The Assassin's Bride Ch. 05


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"We were friends," Carina sobbed bitterly, and he tightened his arms around her comfortingly. "We were happy-"

"I certainly wasn't. Come on, Carina," Michael interrupted, becoming impatient. "Do not fool yourself. We were a group of criminals, living a high life. It was only a matter of time before disaster struck. And a woman, with your looks... you were a ticking time bomb."

Carina stubbornly shook her head, still softly weeping against his chest.

"You know the kinds of things they did. And I had a hand in it, too. Maybe we all cherished you a little too much, but there was no mercy where enemies were concerned."

"Don't!" Carina cried, pushing against his chest in an effort to detach herself.

"Why not?" Michael said harshly, holding her trapped. "Why do you get to point the finger at me for being a murderer, and turn a blind eye to your guardians? They killed children, did you know?"

Blinded by tears, Carina fought harder, managing to rise into a sitting position, but his hands seized her shoulders in an iron hold.

"Power comes at a price, does it not? There are things one must do, to get ahead of the others! If those two were crossed, nothing was sacred," he continued sharply.

"There were terrible things... and I stood by and let them happen. So believe me, Carina, when I turned traitor, that was the least of my sins. If you can forgive those brothers for the deplorable acts they committed, you can forgive my betrayal."

"I don't care," she cried, angrily brushing tears away. "I don't care," she repeated, finally jerking her shoulders free.

"You're a goddamn hypocrite, Carina," he growled, reaching forward to flick dark hair from her mutinous face. "We deserve each other."

"That is one of the worst things you have ever said to me!" she declared, furiously clambering from the tub. She viciously tugged a new towel from the rack and wrapped it about herself before glaring down at him.

"And I never knew anything about children!" she said heatedly, her voice almost breaking as tears threatened to overcome her again.

"Would it have made any difference?" Michael sneered. "Do you think they would have changed their ways, because you voiced an objection?" His laugh was cold and mocking, the insult lashed Carina like a whip, especially since she had no suitable retort.

"Just leave me alone," she warned quietly, looking disgusted.

"Fine," Michael snapped, his temper also soaring. "I'll come back at lunch."

Aware it was pointless to argue, Carina flounced from the room and put on her dressing gown without bothering to dry herself. Then she sulked on the balcony, still dripping water.

So much time passed that Carina felt she had adhered to the chair. The sun warmed her legs, the moisture in her hair began to dissipate, and with her feet up on the table, Carina's eyelids lazily lowered, her soft, pink mouth slightly ajar as she dozed.

Sand stroked her thighs, and Carina rolled onto her back to gaze up at the sky. The beach's waterline ticked her heels, and she abruptly sat up to see a vast, turquoise ocean moving hypnotically before her eyes.

Glancing to her left, she perceived an endless expanse of gold sand. Slowly turning to her right, she gasped, staring up at Eduardo's tall figure beside her. He was dressed tastefully in white, with a black belt at his hips. Awed, Carina glanced down at her own white dress, with a long skirt that split down one side from the top of her thigh. The gown surrounded her in soft, billowing folds.

Looking back to Eduardo in a daze, she took his hand and was pulled to her feet, the white dress swirled about her calves with the wind. It was sleeveless, and tightly clung to her torso like a second skin, dipping almost to her belly button in a very low V-neck.

Eduardo held her close, but there was no lustful passion in his touch. He stared at the ocean with an unsettling calm that was very unlike him.

"You have to let go, Carina," he murmured.

"I have," she replied, staring up at his impassive face. Although not himself, he was still gorgeous. The white clothes strikingly contrasted with his tanned skin-tone, and he looked devastatingly handsome.

"I know you are gone," she reluctantly muttered, pressing her cheek to his chest to feel the rise and fall of his steady breathing.

"Not me," he corrected her unexpectedly. "You have to let go of Michael." Finally he looked down at her intently. "You hold onto him."

Carina scowled and drew back to stare out at the ocean. "I never wanted him for a lover..."

"My love, what is Michael?"

"A traitor."

Eduardo made no effort to hold her again, and his subdued manner was almost eerie. He patiently shook his head at her answer.

"He was our friend...?" Carina tried again. Raking a frustrated hand through her long, dark hair, she felt like she failed to solve an important riddle.

"No, Carina. What does Michael do?"

Carina felt slightly ill, but managed a stricken whisper. "He's a manipulator."

Finally, Eduardo nodded. "He fooled all of us, too easily."

With no reply, Carina anxiously bit her lip.

"The shock you suffered has turned you idle. You let him defeat you."

Carina burst into tears, twisting the white skirt of her dress between her hands. Eduardo stepped forward and took her in his arms.

"I have no one," she sobbed against his shoulder.

"You are waiting for someone to take charge, because that was your life. Now, you let him take my place."

At this, Carina fiercely shook her head. With the movement, her hair surreally floated about her head, then whipped back from her face as the wind along the beach grew harsher.

"I have no options!"

"Carlos will listen. He will protect you."

"I don't want to see him."

"The truth, Carina. You are afraid of what he will do to Michael. You are afraid to see Michael die. The memories are your weakness. You cripple yourself."

"I want you back, mi amor," she wept. Her hands tightened on the front of his white shirt, seizing fistfuls of the sleek material as though to stop him taking flight.

"Do you truly?" Eduardo asked gently. There was something in his voice that compelled Carina to tearfully look up at him. Frightened realisation dawned across her features, prompted by the calm wisdom on Eduardo's face.

"Carina," he continued, in a manner completely uncharacteristic of the man she loved. "I think there is a place in your heart that no man has ever touched."

In answer to her wondering stare, Eduardo's face broke into a charming smile. He gradually eased his shirt free of her grip, and bent to kiss her cheek. Then Carina heard his deep voice by her temple. He spoke lowly, the familiar sound comfortingly melodious to her, and Carina stared blankly into the distance while her mind whirled with confusion.

"He does not have you yet, my love. He does not own you yet."

Carina woke with a start, and Michael stood over her, blocking the warmth of the sun. One half of her gown hung open and she awkwardly drew it over her nakedness.

"Another nightmare?" he asked, sitting at the table. Carina shook her head and looked to the forest, trying to remember the dream.

Michael paused to say something else, but merely shrugged and began to eat. Carina followed suit. Normally quite chatty, Michael seemed content to dine in silence.

"I have to go out this evening," he casually announced, watching her with an unreadable expression.

"Just the evening?" Carina complained, not bothering to hide her disappointment. It brought a smile to Michael's face.

"Sweetheart, don't pretend you hate my company."

"I don't have to pretend!" she said savagely. Her grip instinctively tightened on the fork in her hand. Glancing down at the utensil, she considered stabbing him.

"We both know exactly how that will play out," Michael drawled, following her thoughts. Carina sourly dropped the fork to the table with a loud clatter.

Michael seemed unusually subdued. He didn't make any sexual advances or romantic suggestions, and quietly cleared the table when they finished eating. Carina guessed he was preoccupied with something, though he smiled pleasantly as he left her, amused by her puzzlement.


Later on, Carina relaxed on the balcony, staring into the dark wilderness. The moon was huge that night, lingering above like a giant, glowing white beacon. Carina's eyes widened with astonishment as a green ball of light unexpectedly streaked into the distant sky. Slowly losing momentum, its fluorescent colour dissolved as it floated from sight. It seemed to come from the beach, but she couldn't be sure, only knowing that it was some distance away.

"Huh," Carina wondered, speculating who set off the flare. Michael said he was going out, so she presumed that had something to do with it.

A thought struck her, and she immediately hurried from the balcony, through her suite, and peeked into the corridor. There was no sign of Michael, and she cautiously wandered downstairs to find the door she'd caught Gavin breaking into. Upon closer inspection, it was an interesting door. It appeared unremarkable at first glance, except there was no door handle, and she couldn't see any hinges to determine which side it opened.

Carina bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair, frowning. Unsurprisingly, the door didn't budge when she pushed against it. There was no leeway, no movement whatsoever and Carina concluded it must be electronic. Perhaps Michael had a remote for it. Obviously the ashes Gavin sought were beyond the door, among other things of importance. Carina's heart stopped as she recalled the blood-soaked dress.

Without thinking, Carina kicked the door. She shrieked, the sound reverberated down the hall as pain immediately flashed through her foot and up her calf. Clutching her leg, she staggered back, cringing with silent agony.

Slowly the pain subsided, and she froze in her bent-over position, paralysed by a new discovery. On the opposite side of the hall, a few feet from the ground and significantly lower than normal eye level, was a small panel. The colouring and pattern matched the paint on the wall behind it, so it was barely distinguishable. It was a small, camouflaged pane. Carina straightened and turned to stare at the large door. Then she turned back and crouched down before the metal square.

"Sneaky bastard," she whispered, impressed.

Ignoring her throbbing foot, Carina's striking eyes thoughtfully narrowed. Then she reached out and gently tapped the square. Immediately it brightened to a startling fluorescent white, and Carina held her breath as the screen requested a thumb print, or password. Thought it was worth a shot, Carina was hardly shocked when it declined her fingerprint.

Determinedly wrapping the robe about her, she settled into a comfortable, cross-legged position in front of the screen, Carina contemplated everything she knew about Michael.


Deciding to start with the obvious, she smiled thinly when the entry declined. The possibility was kind of funny, and not entirely ridiculous given Michael seemed fairly obsessed with her. Growing impatient, Carina began to rattle off anything she could relate to him.


After a while, Carina looked up meditatively. Perhaps she knew Michael intimately, but his friendship was a farce. There was no way to tell the truth from his lies, and he had told several whoppers. With this in mind, she resumed staring at the small screen.


Carina pursed her lips when it declined.


"Yargh!" Carina snarled, now very frustrated. Wondering if the failed entries were being retained in the system, she decided to vent a little.

Dickhead ...Smallcock...Manboobs...Shithead...Cunt...Fuck...Fuck...Fuck...

Carina sighed, ready to give up and come back another time. Lazily getting to her knees, she groaned as her feet suffered pins and needles. Giving the screen a last insolent stare, she tried another entry as she stood up.


Click. Carina almost lost her footing as she spun to see the door behind her retreat a few inches, and slide sideways.

"No way!" she whispered, her mouth hanging stupidly open. Cautiously approaching the entry, she peeked inside as the room flickered into automatic lighting.

Carina spent a long while taking in the sight. There were no windows. An enormous mahogany desk-bench directly faced the doorway, with three sleek, black monitors on it. Shelves lined the walls. There was a small, grey filing cabinet, and a large glass cabinet full of glinting, designer weaponry. Carina zeroed in on the decoratively curved urn on the desk. It was a beautiful glossy teal, with matte gold swirls patterned across the centre.

Unwilling to dwell on the sadness of death that would only remind her of Eduardo, Carina briskly turned away and began to search for the dress, unsure whether she could cope with finding it.


Michael sat on the beach, listening to the pulsing waves hit the shore. Almost an hour passed before he heard a sound from behind him.

"You rang?" Gavin said. Though he spoke flippantly, his eyes were wary and his stance was hostile. The moon was so bright that night, they could see each other with perfect clarity, as though standing in a well-lit room.

Michael was already on his feet. "I want to have a civil conversation with you."

"Alright," Gavin said, clearly sceptical.

"You came for the ashes."

"I did."

Michael briefly looked to the ocean, harnessing his temper as he recalled why he felt compelled to arrange a meeting. "And if I give them to you, you'll leave the area immediately?"

Gavin stared him down and didn't answer.

"Right," Michael nodded, looking irritated. "So it's more than the ashes."

"Tate wouldn't approve of what you are doing," Gavin said frankly, crossing his arms.

"And you wouldn't give two shits about it, if she was hideous," Michael snapped.

"No-o..." Gavin conceded thoughtfully. "But if that was the case, you wouldn't have taken her to begin with."

"I'll give you the ashes. Why can't you leave?"

"Because I don't want to."

"I'm trying not to be unpleasant-"

"That was never your forte."

"In honour of his memory-"

"You're the reason he is a memory."

"SHUT UP!" Michael screamed, stepping forward. Gavin stood his ground, chin raised with slight hauteur.

"Careful, Ethan. Hand-to-hand combat was not your forte either."

"Oh, we both know I'm very capable-"

"But not against me," Gavin interjected with soft emphasis. It was stated as a fact, not an insult.

Michael flushed and took a few deep breaths. "The only reason you are still alive is because of Tate. But a man can only take so much."


"You are no longer welcome here."

"Was I ever?"

"You know exactly what I mean, thief."

Gavin made a derisive sound, ending on a chuckle. "I won't counter that," he smiled. " it really possible to 'steal' something, that wants to be stolen?"

Michael shook his head with frustration. "I am offering you what you came here for, without any opposition. Forget the girl."

"On the topic of thieving - what you currently have in possession have both been stolen from their rightful owners."

"The man she belonged to-"

"She belongs to whom she chooses Ethan. Did she choose you?"

"You have my offer. Think carefully before you decide." Michael paused, this mind battling to form a convincing argument. "I know this girl-"

"I bet you were smitten from the start."

"Are you?"

"Of course not. But it's early days."

Michael's initial sigh of relief lodged in his throat and he almost choked. "Your days are numbered, if that's your decision." He hesitated. "Gavin, I will give you the ashes-"

"I want more."

"You want to punish me, that's what this is."

"Of course. But I like the girl. Funny how things work out-"

"Gavin, I'm warning you-"

"What have you told her about me?"

"That you are dangerous, of course," Michael spat, with an impatient gesture.

Gavin threw back his head and laughed. "You told a girl like that, that I'm bad news? I'm starting to think you know nothing about women."

"I had her right where I wanted her, before you showed up!" Michael shouted with clenched fists.

Gavin raised his eyebrows. "I doubt it."

"I've known her for-"

"You're a perfect example that spending time with someone means nothing. I bet I could know her more intimately in three days. Want to wager?"

Whether Michael believed Gavin was taunting or serious, his answer was the same. "When I shoot, I don't miss."

"We have our strengths. Let's hope you don't run out of bullets."

"Gavin, I mean it."

"Don't beg, it's pathetic," Gavin scoffed, suddenly losing all his frivolity. Finally the rage and disgust he felt toward Michael showed on his face. His pale eyes hardened, like deadly blue steel, his jaw tightened forebodingly. Carina would have been quite taken aback by the startling change in him.

"You know what your blunder was?" he said, his voice filled with contempt. "Rape. You set a precedent that cannot ever be rewritten. If I kidnapped an unwilling damsel, which by the way, is beneath me, I would have made damn sure she was desperate for me before I..."

"You know nothing about it!" Michael exploded, his face twisting with rage.

"Don't I?" Gavin easily replied, completely unthreatened by Michael's growing ire. "You've tainted your beginning. Now, she has no confusion about her feelings toward you." He grinned mockingly. "Or her feelings toward me."

"If you dare try it, Gavin, I swear-"

"Why don't you swear on Tate's grave, while you're at it?"

Michael lunged, but stopped before he reached Gavin, who didn't respond to the threatening movement. Completely relaxed, he seemed satisfied that Michael was on the edge of reckless violence.

"Very interesting," Gavin remarked. "You were always so contained. Who would have thought it'd take a woman to unsettle you."

Fighting to control his temper, Michael's tall frame shuddered with the temptation to attack.

"Go on, then. We can tussle now?" Gavin invited, altering his stance with a grim smile.

"This is over. And if you don't change your mind, so is your life," Michael shakily answered. Then he stalked back to the quadbike without looking behind him.


Carina was nervously curled up on the couch when Michael returned. Without a word, he lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a sour expression.

Wondering how often he reviewed camera footage, Carina guessed he'd seen her enter the forbidden room. Though she'd discovered various items of interest, she didn't find the dress. All the while searching, she was painfully conscious of losing track of time and being caught in the act.

It was difficult to abandon the search, knowing there was every chance Michael would check the recordings and change the password. Hopefully, he would go away again and give her time to thoroughly explore the room before discovering the breach.

"Come here," Michael said softly, disrupting her plotting. Carina pouted, but obediently snapped her book closed and approached the bed.

"What?" she mumbled.

"Straddle me, sweetheart," he ordered, reaching for her. "I won't fuck you."

Carina's lip curled as she climbed on top of him, keeping the front of her robe tightly closed. Michael impatiently tugged it open to view her full, round breasts. With a wry smile, he sensually cupped the perky mounds, then stroked his hands down her torso to squeeze her trim waist. Finally, he met her annoyed gaze. He was clearly preoccupied, and Carina held her breath, waiting for him to confirm he knew about the room.