The Arctic Ch. 02


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"And this has to be done now? It cannot wait?" Eerikke shook his head, his fat sausage like fingers tracing the battlefield just miles to the south where the southern clans were currently camped.

"Plus with your new position and power, I think we can persuade the King of the South to our side of things." Nicholas glanced down at the ring, its power running through his very veins. He'd never felt so alive since having put the ring on. He felt stronger, faster, almost invincible. He was still figuring out how to access the magic, but he hadn't had much time to test it out.

"Alright, we leave at first light. Nicholas, do not disappoint me."


"You would think he would show a little more respect for the King of the North."

"You know an Elf titles mean nothing to our people. Olaf is our King, and after we take the

South, he will rule it all."

"Do you think he will let you keep your position?" Tryst asked. Nicholas shrugged, it's the question that had been eating at him since he received the orders to take her village. Earl Eerikke had ordered him to leave no survivors, he had instead bound himself to one of the most ancient powers in existence. He wanted to prove that they could live in peace, that they could share the land and co-exist. But if he couldn't convince Eira, he had no idea how he was supposed to convince Eerikke or even King Olaf. He parted ways with Tryst and headed to the room he knew to be his. He walked in to find the place scattered with belongings and Eira fast asleep on the bed. He smiled as he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest.

A small smile spread across his face as he inspected the room. The trunks had arrived, he was sure it come as a surprise to her, he hadn't told her ahead of time they'd be staying for a few days, possibly longer depending on how fast he could convince the South to surrender.

That was if he could get them to surrender, unlike the North Kingdom, they didn't have a decedent which to access to other worldly power, or a royal daughter he'd been betrothed too.

"Do you have nothing better to do than to spy on me while I slumber?" Eira demanded.

"It is the only time when keep your mouth closed," Nicholas sighed, throwing himself down on the bed beside her, leaning on his side so that he faced her.

"How long are we staying here? I see you packed my trunks."

"The Earl is sending me to the South to order their surrender, so we will be staying a little longer than expected."

"And I am expected to simply wait here while you go off to battle? Why not leave me at home, where I am safe?"

"You are safe here, no harm shall come to you."

"I was nearly accosted in the market only moments after you left me. You cannot leave me here among your people."

"They are OUR people snowflake."

"If you honestly believe that your people and my people can live in peace you are a fool." Eira sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. He reached out and pulled her back with an arm around her waist until she was on her back against the bed.

"Where do you think you are going wife?" She thrashed for a few minutes but he easily pinned her arms to her sides and threw his leg over her legs, straddling her hips.

"Get away from me." Nicholas chuckled and leaned close enough that their noses almost touched.

"I will be doing no such thing until I put a babe in your belly." The thought of having his children scared Eira. Would they be part animal like him? Nicholas kissed her, tasting strongly of mead. He was gentle at first, coaxing a response from her.

"We will make such beautiful sons Eira," he announced as he planted further kisses down her neck, causing her body to shiver. With her arms still pinned she had no choice but to endure his advancements. Nicholas stretched his legs out so that he was lying across her body, but he kept his weight on his hands and knees so that he wasn't crushing her.

"Please husband, I am still sore." She hoped calling him by his new title would soften him enough that he might show mercy. He released her wrists and wiggled his way down her body. He pushed her skirts up, planting kisses on her knees, then her thighs.

"What...what are you doing?"

"I am going to pleasure you with my mouth, and then I am going to make love to you until I fill you with my seed." Eira's heart began pounding the closer he came to her sex. She gasped when his warm mouth kissed her below, small electric currents shot through her body as she grabbed the sheets. His tongue flickered out, stroke the outer lips, taking his sweet time before pushing her legs further apart, opening her up to him. She closed her eyes, just wishing it to be over already but he wasn't going to allow that. Nicholas shoved his face forward and her back arched as he found her clitoris with his tongue. She cried out at the sensation, digging her heels into the mattress, trying to kick herself backwards and away but he hooked his arms around her thighs, holding her in place. She pushed at his head, grabbing a handful to try and pull him away. He looked up at her, face wet and grabbed both her wrists so that she was almost folded in half.

"Stop, I cannot stand it." But he only increased his manipulations until an orgasm coursed through her body. She cried out, digging her nails into the bed as her mind was washed over with a wave of euphoria that left her breathless. Nicholas pulled away licking his lips as he moved himself into position. Any tenderness left was gone as he slid himself inside her, taking her breast into his mouth. As his mouth closed down around her nipple, Eira moaned, shocked by her own response. How could he make her feel so good? He moved slowly, opposite of the previous night. She felt every inch of him as he caressed her. She found her hips lifting to grind against him, allowing him deeper. Eira let out little whimpers as she felt things tighten lower in her body.

"Nicholas, please..." she gasped. He gently grazed his teeth against her nipple as he increased his efforts.

Eira felt her muscles suddenly clamped down around him as she arched her back and cried out; he could no longer hold himself back as he fucked her through her orgasm, drawing it out longer until he could no longer fight back his own release. He felt himself let go as he filled her with cum, Eira melting beneath him. He rolled onto his back, panting as he stared at the ceiling. Eira rolled and tried to stand but he pulled her back down and propped a few pillows beneath her hips.

"You will not move Eira, allow my seed to take root." He placed a hand over her abdomen and softly stroked the flesh.

"What if I bore you nothing but daughters?"

"Then I pray to the gods they are as beautiful as their mother." He replied as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, rubbing the tip of her ears as he snuggled himself against her.

"What if something happens to you on the battlefield?"

"I am touched at your concern Snowflake."

"I am concerned of my fate should you be sent to Valhalla."

"Then let us pray to the gods for victory, yes?" There was a loud pounding at the door, startling both of them.

"Enter," he shouted as he sat up. Tryst walked in, his gaze lingering too long for Eira's comfort.

"Surely you do not intend to spend all day inside your wife?"

"I believe it is within my rights," Nicholas replied with a grin..

"The men have been asking to see the King of the North, the man who dared defy our Earl. Perhaps a demonstration of this power you claim to possess."

"I will join you in a moment," Nicholas announced as he stood and grabbed for his pants. Tryst left and they were alone once again.

"Please Nicholas, allow me to wait at home. I do not know anyone here, I do not trust anyone here."

"I have heard enough Eira, you are staying and that is final. I shall send in a slave with some water so that you may clean up. I will return when it is time to feast." After fastening his belt he left, locking the door behind him. She let out a scream as she threw a pillow at the door in frustration. How dare he lock her in as though she was still a prisoner. She'd spent the last few hours perfectly fine without being locked in. It wasn't long before she heard a key in the door and a slave brought in a basin along with a pitcher of water.

"Where shall I set this Lady Eira?" There was no doubt this girl was Elf, her ears hidden beneath her headscarf. She stared at the stone floor as she waited for further instructions.

"Here beside the table if you would." Eira watched the young woman set the basin down and fill it with water from the pitcher as she set a few wash rags beside it.

"Is there anything else I can do for you Milady?"

"No, that is all." The girl curtsied then left. Eira stood and cleaned herself up then climbed back into bed. There was nothing else for her to do but wait for Nicholas to return.


Eira kept her chin up as they entered the dining hall, eyes were drawn to her, she could feel each pair as they seemed to burn right into her very flesh. Nicholas led her to the dining table at the front of the hall where the Alphas from the each of the clans sat with their mates, leaving the Earl in the center of the table. He stood and greeted her properly, bowing while placing a kiss upon her hand. She curtsied and smiled.

"I am very honored to finally meet you, Queen Eira. I am Earl Eerikke, this is my wife Helga." Eira shook Helga's hand then sat down at the chair that Nicholas offered her. Both men took their seats and they were served promptly. Eira drank her mead as she stared down at the meat on her plate before her. It was muskox; she was sick of muskox. She sighed as she began to nibble the surrounding foods.

"Something wrong with your dinner, love?"

"My appetite. Are all of these servants slaves?" Nicholas choked mid drink and cleared his throat before leaning closer to her.

"It is none of our business Eira, these slaves were captured during battles and raids."

"They are Elves, Nicholas. Maybe not all from my Kingdom, but of my kin none the less." Eira whispered harshly through gritted teeth.

"You talk of blending our people, but if your goal is to enslave us all..."

"Now is not the time for this discussion," he interrupted, this tone implying consequences should she continue to push. Eira glared at him in response and emptied her mead. The servant the stood behind her to the left was the same one who brought her the water in her tent. She stood with a large pitcher, ready to fill her glass as it emptied.

As she filled Eira's cup, she grabbed the slave's wrist, forcing her to freeze and make eye contact.

"What is your name girl?"

"Gyda, your majesty."

"Are you from the North or the South?" Gyda looked to the Earl, she was suddenly like a frightened rabbit, she wanted to get away, she did not want to be asked personal questions. Eira quickly let go when she saw the girl's eyes begin to fill with tears.

"You are dismissed Gyda," Earl announced. The slave bowed and left the dining hall.

"They no longer belong to either Kingdom, Queen of Thirann. Your Kingdom belongs to King Olaf, as will the Kingdom of the South soon enough."

"How much do you want for her?" Eira asked bluntly. The man sat back, wiping his beard clean of crumbs as he chuckled.

"All of the gold in your Kingdom belongs to the wolves already. What could you possibly offer me in exchange?"

"If you give me the slave, I will help you negotiate with the South." At that comment several of the Alpha's joined him in laughter.

"We do not negotiate. That is the problem with Elves, Queen Eira. Wolves take what they want, whether it's a Kingdom, gold...women. Anyone who does not obey will be slaughtered. I have no need of your help." Eira stood, outraged at his reply. Before she could react Nicholas lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder and stalked from the room before she could utter a single curse towards the Earl.

Once alone behind the closed door he set her down and she slapped him as hard as she could, unafraid of the consequences. But he accepted it and stood there staring at her blankly.

"I want to go home, and I want to go home NOW!" This was not part of their marriage agreement, she had signed the agreement because she had thought it meant the safety of her people. But it was clear what the wolves though of elves.

"I have already agreed to raid with them in the morning, I cannot back out of my word."

"Tell me the truth Nicholas; were you even sent by the Earl to marry me?" Eira was pacing now, running over every detail of the past month. Marrying him had guaranteed her people nothing. Not their lives and certainly not their freedom.

"Eerikke wanted us to slaughter any who rebelled and enslave the rest." Nicholas finally confessed.

"And that is what he is sending you to the South to do?" Nicholas looked away as he stepped further into the room.

"He is the Earl, Eira. I have already risked my life and those of my men by disobeying him once. I will not get away with it a second time."

"You should not have carried me out of the dining hall," she announced. She'd been prepared to curse him, to open herself up the magic of her ancestors and truly curse him. It had been years since she'd last used her magic. She had refused after her father banished Nicholas and kept her prisoner for months until her urge to follow faded. It had been so long she'd lost her ability to touch her magic.

But the Earl had pushed her buttons so well she'd felt the swelling of it in her chest. Building to the overwhelming point she felt she'd been about to burst. Just as she'd been about to utter the words Nicholas carted her off like a child.

"So you can sign your own death. Kill the Earl, do you have any idea what we do to those who murder our own without just cause?" Nicholas demanded.

"You expect me to sit by while he enslaves my people? I will not stand by while they are suffering at the hands of men like Earl."

"And what of the wolves that have suffered at the hands of Elves? Will you avenge them as well? Will you free my kind from the fighting rings? Will you demand the South stop hunting us, to let us live in peace? Blood must have blood."

"Then you are the exact savage that I have always believed you to be." With a growl Nicholas left, locking her inside behind him.

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cantfightfatecantfightfateover 7 years ago
This had good ratings, so I thought I'd check it out.

However, the main character is too much for me. I like reluctance and some noncon, and though I don't enjoy it, I can handle a story with an evil rapist. What I don't like is the evil rapist becoming the romantic lead. Nicholas is horrible and I wish him a painful death and an unhappily ever after.

I don't think I'll be back for this story but I'll look forward to reading some of your other wok in the future.

Horseman68Horseman68over 7 years ago
Well Written....

.... and up from three stars to five stars. Would note that nine months between chapters is more than a bit long -- seeing that chapter 3 as just been done. Could be that, as was commented in chapter 1, writing the character of Nicholas with his bloody baggage to eventually reconcile with Eira has been arkward?

Ellienora35Ellienora35over 7 years ago
Need more

This was fantastic! Will you write more please?

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimealmost 8 years ago

Hey girl? You disappeared again? That while you're writing a masterpiece? Please let know that the rest is coming! This stuff is great!

tati89tati89about 8 years ago
Thank you for this chapter!

Despite a few grammar issues, this chapter has good developmental since we're moving forward with the plot. I love it that Eira is not going all stockholm syndrome. She still hates him for what he did to her father, how he killed her people, and how he mistreated her. So Nicholas has to answer to his superiors...hmmm. Now, there's more conflict and drama. Will he be able to protect Eira from his people (Tryst seems skeevy)? So far, he's been pretty stupid thinking that she would be safe there...Will the King in the South help Eira or possibly be a love interest? :P

I'm curious to see how much power Nicholas has now and what is Eira's power. Can't wait for the next chapter.

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