The Assassin's Bride Ch. 04


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"Oh, fuck it," he said, surrendering to an inner battle. He quickly moved to the bed and cupped Carina's surprised face in both hands.

The next moment his mouth covered hers; warm, sensual and delicious. A moan escaped Carina as her pussy, already soaked and sensitive, began to throb indignantly, literally aching for more. One of his hands left her face to smooth down her neck and slide beneath the blanket, tracing one breast with a featherlight touch. Then the kiss was broken and Carina opened her eyes.

"Are you coming back?" she asked unsteadily, unsure if she was more afraid of a 'yes' or 'no'. Despite her reservations about the answer, she couldn't stop herself asking the question.

The man considered with his hands on his hips. For a thoughtful moment he admired her stunning features, appreciating her childlike eagerness. "Do you want me to?"

Carina nodded, staring at him with open desire. There was a slickness between her thighs, and she knew she wanted more than for him to come back. She wanted to feel him naked against her, his hands on her bare skin. She had only seen him with clothes on, and it seemed so universally unfair. She knew his physique was impressive, and she knew he had a large, hard cock for her. Kissing him was wonderful, and she was certain a night with him would blow her mind.

"Then I will be back," he said simply, grinning at the way her eyes lit up.

"If Michael was a killer, what did you do?" Carina suddenly asked.

"Well...I wouldn't say that I..." he admitted, looking slightly uncomfortable. Carina shook her head impatiently, already aware he had probably taken many lives.

"I mean, what is your speciality?"

"Oh," he said, comprehending. About to answer, he paused. Then a wicked smile curved his handsome mouth and he jogged his eyebrows at her.

"I steal things," he said, his tone deeply ironic.

Again he stepped forward, and Carina's lips parted with eager anticipation. But he bypassed her mouth, and his warm breath caressed her ear.

"I have decided that I want you, Carina," he whispered sexily, and she shivered excitedly in response. Weak with lust, she was grateful for the bed's support.

"I want to strip down and feel your delectable, bare body against me. I want to be inside you, while you say my name. And by the way," he murmured. "My name is Gavin."

Seconds later, he was out the door.

Feeling on the brink of an orgasm, Carina shakily watched the doorway for a long while after the sound of his rapid steps faded away. Eventually, when her heart rate finally slowed to a normal pace, she looked up at the camera. The sleek black object seemed to observe her with silent condemnation, and she lifted her hands in a frustrated movement, indicating there was nothing she could do about what happened.

Afraid to move from where she was, her heartbeat began to rapidly pulse again as she waited for Michael's inevitable return. Mind running through the encounter, she tried to console herself, reasoning that she hadn't encouraged Gavin. The door was locked and she didn't help him open it. She rejected his advances. Michael wouldn't blame her, surely?

An hour later he walked in. Michael's calm demeanour was more frightening than reassuring when he looked at her, his eyes blackly glinting with anger. Peeling off a thin, black jacket, Carina noticed he was drenched with water.

The idea that he might have fallen out of a boat brought a thin smile to her lips, but the satisfying notion rapidly dissolved as he silently undressed. His naked body seemed tighter with tension, the muscles in his arms inadvertently flexed.

"I-I didn't do anything," Carina insisted before he could speak, shrinking into the bed as he approached.

Carina utterly despised being reduced to a position she never thought she would face in her lifetime. She used to sneer at women who suffered domestic violence, thinking them weak, lacking the spirit to run away and make a life for themselves. And here she was, cowering before a man who used to be her friend, but now controlled her entire world. She submitted to him sexually. She was no different to those women she judged.

"I know," Michael said shortly, taking a deep breath. "I saw. I am not happy, but I am convinced."

Afraid to crawl away, she apprehensively watched him get into bed beside her and tiredly pull the sheet over himself. Then he turned to his side to face her.

"What did you talk about?"

Remembering the dress, Carina didn't need to be asked twice.

"It was just flirting," she hurriedly confessed, her voice wavering as his jaw tightened, mouth hardening into a foreboding line as he observed a tell-tale blush guiltily colour her cheeks.

Knowing it would be unwise to disclose that Gavin made his thieving intentions clear, Carina tried to think of something to offer. "He told me his name."

"Ah. And did you ask for it?"

Carina shook her head, and Michael waited a few long seconds before accepting her response.

"The name 'Gavin' is rather generic," he said nastily, the mockery motivated by an unconcealed jealousy. "Not very romantic for a man of mystery, is it?" he taunted, his eyes challenging her to argue. Carina would have countered that she liked the name a lot more than 'Ethan', but knew better than to answer.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't break your rules," she quietly mumbled.

"I believe this is true," he answered slowly, but still staring with a frightening intensity. There was a long silence, and Carina's eyes wandered away from his brooding face to the bedsheet. She jumped as his angry voice suddenly rang out.

"You like kissing him, don't you?" he said accusingly.

Carina's jaw dropped with dismay. The question seemed deliberately unfair, given the answer would only make Michael angrier, and he knew it.

"Why would you ask me that?" she coldly responded, drawing her knees to her chest. "Are you looking for another excuse to lose your temper and rape me?"

Michael laughed darkly. "I don't need a reason to take you, Carina. You are mine, remember?"

She watched him, now fully alert to the fact he was baiting her, so that she would ultimately bait him to a reaction.

"Yes. I am yours," she said mechanically, as though the words meant little to her. Loathing reverberated with every word.

"And maybe I want you now," he said, lowering his voice to a dulcet tone as his eyes warmed. Carina looked away bitterly.

"Look at me," he demanded, impatiently turning her face toward him. Her beautiful eyes glittered with fear and hatred, her mouth resolutely closed. He could feel the tension in her jaw from tightly gritting her teeth. He waited until he was sure of her full attention.

"Did you know he was going to create a diversion?" he asked, carefully watching her face.

"No, how could I know that?" Carina answered unblinkingly. Finally he seemed to accept she told the truth.

"Good," he sighed, enclosing her stiff figure in his arms. "I know you are not lying now." He kissed her temple, his eyes still thoughtful as he mused over the situation.

" already... just before..." Carina fretfully protested, as his hands began to snake over her breasts and down her body.


"And...well..." she broke off, busily deflecting his touch, one hand in particular persistently kneading her breasts.

"You think I am not hungry enough for you, to go again?" he breathed, lowering his mouth to her cheek.

"Michael, please," she implored, writing in his embrace. "I didn't mean that...just give me a break."

"You want to be faithful to Gavin, is that it?" he snapped harshly, gripping her chin and forcing her look at him. "You know, when I said I wouldn't screw around behind your back, I never dreamed you would be able to turn the tables and-"

"You have raped me three times today," she cut him off acidly. Choosing to ignore his ridiculous rationalisation about her expected fidelity, her voice tremored with indignant anger. "Now, you treat me like a criminal, even though I broke none of your rules, and-"

"Admit it!" Michael shouted, slightly shaking her. "You enjoyed kissing him!"

"Yes!" she screamed in his face, finally goaded beyond all self-control as a reckless fury overtook her. "I will never kiss you that way. Is that what you wanted to know?"

Carina didn't flinch, but stared defiantly as Michael jerked back and raised a hand to strike her. Paused with his arm in the air, Michael's ire rapidly dissolved.

"I-" he faltered. Immediately dropping his arm, he suddenly looked ashamed, even afraid.

Carina watched him fiercely, her eyes colourfully blazing as though daring him to proceed.

"Carina, I'm sorry! Carina," he said urgently, trapping one of her hands in a firm clasp. "That's not who I am. I just..." he looked away, a dark flush crept along his cheekbones.

"I suspect Gavin's agenda has changed," he said meaningfully. "I never thought he would..." he trailed off, his dark eyes troubled as they stared narrowly at the wall while his mind worked. "He is not the type to interfere with another man's woman."

Noticing Carina's icy expression become even frostier, he continued. "Whether or not you accept it, you are in my power, and you belong to me, Carina," he said frankly, keeping a firm hold on her hand, anticipating she would try to withdraw it.

"And Gavin has a likeness to Carlos... in that he won't tangle himself in the affairs of others..."

"You mean he has a scrap of integrity, unlike you?" Carina hissed.

Michael glared, with no suitable retort to her justified claim. "I do not want this to escalate to a point where I am compelled to take harsher measures to end a growing infatuation with you."

"Infatuation?" Carina snorted, rolling her eyes.

"You have little idea how irresistible you can be, when you put on the charm," Michael said shortly.

Carina laughed scornfully, which only aggravated him.

"I will kill him, Carina," he warned.

"You would murder another friend?" Carina sneered with disgust.

"That is what I want to avoid," Michael replied with ominous finality. "That bastard was always provocative, but now he is overstepping."

"Why did he come here?" Carina asked. "I deserve to know."

"He didn't tell you?" Michael sounded amused.

"If I knew, why would I ask?" she snapped impatiently.

"The ashes of a mutual friend," Michael told her, suddenly sombre. "He never accepted my ownership of them. And now it appears there is something else of mine he feels entitled to encroach upon," he said, his eyes darkening with anger.

"The ashes of...a girl?" Carina asked tentatively, trying not to sound interested.

"No. And your blatant little crush is starting to get on my nerves, Carina," he growled.

"Me?" She tried to look innocently surprised, and Michael angrily rolled his eyes.

"I know when you are intrigued by something. Or someone," he said scathingly, critically watching her cheeks fill with more colour. The next moment he pulled the same move as Gavin with less finesse, rolling atop her to grip her shoulders so she couldn't budge.

"Enough about him," he murmured, his eyes hotly fixed on her mouth. "One way or another, he is a temporary problem."

Michael pulled the sheet away and stroked up her body, kissing down her neck toward her breasts. Gently knocking her resisting hands away, his mouth travelled further down to the apex of her thighs.

"I knew it. Soaking wet," he critically surmised, his voice a mix of delight and resentment.

It was true Carina was still on a high from Gavin's visit, and she involuntarily shivered as his tongue began to delve into an extremely sensitive part of her. His large, warm hands pressed against her inner thighs to keep her legs wide open.

"Uhhh..." Carina moaned, as her heart beat faster.

She didn't want to touch him, but she wanted to get the inevitable out of the way. Slowly she arched, her hand moving down to rake through Michael's soft, dark hair. Tightly closing her eyes, she pressed his head encouragingly while mildly bucking against his face.

"Say my name," Michael panted, kissing a sensitive spot on her inner thigh.

"I don't..." she gasped distractedly, her hand in his hair desperately tightening into a fist.

But before she could come, he abruptly withdrew from her aching pussy. She gaped at him with dismay, but he grinned back wickedly and seized her hips. Then he rolled back and lifted her up and over him, so she straddled his face. Looking forward, there was no way to avoid the sight of his erection before her.

Before she could air any doubts, his mouth eagerly strained up to lick her again, and she absent-mindedly pushed down on his face.

"Touch me," Michael thickly ordered, reaching up to spread her pussy wide for his tongue.

Wincing from the pleasure between her legs and dismay at his demand, she fumbled with this fly and reached in to pull out his cock. It seemed larger than before, warm and throbbing in her hand, but she didn't think much of it as her eyes clouded over with ecstasy.

Michael's mouth massaged her, his tongue darted out to sinuously stroke all the right places, and Carina began to grind against his face, furiously jerking his cock as though it was a lever supporting her while a climax rapidly approached.

"Uh...fuck....oh! OH!" Carina cried out, her thighs fiercely tensing by Michael's face as he enthusiastically ate her. Suddenly, the cock in her hand erupted, shooting streams of cum across her tits. One shot hit her chin and thickly ran down her neck to mingle with the majority trickling over her belly.

"Fuck," Michael groaned, his hot breath tickling her sensitive pussy. "I can't get enough of you."

Carina unsteadily straightened up on her knees and leaned back to grab some tissues and wipe herself down. Then she crawled out of Michael's reach and tiredly collapsed onto the other side of the large bed. Reaching for her book, which now looked significantly ruffled with numerous pages bent out of shape, she curled up and stared at it angrily.

"Carina, do not tell me you are sulking," Michael smirked, still breathing heavily in the afterglow.

Carina's pretty face grew progressively stormier as he wriggled close and slipped an arm around her slender waist to cup her breast. His other hand reached to brush long tendrils of silky hair from her neck, quickly replaced by the warmth of his mouth, planting sensual kisses up her soft skin. She ignored him and pretended to read, but hardly absorbed any of the words before her face.

She maintained a stony silence for a long time, then realised his breathing had grown deep and heavy behind her ear. Michael was peacefully dozing.

Annoyed, she dropped the book to the floor and briskly turned to her back, hoping the movement would wake him up and force him to retreat. Michael roused and sleepily smiled, merely readjusting so his large arm comfortably resettled beneath her breasts and his chin rested on her shoulder, bringing his head even closer to her face as he resumed slumber.

Despite the angry resentment festering inside her, Carina was surprised that her eyelids felt heavy, her body exhausted after the day's excitement. Michael's soothing warmth, his rhythmic breathing, began to lull her to sleep. Dimly aware her life was becoming impossibly complicated, she hoped Gavin didn't judge her sexual compliance with Michael; he seemed to accept without question that she was an unwilling prisoner. Before slipping into a deep sleep, the last vague thought to pass through her mind was a pleasant one -- Gavin was more of a gentleman than any man she'd ever met, and he wanted her.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So far none of the men are worth rooting for. I was trying to decide who was worse but they’re all equally trash. I hope it ends with her being saved by the guy who saved her from Carlos. Gavin seems like liar and a thief toying with her because it’s fun until he gets what he came there for. No way he can actually care about her while still leaving her with her rapist and torturer. Especially after knowing how he is going to react for having an interaction with him. Michael/Ethan and Carlos are two peas in a pod; unpredictable, and disgusting. Eduardo is just the run of the mill creep who deserved to die.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Screw the haters

Having read Thoran + Sirah and Edmund and Sage's story, I know what an incredible writer you are. Your development of character and pace could make us root for anyone you wanted. The commenters sound like middle aged misogynists that would rather a woman raped and "monogamous" than happy. I love the introduction of Gavin, cant wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm Out

You seem determined to derail your own story. If you wanted us to realign allegiance to this new guy then you shouldn't have given Michael so much prominence and deep feelings for Corina. I officially couldn't care less about Corina anymore and half wish Carlos would find her just to remind her what Michael rescued her from. Gavin doesn't work in any way shape or form. It would take a hell of a lot more than trampy little Corina's pussy getting wet twice to endear him to most readers.You've given us nothing but resentment for him by pushing him in Michaels face. Once again you're all over the place and I just can't understand what the hell you're going for. What's worse is that I no longer care. I thought this started out as an improvement over the The Ranch but here we go again with the female lead getting off on whatever cock was available. Don't get me wrong. I don't expect some sheltered virgin but the way your women approach men so indiscriminately generates a detachment to their characters. I gutted it out and finished reading your last series but not again. I hope you figure out how to make readers care about your characters instead of wanting to kill them off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Gavin for life

Please let her end up with Gavin. Ethan is such a dick and does not even remotely deserve a happy ending.

Bellie444Bellie444over 5 years agoAuthor
Chapter 5 submitted

Glad some are still enjoying this one.

Apologies in advance for disappointments.


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