The Babymaker Ch. 05


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Griswold: "This other folder, the gray one, contains an offer to laterally transfer to the Sheriff's Department. I can confirm to you now that this year's Budget battles are Chief of Staff Oswald's last. He is retiring at the end of the calendar year after a lifetime of distinguished service to this County. If you accept, you will transfer into his position, a lateral transfer for you at your current rank and position."

Griswold: "Again, you have the option to retire from the TCPD first, as a Commander, then accept the job offer to the TCSD. There is one potential advantage of doing that. After you leave the Sheriff's Department, whenever that is, you will have the right to wear the TCPD uniform as a retired Police Officer, should an occasion arise. If and when I ever stop being Sheriff, I'll also have that right. So... which folder will I open?"

"The gray one, sir." said Cindy. The Sheriff handed her the gray folder.

"Get that paperwork filled out faster than Barry Allen can run around the earth, and get it back to my assistant." the Sheriff growled. "You are dismissed."

"Thank you, sir." Cindy said. She took the paperwork and headed towards the door.

As she got to the door, the Sheriff called out "Cindy?" When she turned back around, he said "I'm glad you chose to stay with us." He had not known if she would.

"Thank you, Sheriff." Cindy replied. "And congratulations on your retirement, Chief Oswald."

"You're not rid of me yet, young lady." replied Oswald. "We still have one Budget battle left..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:45am. I was called into the Chief's Conference Room. The Chief was already in his seat at the near end of the table, and the Sheriff was in his 'usual' seat on the far side near the far end. I sat down in my 'usual' seat, to the Chief's left and the Sheriff's right. Also in the room was Lt. Commander Ted Orosco of Internal Affairs, sitting to the Chief's right, with his back to the door.

"We are discussing the situation with Sergeant Tooooole." drawled the Chief. "The Union has grieved his suspension without pay, and separately grieved my having started the process for terminating him for cause."

"It's a clear cut case, Chief." I replied. "I know Commander Croyle and Commander Orosco got at least two dozen eyewitness affidavits of his actions and words at the crime scene that morning."

"Yezzzz, that's true." said the Chief. "Ted?"

"Commander," said Orosco, "the Union is saying that Toole didn't know it was you on the radio the first time, that he was in charge of the scene, that he ordered the lightbars be on and remain on for the safety of the Officers, which the Union is accusing you of ignoring. The Union is also saying that he didn't know it was you yelling at him until he saw you visually. and when he did recognize it was you, he was not insubordinate."

Orosco: "The Union is also saying that he really did believe that the regulations called for lightbars to be on at the crime scene. The Union cites a sworn affidavit by Pat Stellum of KXTC News that they did not see the Police checkpoint at the entrance to the Park because their lightbars were not on."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess Stellum also claims he didn't see the multiple Police vehicles that had to box in the KXTC van because it wouldn't stop. KXTC was trying to get to the backside of the park come hell or high water, and wouldn't have stopped for that Police checkpoint if the lightbar had been on."

Orosco said "I agree, Commander, but that's what the Union is saying, and what Stellum is saying under oath. The bottom line is that the Union is demanding binding arbitration by the National Labor Relations board, and they're prepared to go to Court and get an injunction to prevent us from firing Toole."

"And here's the fun parrrrrt." said the Chief. "The U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division has said that if we don't allow Federal binding arbitration, they'll bring their civil rights lawsuit against us."

"Call their bluff." I said immediately. "How many times have those racists tried to threaten us with that? It's an empty threat. They'll either sue us or they won't anyway. Tell them to fuck off, and use those exact and literal words. I'm looking forward to whipping their ass in Court, and the sooner the better."

"And if they win?" the Sheriff growled.

"Then there's no more TCPD for Toole to be a part of, anyway, Sheriff." I said.

"Really?" said Orosco skeptically.

"Yes." I said. "If they win, I'm gone, either by firing, which will be forced retirement for me as an MOV recipient, or my not accepting their conditions and leaving. And I don't want to speak for Commander Croyle, but I suspect she'll retire, too. The Miltons will quit; they can make seven figures apiece working for technology companies. And again, I don't want to speak for others, but I think you know, Orosco, that the vast majority of TCPD Officers will go on strike and likely never return. The TCPD as you know it now will be totally decimated, and will cease to function as an effective law enforcement entity."

Orosco said "I'm not so sure about that, Commander, but back to this situation: the Union has offered to accept a lesser punishment for Toole than him being fired. They want to negotiate an 'appropriate' (air quotes) action, but will not accept a reduction in rank, and definitely not his termination. They say his actions don't warrant that level of punishment."

My back started hurting. My head started hurting. I just put my elbows on the table and buried my face in my hands. Then I looked up and said "Why is it so fucking hard to fire dirtbags like him?" I got no answer. A few seconds later, I said "Chief, what's your advice on this?"

"If you want to proceed with the termination process," replied the Chief, "then I'll back you all the way. But I do think that we'll loooozzze."

"Really?" I said, then said "Uh, really, sir?. You don't think this is clear-cut?"

"Oh, I dooooo." the Chief said. "But the Yoon-yun is going to fight like hell, saying it doesn't rise to the level of a terminal offense."

"Repeated insubordination?" I asked. "Not one time, but several times, and in front of other Officers? Lying about the regulations... and I strongly assert that he was deliberately lying, not innocently mistaken. If that doesn't rise to the standard, what will? Especially for a Sergeant."

"Orosco," growled the Sheriff, "did the Union say what they considered an 'appropriate' (air quotes) punishment to be?"

"No, Sheriff." said Orosco. "They said they wanted to negotiate it. Apparently they're waiting until we have the formal meeting to tell us what they think is 'fair' (air quotes)."

"Bah." barked the Sheriff. "We're not playing those piss-ant games. Chief, impose the reduction in rank to Patrol Officer Trainee and begin the process for Toole's termination. We'll fight the Union all the way, if it's a fight they want. And Orosco, I'm taking this out of your hands and putting it into the I.G.'s hands..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

12:00 high noon, Tuesday, October 6th. Cindy Ross came into the Soup & Salad Restaurant and was shown to the table where Ariel and Wanda were already sitting. There was considerable tension in all three women, so they did not eat very much from the (duh) soup and salad bar.

As they were finishing, Cindy said "I think I know why you wanted to meet me for lunch, so let's get to it. You want me to buy you out?"

Ariel and Wanda looked at each other as if to decide who was going to speak, then Wanda finally said "Yes. Or find a third party for us to sell to."

Cindy nodded, then said "I'm willing to do that, but consider this first. There will be an appraisal to determine the value of the company, and therefore your shares. Right now the gym is down in membership and attendance. If you wait a while, and we get it built back up, you'll get more back."

Ariel shook her head. "I'll cut you a break and take whatever it is. I'm ready to get out now."

Wanda said "It's... Cindy, for me, it's not about you or what's happened. It's... the memories. As long as I stay here, all I see is Carl... where we worked, where we lived. I just need a... fresh start, somewhere else."

"I won't say that." said Ariel "I'm still angry that you didn't fight the subpoena harder. And I'm not anti-cop, but you being a cop is factoring into my decision."

"Well, I'm no longer a cop." Cindy said. "I'm no longer a part of the TCPD."

"They fired you?" Wanda gasped, stunned.

"They couldn't fire me." Cindy said "As a Medal of Valor recipient, I had the right to retire. And that's what I did."

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Ariel said, and Cindy couldn't tell if she meant it or if she were being polite. "But I still want out. I want to get out of this Town & County, but for different reasons than Wanda. One reason is because if I ever see that bitch Alison McFarland, I will try to kill her. I'm not going to seek her out nor violate the Restraining Order, but if I see her I won't hold back."

"Any idea where you're going to go?" Cindy asked. "Maybe I can help you start up a new gym somewhere else, in exchange for your shares."

Wanda said "We're looking at a situation in Midtown, and one in Palmyra County."

Cindy said "If you need a place to live, my cousin and my sister co-own a nice house they're looking to rent out."

Ariel said "This is going to sound more personal than I mean for it to, but I'm looking for a clean break from you, from Don Troy, and from any ties to this County."

Wanda said "I'll take a look at that house..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was sitting in my office with Teresa Croyle when Sheriff Griswold was ushered in by my assistant Helena. He accepted a bottled water, and I poured myself coffee after Teresa had refused anything.

The Sheriff said "I wanted to touch base with the two of you on these leaks. Captain Muscone and her crew have done a really good job, but have found nothing. And the Press still seems to know more about what we're doing than we do... except for you, Crowbar."

"Yes sir." I said. "Teresa and I were just talking about something that may be related. I was pointing out the actions of Patrol Officer Justin Hendricks at the Carl Ryder crime scene. He's the one who said Carl Ryder had a pulse. My wife said that that's virtually impossible, and what is possible is that I'm taking her word over Hendricks's."

"Why would he say he got a pulse, then?" growled the Sheriff.

"So that the paramedics would take him to the Hospital, and Wanda would also there." I said. "It ensured that she was not at her home with the perps broke in to find Carl's video recordings."

"That makes sense." said the Sheriff thoughtfully. "But we'll never prove it, nor get Hendricks to admit to it."

"No sir, we won't." Teresa said. "But I was at the David Rose crime scene at Ronald Reagan Park. Hendricks showed up there, drove over the road near the crime scene, then parked to the east where his lightbar could be easily seen by the Press. Don was focusing on Toole, but what would you like to bet Hendricks wasn't just as involved as Toole?"

I picked it up: "And one inference from that, Sheriff, is that both Toole and Hendricks were working to help the Press. As a Sergeant, Toole has better access to Police information than Hendricks would. And Jeremy Hatch could be their conduit to the Press."

"I don't want to bet anything, especially against you two." said the Sheriff. "So what do you want to do? Get Orosco and Internal Affairs into the loop?"

Teresa said "He's supposed to already be in the loop, Sheriff. They know as well as we do that Hendricks, Hatch, and now Toole are dirtbags, yet nothing has ever come out of that... for years, Sheriff."

I said "And who are the slugs that the Union protects the hardest? Hendricks, Hatch, and now Toole. We finally got rid of McCombs, and now Toole pops up as a problem. And when we have a chance to demote him and take away his computer access, and then fire him? There's the Union, acting like we're the bad guys and he's the saint."

"That's what Unions do." muttered the Sheriff. Then he peered at me and said "Do you think Orosco is dirty?"

I shook my head. "No sir." I replied. "I don't think he's a problem at all, as far as integrity goes. I just think he's being outfoxed by the slugs. He may have a mole within I.A., too. Having said that... if SBI Director Curly Goodwin wins the Inspector General post against Finneran, I'll be recommending to our next Governor to consider Orosco for the SBI Director post."

"Don't be hasty about that." said the Sheriff. "But I'm getting sick and tired of KXTC harming us with their reporting, and harming us with deliberate purpose and intent. It's only a matter of time before they get someone killed. The leaks have to stop, guys. The leaks have to stop..."

Part 31 - Epilogue

10:30pm, Tuesday, October 6th. Cindy, Callie, and Molly were sitting on the deck of the Cabin, enjoying the warmth of the fire in the fire pot. There were no dogs on site, as they were at the Mountain Nest, so Tiger Mom and Gracie were sitting on the railing, watching. Ross and Ian were in their beds asleep.

"It could have been a lot worse." said Molly. "At least you're still in law enforcement, and working with Sheriff Griswold."

"As long as he wins his elections." Cindy said quietly, seemingly a million miles away.

"Oh, nobody on earth is going to beat Sheriff Griswold." Callie said, more jovially than the situation called for. "By the way, what are you going to do about the gym?"

"I don't know." Cindy said, again absentmindedly. "I'll need to find some new people to run it day-by-day. And we're still down in memberships and attendance. I'm really wondering if the best thing... would be to just shut it down, or sell the whole thing to someone and be rid of it."

Molly was peering at her sister. She finally said "So, Cindy, are you good with being Chief Deputy Sheriff? Or do you want something else?"

Cindy said "That's what I've been thinking about for a while now. I haven't been a real cop since I was promoted out of the Captain of Detectives slot. And now, I'm even further away from that. So I've got a lot to think about, and I know I need to sleep on it a few days."

Callie said "And you have a baby under construction to think about, too."

"Yes, we both do." Cindy replied...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Getting Carole to go to bed without a fight was getting to be a very rare thing. On this night she huffed and puffed until Bowser actually barked at her, whereupon she got her shit together and went upstairs to brush her teeth and put on her pajamas.

Once they were in bed, Laura and I sat in the greatroom and sipped drinks: Highland Park 12 single malt Scotch for me, wine for Laura.

"Now that these murders are solved," I said, "I can start helping you with that bastard Carmela."

"The State Medical Board formally refused to suspend my medical license." Laura said. "And President Wellman and Myrtle L. James, who is still a Trustee of the University, are pushing back against Carmela." I nodded.

Laura: "But the problem is that Carmela, Jan Camp, and Juanita Rivera are ginning up protests of my presence on Campus. They're gunning after President Wellman, trying to force him to retire, And they are basically trying to 'cancel' me."

"They better not try anything to physically harm you." I said. "I'll just start killing people, and damn the consequences."

Laura: "Don, it's not just me they're after. It's getting uglier and uglier on college campuses across the Nation. Ayn Rand wrote that the Bolshevik Revolution was preceded by hard Leftists taking over colleges and suppressing any opposing thought, eventually through sheer violence. The same thing is happening in America today."

Laura: "Professors not in jackbooted lockstep with the rabidly far-Leftwing, ultra-Socialist views of thugs like Carmela are being 'canceled', and purged. I'm no Jared Conservative, but I'm apparently not Leftist enough for them, either. Carmela hates me personally, anyway, and not just because I'm married to you. They despise me because I love America, and served it for over 30 years in the CIA, working against their beloved Socialists."

Laura: "And what's the worst of all... they have the corrupt Media firmly on their side, both here and everywhere. The Press has shown that they'll tell any lie and spread any propaganda to hurt anyone they can that does not support Leftist viewpoints. KXTC would just love to harm me to get at you. The SNN Networks are still trying to get Governor Jared and Sharon Marshall murdered, literally. And nationally, the Press is calling Conservatives 'racist' and now 'terrorists' for daring to support Patriotic, pro-American views."

"So what are you saying?" I asked, getting a vibe, and now understanding why Carole didn't want to go to bed.

Laura said "Don, I may have no choice. You can only protect me so far. But it may get to the point that to keep us and our children alive... I'll have to give up my Professorship at the University..."


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chytownchytown6 months ago

*****Thanks for the read.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum8 months ago

Well I got that one wrong. IC is going to go after either Bettina or Carmelo.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Interesting story. The perp was the obvious one but didn't see the twist re the DNA. Maybe things will settle down a bit in TCPD territory but not on the policing front. People are moving on and the final comments ard intriguing. Perhaps ghd next story or so will have major repercussions for Laura, Wellman and the university although Teresa and Seth may have something to say and do about it.

666iceman666icemanover 2 years ago

Brilliant storyline and conclusion yet again. I have followed your stories from the start and even re read many when there is a large time lapse between stories and still miss the clues and hints you leave us to work out who did what and how.

Again a double 5* along with double cheeseburger. Waiting eagerly for next one to read.

Thank you for the effort you put in and find to continue with such fantastic writing skills for so many years. Iceman

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

hope you are ok I know you hate to be bugged but this is the first time I can remember going more than 30 days between stories which is amazing but was concerned.

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