The Anatomy of an Infidelity Ch. 04

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Arup crosses new boundaries with Rasika.
3.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/17/2019
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One day at work, Arup's personal inbox pinged. A one line email.

- Are you mad at me?

He looked up at Rasika. Their eyes met. He looked away and typed a one line reply.

- Why would I be mad at you?

Her reply came almost ten minutes later.

- Trust me, I didn't really have a choice that weekend. His friends were in town from the US. It's been a packed calendar. It's not like I can make excuses every time. There are times you are busy with your wife. I understand that. So you should understand this.

He sighed. Rasika and her flair for whining and drama. Meena Kumari complex, like that one movie said. He was tempted to send a stinging reply. But instead he wrote,

- I am not mad at you. I understand your compulsions.

- Then why have you been so stand-offish lately?

He didn't reply right away. He could see she was sulking. And it annoyed the hell out of him.

It has been two weeks since the time Rasika cancelled the weekend plans that he had been planning to cancel himself. With the colleagues chattering and knowing how temperamental and jealous his wife was, he had decided to lay low. He had not initiated any further hook-ups with Rasika. Their interactions had been purely professional.

Rasika had been feeling very guilty about the affair herself. She enjoyed sex with Arup a lot, especially how dominating and rough he was. But she still loved Nitin and was sure she wanted to spend her life with him. Why then did she keep craving time with her much older and married boss? And why did she feel slighted or ignored by him, now that he had stopped initiating any more sexual romps? It was a big blow to her needy 22 year old self-esteem.

Finally the meaningful stares from Rasika got too much for Arup to ignore. So he replied.

- People are talking so just playing it safe.

He could see her face as she read his email and her eyes went wide. He saw her furiously typing and a reply arrived soon. And he responded. And their conversation went on over email for a while.

- Who is talking??? About what???

- Colleagues have been making snide comments about us.

- Shit, I had no idea! I am sorry!

- No need to be sorry. But best to just lay low for a while and be purely professional. I have a wife I love and you have a boyfriend you love. Let's just end it, what do you say?

Arup could see Rasika reading the email, then looking up at him and staring at him for a few seconds with a sad look. Then she replied.

- Okay, makes sense.

And so for the next couple of weeks, Rasika and Arup went back to just being colleagues. Him happy with his home life and his wife. Her focusing on her long distance boyfriend in Mumbai. Arup initially thought that was for the best. But then a couple of weeks later, something changed.

Veena was flying out Saturday morning for a work meeting in Singapore. After dropping off Veena at the airport, Arup waited to confirm the flight had taken off. Then, after a lot of internal debate, he texted Rasika. They both had the weekend off. He had really blue balls. Veena had been very busy the past couple of weeks and then having her period. So they had not had sex. And he had been keeping a distance from Rasika at work. So he had not had sex in almost two weeks. His horniness got the better of his common sense and he sent the text.

- Wife is out of town. You wanna come over?

He wasn't sure she would respond. She had been sulking for days since he ended things. At work, she had also gotten very standoffish with him. Their interactions were professional but terse. Even the other staff noticed. The office scuttlebutt was that they were having a lover's tiff. Which was true.

But respond she did.

- I am taking a bus to Bombay to spend the weekend with Nitin.

He was tempted to tell her to cancel it. But he knew it was a touchy subject, given how they had last left things. Instead he asked

- What time are you going?

- 3 o clock bus

- We can have brunch. And then I'll drop you off at the bus.

Arup stared at his phone for a long time. The response came after fifteen minutes. And it was laconic.

- ok

Rasika agonized a lot before sending that short reply. Things were, for a change, good between her and Nitin. They had not fought in weeks. He was the man she loved, the one she wanted to spend her life with. When Arup had broken things off between them, she had felt relieved. It took away a big temptation, because she did enjoy sex with Arup a lot more than she enjoyed sex with her boyfriend. Despite how she had strayed, she was still a small town girl. And it killed her to deal with the fact that she had cheated on the love of her life. But something primal and animalistic still felt a strange pull to the married Arup. Physically and also emotionally.

She wanted to talk about it and sort things out. But Arup had been so curt lately that she felt very used and discarded. Beyond just cutting off things physically, he had even stopped being her friend, which she felt hurt by. She understood the need for discretion if people in the office were talking and it might affect his marriage. But she still did not appreciate the total cold shoulder he had been giving her. So when Rasika answered "ok", that is what she had in mind. Have brunch, have a talk about where they stand, and get some clarity or closure. She expected they would eat somewhere, talk things out, close the issue, and then she would go spend another happy weekend with the man she would be spending the rest of her life with.

Half an hour later, Arup was in his car, about to pick Rasika up. He texted her that he was almost there. When he pulled up to her PG, he saw the landlady standing outside. He had met her once before so he waved at her with a friendly smile. She solemnly nodded. And then she stared daggers at Rasika as she walked out to the car.

"I don't think aunty likes me very much." he chuckled as Rasika got in. She was wearing a long cotton kameez over jeans, her most frequent attire. Her thick hair tied into a single ponytail. No make-up. But she still looked radiant and gorgeous. He could visualize her naked body through the clothes, the body he had not seen naked in a couple of weeks. As she strapped on the seat belt, he noticed how it pushed against her ample bosom.

"She doesn't like me either." Rasika tartly said.

"What? I thought she loved you!"

"Loved...past tense."

"What went wrong? Did you have a fight with her?"

"'" Rasika said and shrugged.

"Oh." Arup said and shut up.

By now, all the roommates and even the landlady aunty knew that she was having an affair with her boss. Aunty was not a prude and knew Rasika had a boyfriend named Nitin. In fact she liked Nitin. Which is why she felt so upset. She had thought Rasika to be this simple sweet small town girl from Uttar Pradesh and had liked her initially. Which is why it broke aunty's heart when she turned out to be a two-timing slut.

There was silence in the car as Rasika remembered she was supposed to be sulking not bantering. This guy was her boss who had slept with her and then pretty much discarded her. She felt aggrieved and waited for him to mend things. But Arup was not like her boyfriend, cajoling her, getting her to talk. He could sense she was upset and sulking but he didn't care. She wants to sulk, let her sulk. This wasn't a real relationship to him. She wasn't his wife.

As he drove, she realized he wasn't going into the city towards the usual brunch places but the outskirts. But not towards his house either. He was going toward the hills around Mulshi. There was a well known restaurant on a hilltop. She assumed he was taking her there. And she was right. But he had a detour in mind. Halfway up the hill, he turned onto an empty unpaved road. Rasika raised her eyebrows in disbelief. Really? After treating her like a stranger for two weeks, he had this in mind? No way, Jose. Some issues needed to be thrashed out first.

He pulled the car into a small clearing, turned it off, and smiled at her. She had a frown on her face. He didn't give a damn. He unbuckled his seat belt, opened his pants. The thick semi-erect snake rolled out of his zipper.

"Wait!" Rasika said, staring at the thick organ that she had loved inside her before looking into his eyes. "We need to talk."

"Later." he said impatiently, grabbing her by the ponytail. "I have seriously blue balls. Veena hasn't been putting out much."

"No...listen...Arup...please...listen...let me go."

He let her go. But only to unbuckle her seat belt which was making it hard to pull her face into his crotch.

"I need to ask you about..." Rasika struggled as his grip pulled her face towards his crotch. But he didn't seem to be in a mood to listen and his dick kept getting closer to her face, "Arup...come on...out in the open?"

"I thought you'd like that." He said, remembering his exhibitionist tendencies from their previous encounters.

That made her pause. Out in the open in a car? In broad daylight? It was a deserted spot, but anyone could walk by. She squirmed in a way that he now recognized indicated arousal. He knew he had her convinced. By now, her face was just half a foot from his dick. She was turning it up to look at him while protesting. But then she meekly turned it down. And those luscious thick red lips with that strategically placed mole started descending on his dick.

This had been a purely impulsive detour, not something Arup had planned. He was simply more horny than he was hungry. And soon she was making those cute gagging noises as her head bobbed up and down and his dick hit the back of her throat. She still didn't have great blowjob technique after all these weeks. But it was a warm wet mouth and a gorgeous face and that's all he cared about after almost two weeks of celibacy. Now that she was doing this on her own, he didn't need his hand on her ponytail. He slid it along her curvy back and under her kameez. And unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down the zipper. She froze for a millisecond to raise her head and look around to make sure no one else was around. Then continued sucking his dick in her enthusiastic but amateurish way.

If only Veena could give Rasika some pointers about blowjobs, he thought as her lips wrapped around his dick went up and down but didn't provide the same sort of pleasure as he was used to from his wife. Then said to himself, don't even joke about it in your mind. Veena will get a shotgun and blow your balls off. Best to just be happy with what you have.

He smiled as Rasika took one hand off his shaft and started pushing her jeans down, moving around uncomfortably on the seat bent over. He knew what she wanted. His skilled fingers. He obliged. She started moaning at his fingering as she sucked his dick. Here was this supposedly simple demure small town girl, naked from the waist down in a car out in broad daylight, sucking his dick while he fingered her wet cunt. Of course it was wet. It was always wet when she was with him. With her boyfriend though, she needed ten minutes of foreplay to get there, she once told him giggling guiltily. It boosted Arup's ego to know that he made her wet faster than her beloved boyfriend.

Arup pulled her kameez up over her back and stared at the perfectly shaped ass wrapped around his hand as he fingered her cunt and clit from behind..

"Take this off." he tugged at the kameez.

"Bud den Ibbe abosd naged" she said lisping, without taking his dick out of her hungry mouth.

"Out in the open." he said meaningfully.

And in seconds, there she was, his 22 year old plaything, exactly the way he liked her. Naked except for a bra, whose only job was giving a respectably outline to her ridiculously huge sagging tits. And of course, hiding her pimply nipples and non-existent areolas. Twisted sideways on his car seat, sucking his dick noisily. Her gorgeous ass resting against the back of the seat as he fingered her. Why did this stupid woman always keep her gorgeous body so concealed? Well, if she didn't, he might have to fight more than just her boyfriend for her attentions, he answered himself.

That's when he felt it approaching. It had been a few days since his last release. He took his hand out of her dripping cunt and put it on her head. He didn't want a mess in the car. Rasika realized what was happening. This time she didn't try to pull back. Instead, she wrapped her lips tight around the shaft, the best she could.

"Urhhhhh!" Arup groaned, shot his wad, and let go of her head.

She sat up instantly. He almost burst out laughing when he saw her face. Her cheeks puffed out like puris, filled with days worth of his jizz. Thick lips puckered, straining to burst open. And eyes as wide as flying saucers.

"Just swallow it." he chuckled.

She shook her head. Then her hand reached for the door, and she opened it and sprang out in the bright daylight, wearing just a bra. As she bent over and spit out his load, he stared admiringly at her ass, her asshole, and her shaved cunt. It looked freshly shaved. Did she shave it for her boyfriend or him? Oh, doesn't matter. He got first shot at it anyway.

As he watched her spit it out in her cute bumpkin way, he had a devilish idea. He reached out and shut the door, and locked it. Rasika heard the door thud and shrieked. Turning around, she lunged for the door handle and pulled. To no avail. It was locked. She looked terrified. But Arup was feeling too sadistic to end the prank. Somehow she brought out the most perverted and wicked instincts in her. He laughed at her, turned the car on, and drove it forward about 100 feet.

And then looked back and watched, laughing, as his 22 year old mistress, wearing just a heaving swinging bra, ran behind him. As she caught up, he drove forward again. And again. Until she was shrieking so loudly, he thought it might catch the attention of passers by. He stopped. She caught up. He unlocked a door. But the back one. He gesture towards it. She opened it and jumped in.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???" she screamed as she got in the back seat.

"Oh come on, just having some fun, there is no one around." he chuckled.

"Yessss..." she hissed. "there is!! Why do you think I was shrieking so much?"

He looked at where she pointed. There was a scrawny old man by the edge of the field staring at them. He looked like a farmer or shepherd. And he had just gotten to watch a young hot woman running around naked except for her bra. Arup had not noticed him before, but now understood why Rasika was so panicked.

"Relax." he chuckled.

"Relax? Are you insane?" she shuddered curled up on the back seat.

"He's just a harmless old man." he shrugged. "You just gave him the thrill of your life. Don't you like that? Being watched?"

"Have you gone crazy, Arup?" Rasika loudly said and got up to reach for her clothes bunched up on the front seat.

"SIT!!" Arup heard himself yelling at her and slapping her back down on the back seat.

"Arup...what..." she said, confused and scared.

"Shut up!" he growled.

A part of Arup was also confused about why he was feeling the instinctive urge to act in such a domineering way. He was usually a genial and easy-going guy. But somehow the company of Rasika, especially naked, seemed to bring out the beast in him.

Rasika sat trembling, wearing just her bra, as she watched Arup slowly step out of the driver's seat. He looked at the old man, who was just stunned and watching the car, not sure what was happening. Arup smiled and waved at the old man and then got in the back seat, taking off his pants. Rasika noticed that despite just having cum in her mouth a couple of minutes ago, he was hard again. She looked at the thick cock, trembling with fear as well as arousal. She also glanced outside the car's window and noticed the old man was slowly approaching them.

"Arup..." she started saying but he put one knee on the car seat and said,

"Bend over."


"Bend. Over!" he spanked her naked ass hard.

Rasika soon found herself bent over on the car's back seat with Arup's thick dick fucking her hard in her wet cunt. Her face was next to the window. And she could see the old man coming closer and closer. He could clearly see that she was getting banged out in the open in a car.

"Oh fuck!" Rasika said shivering as she felt the one thing her body had been missing, which was Arup's thick dick inside her and his fingers in her ass.

Arup was pounding her like a man possessed and he felt like a man possessed. He didn't plan to do it, but here he was, fucking a subordinate 15 years younger to him in the back of his car out in the open as some random old man walked towards them. It felt like a dream or a fantasy. And it boosted his ego.

Rasika's big fleshy ass cheeks were slapping against Arup's hip bones between his hand as he fucked her hard. Her hands were on the car's window frame. And she could see the old man was now almost right next to them, with his mouth wide open in shock. And with a tent in his cheap pyjamas.

She was grunting like a pig as her boss fucked her and the two of them stared at the old man who was standing outside the car, just watching them surprised. Soon the old man loosened his pyjamas and started stroking his old dick as he watched the real life porn movie unfold in front of his eyes. Arup kept fucking his plaything while staring at the old man who was staring at Rasika, who was staring at the seat as she got plowed.

The rational part of Arup's brain took stock of the very unlikely situation he was in. Here he was, an almost forty year old failed musician and a middling newspaper employee, fucking a luscious 22 year old colleague in the back of his car out in the open, while some random old man was watching them and jacking off. This, to him, seemed like the pinnacle of anything he would have expected from his existence in life. He had not started out to seduce Rasika in any way. It had all happened organically. And even today, he had not planned this. It had all been an impulse. And yet it had worked.

And as he heard his young subordinate grunt through one of her typically fast orgasms, he felt even more empowered. More empowered and alpha male than ever.

"Uhhh...what are" Rasika said slumped over on the seat after her orgasm.


"Arup! No! What...ahhhhhhhh!"

Rasika felt the thick head of her lover's dick breach her asshole. It hurt. She cried out. Even the old man seemed shocked more than turned on. She bit her lower lip hard and fought back tears as she looked into the old man's eyes. But Arup was in a different mental space altogether. For years, he had fantasized about anal sex. For weeks, he had been thinking of trying it out with Rasika. And now here he was, finally doing it.

"It really hurts!!" Rasika cried out.

Arup didn't respond. Just grunted and pushed more of his dick in her tight anus. And he saw goosebumps on her skin. He knew her rhythms well enough to know by now that she was about to have an orgasm. Stuffing his dick in even more, he reached down and stroked her clit to help her along. And she came hard.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please continue....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please continue this story what happened next .what the old man do

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The building of characters and the narration is wonderful.


sapna_prakashsapna_prakashalmost 5 years ago
Good writing!

Please dont adhere to any requests. I am literally shocked to read the comments here. Just small town blue balled assholes really.

Please continue the narration as it best fits your theme.


PS: Wish you had continued with Bela's story too...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Super hot and realistic

This is the kind of story that makes us come back to literotica the comment about veena and threesome was great too would love to see more

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