The Agency Ch. 23


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Chai handed Michelle a pale pink teddy with spaghetti straps, once she figured out which way it faced, Michelle carefully stepped into it. Knowing Bernard's love of breasts, Michelle wasn't surprised the cups were barely half cups, surrounding her bare upper breasts with delicate floral lace that crisscrossed her body rejoining at the small of her back. The leg holes were high on her hips, with lace bands from her sides joining just above the crotchless opening, allowing her slowly hardening cock to hang freely. The only parts that were not lace was the small panel over her bellybutton and the area over her ass. Michelle stepped into a cute pair of 4-inch mules, then turned to look at Chai.

"You look stunning!" Michelle said, seeing Chai was in the identical teddy to her own but in a soft red color.

"I can tell by your reaction," Chai chuckled as she stared at Michelle's cock, "that is a wonderful compliment."

"It's the same one you're giving me!" Michelle giggled as she could plainly see Chai was getting physically excited as well.

"Just some lipstick and mascara for tonight," Chai replied, handing Michelle a small make up bag, "then we go to see Mr. Bernie."

Michelle deftly applied her mascara, happy that she'd become so good at doing it, before opening the tube of lipstick. She smirked at the bright red color, the color all the girls referred to as "cock sucker red". With her lipstick on, Michelle took Chai's hand and walked to the lounge. It felt incredibly odd to have her hard cock swinging so freely after having it caged for so long. Of course, just as she'd felt the most manly she had not too long ago, the feeling of her swaying breasts and sound of her high heels on the wood deck limited her manliness considerably.

"I trust you enjoyed your shower?" Bernard raised his glass as they entered the lounge.

"Very much!" Michelle replied.

"My dear, let me ask," Bernard said, motioning for them to take a seat on a loveseat across from him, "have you ever been with anyone as you have with my lovely Chai tonight?"

"No Sir," Michelle replied earnestly, feeling Chai's hand coming to rest on her thigh, "Babette and I have been close, but never fully intimate like this evening." Michelle leaned closer to Chai, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin against her own. "It was quite amazing."

"You seemed to truly enjoy yourself," Bernard agreed, "I can imagine it was difficult to last as long as you did as well."

"It took all the concentration I could muster." Michelle blushed in response.

"The good news is you don't have to put that cage back on soon," Bernard smiled warmly, "while I understand the reason behind them, I'm less of a fan of them than you probably imagine."

"Thank you Sir," Michelle replied, feeling a sense of relief at her continued freedom, "I would hate to put it away just yet."

"Oh I don't think Chai is quite done with you yet," Bernard winked, "are you?"

"No, Mr. Bernie!" Chai responded, before leaning over and kissing Michelle softly on the lips.

Chai moved quickly, bringing her knee on one side of Michelle's hips before she ended up straddling her. Instinctively Michelles' hands grabbed Chai's hips while Chair cradled Michelle's face before plunging her tongue into Michelle's mouth. Their hands roamed each other ravenously as they continued to kiss deeply. Michelle whimpered slightly as Chai's hand clamped around her rock-hard cock.

"I need to suck on you!" Chai whispered while slowly stroking Michelle.

"Ohhh please!" Michelle cooed, "Me too!"

Chai slowly slipped off Michelle, making sure never to lose too much contact with her as she did. Moving onto the floor on her knees, Chai positioned Michelle on her back, before slowly spinning around, placing her legs on either side of Michelle's head. As Chai leaned back, her dripping cock was soon perfectly in line with Michelle's waiting mouth. Michelle gasped as Chai's mouth surrounded her shaft, Michelle's open mouth quickly invited Chai's hard cock as well. Struggling to focus on pleasing Chai, Michelle did her best to imitate what her new friend was doing with her own mouth on Michelle. She was incredibly thankful she'd orgasmed already as she knew it would take a while before she could unleash more cum into Chai's body.

Michelle couldn't focus on where she wanted to touch Chai, so her hands simply roamed Chai's body again and again. Chai spread her knees further, then started rolling her hips, thrusting her cock into Michelle's throat while also pinning her head to the floor. Michelle's hands immediately grasped Chai's ass and hips, her nails digging into her soft flesh, but instead of holding Chai back, Michelle's hands pulled Chai's hips forward. Michelle had to time her breaths, inhaling as her throat became clear, then exhaling after the next thrust. She felt overcome by lust, wanting little more than to give pleasure, even as it deprived her of oxygen. Suddenly, it overcame her like a wave, while being so focused on Chai's pleasure, Michelle's cock started to swell over Chai's oral ministrations. Michelle clenched every part of her being to try to keep from cuming, but Chai had other plans. As she felt the body below her tense, Chai pushed her index finger as far into Michelle's ass as it could go. The sudden invasion broke Michelle's focus causing her to unleash another torrent of cum while subsequently pulling and holding Chai's cock as deep into her mouth and throat as her body would allow. Michelle's legs spasmed, one of the mules coming off her foot as she flailed about.

"Ohhhhhhh FUCK!" Chai called out, lifting her upper body and pressing her crotch into Michelle's face.

Michelle felt the spasming warmth shooting into her throat, burning slowly toward her stomach. Chai lifted her body enough for Michelle to gasp for air before thrusting herself into Michelle again. The next time she did it, Chai stopped only a few inches in, allowing Michelle's mouth to fill with the last of her cum. Slowly moving, lifting her leg to end up on the side of Michelle, Chai's cock never managed to leave Michelle's lips, until she managed to slowly milk the last of it between Michelle's lips.

"Don't swallow it all greedy girl," Chai said softly, "I want to share!"

Michelle's eyes burned bright as she looked up at Chai's shapely body. She still had a good amount of Chai's warm seed in her mouth before being asked not to swallow, as Chai helped her up to her knees, Michelle had to struggle to remember not to swallow. Coming face to face with Chai, they kissed deeply, Chai pushing a large pool of cum into Michelle's mouth followed quickly by her tongue. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, breasts smashed together, as their tongues mixed their juices together. Michelle felt something nearby, it finally dawned on her that they were not alone as Bernard's cock slid between their mouths.

"I couldn't let you two have all the fun, could I?" He asked as the two T-girls lavished his cock and balls. Neither responded outside of moans and licks to their host. "You're both so talented with your mouths," Bernard's voice became strained, "I don't know which one of you to cum in first though."

"Guests first Mr. Bernie." Chai blurted quickly.

"Ah, of course Chai." Bernard turned, pushing his cock into Michelle's mouth as deeply as he could, rubbing his hairless mound against her nose.

Michelle groaned deeply as a second pulsating cock unleashed into her throat. Unlike Chai, Bernard pulled back, depositing the next two jets directly into Michelle's mouth before quickly shoving his cock into Chai's so she could enjoy the rest. Michelle licked her lips, watching intently as the thick white fluid flowed through Bernard's cock, disappearing behind Chai's lips. He milked the last of his reserve into Chai's mouth before all but staggering backward to his chair. Before he'd backed more than two steps away, Chai was already pulling Michelle's body to hers. For a second time she pushed a thick pool of cum into Michelle's mouth followed by her tongue. Michelle moaned as the taste of the three of them mixed in their mouths.

After taking a few minutes to wind down, Michelle was able to locate her erant shoe and slip it back on while Chai returned with a pair of short wrap skirts. The skirts were just enough to cover the illusion that both had previously been men. While she was savoring the taste in her mouth, Michelle was far too parched to turn down a glass of wine. Eventually, Chai excused herself, leaving Bernard and Michelle alone.

"I am quite exhausted my dear." Bernard announced, his voice conveying his tiredness.

"I am too."

"Let's make our way downstairs then."

The next 20 hours was a whirlwind for Michelle, within minutes of going to the cabin with Bernard, they were both sound asleep. In the morning coffee was delivered before they even awoke. As she expected, Bernard enjoyed his first cup while Michelle enjoyed his cock again. She was thankful she had a moment to say goodbye to Chai before the helicopter was ready to go. Michelle found herself staring at Chai's crotch, wondering how such a magnificent cock was so perfectly hidden in her white short shorts. Meanwhile, Michelle's cage was made less obvious by the flowy white skirt she had on, and Bernard seemed to enjoy the loose fitting floral top with elastic along the top allowing Michelle to wear it on or off her shoulders. Michelle opted for off the shoulder as Bernard seemed to appreciate her showing more cleavage. The helicopter flight and ensuing plane were relaxed, although Bernard seemed a bit preoccupied with work.

"I hope you don't mind my dear," Bernard peered over his glasses for a moment to make eye contact, "I'm having the Agency driver bring you home when we land, I have a bit of work to do."

"Oh of course not," Michelle replied, wondering if Dennis would be the driver, "anything I can do to help?"

"Thank you my dear," Bernard responded, "you made me incredibly happy all weekend which is more than enough."

Dennis was the driver at the airport, and also seemed to appreciate Michelle's top and lack of a bra. Feeling brazen, Michelle accidentally brushed her hand against Dennis' crotch as she passed him. After putting her bag in the trunk, Dennis returned to shut the back door, taking another look at Michelle before he did.

"I'll definitely have to thank you for picking me up on short notice on a Sunday!" Michelle coyly said while tugging the elastic down on her top enough to cause Dennis's mouth to hang open.

"Of course!" He finally stammered before slamming the door shut.

If they'd left the airport property completely, Michelle would have been shocked. Within minutes of Dennis speeding off from Bernard's plane, Michelle's top was around her waist and Dennis' cock was in her mouth. While her hair may have been a bit tussled when she entered her building, Michelle felt rather proud of herself during her own version of the walk of shame, and gave the doorman a big grin on her way past. Happily shedding her shoes as soon as she entered her apartment, Michelle made her way to the bathroom, using the time she spent relieving herself to decide if she wanted to indulge in her multi-head shower or take a long soak in her tub. Both were hers now that Babette moved out.

"Long soak it is!" Michelle exclaimed, turning on the water. "And what's a soak without bubbles?"

As the tub filled, Michelle retrieved a bottle of chardonnay and a glass from the kitchen. The expansive tub took some time, so Michelle decided to add candles, and a bit of music as well. By the time the water was ready, Michelle's room and mood was set for full on relaxation. Sinking into her bath up to her neck, Michelle took a sip of wine, before closing her eyes and exhaling deeply.

"That poor schlub Michael never had it this good," she said out loud, "poor bastard couldn't get laid at a hooker convention with $100 bills hanging out of his pants!" Michelle grumbled as her phone rang, then grumbled more as she reluctantly picked it up. "Hello?" Michelle called out after putting the phone on speaker.

"Sooo," Babette's voice sounded positively giddy, "did you get a big ole cup of Chai while on the islands?"

"How did you not tell me about her?" Michelle blurted.

"Slut! You did, didn't you?"

"Yes I did!" Michelle proudly announced. "Let me ask," Michelle opened her eyes, wishing she could see Babette's face when she asked her question, "did you get to take your cage off with her?"

"WHAT?" Babette angrily asked. "You didn't get to! Did you get to? Oh, you slut!"

"I guess we know who Bernard likes better huh?"

"Okay, so details," Babette demanded, "how did you get to do Chai?"

"Which time?" Michelle teased.

"Oh, you're such a bitch!" Babette hissed. "You got to cum twice? I mean, like we used to before all this?"

"Well, you got to ogle Chai's amazing ass," Michelle paused to sip more wine before continuing, "I got to fuck it!"

"I can't even stand you right now!" Babette seethed. "What was Bernard doing while you fucked Chai?"

"Watching I guess," Michelle replied, desperately trying to remember, "I'm not sure, after she and I showered and changed, we got into a 69."

"Still without your cage?"

"Yup!" Michelle gleefully answered. "When Chai and I were having a very cum filled kiss, Bernard came over and added his to the mix."

"Well, that doesn't sound terrible." Michelle could hear the pang of jealousy in Babette's voice.

"It was a fun weekend," Michelle continued, "then Dennis picked me up at the airport."

"I don't have to ask what happened there!" Babette chuckled. "So, what are you doing now?"

"Soaking in MY tub with a glass of wine."

"Sounds very relaxing Sweetie," Babette replied, "want to do dinner this week?"

"Absolutely!" Michelle eagerly replied, "I can show you my new bracelet!"

"Can't wait to see it," Babette's voice was once again warm and welcoming, "and you of course!"

"Love you, Babette!"

"Love you, Michelle!"

Michelle set the phone down, added more wine to her glass and more hot water to the tub before setting her head back on a towel. She was still trying to fathom the money amounts that Bernard had been talking about, it was like she was going to win the lottery! What would she do with a million or more dollars? Maybe she'd buy the building she used to live in, fire the guy who took care of it and figure out something with Cynthia? Eventually Michelle decided she'd had enough day dreaming, so she took the opportunity to shave her extra soft skin before rinsing off. Taking a short satin robe from behind the door, Michelle's last decision of the night was to figure out what to wear. She slipped her legs into a pair of white satin bikinis just as her phone rang again.

"Hi Brenda!" Michelle exclaimed as she picked up the phone.

"Hi!" Brenda's excited voice was a welcome surprise. "How was your weekend?"

Michelle blanched for a moment; how could she tell Brenda about the weekend? Her voice ran rampant in her head. "Oh sure, tell her you blew a guy, fucked and had a 69 with a T-girl, then blew the limo driver on the way home cuz two cocks weren't enough?" There was no way Michelle could tell her any of that, Brenda surely knew what the patients she'd seen did for a living, but knowing and hearing were completely different. Plus, she didn't show any interest in them! "Oh sorry, I couldn't have actual sex with you because my Boss has a padlock on my cock, but I got to have sex with a complete stranger this weekend instead."


"Sorry," Michelle stammered, "I think I lost you there for a moment! The trip was great, very relaxing."

"That sounds nice," Brenda's voice conveyed the fact she didn't believe that was all Michelle had to say, "well I left you a present."

"What?" Michelle looked around slightly panicked. "How did you do that?"

"Well," Brenda paused for a moment, feeling like the answer could be received one of two ways, "Babette didn't need her key anymore, so she gave it to me."

"Oh, well that makes sense."

"Are you okay with that?" Brenda asked tentatively, "If not I could give it to you."

"No! I'm perfectly fine with that!" Michelle answered quickly. "So, you left me a present? Where?"

"It's on your kitchen table."

Michelle walked quickly to the kitchen, spying a bright purple gift bag sitting on the table. Looking at the small tag, Michelle blushed at the words, then smiled.

"Something every girl needs huh?"

"Absolutely!" Brenda replied.

"Let me see what you got me." Michelle reached into the bag, pulling the lilac tissue paper out of the way. "This is really nice, but I don't think it's my size." Michelle said as she held up a double extra large men's dress shirt.

"Silly, remember I told you about every girl having boyfriend clothing?" Brenda asked half teasingly. "Well, I bought this last week and wore it around my apartment and to bed a few times," Brenda spoke softly and sincerely, something that wasn't lost on Michelle, "and I sprayed a bit of my perfume on it for you." Michelle immediately buried her face into the shirt, inhaling deeply. "So, now you have your own shirt of mine."

"That's really thoughtful," Michelle replied, feeling a deep warmth inside her chest, "thank you so much."

"You'll have to let me know how it fits."

"Well give me one second then!" Michelle quickly set down her phone, tugging her robe off with her other hand, then slipping the oversized shirt on. "It fits perfectly!" Michelle beamed, quickly walking to the full-length mirror in her bedroom. "I'll send you a picture in a minute."

Michelle buttoned a pair of buttons below her breasts, making sure one of the sides was pulled open just a bit to flash some cleavage. Standing with one foot in front of the other, her leg bent at the knee so her upper thigh split the sides of the shirt, Michelle smiled and snapped a couple pictures before sorting through and finding the best one to send to Brenda.

"That looks great on you!" Brenda replied excitedly. "And look at you posing like a little hottie!"

"Thanks so much," Michelle flopped onto the bed, propping herself up on her elbows, "I can't wait to fall asleep in it tonight." Michelle swallowed deeply before continuing. "Are we on for coffee tomorrow morning?"

"Oh, uh, well," Brenda replied uneasily, "I can't do coffee, but how about lunch?"

"That sounds great to me!" Michelle's face beamed.

"I'll see you then!"

"Can't wait!" Michelle replied, then held the phone until she heard the line go dead. "Just don't ask for details about my weekend!" Michelle said to herself before setting her cell phone down. Taking another deep inhale of her new shirt, Michelle smiled again. "I'm going to have to figure out something wonderful to wear tomorrow!"

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Mermaidlover1960Mermaidlover19609 months ago

I’m curious how you’re going resolve the situations between Michelle, Brenda, Babette, and Michelle’s job.

Floydman1Floydman111 months ago

This series just keeps getting better and better! I love how after all the work and patience that Michelle has had to have, now it's starting to pay off with Brenda, who basically made her reverse peg her; that's really hot. Then in this chapter Bernard lets her not only unlock but lets her be a top for the first time with another T-Girl, then they 69 and all three of them snowball. This is some super sexy stuff and I hope there's more...*ahem*...coming. I'm really looking forward to finding out if Ms. Allison lets Brenda unlock Michelle so that they can truly consummate their relationship! And how it's going to work between them since Brenda knows that it can't be a monogamous, or if she ends up being Michelle's keyholder? You're doing a great job at keeping the plot evolving.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

i love this series. thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ms. Allison,

As always great job on this chapter too; however, would like to request if You write future chapters with development of increasing Michelle's interactions with Ms. Allison, Benda, Babette, and other females. The bond and interactions they have with Michelle are so amazing.

Also please decrease the time between posting new chapter. i respect Your time and life but Your fans like me are always eager for Your writings.

Thank you,

Your admirer

Hosendas69Hosendas69about 1 year ago

Ms. Allison, you outdid yourself! How will Brenda feel about Michelle's sexcapades? After all, love is so possessive...

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