The Assassin's Bride Ch. 07


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Armed with a gun and carrying a heavy-duty first-aid pack over one shoulder, Michael's face was stony as he rushed down the stairs and out the front door.

You didn't even trigger it to kill him. You've gone soft.

Michael snarled at his mind's taunt. The booby trap wasn't wired to be fatal, but if Gavin was quick enough to reach the shed he would be seriously injured, possibly critically. From what Michael knew, Gavin was very agile. The idea of nursing Gavin as his prisoner after he'd fallen for one of Tate's tricks, brought a thin, malicious smile to Michael's face.

Cautiously approaching the shed, the air was dense with smoke and unsettled dirt. Michael listened for sounds of an injured man, but the area was silent. The inkling of fear that he'd killed Gavin was quickly squashed under a new resolve. If that's what had happened, Michael would learn to live with it.

His conscience was definitely stretched lately. Adding one more element to the pile would make little difference now, so long as he had Carina. That last sexual encounter was heaven for him, even if she had an agenda. He was desperate enough to settle for it.

Carefully stepping over the detonated trap, Michael peered ahead to where the shed door remained slightly ajar. There was no other disruption, no blood. His senses began to tingle as he waited, carefully listening to the surrounds and hearing nothing but eerie silence.

Searching the area with a growing urgency, Michael soon located Gavin's footprints and the space of dirt he'd landed to escape the blast. The discovery hit him with a new panic. Michael immediately dropped the first aid pack and sprinted to the mansion.


The suite door bleeped. Sitting cross-legged in bed, Carina stared down at her upturned palms, bracing for another surly encounter with Michael. The moment he'd left, she'd quickly dressed in a white tracksuit. If she ever got the chance, she'd burn the lingerie. She looked up and her jaw dropped.

"Gavin?" she gasped, her eyes astonished as they took in his appearance.

The front of his clothes were covered in dirt, his blonde hair soil-dusted. A strong scent of smoke emitted from him. He looked angry and dangerous. Thanking God that she'd had the foresight to change clothes, Carina had no idea what she would have said if he'd found her half-naked in sensual lingerie.

"It's now," he said, his blue eyes piercing. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Carina scrambled from the bed, but he held up a hand.

"Good. We're not going just yet."

" said now?"

"He'll be here, soon. It's easier this way."

"You...?" Carina trailed off and she continued in a whisper. "You're not going to kill him?"

"I'll try not to!" Gavin snarled, and Carina stepped back. Noting her uneasiness, he softened his expression with an effort. "Sit on the bed. As you were, when I came in."

Gavin turned to gauge the corner of the vaulted ceiling, his eyes narrowed at an exposed beam above the doorway. Like the rest of the mansion, it was elaborate, with a thickly decorative panel along the upper walls. Gavin rubbed the sides of his pants to coat his palms with soil.

Carina was completely oblivious to her mouth hanging open as Gavin hoisted himself up and precariously turned to face her, suspended above the doorway like a giant bird of prey. His hands gripped the timber, one heel balanced to launch from his perch.

"How long can you stay up there?" Carina breathed with wonder, and Gavin grimaced.

"Long enough," he grunted. They fell silent as Michael loudly returned to the mansion.

Bursting through the open door, Michael's eyes narrowed at Carina on the bed, anxiously biting into her knuckles. She stared at him with huge eyes, as though gripped by a terrifying inner battle. Michael lowered his gun, which was a mistake.

Gavin landed on him full force, and both men fell to the ground in a blur of swinging fists. Michael staggered to look for the gun, but Gavin was on his feet like lightening and promptly kicked Michael in the face.

"Ethan," Gavin said amiably, with a very alarming look in his eyes. "What a lovely reception you arranged."

"How did you know?" Michael spat, nursing his eye.

Gavin braced to fight. "The shed was open. Quite a shitty attempt at Tate's-"

Michael sprang forward, and Gavin's left arm jabbed at a speed too fast for Carina's eyes to follow. Carina gaped at Gavin's performance, feeling that if she blinked at the wrong moment she'd miss something. It was strange, watching a man Gavin's size move so fluidly, almost as though he was dancing.

Michael choked, but did not lose rhythm. Throwing a particularly nasty punch, his knuckles only grazed the side of Gavin's cheek as he dodged it. Aware Gavin was a superior fighter, Michael knew it was pointless to pace himself, and kicked forward. Gavin easily deflected the blow aimed at his groin, but Michael abandoned technique and jumped on Gavin, appearing significantly muscular as he tensed his body for solidity.

Gavin grappled with the sudden weight burden. Rather than strain himself, he went with it and fell back, using the momentum to kick Michael off him in a kind of backward somersault and awkwardly rise to a standing position.

Afraid to move suddenly, Carina's eyes darted around, searching for the gun. But if she got hold of it, what would she do? Kill Michael? Maybe shoot him in the leg, if she could figure out how to fire. It all happened so fast, she had no idea where it had gone. She had an uncomfortable suspicion it had slid beneath the large bed, right under her.

Michael stumbled and in a blind effort to maintain footing, leaned back into Gavin's chokehold.

"Not much chop without your weapons, are you?" Gavin growled against his temple, tightening his grip like a snake coiled about a struggling deer. He tensed as Michael's elbow dealt a nasty hit to his ribcage.

"If Tate could see you now!" Gavin sneered, unable to resist a last taunt as Michael sank to his knees.

"Gavin!" Carina gasped, watching Michael's eyes roll back. "Don't kill him!"

"He'll be fine, probably," Gavin grunted, holding firm until he felt Michael's limbs relax. Releasing his hold, Gavin let Michael collapse on his side.

Watching her old friend and abuser lie unconscious, Carina shook with nervous tension. "Should we tie him up?"

"No. I'll lock him up..." Gavin spat, reaching for Carina. "We'll have a short window to search for fuel. Get some shoes on, and hurry. He might only be out a few minutes."

"You couldn't make it longer?" she exclaimed, startled by the force of being pulled to her feet and held against his chest.

"Sure, if I break his neck. Do you want me to?"

They exchanged a glance, both uncertain, though strangely sure of each other.

"O-Of course not," Carina uttered, slightly startled by the way she felt standing so close to Gavin.

At such a critical moment, or perhaps because of it, shivers of excitement pulsed through her. It was almost as though their time apart made her realise the kind of chemistry they had. Perhaps it was adrenaline, but it was more powerful than anything she'd felt for Eduardo, and the fact came with an overwhelming guilt.

"What's wrong?" Gavin sharply asked, his eyes scanning her stunned features. "Is there something I need to know?"

Carina broke eye contact and numbly shook her head. Hurrying to find sneakers, she wondered if it was possible to fall in love with a stranger. If this was how Michael felt in their early days.


Michael sat up and dizzily glared around. Then he shivered, registering the cool environment of his chilled storeroom.

"Fuck!" he growled, leaping to his feet and rushing to the door. Of course, he was locked in.

Michael ran back to the rectangular monitor he'd directed Carina to use in an emergency. Gripping the screen, Michael strained to pull it from the wall. The panel rattled, and finally snapped off, revealing a tangled assortment of electrical wiring.


The fuel search was unsuccessful. Carina huffed as Gavin dragged her from the quad bike and pulled her along sand.

"Hurry! He could start shooting any second!" he urged her.

"B-But he won't shoot me!" Carina heaved, clutching a stitch in her side.

"Of course not!"

"If you're against me, then he can't..."

"Trust me, he's that good. Run!"

With burning lungs, Carina ignored the pain that shot up her ankles with each vigorous tread through sand. She only kept up with Gavin because he half-carried her. When they finally reached the wharf, he picked Carina up and unceremoniously dumped her into the boat before leaping in and gunning the engine.

"T-This isn't a submarine," she deliriously mumbled.

Filled with exhausting adrenaline, Carina was very overwhelmed by the daunting unknown with Gavin. She was also petrified it might all go to hell and land her back in Michael's bed within the hour.

"Not my vessel of choice, no. This is a very, very, ill-advised plan B...or plan Z," Gavin ground out, bracing as the boat gathered speed. "Stay down. There's not enough fuel to reach a destination, but it's our best shot," he shouted over the engine and spray of water. "I can navigate to a more populated area and hopefully get picked up."

"He's going to come after us," Carina shouted back, trying to stand, but the boat was going too fast.

"Of course!"

About half an hour passed before Gavin eased the boat to a moderate pace. Carina slowly made her way to his side and Gavin looped an arm around her and continued to steer. A sudden thought struck him, and he loudly cursed.

"Oh, fucking God. Fucking idiot."


"No. I can't say it."

They were both quiet for a time, and Carina racked her brains for the cause of his outburst. "Oh. The gun?"

Gavin chose not to answer.

"So, was Michael was right about fuel?" Carina asked.

"Why do you still call him that?"

Carina tiredly shrugged. "Habit."

"Well, I'm lucky he was more preoccupied with my thieving and didn't think to empty this one. At least my oversight is true to my character. It's not first time I've had this problem. But Ethan..." He chuckled incredulously. "You absolutely ruined the man."

"Excuse me?"

"It's a saying, Carina, not an accusation," he replied, feeing her indignantly stiffen in his arms. "The change in him is just inconceivable."

"What was he like, before?" Carina pried, and Gavin thoughtfully tilted his head above her.

"Methodical. Intelligent. Above all, sensible. Knew better than to pick a physical fight with me."

"Did he have girlfriends?"

"No, he didn't date. Just the occasional fling with pricey hookers."

"Yuck!" Carina pulled a face, though she knew Eduardo dabbled in the sex industry.

"I know, right?" Gavin was clearly smiling. "I suppose it sort of makes sense..." he pondered his associate's recent behaviour. "That he would be so indifferent to women, then fall hard and lose his marbles."

"Things seemed to be going to plan before you showed up," Carina sighed, gratefully leaning back against Gavin.

The chemistry was still there, possibly intensified by the rush of danger; the thrill of a perilous escape that wasn't complete. With Gavin's muscular arms at her sides, Carina began to understand the cliché urge to fuck when the world was going to burn.

Carina was a girl always pursued, and never one to chase. Eduardo avidly pursued her, and she was happy with her choice. Though in the early days, she wouldn't have fought for him. And she certainly wouldn't fight for a man she didn't know. And yet, she was keenly aware that she would fight for Gavin. The realisation was quite startling for a girl with her ego.

"So, what about you?" she asked, feeling herself blush as she tried to sound nonchalant, and failed.

"Oh, just the odd gangbang, now and again," he lightly answered, laughing as she abruptly twisted in his arms to gape up at him. "I don't pay for sex, and I like to know more about a girl before I bed her. I'm traditional like that."

Though his answer pleased her, Carina suffered a moment's disappointment. If they got out of this alive, she hoped she wouldn't have to endure chaste dates whilst trying not to leap into his pants.

With current circumstances, there was a good chance something would go terribly wrong. The 'end of the world' urgency resurfaced, and Carina turned her face to brush her lips against Gavin's toned left bicep. He didn't seem to notice, until she smiled wickedly against his skin and took a bite.

"Ouch! Carina!" he exclaimed, wriggling his arm from her mouth. "Behave!"

Above the motor he couldn't hear her soft giggle, but he felt it reverberate down his arm before her lips parted for a second go.

"Enough! Behave!" he admonished with exasperation, keeping his right hand on the wheel but withdrawing the left. Instead of circling over her shoulder, he bent to slide his arm around her waist, now practically hugging her from behind.

Carina grinned cheekily, liking this new position. Now, he wasn't standing tall over her, their temples were almost pressed together. It probably wasn't very comfortable for Gavin, given his height. Carina tried to kiss him.

"Carina!" Gavin sharply rebuked her, suddenly aware he was running off with a girl who was used to getting her way with men.

If he was a gangster and she was his woman, he imagined he'd deny her nothing. But Gavin ran a tighter ship with his life, and would have to teach her a few things about discipline. He kind of looked forward to it as an interesting challenge, a light on the horizon of a rather tense adventure.

Pouting, Carina settled and allowed him to concentrate on steering. With the silence she felt his tension build, knowing he mulled over their precarious situation. Then Gavin turned off the engine, allowing them to quietly float along.

"This is a frequented area," he murmured, peering at a scattering of small islands ahead. "It shouldn't be long before we're sighted."

"Did you get the ashes?" Carina asked.

"No," he answered. "I felt we, the living, were more a priority."

After a while, they heard a faint motor carry above the calmed water. From the edge of a closer island, a large silver yacht came into view, then disappeared around the bend in a gentle circle.

Carina raised her arms to scream for help.

"Carina, don't!" Gavin said urgently, briskly pressing his hand to her mouth. "That's not a tourist yacht."

"Mfft...Ugh. How do you know?" she mumbled, pulling a face as she shifted her mouth free.

"Just trust me, I know," Gavin murmured, uneasily watching the empty space of water.

Noticing Carina sulkily rub her face, he grinned.

"Sorry," he chuckled, realising some of the soil on his palms transferred to her lips. He'd also left a brown shadow of dirt across the back of her white tracksuit.

Another sound rumbled from behind them. A distant speck appeared that could only be Michael, quickly enlarging as he approached at speed.

"Should we go?" Carina said shrilly, trying not to panic.

"He can't have enough juice for a return journey. What an idiot. Get down!" Gavin snarled, pushing Carina.

"No!" she said stubbornly, standing before him. "He won't shoot if I'm in front of you."

"Yes, he will. And if you think I'm going to hide from him, behind a woman...!"

"Oh, cut the macho crap!" Carina said savagely, firmly planting her feet in front of him.

Not bothering to debate, Gavin pushed her roughly and Carina fell to the floor as Michael drew closer. But she stubbornly scrambled back to block him from Michael. Gavin seized her shoulders and felt her resistance, faced with a new dilemma. If she were a man, he would know how to deal with her.

Pulling alongside in a jet-ski, Michael looked livid, and pointed a gun at both of them.

"Carina," he ground out, his voice quivered with vicious exhaustion. "If you do not climb on behind me..."

"So you can float home?" Gavin shouted, losing his temper for the first time in Carina's presence. "Ethan, are you really that stupid!"

"I refuelled, Gavin," Michael countered in a taunting snarl. Though blindly furious, there was a satisfied gleam in his eyes. "Now, Carina..."

"I would rather drown!" Carina shrieked, standing stiffly in front of Gavin.

"You choose a man who departed this journey on half a tank of fuel?" Michael shouted back, readying to board the boat.

"At least I had a reason!" Gavin snarled, his fingers curled over Carina's shoulder in a mean grip. Slightly confused, she gasped with horror when cold metal pressed to her throat. She had no idea Gavin was armed. By the look on this face, neither did Michael.

"Turn around, Ethan. Now." Gavin's hold on the knife and Carina shoulder was brutally firm, his voice unwavering with the threat.

"Careful." In a swift movement, Michael nimbly leapt aboard, though pointed the gun at the floor. "Careful, Gavin."

Carina could not believe the man she had been drooling over, the compassionate gentleman, was holding a blade to her throat. Very convincingly.

"You would spill her blood, rather than retreat?" Gavin mused, readjusting his hold on the knife.

"No, and neither will you." Michael shook his head, his good looks twisted with volatile emotion. "We wouldn't be here right now, if she didn't matter."

"Well, Ethan," Gavin pleasantly replied, suddenly tightening his grip on Carina's shoulder so she winced. "That will leave the two of us."

Michael's eyes widened with alarm, hoping he hadn't made a terrible error. But Gavin did not slit Carina's throat. In one move he shoved Carina aside and lunged forward. In a split-second gamble, Gavin discarded the knife in the hope of seizing Michael's gun. It paid off, and the weapon was forced to the sky as the first shot rang out.

The situation was progressively worsening, for all of them. Sobbing, Carina clasped her hands over her ears and watched them struggle for the gun. Michael wrenched it free of Gavin's hold, but Gavin swiftly kicked before Michael could get enough grip to aim. The gun flew overboard and splashed into the water. Seeming slightly exerted, Gavin dodged Michael's hits and punched back with a marvellous agility that Michael could only counter for so long.

Carina jumped as a surprise gunshot sounded. Michael and Gavin broke apart. Michael's left eye was swollen shut and he had a split lip. Gavin appeared in good condition, save for a nasty cut on his cheekbone. Seeing the wary apprehension on both men's faces, Carina slowly turned to look behind her.

The large silver yacht had quickly approached, drifting unnoticed by the three preoccupied with the battle on board. One man on deck had fired a warning shot into the sky, before pointing the weapon to the trio.

Carina's eyes strained to focus on silhouettes outlined by the sun. Her heart palpitated as she recognised the men on board. The breath lodged in her throat as her eyes landed on one standing tall and grimly watching them. Tightly gripping the railing, his chest expanded with emotion. Without shifting his dark gaze from Michael, he gave a harsh order.

"Secure the men downstairs. Carina will stay with me."

Looking up at Carlos' ominous expression, in one of the most bizarre moments since Eduardo's murder, Carina was suddenly terrified for Michael.

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RomaniRicciRomaniRicciover 3 years ago

At this point, Carina is just a sex starved prop

MythOFreakMythOFreakabout 4 years ago
Have to Agree

Gotta agree with the comment below. Carina is just a prop. You can't really hate or love her because she's just there as a prop for the other men. She's there to either be a victim to emphasize how much of a shameless rapist Michael is, or a super sexualized confident woman to Gavin, or the prop to attract Carlos....all of which are mutually exclusive. She's either one prop or the other, but doesn't seem to struggle with any of the finer emotions or trauma of having her boyfriend shot and dying in front of her or being repeatedly raped by Michael. She just bounces on to any new situation.

I kept waiting for her mentality to shift one way or another with Michael; either give in mentally and become a shell, or finally find a way to fight back, even if in small ways to frustrate Michael, damn the consequences. Anything. But no, she just kept crying, orgasm, weakly resist, orgasm, cry some more. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Michael, conversely, has a lot of depth. He wants her to love him, but doesn't know any other way beyond force. And he doesn't know or doesn't want to do what it takes to pull himself out of the grave he dug. Every small worse thing he does continuously pushes him further beyond the limits of his own conscious until he's abandoned it all together.

Having said all of that, I still think it's a good story with fantastic writing. I just think attending to the finer emotions and developing the protagonist with some more complicated emotional depth could take this story from good to great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Carina could aswell be a liveless object, has little contribution to the story

Love the story. Very well written. But Carina's character is as good as an object or treasure that many groups are after. She has little contribution to story aside from being there to make readers differentiate between the obsessive/Michael, loving/Gavin and old lover/Carlos emotions from 3 different men and using ONLY sex for everything in her life. Yesterday she was happily doing Eduardo, then was ok with Carlos her BF's brother, then almost fell for Michael, her BF's murderer, then extremely shamelessly sexual with Gavin, group member of Michael, and mind you without knowing a thing about him apart from his name. LOL! Her character aroused sad emotions at her plight but now her character seems outright funny.

This story belongs to those 3 male characters woven well and created as strong, almost equal competitors.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Please update soon! This is such a well-written story with brilliant characters and storyline!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
More please

Please continue with this story. I'm looking forward to see what Gavin is capable of.

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