The Assignment

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Married police officers are given a special assignment...
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This story came from a reader's suggestion and, after playing around with the concept, I finally came up with this. It is perhaps a little darker than my others but sometimes you need to try new things.

I'm sure there will be those readers, the misogynistic one's that comment on any Loving Wife story, that will tell me that the main character is weak and stupid and should have done this or that or that she's a slut and deserves whatever happens to her.

If that's the case then perhaps you should give this story a miss. Just a suggestion to save you wasting your time.

There that's my piece said and done.

For all the others who do take the time to read the story, thank you.

As always constructive comments are always appreciated.

Please remember though, it is just a story, it isn't real.




Just a single early morning beam of sunlight escaped through the curtains to shine across the darkened room when the alarm woke them at six o'clock. Reaching to turn it off Jordan Reynolds yawned and stretched, rolling out of bed and reaching his arms over his muscular 6' 2" frame to ease out the tightness in his back.

Totally naked he turned and glanced down at Abby, his wife of two years.

It was unusual to find her next to him but just for a change they were both rostered for the same shift, 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., and had the unusual luxury of spending a few nights in bed together.

Laying there the gorgeous 27-year-old smiled back up at him, rubbing the sleep from her large hazel eyes, her long raven hair spread out on the pillow around her.

"This makes a nice change." Finally sitting up, she allowed the duvet to slip down to her waist, exposing her firm breasts and semi-erect nipples to him.

"Mmmmm..... It does, maybe we should make the most of it and I could come back to bed for a while."

"Aren't you satisfied after last night?" She chuckled as she got out of bed, "Go and make some tea while I take a shower."

"I'm never satisfied when it comes to you." He grinned but didn't move, just standing for a moment and taking in her naked figure, "Especially when you play our little game."

"Pervert!" Giggling she threw a pillow at him. "Now go and let me get showered. We have to go to work."

"Yes ma'am." He dodged the missile and started to pull on his boxers and t-shirt from the previous day, mock saluting her before heading down to the kitchen.

Her tea was on the table when she appeared ten minutes later, dropping into a chair and picking up her cup, leaving the bathroom free for her husband to use.

It was a good three quarters of an hour, after they had finished getting themselves ready and having had a quick breakfast, that the pair of them left the house and drove the relatively short distance to the police station.

Jordan had only been at his desk for an hour, going over the previous night's incident reports, when his phone rang summoning him to a meeting in his boss' office. Slightly puzzled at the reason for an unexpected summons he put down what he was reading and made his way up the stairs to the second floor.

"You wanted to see me guv?" He walked straight in through the open door and paused, surprised to see Abby sitting there along with a middle-aged man in a dark suit.

"Come in and close the door please Sergeant Reynolds." Normally his boss called him by his first name so the formal greeting from Superintendent Groves only added to Jordan's curiosity.

Doing as he had been asked Jordan glanced questioningly at his wife, getting a slight shake of her head in return, before he pulled up a third chair and sat down, waiting to hear what the impromptu meeting was all about.

"What I'm about to say to you stays in this room." Groves started looking between Abby and her husband, "Understood?"

They both nodded.

"Is that absolutely clear?" He added seriously, making sure he forced the point home.

"Yes sir." The two of them replied almost in unison.

"Good." The Superintendent smiled thinly and turned towards the other man, "In that case I'll hand you over to Mr Carpenter from the Ministry of Justice."

Abby and Jordan both nodded to the newcomer but neither said anything.

"Good morning. Superintendent Groves has suggested I talk to you two about a special requirement that the ministry has." He began without any preamble his voice a flat monotone, "But, as he emphasised, this matter must remain completely confidential."

"Of course." Abby said glancing at her husband for his concurrence.

"Thank you." Carpenter smiled briefly before continuing, "The ministry has need of a safe house for a while and someone to... shall we say... staff it. Something that is outside of our normal operation."

Jordan looked puzzled, "So, why come to us?"

"We believe we have a leak in the department and the person we need to.... umm... hide... is very important to a case we are building."

"And you want us to put this person up in our house?" Abby interjected clearly grasping what the meeting was about before her husband.

"Precisely. You two would be unknown to anyone outside of the three people at the ministry party to this arrangement. Myself, the public prosecutor and the head of the witness safety program. And I would be the only one who would know your exact address."

The civil servant paused and smiled coldly.

"As far as the rest of the station goes you'll both be on special assignment." Groves added quickly, "No one here will be aware of anything different either."

"Why us and for how long?" Both Jordan and Abby wanted to know.

"I selected you two for a number of reasons." The Superintendent replied a little hesitantly, "Firstly you're a couple, which makes things a lot easier. Secondly Jordan, you are firearms qualified and while Abby isn't she just needs to do her final assessment to finish it. Thirdly, you are both bloody good coppers."

"You'll receive an allowance for the use of your house as well."

The man from the ministry who had sat quietly listening and watching, waiting for some sort of reaction from the two young police officers added when the Superintendent finished.

"Can we have a few minutes to discuss things?" Abby asked after a lengthy pause.

"Certainly, but I will need a definite answer from you this morning, one way or the other." Carpenter informed them curtly, "And remember you cannot mention anything of this to anyone outside of this room."

Standing up Abby and Jordan stepped out of the office, pulling the door closed behind them.

"Coffee?" She suggested as soon as they were alone.

"I think we need one." Her husband responded starting towards the stairs.

The pair of them took off for the station canteen in the basement where, finding a quiet table, they purchased two cappuccinos and sat down looking at each other.

"Well?" She started the conversation after taking a sip of her coffee.

"That was a surprise."

"What do you think?"

Jordan shrugged, "I don't know. I guess it depends on how long we'll have to hide our guest."

"And who's after him." Abby reminded him before adding, "Don't forget they mentioned firearms. This sounds as if it might be dangerous."

"That's true."

"And what about our privacy? Do you think it will impact on that?" She continued, biting her lower lip thoughtfully.

He frowned clearly thinking it through, "I suppose it must do. Whoever it is can have the spare bedroom but we only have the one bathroom. Will that matter or do you think it will be ok."

For the next thirty minutes or so they sat and discussed the logistics of the exercise before deciding exactly what they were going to do. Then, with an agreement reached, albeit with some reservations, they returned upstairs and knocked on the door to the Superintendent's office.

"Do we have an answer?" Carpenter asked them as soon as they entered.

Abby glanced at her husband before answering for both of them, "We'll do it. But we have a couple of questions first."

"Excellent." The ministry bureaucrat smiled and indicated to the two empty seats, "Fire away."

They sat down and looked at each other.

"How long will we be expected to put him up? And, just how dangerous could this become?" It was Jordan's turn to ask the questions.

"Fair points." The ministry man nodded, "As far as how long it's hard to say. Maybe 3 or 4 weeks, maybe a little bit longer. It all depends on the prosecutor's office and their preparing for the case.

"As for any danger there shouldn't be as long as the people looking for him don't find out where he is."

"So, who are they?" Abby interjected, trying to get more of an idea of just what they were agreeing to.

"They're an international gang of people traffickers and if they find out where he's being kept it could become very risky for you both. They are extremely dangerous. I can't really say more than that."

Jordan and Abby looked at each other for a second to see if the other one wanted to say something more.

"So, when do we meet our.... guest?" Jordan enquired after a moment or two's silence.

"By the day after tomorrow, if everything goes to plan. I'll make all the arrangements and once they're done I'll be in touch with Superintendent Groves." Carpenter informed them somewhat brusquely.

"Both of you take the rest of the morning to finish up and handover whatever you need to then get yourselves off home. Also, I'll arrange for your firearms assessment to be completed tomorrow morning PC Reynolds." The Superintendent instructed.

"Sir." They both acknowledged him.

"When that's done you can draw your weapons from the armoury Sergeant." The senior policeman added almost as an afterthought.

Getting up the pair looked at each other again, clearly wondering what they were getting themselves into, and left the office. But with their decision made there was nothing more for Abby and Jordan to do other than delegate their respective workloads to their colleagues before heading home.

After that it was just a matter of preparing for their guest and waiting for them to arrive.

"Are you sure we're doing the right thing?" Jordan asked pessimistically when he and Abby were seated in their living room later that day, having been told to expect their 'guest' in two days' time.

"What are you so worried about? I'm sure everything will be fine."

"That's easy for you to say." Her husband frowned, "We don't know much about this guy, whoever they are. Or exactly who's after them."

"Does it matter? Firstly, it might not be a guy and second no one will no he is here. We'll cope with it honey, whatever it is."

Jordan looked at his wife. Yet again he found himself wondering what a woman who looked good enough to be on the cover of vogue was doing married to him.

At 5' 8" tall she was absolutely stunning. With a slender 34C-24-34 models figure that most men drooled over, long silky jet-black hair and large innocent hazel eyes she drew second looks from men wherever she went.

"You think so? We're just ordinary police officers not specialists in this sort of thing. How are we going to manage if something happens." The concern was clearly etched on his face.

Abby smiled; she loved her husband but he was a worrier. She knew he hated being a burden to anyone so sometimes she found herself having to deal with his insecurities and anxieties.

"Let's just wait and see. We really know very little about who we're looking after or what they've done, if anything. We can worry about things once we've met them, if we have to."

Jordan struggled to smile, reluctantly pushing his trepidation to the back of his mind.

"Ok, but if I'm not happy when we meet them I'm going to say something."

Abby didn't answer but she knew her husband wouldn't say a word. He would keep his fears to himself not wanting to appear weak and cause further problems for their boss and the ministry.

"You'll feel better about it all after a good night's sleep." She reassured him again, "Now how about a coffee?"


The following morning Abby was up at her usual time, dressing casually in jeans and a top before she went off to the firing range to complete the last stage of her weapons training; her assessment. Meanwhile her husband was scheduled to spend the day making up the spare bedroom, doing a grocery shop to make sure the larder was well stocked and, at her insistence, tidying the house.

"What time are you booked in for at the range?" Jordan asked his wife as they hurried through a simple breakfast.

"Errrm.... 10 o'clock I think." She answered hesitantly.

"Do you think he'll be there?" His next question about her ex, Nathan, wasn't totally unexpected.

She had broken up with him shortly before she had met Jordan when, arriving home unexpectedly, she had caught him in their bed with her best friend.

"I honestly don't know. Does it matter?"

Kissing her cheek he smiled, "No, I trust you implicitly. I just thought...."

Abby looked up at him and grinned, she knew what he was asking.

"We'll see." Her coy answer immediately stirred his interest, "Now I have to go."

Arriving at the centre Abby sat in her car for a while contemplating just what she was doing. She had always been opposed to carrying a firearm and had, at the end of her training, declined to do her final assessment because of that. Although she knew there was also another, more personal reason.

Now, she thought to herself, she was about to go back on that decision.

Finally getting out of the car, Abby signed in at the reception desk before pushing through the double doors into the police gun range with a sense of dread.

"Abby, babe. I thought that might be your name on the list for today."

It was a feeling that was immediately realised when she heard the voice of her former boyfriend, Nathan Stanley.

About six months into their relationship, she had gone home and caught him in bed with her best friend, Rachel. It was after that that she had found out that he had been cheating on her with a number of other women the whole time they were together. A police officer like herself and Jordan she had later heard he had transferred to become a firearms instructor just as she was about to finish her course. She hadn't been keen to do the training and that news had been a major factor in her deciding to forego undertaking her final assessment.

Biting back the retort that sprang immediately to mind she took a deep breath to calm herself down before she put on a totally false smile and turned towards the speaker.

He had always been gorgeous but the look he gave her sent a shiver of lust up her spine that she struggled to suppress as she thought about her husband.

"Hello Nathan. I wondered if you would be here." Trying to keep her voice even she finally replied, "How's Rachel?"

"It's been what, three years now babe. You know I miss you." He ignored her question and strolled across towards her giving her a dazzling smile.

In return she gave him a judgemental stare, "Maybe you should have thought of that before you started banging that little blonde slut."

Ignoring her comment again he took hold of her left hand, "I heard you got married."

"Yeah I did and I'm very happy thanks."

"Pity, we could have got together sometime." He leered at her his suggestion quite obvious.

"I don't think so." Abby felt a warm moistening in her pussy at the thought of him, he had always been amazing in bed, but resisted the urge to smile, "Why would I want to go anywhere with a louse like you?"

"You never used to say that." Responding to her comment, he reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear, "As I recall you enjoyed it a lot."

"Let's just get this assessment done. Then I can get out of here."

Pushing his hand away she stepped back from him, her thoughts returning to her conversation with Jordan over breakfast.

He grinned placatingly, holding up his hands in front of him in mock surrender, "Sure, sure. We'll do the written part first."

Leading her through to a small room he handed her the paper and invited her to sit.

"I'll leave you to it and just pop in every now and again." Nathan informed her in a business-like manner, "Now if you'll give me your phone."

Locking her mobile device Abby passed it to him and sat down at the desk.

"You've got one hour." Pausing at the door he informed her rather tersely before leaving.

Almost to the minute Nathan returned and took her answer sheet away, perusing it quickly.

"That all looks ok." He smiled, "We've just got time for a quick coffee before we move on to weapons handling next. What do you say?"

"I guess we could." Abby agreed a little hesitantly brushing past him while he held the door open for her.

Settling in the break room Nathan brought over two paper cups full of a mysterious dark liquid that was clearly masquerading as coffee.

"So, why are you finishing off your firearms qualification? Thinking of moving to another team?" He enquired dropping into the seat next to her.

"No, Jordan and I have been given a special assignment hiding an important witness for a mob trial." Peering over the edge of her cup at her former boyfriend Abby responded automatically without thinking.

"Really! Well, when your done we should meet up and have a drink sometime." Nathan suggested changing the subject, filing the snippet of information away at the back of his mind.

"No, I don't think so." She reminded herself how he had cheated on her with her best friend and at least three other girls she had subsequently heard about.

"Come on babe you know we were always good together. At least it always sounded like you thought we were." He chuckled, persisting with his attempt to solicit a date from her.

Abby felt a shiver of desire run along her spine at what she knew was on Nathan's mind. He had always been a superb lover and she had never been left unsatisfied in his bed but now she was with Jordan.

"I don't think so, I'm married." She eventually stated a little forcefully, "Now can we get on?"

"Your loss darling." He shrugged and got up.

Making their way through to the gun range she spent the first part stripping down and reassembling a Glock 17, the standard issue sidearm for the police.

Once she had done that to Nathan's satisfaction she moved on to target practice.

Her first attempt gave her a low centre placement which she knew was partly due to poor concentration. She attributed that mainly to the fact that Nathan was standing so close to her.

Pushing him out of her mind she adjusted her front sight and shot again, this time achieving the pass score she needed.

After a short lunch break, which she took in her car to get away from her former boyfriend, it was on to the Heckler & Koch MP5.

The afternoon followed a similar pattern to the morning with the first part spent on the weapon itself while the second was done on a street simulation. This time she acquitted herself well on her first go, much to her delight.

It was almost four o'clock before the two sessions were completed and Nathan was satisfied.

"Well, I'm happy with your performance." He told her when they were back in the main office, alone.

"So, you'll sign me off then?"

He moved towards her forcing Abby to step back towards the wall, following her until she couldn't move any further.

"Sure. Now how about meeting up for a drink later?" He put one hand up alongside her head and leaned in closer.

Abby could feel her heart start to thump against her chest and she swallowed hard, thinking about her husband and their conversation that morning.

"I... I don't think...." She told him moments before he pressed his mouth to hers.