The Bachelorette

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He was just looking for another notch.
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All persons having sex in this fictional story are over eighteen.

They came bursting in the door of the bar like all the previous bachelorette parties had, squealing and yelling. The lucky bachelorette was wearing a sash identifying her as such. These bachelorette and bachelor parties came to the island almost every Friday or Saturday night from May to September.

I'd docked my forty foot cabin cruiser down the street from all the bars at the marina for the past two summers. On this particular summer Friday night I was seated at my usual spot, near the end of the bar, when the roudy partiers came bursting in. The people that think bachelor parties are bad, with drunk, horny guys inappropriately grabbing women and cussing and carrying on, have not seen a bachelorette party. The women are much more brazen and direct than the men. It's like the party excuses them from social norms and they just let loose. The women's mentality during these parties is one of the reasons I came to this island. It was fascinating to watch the base personalities of the women come out and their sex drives be on full display.

My name is Mark and I'm that tall, dark and handsome guy with the big dick you've read about. No, I don't need the women to be drunk to hit on me. I've had to beat them off with a stick my whole life. Lucky me, you might think, but it gets tiring at times. Guys constantly want to kick my ass when they catch their girls looking at me. I've had numerous fights with jealous spouses.

I enjoy coming here for the bachelorette parties and particularly the bachelorettes. It's my kink. I really love being the last cock these women get before being stuck with only their husband's dick for the rest of their lives. I do try to give the soon-to-be brides the most pleasurable experience I can, so I'm not totally a selfish ass.

My cock is big enough to leave a lasting impression, if the bachelorette is sober. I prefer spending the night with them, and fucking them in the morning to ensure that they're at least somewhat sobered up. I'll take them to my boat when I can, but there are several hotels within walking distance of the bars as well. My hope is that maybe they remember ol' Mark and his big schlong while they're on their honeymoon. It's evil, I suppose, but damn it gets me off thinking about it.


This bachelorette party was following the same script as all the others. Two or three of the women spotted me and practically dragged me over the the table with them. They had me sit next to the future bride and she hung all over me. Her name was Cassandra but everyone called her Sandy. She was beautiful, with shoulder length auburn hair, a tall athletic figure and ocean blue eyes. Her future groom was a lucky man. His name was Jim Hamilton, Sandy drunkenly told me that over and over while kissing on me and grabbing at my crotch most of the night.

About eight of the partiers had rented hotel rooms down the street for the weekend and after last call we all headed over to their hotel. There were three other gentleman that they'd wrangled along as well as myself. I had nursed three beers throughout the night and was practically sober, but the other gentleman were all inebriated.

One of the girls, Tina, was being very protective of Sandy. She was sharing a hotel room with her and she took me aside while we were walking to the hotel and pleaded with me to not do anything with Sandy.

"Mark, please don't have sex with Sandy. Jim wouldn't understand. Sandy loves him and she'd be devastated if she lost him. If you come to our room I promise I'll take care of you, so please just fuck me and leave her alone." Tina practically begged.

Not that Tina wasn't good looking in her own right, but I'd come this far with the bride-to-be and she's the one I wanted. So I told Tina what she wanted to hear just to get up to the room with Sandy. "I'll come up to the room with you and Sandy and then when she falls asleep you and I will fuck the rest of the night." That got me a drunken smile and a pat on my crotch.

Once we reached the hotel the women split us guys up, one per room which meant those other gentleman might be living out a fantasy tonight.

Sandy, Tina and I went into their room and Tina immediately went into the bathroom. She came out with just a long t-shirt on and crawled in her bed. Sandy went in next and I heard her brushing teeth and getting ready for bed. She came out the same as Tina with a long shirt on and she crawled into her bed. I went in, peed and ran some of their toothpaste across my teeth with my finger.

When I came out Tina was snoring but Sandy was looking me right in the eye. She climbed out of bed, took off her shirt and took me by the hand to her bed.

"I'm glad Tina fell asleep so quickly. I didn't really want her sloppy seconds." Sandy said sounding dead sober with a big grin.

"Sandy, I want to make sure that you want to do this. Tina was afraid Jim might find out, call off the wedding and you'd be crushed. Are you absolutely sure that you want to do what I think we're getting ready to do?"

"Mark, this is my last fling before I become a faithful married woman. Nobody will know about this but us. I've felt your dick enough tonight to know that it's pretty impressive and you're very easy on the eyes, so drop those underwear, take off that shirt and lay back on the bed. I want to see what that thing looks like hard." She said with a hungry look in her eye.

I moved over near the bed and took off my clothes. Once I was naked Sandy shoved me on the bed and climbed up herself. She wasted no time getting me in her mouth. Little Mark was hard in record time. Sandy was moaning as she was sucking me like I was the best thing she ever tasted. Maybe I was. She took me right to the edge and then came up my body to kiss me.

Sandy was an experienced lover. She kissed me deeply and I could feel the heat and wetness of her sliding down my stomach to reach her goal. Once she started moving my cock in position and began guiding me in her extremely wet pussy she gasped out. "Oh, fuck, so big. Oh, yesss. I've waited all night for this."

I kissed Sandy hungrily as she worked herself to her first orgasm, quietly whimpering into my mouth as it ran through her. I gently held her close and rolled us both, still connected, over until I was on top of her. Sandy smiled up at me after the move. I resumed grinding into her slowly just as she had when she was on top. Her pussy gripped me like the proverbial velvet glove. She was jutting her hips up to meet my long, gentle thrusts moaning with each penetration.

Sandy grabbed my head and forced her tongue deep in my mouth. She pulled off to look in my eyes, still holding my head. "Fuck me. I don't care if Tina hears us. Fuck me!" she commanded.

I continued to slam into her for two or three more minutes when I saw Sandy form a silent 'O' with her mouth just before screaming out her orgasm. I let go at that point myself and fired rope after rope of cum in her glorious pussy. I fell off to the side of Sandy and kissed her passionately breathing hard after my orgasm. She was doing the same.

I looked over towards Tina to see if she'd awakened. Sandy saw me looking and looked over as well. Tina was still snoring. Sandy turned back toward me and leaning on her elbow asked; "Will you take me to your boat? I'm not through with you yet and I don't want to worry about Tina waking up and seeing us together."

"I'll be glad to. What will Tina say when she wakes up and you're not here?"

"I'm going to leave her a note telling her to not worry about me and that I'll find my way home." as Sandy was telling me this she was packing up her suitcase. "I'll be packed in a minute and we can head down to your boat and continue where we left off."

"That sounds like a plan to me." I happily told her.

Once we'd reached my boat I helped Sandy aboard and took her suitcase to my cabin. I picked the bride-to-be up and laid her on the bed. I immediately dove down to her pussy. I've never had an issue performing oral after I'd left a deposit. I just keep my mouth up on the high end and let my fingers take care of the lower parts.

Being alone on my boat Sandy was much more vocal when orgasming. I got two more out of her while eating her out and then flipper her over on her hands and knees to fuck her doggie style. We both came a few minutes later collapsing on the bed panting with big smiles on our faces. Sandy rolled over and kissed me. "Holy shit, Mark. I'm going to need to remain on this boat another day to get some more of that." she chuckled.

"You can stay as long as you'd like. You're one hot woman, Sandy. Maybe, I'll take us a few miles out and drop anchor so you can never escape." I laughingly told her.

"Don't tempt me, lover. I think I could stay here forever."

In the morning we went to a local restaurant and had a full breakfast. Both of us were famished from our night of love making. I took her on a tour of the island. We shopped, looked at art, walked the beaches and I found myself really enjoying our time together. Sandy said the same and I asked her if she wanted to have a nice dinner with me before she had to leave. She did and we ate at the finest place on the island.

Once we returned to my boat we spent all night fucking and sucking until both of us were exhausted. When we awoke Sunday morning I asked Sandy how much longer she could stay. "I should probably get back soon. My friends will be worried and will have a million questions for me."

"What about, Jim?" I asked without thinking.

"Who?" Sandy joked. She looked at me and then got a serious look on her face and sat up straight. "Wait a minute, you get a kick out of this don't you? That's why you dock here all summer isn't it? How many young bachelorettes have you ruined for other men?" she asked dead serious.

"I haven't 'ruined' any of them!" I told her.

"How do you expect poor Jim to compete with you and your big cock? You're the best lover I've ever had. I could train Jim for years to get him to this point and he'd still be less, because of your big cock. You're an evil man, Mark."

"I learned most of what I know about pleasing women from my ex-wife. I was married for five years before she left me. The rest I picked up from all the women I've been with since her." I told Sandy somberly.

"You got hurt so you're punishing all of womanhood because of one stupid bitch!? Why the bachelorettes? Why us?" Sandy asked confused.

"I didn't want to have sex with anyone's wife and this is as close as I could get. I suppose I need to prove to myself that I can steal a woman's affection the same way someone stole my wife's. I needed something to restore my manhood." I answered Sandy coming to a sudden realization.

"Mark, your a loving, funny, caring, good looking man. You could have almost any woman you set your sights on. Why tear someone else's relationship apart?" Sandy asked with concern.

I didn't have an answer to that. "My intent isn't to destroy anyone's relationship. I get off thinking that the brides-to-be might be thinking about me during their honeymoons. That's all."

"Oh, that's all, huh? You might not realize it but I think you're doing this to make yourself feel superior to the bachelors. You lost your wife to some douchebag, so you're trying to prove to yourself that you can please a woman better than their future husbands can. Well, congratulations, Mark. You've been the best lover I've ever had but Jim will still give me much more satisfaction because we're in love with each other." Sandy stated angrily.

"I was married once, Sandy. I know that there is no truly great sex without love. Maybe, subconsciously I want to be the man all these women marry. I liked being married." Now I was psychoanalyzing myself and realizing that maybe my kink wasn't what I thought it was.

"I think you need some professional help figuring that out, Mark. It could be that you still love your ex. I have to go now. I was serious about you being the best I've ever had. Some girl's going to make an honest man out of you and be well serviced." Sandy laughingly said as she stepped off the boat.

"Best of luck in your marriage and I'm sorry." I yelled at her as she walked down the dock.

Sandy spun around on her heal and yelled back "I'm not!" After completing her turn she quickly made her way to the ferry.


I decided that Sandy was right and I made an appointment to see a psychologist on the mainland the next day. The doctor had a cancellation so I was able to see him that afternoon. My first three visits with him he asked me questions about myself and just let me talk. It was the second week of sessions that the doctor started asking specific questions like: do I still love my ex-wife, do I want to reconcile with her and the last shocking one: who is Sandy to you.

It had been three weeks since I'd been with Sandy. She would be married by now and off on her honeymoon. That thought made me a little sad. The doctor told me that I may still be in love with my wife but, Sandy had lit something in me in our time together. He saw it in my eyes.


I'd found someone I could care about by trolling the bars once, so I decided to try my luck again. Seated at my usual spot, in my usual bar, with my usual beer, the bachelorette party burst through the door, as usual. The women in this party were all black. I'd been with a few black bachelorettes over the years. The exotic contrast between our skin color did make things a little more exciting, but women are still women and no matter the color they all liked my big cock. This particular bachelorette was beautiful. I mean, could have been a model type of beautiful, so my interest was peaked.

There was still a chance that the women in the party would look for someone their own race to chase after, but there weren't too many black men in the bar, so just like the other bachelorette parties, they decided that the handsome guy with the big cock would do just fine. They began dragging me over to their table when I heard an angry voice yell out behind me: "Where do you think you're taking MY MAN?!"

The three women immediately released me and scurried back to their table giving a sarcastic "Soorry. We didn't know!" over their shoulders.

I turned to see who was claiming me as 'her man' and saw Sandy with a huge grin. "Well, Mrs. Hamilton, what brings you back here on a Saturday night?" I asked.

"It's not Mrs. Hamilton." Sandy told me with a sad half smile. "Things didn't work out."

"Couldn't keep from thinking about my big cock while making mad, passionate love to the man who loves you?" I joked.

"You're such an ass!" she said laughing with her huge smile back. She came closer to me and took the collar of my Tommy Bahama shirt in both her hands and pulled me in to a smoking hot kiss. Releasing me from her lip lock she looked deeply into my eyes: "You might be an ass, Mark but you happen to be right...this time."

Now I was dumbfounded. "I...what do you mean?"

"It wasn't your big cock, well not entirely, it was you that I couldn't stop thinking about. I suppose your cock technically is part of you know what I mean." Sandy told me smiling.

"Sandy, I went and saw a psychiatrist who helped me figure some things out like you suggested." I told her while she nibbled on my neck not appearing to be listening to me. "My doctor thinks that maybe you lit something in me, gave me a spark, to help me move on from my ex-wife."

Sandy had moved up to my ear with her nibbling and hadn't had any reaction to anything I'd said. She whispered in my ear: "If you think that I'm too obtuse to tell when a man loves me, maybe I've made a mistake. Take me to your boat and show me what you're talking about." She bit my ear and turned to walk out the door but I grabber her.

"It IS my big cock after all, isn't it? I knew it! All you women think about is sex, sex, sex." I told her in mock anger.

"Look, I gave up a really good man to be with you. Don't make me regret it. You and your big, thick, beautiful cock need to take me to your boat and make me a happy woman. I should be on my honeymoon right now, getting fucked, but instead I had to take that damn ferry all the way out here to be with the man I love. The sacrifice I've made for you..."

I stopped her silliness with a hot kiss that caused her knees to buckle. I scooped her up and carried her all the way to my boat. "Wait a minute! Have you had any other bachelorettes on here since I left?" she asked trying to be angry but just looking cute.

"No ma'am."

"Don't ma'am me! You big, Jerk! Put me down!"

"Yes ma'am." I told her as I dropped her on my bed laughing.

"It's a good thing you DO have a big one Mister or you wouldn't get any of this." she said raising her skirt up showing me her naked, very wet, pussy. I dove in and we began twenty-four straight hours of naked adult fun.


We dated for a few months before she figured out that she was pregnant and that I was rich. Sandy quit her job and moved in with me to be my 'full time sex slave'. She only claims to be my sex slave though because I'm always the one tied to the bed on Friday and Saturday nights to keep me away from the bachelorettes, she says. Sandy teases me that she is going to let one of the future brides come onboard and use me while I am tied up, but so far that has never happened.

We were married at the local courthouse three months after her canceled wedding. I wasn't about to let her have my child out of wedlock. I suppose no birth control pill could be expected to withstand the twenty-four hour assault we gave it the night of our reunion and hers did not. Marriage was an easy decision for us no matter the reason. We loved each other.


We've had three beautiful children over the years who've given us two beautiful grandchildren. We're older now so our love making doesn't last as long as it once did, but Sandy's still enamored with my big cock. It's chemically enhanced for her pleasure now. I hope the guy that invented that blue pill got the Nobel Peace Prize or something.

Jim Hamilton married Tina about two years after Sandy broke things off with him. Jim and Sandy smoothed things over before he and Tina's wedding and we have been friends with them ever since. Our kids grew up together.

At our usual Saturday barbecue get together recently Tina reminded me, for the third time in the last two weeks, of the promise that I made to her at Sandy's bachelorette party thirty-two years ago. Recently Sandy has hinted to me three or four times that I should always honor my promises. Something fishy is going on here and I'll need to speak to Jim about what it is. Whatever it is, it sounds like a completely different story...

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jflindersjflinders8 months ago

Mark needed counseling to get over his cheating wife and move on so he could hook up with and marry someone cheating on her fiance. I see more counseling in his future.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A little to ofen big cock but otherwise ok

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Like the concept of the Nobel Piece Prize for the inventor of the little blue pill.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill6912 months ago

Really cute and nice story.

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