The Asura and The Norn


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"I'll be back at the hut." Sympiny said quickly.

"What?" Svala looked up, but Sympiny was already halfway to the cave entrance. She hurried into the deep snow and shoved her way along, using the tracks of many Norn to hurry through the deep snow.

"Such... Such vulgarity and immodesty... Never in my life have I ever..." Sympiny mumbled to herself as she trudged through Hoelbrak. She went unnoticed all the way back to Svala's house, where she quickly headed inside and closed the door. Even though it was cold out, she was quite warm. Her heart was pounding and she paced erratically, unable to even stand still, let alone sit. "Never. Never. Never. Never. Even the salad-brains weren't this bad. They may not wear much clothes, but they didn't have anything to hide either. The Char were furry... The humans were sensible... Asura are naturally modest and private. What could possibly make any race be this... This obscene!"

As hard as she fought, as much as her brain churned, she just couldn't shake it; couldn't rid herself of the sight of Svala's bare body or the sound of the perverse Norn moans. Her mind spun and she sank down against the wall, grabbing her head in both hands.

"I am Asura. I am above this. I am not like these lesser races. My body does not own my mind. I am better than that, I am smarter than that!" Sympiny said, shaking her head while she grasped it, "I am Asura!"

She hugged her knees to her chest and stared bleakly around the hut. Her mind began to drown in worry. What good was her incredible intelligence if it was wasted on a body that craved lust? What if she was just all the same as these others? What if all the other Asura were better than her? What if she wasn't a true Asura, but instead some lab abomination gone wrong?

Her ego was a fragile thing and these feelings were pummeling it to death. Tears welled in her eyes and she slumped face-first on her knees.

The door opened a moment later, amid a cold breeze of snow flakes. Svala closed the door behind her and looked around, not seeing Sympiny on the ground at first. When she finally spotted Sympiny, she sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?" Svala asked her.

"I don't know! I am an Asura, I should be better than this and yet my body is ruling me!" Sympiny growled, knocking her head against her knees.

"I'm sorry, what?" Svala asked.

"I should not be owned by my body like this! I should be in complete control, but my own body is fighting me at ever turn! I am pathetic and dumb, incapable of controlling my base urges." Sympiny yelled in frustration.

"I still don't get it." Svala sighed.

Sympiny quickly got to her feet with a yell. She leapt on Svala's lap and stood on her toes to grab Svala's cheeks.

"I cannot stop thinking about you. I cannot stop wondering what it would be like to lie with you! I can't resist it! I want you and my body will not let me think of anything else! My mind is being taken over by my physical urges!" Sympiny yelled, "Being here this short time with you has infected me in someway!"

"So you're saying you're in love with me?" Svala asked, her voice slurred by Sympiny's grip on her face.

"It's not even that sensible. I just can't stop thinking about copulation with you." Sympiny grumbled, turning around and flopping down in her lap.

"Well my little firecracker, would you like to stop thinking and do?" Svala asked, wrapping her arms around Sympiny as she pressed her breasts to the back of her head.

"Perhaps if I were to satiate these urges I could continue my life as normal. I could move on with my studies. I see no downside except the obvious need for cleanliness afterward... little price to pay for normalcy returned." Sympiny said, her ears perking up, "Yes, alright. Let's do it."

Svala whooped in happiness and she quickly stripped her top off, her bare breasts bouncing against Sympiny's head.

"Don't go crazy, as soon as my urges are slaked, I will be done. I don't want this going too far." Sympiny said, jumping off her lap.

"So then why don't you lead?" Svala said, leaning back against the wall.

"Okay... Well for Asura, it is customary to do this in a bed." Sympiny said, pointing at it.

"You and every other race." Svala smirked, getting up and dropping her bottoms. Sympiny watched her walk towards, the bed, observing the motion of her ass while she moved. The tattoos were mesmerizing and the shape of it made Sympiny lick her lips.

"Alright. Okay." Sympiny muttered to herself as she pulled her gauntlet off. She pulled off her vest and dropped her pants and panties, taking a moment to carefully fold it all up before she climbed up on the bed.

"You going to take all day?" Svala asked idly, her hands clasped behind her head.

"Quiet! Don't mock me because I hate wrinkles in my clothes." Sympiny grumbled, standing over Svala's naked form.

"Alright. Go on, have fun." Svala said, spreading her legs. Sympiny couldn't help but notice that her tattoos didn't stop at her pelvis. They spread down between her thighs and covered her pussy, curling around her legs and back up her ass. She knelt down between her thighs and looked closely at the pink lips of her pussy. There was a clear wetness to them and the scent was intoxicating. She pulled Svala's lips back and touched her clitoris, toying with the knob that was the size of one of her fingers.

"Oooh! Those small fingers really work." Svala gave a moan.

Sympiny was encouraged by this, a little of her nervousness slipping away. She decided to try a little Asura technique on her. A low power electricity grew in her hand and she ran a finger down her lips. The pleasure from the stimulation made Svala moan loudly, her hands clenching the fur beneath her. With such a size difference, there wer quite a few options for Sympiny to try that she hadn't thought of. She slowly shoved her entire hand into Svala, pushing her pussy open pleasurably. Her wet walls shuddered and let her slide deeper easily, all the way up to her elbow. She felt around the inside of her pussy, trying to find that little spot that Asura had. Much to her surprise, she found it quickly and it was as large as here hand. The G-spot made Svala moan louder and Sympiny pushed harder on it, releasing a little more electricity.

"Oh by the wolf, that feels amazing!" Svala cried out at the top of her lungs.

Sympiny didn't relent at all, she was deriving a lot of pleasure from making this Norn moan like an innocent little maiden. However, she was right about the mess. She pulled her arm out and Svala came with a glorious shower of squirt, showering her from head to toe in her juices.

"What a show!" Sympiny laughed, wiping her face clean.

"Ohh... that is the best I've felt in years." Svala panted, her body going limp.

"All right, let's try some more." Sympiny said, climbing up on Svala's thigh.

"Come here." She said, grabbing her.

"Whoa~!" Symping squealed in surprise as she was quickly tossed over to land among the pillows. She was 'pounced' on by Svala and found a thick Norn tongue slipping into her pussy. "Ahhh!"

Sympiny wasn't inexperienced in sexual pleasure, far from it. She often fed her urges with one or another piece of Asura technology back at home, but this was the first time she had done it so ravenously with another person. It felt so radically different from pleasuring herself. She moaned and gasped openly as Svala's tongue fucked her.

"Svala! Oh that feels marvelous! Don't stop!" She moaned loudly.

It took little for her to cum and the orgasm hit her like a clap of thunder. She moaned at the top of her lungs and cute little spurts squirted from her. The orgasm ravaged her and left her lying in a dazed state of half-consciousness.

"Hehehe. So adorable." Svala giggled as she sat up.



Sympiny snuggled closer with Svala. Their afternoon of passion had worn her out more than the trip through the blizzard that got her here. It was early in the morning and she was shockingly comfortable for being cuddled naked on a pair of gigantic bosoms. But in the end, it brought a sleepy smile to her face. Her theory had been correct, a wild afternoon of lovemaking had slaked her thirst and brought her body back under control.

"Morning little firecracker." Svala whispered, running her fingers through Sympiny's dark hair.

"Hey. I have to admit, yesterday was very pleasing. I apologize for being so ostensibly rude and indignant against your advances. They were in my interests and I thank you." Sympiny said, pushing herself up a little.

"Uhh... How about you thank me with a kiss." Svala said, raising an eyebrow.

"I could do that." Sympiny crawled forward with her hands on the Norn's breasts, pressing her lips to her lover's.

"You have such large eyes. The purple is so beautiful." Svala said, running an ear gently down her long, floppy ear.

"Hehehe, don't do that!" Sympiny giggled, squirming away from the hand on her ear.

"You have ticklish ears? Oh goodie!" Svala smiled, teasing her ears further. Sympiny laughed and squirmed, trying to get away from her as she was tickled. Her small body finally slipped from Svala's grasp and she scamped under the furs, hiding at the foot of the bed.

"I don't like being tickled!" Sympiny mumbled under the covers.

Svala sat up, trying not to laugh all the while. She pushed herself back to sit against the wall and lifted the furs to look down at the hiding Sympiny. The little Asura crawled forward and up on Svala's lap.

"I don't like my ears being touched!" Sympiny said, her eyes fiery as she stared at Svala.

"I can't help it, you're so adorable!" Svala squealed, hugging Sympiny to her breasts, "You are so cute!"

Sympiny sighed in resignation as her head squished between her lover's breasts. She didn't like to admit it, but she loved Svala and there was no logical reason. Nothing in her mind could define a reason or need for this love, but she knew she liked it and wanted it. That was all she really needed.


Two months passed in cold Hoelbrak, two months of intense study and occasional lovemaking for Sympiny. She found herself thoroughly enjoying Svala's presence, even with her diminished intelligence and ridiculous habits; she really liked having her around. Her studies brought her to meet nearly every single Norn living in the city, including the warrior and sculptor, Eir Stegalkin. She finally finished her large bundle of notes on the Norn and started preparing for her trip home.

She was thoroughly laughed at by her fellow Asura for her hatred of Asuran Portals, but she just couldn't bring herself to use them. Not only did they make her sick, they made her head hurt for hours afterward. She believed deeply that the portals made people forget just how big the world was. Being able to step from Rata Sum to Lion's Arch to the Black Citadel in just minutes makes people think the world was tiny and simple.

Sympiny liked exploring and looking at the world, it was nice to travel and see new things. Even without stopping, it would take her two weeks to travel all the way home to Rata Sum. To most Asura that is time wasted, but to her that is time invested in seeing more of the world. She would travel home on a different road than the one that brought her here just to see more sights.

"So that's it then? Your study is over and you're just leaving?" Svala asked quietly.

"Oh don't act like I'm abandoning you. You're welcome to come with me. Unlike you I can't live in this frozen wasteland. I've not felt the tips of my ears in months and I haven't seen the sun shine since I got here." Sympiny signed as she stuffed and tied her traveling pack.

"Really? I can come with you? Alright! Alright! Let me get a few things in order. I need to sell my house. I need to pack a bag." Svala said hurriedly as she paced around her hut.

"Whoa! Sell your house? You intend to move in with me?" Sympiny asked, "I just meant you could travel with me and stay for a while. I mean, you don't really fit..."

"Oh... Of course... I wouldn't fit in with your genius society in Rata Sum." Svala's shoulders slumped as she turned to look at Sympiny.

"No! That's not it!" Sympiny squeaked, waving her hands, "I mean, you literally wouldn't fit. My ceiling is only like six feet tall."

"What? Oh... Ha ha ha!" Svala laughed as she sat down on her bed, "That's hilarious! I thought you didn't want me around! Don't worry, I'll camp outside of town or something. I dunno. We'll make it work, I swear."

"I'd like that Svala. I've become quite accustom to your being around and I have begun to find it comforting to see your familiar face." Sympiny said, climbing up on the tall bed. Svala leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


Two weeks of traveling passed in the blink of an eye. Svala and Sympiny both found excitement in the new sights traveling south through the wild lands of Sparkfly Fen. They took a ship across the Sea of Sorrows and arrived in Rata Sum on a sunny, beautiful day.

"Ahh it feels so good to be home!" Sympiny said as she stretched in the sunlight. She was happy to be back in the warmth and sunshine. Her cloak had long since been packed away and she loved feeling the ocean breeze on her bare arms again.

Svala wasn't having such an easy time acclimating to the warm region. Her hot Norn blood was making her sweat all the time. It had gotten better in the last day or two, but she was still complaining occasionally.

"Too hot!" Svala cried as she leapt off the dock and into the water.

Her pack and weapons were sitting in a pile behind Sympiny. Svala surfaced with a gasp and sighed happily.

"That's tons better." Svala said, floating in the deep water near the empty dock. The ship that had brought them had already turned and sailed off towards it's original destination on the other side of Rata Sum.

Sympiny giggled at her and sat down on the edge of the dock.

"I should've anticipated this with your physiology. But I promise you, your body will stop producing so much internal heat once you've been here for a little while longer. You just have to acclimate to it." Sympiny said, watching Svala backstroke around. "You're a remarkably good swimmer for having lived so long in the frozen north."

"I used to go swimming in the lakes and ice flows. There are some dangerous creatures in those cold waters and they're good hunting." Svala said.

"Well let's go. I'm eager to get home. It's been so long since I've been home." Sympiny said as she grabbed Svala's pack and started to drag it down the dock. It was as big as her.

"Alright, I'm feeling better anyway." Svala said as she climbed on the dock and pulled her pack back on her shoulder.

"Good. Up these steps here to the top of the hill. Rata Sum is atop it." Sympiny said, pointing past the Asuran Portal that glimmered nearby.

"Glad you're not making me take one of those blasted portals. I took one a few years back to go to Lion's Arch with some friends. It felt like I was tumbling off a cliff. I hate those things." Svala said, glaring at the purple archway.

"Makes me sick to go through them. My stomach can't handle it." Sympiny said, mounting the long staircase.

It took them a half an hour to reach the top and by then Sympiny's legs were burning. Even Svala was breathing heavily, but she also had to deal with the heat.

"Whoa!" Svala gasped as she laid eyes on Rata Sum.

From the hill they stood on, they could see the entirety of Rata Sum's glory. A gigantic floating cube of almost a mile across, it's lowest point reached far into the crater below them and it's highest point floated in the clouds above them. Blue light shown from opening in it's stone surface. Vines and moss grew on the outside of it and water rained into the crater below, flowing from the lowest openings in the cube.

"How does it..." Svala asked in exasperation as she stared at the floating cube, within held thousands of Asura and enough technology to rule Tyria.

"Nobody rightly knows. Many Asura have studied and come to their own conclusions, but no definitive proof has ever been acquired to explain it's gravity defying nature. We have, of course, replicated it on smaller scale. Our golems use magic to hold together instead of using mechanical joints. We have lights and appliances that use anti-gravity in similar ways, but nobody truly knows what keeps this up because of how massive it is." Sympiny explained as she led them along the crater's lip.

A long series of metal panels were held up by heavy gauge wiring, creating a shining, clean bridge to a low entrance on the side of the cube.

"Come on, I want to show you more." Sympiny said, heading across the bridge.

"Will... Will this hold me?" Svala asked as she walked uncertainly across the bridge.

"It will hold ten tons at least. You could jump on it for years and it will never collapse." Sympiny said, striding fearlessly over the increasingly deep drop. "Don't tell me my big, strong Norn is scared?!"

She teased and smiled, turning around to walk backwards.

"No! I'm not scared of anything!" Svala said, clenching her fists and setting her eyes forward.

They reached the other side of the bridge and passed through the twelve foot entrance way.

"Explorer Sympiny, it's good to see you again." A guard said, nodding to her as they passed.

"Hello Raenalla." Sympiny greeted her.

"I thought you said this place was small. This is amazing!" Svala exclaimed as she looked around.

The ceiling above them was twenty feet high. Dozens of Asura passed back and forth, an ocean thigh-high around the nine-foot Norn.

"The domiciles are small, the halls were built this large for whatever resided here before us." Sympiny explained as they walked. She led them up a ramp and onto the next floor up. It was equally tall, but this hall was filled with doors. Every ten feet a new door with a number on it. A platform ran along the wall ten feet up with more doors up there. A few ramps led up to the second floor. Svala realized what Sympiny had been talking about, the doors were only four feet tall.

"I'm over here in number seventy-seven." She said, pointing a certain direction.

They got to number seventy-seven and Sympiny pulled a key from her pocket. She unlocked the door and walked inside. Svala looked around, nervously eyeing the tiny doorway. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled through, entering the small apartment. Inside the ceiling was six feet tall and she managed to sit up, sitting on her ankles.

"I may need to find a new place to live." Sympiny said as she flicked on lights in the apartment. It was cozy for an Asura, downright cramped for Svala.

"No, it's fine. I'll make do." Svala said quickly, shaking her head.

"Nonsense." Sympiny waved it off.

"Oh look, the uneducated skritt is home. These last few months have been so nice." Her neighbor Snecht said as he stood in the doorway, "Ahh! So the talk was right. You brought a test subject back with you. I hope you don't plan on keeping such a wonderful specimen to yourself. Imagine what could be learned by dissecting a live subject."

Snecht laughed and stepped across the entrance way, shutting the door behind him. They hadn't even gotten their packs off and Sympiny was already considering where she should go explore next.

"Snecht, I've had a long time traveling, I just want to sit down and rest. So please get out and leave your mocking for another day." Sympiny sighed, turning to him.

"Nonsense. You wouldn't learn a lesson any time I do this, so I can mock you whenever I choose." Snecht laughed derisively.

"Hey! I'm not some test subject. I came here because we're in love." Svala said angrily as she stared down at her.

"Oh! Really? Sympiny, I knew you were uneducated and illogical, but love with a barbarian?" Snecht howled with laughter, "You are such a useless waste of space in Rata Sum! You drain the intelligence of all those around you! So is this what I'm going to have to deal with now? Having a barbarian living next door to me?"