the times they'd been together, "lunch most of the days this week, before my appointments, and the one date." Michelle paused for a moment, then continued, "I told Ms. Allison about it, and She was fine with me, well, I guess seeing her."

"And how much have you seen?" Babette asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing more than you have," Michelle shot back, "but she and I have kissed quite a bit." Babette for once was speechless, her mouth hanging open as she stared in shock at the screen. "With tongue!"

"Holy crap! I mean, well, HOLY CRAP!" Babette blurted. "You two are making out and she knows you're, well, not necessarily the man of her dreams?" Michelle chuckled at Babette's reaction. "I can't even fathom what the hell is going on!"

"It's just fun to hang out with her," Michelle replied, "it's just a relaxed conversation and we kiss a little when we say goodbye. You can't say a word to her though! Promise me!"

"I promise." Babette replied. "I have my augmentation this week, and I don't want to be lopsided because I pissed off kissy nurse Brenda!"


"I have a date tonight and need to get ready," Babette said looking off the screen for a moment, "I'll leave a key for my place with the doorman for you."

"Sounds good! See you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you!"

Michelle cleaned herself, her toy, and changed into more comfortable clothing. While she was slightly envious of Babette going on a date, Michelle was pretty happy to spend the night at home relaxing in a pair of yoga pants and an oversized Victoria's Secret sweatshirt. After binge watching her favorite show, Michelle decided to slip into bed a bit early. She had big decisions to make in the morning, the worst of which was what to wear when going party dress shopping? Michelle decided she'd simply text Brenda in the morning to ask. That's what girl-friends are for right?

The following morning Michelle woke up relatively early, started her coffee brewing before going through a long stretching routine. She'd been doing it since starting at The Agency and was beginning to notice her increased flexibility. Michelle could now stand flat footed, with her legs straight, and touch her nose to her knees. Between the yoga, occasional weights and stretching Michelle felt much healthier as well. Sitting to enjoy her coffee, Michelle noticed a slight twinge as her butt met the chair.

"Obviously I was a bit over eager last night." She whispered to her cup of coffee. "But it was worth it!"

Michelle had breakfast, then took out the two new suitcases she'd picked up for her move. Her plan was to move into her new place the weekend of the bachelorette party, so she really only needed to keep a week's worth of clothing. She was amazed at the amount of clothing she'd accumulated over the past few weeks. One large suitcase was filled with shoes and lingerie alone, and it wasn't all packed! Michelle laid out her outfits for the week, to include what she'd work out in and sleep in, then packed up as much of everything else as she could. Finally, she couldn't wait any longer and had to text Brenda.

"Good morning!"

Michelle waited patiently for the reply, busying herself with the suitcases until it came. Finally, a reply text came with a simple good morning response.

"I have a silly question, what do I wear today to go shopping?"

She imagined Brenda chuckling on the other side of the phone. All of Michelle's clothing was work oriented, as Brenda had pointed out, her lingerie was certainly more suited for display than a relaxed afternoon. Michelle crossed her fingers, hoping the answer wasn't Capri pants!

"Do you have a sundress or something?" Brenda texted. "Something casual, comfortable and easy to slip off so you can change."

"I have a long blue, floral one that would work, I think." Michelle bit her bottom lip then asked what she knew was another silly question. "Heels?"

"SNEAKERS! LOL!" Came Brenda's response. "We're going to do a lot of walking, no heels!"

"Okay, thanks!" Michelle replied wondering how this was all going to come together.

She had sneakers, but they were her workout sneakers. Would those be okay? They were kind of sporty looking for a sundress. Whenever she'd seen women in sneakers, they'd worn cute ones, not like the pair she owned. Michelle decided she'd figure it out after her shower and trotted off to her bathroom. Ninety minutes later Michelle was on her way to meet Brenda for lunch. She'd settled on a pair of floral hipster bikinis with a matching bra to go under the sundress with the asymmetrical hem and somehow managed to find a pair of black flip flops in the back of her closet. She hated them, but knew she could pick something else up while they were out. With her two rolling suit cases in tow, Michelle hailed a cab to swing by Babette's and drop her stuff off.

One of the positives to being a woman was that taxi drivers were far more courteous when they saw you had bags. The gentleman that pulled over the pickup Michelle was quite spry when it came to getting out of his cab and putting her bags in the trunk. When they arrived at Babette's, the driver and the doorman had a bit of a tiff about who was going to bring the bags into the building. Thankfully, Michelle was able to diffuse the situation by giving both a nice tip.

"Babette left a key for me," Michelle said as she followed the doorman into the building, "I'm taking over her rental."

"Oh yes, Ms. Peters!" The man smiled at Michelle warmly. "Here you are Ms.!"

"Michelle is fine, if you don't mind," Michelle replied taking the envelope from his hand, "I'm more comfortable with being less formal."

"That's fine Michelle," he smiled again, "I'm Bob."

"Thank you, Bob!" Michelle replied before heading to the elevator.

Upstairs she put her bags in the bedroom, then quickly went to Babette's closet to see if she had something more fitting of the dress than the flip flops Michelle currently had on. In the back she found a pair of white sneakers with laces that looked like lace! Rummaging through the other drawers, Michelle was able to find a pair of thin white ankle socks.

"Oh, so much better!" Michelle said to herself as she put the socks and sneakers on. "I'm just not a flip flop kinda girl!"

Michelle strode confidently out of the apartment, swinging her arms just a bit extra while feeling light on her feet. She was looking forward to her day and spending it with Brenda. There was just something different about spending time with her, completely different than when Mike hung out with his buddies, or even when she hung out with Babette. Stepping into the elevator, Michelle leaned against the back wall watching the doors close in front of her. The polish brass of the doors reflected her image, Michelle saw no semblance of her former self. Michael was gone, completely and totally absent in the reflection in front of her. Staring back at her was Michelle and only Michelle. Smiling at her reflection, Michelle had never felt as happy as she did with her life as she had since starting at The Agency.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Ms. Allison ...... ☺️ ...... Yes this story brings to surface the most important tasks or make overs a sissy definitely should experienced ...... So saline injection's, its so damn scary on yes painful, but the effects doesn't matter which bodypart we talk about, are amazing ..... So yeah michelles reaction having A or B cups are clearly understandable for me ..... ☺️ ..... A ☕️ B ☕️☕️Cup, double fill , don't get drunk just enjoy , as well as the Brenda girlie


MatureandkinkyMatureandkinkyover 2 years ago

Congratulations Ms_Allison!

This delightful saga is a masterpiece in character building and development, and erotic intrigue. The way I can relate to Michelle and her experiences is both spellbinding and pantie soaking!

F**c, You even even have me rummaging through my extensive lingerie collection to find something appropriate to wear for the next chapter :-)))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Liking this story alot. Hope you keep at it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love this series.Please 0h please continue this story Ms_Allison. I will be your slutty sissy slave forever if you do. I wish I was in Michelle place. I have to change my panties after reading each chapter they get so wet and messy. Thank You, from your sissy slave

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More please 😬

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