The Bad Cop


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It's impossible to describe the feeling of suddenly being thrust out into the open as the nude object of attention of a stadium full of people. All of the nervousness and anxiety I'd been experiencing leading up to this moment suddenly transformed into a surge of adrenaline. I guess it's probably like the rush a skydiver feels the first time he or she exits the relative safety of the airplane for a free fall through the atmosphere. Any worries about having the strength to run were unfounded as I sprinted easily through the outfield, the perfectly manicured grass providing a soft cushion for my bare feet.

I was approaching the Red Sox centerfielder now and he showed no sign of wanting to interfere with my progress as a grin spread across his face and his eyes pored over my body. By now I was sure my entire body was deep crimson with embarrassment and I managed a weak smile as I ran past. I hadn't really thought about what my path would be after reaching centerfield so now I was just winging it. It didn't look like I'd be running unimpeded for much longer anyway. The security people coming from my right were closing in on me and I guessed that the cop behind me wasn't far back either. I could hear his heavy breathing behind me and felt a hand grasp my left shoulder just as the cop from the Mariners dugout closed in from my right and made a lunge towards me. Instinctively I cut to my right at that moment and heard the two cops go sprawling as they collided with each other. I then dodged the grasp of a security guard on my left as another one on my right dove at me and stumbled headfirst onto the ground. The crowd erupted in cheers as I burst into the open again like a broken field runner heading for a touchdown.

By now I'd decided that I'd put on more than enough of a show to please Megan. I wanted to get the hell out of here, but there was nowhere to go! The only obvious way off the field was to jump back over the short infield fence and run into the crowded stands, but that was the last place I wanted to be. I saw the answer as I sprinted back towards the infield – the Mariners dugout. I knew these dugouts had doors that led back into the clubhouse beneath the stands and I decided that would be my goal. I had no illusions about evading security once there; I just wanted to get off of this field and out of sight.

I glanced quickly over my shoulder and saw I had enough of a spread on my pursuers to make it. The only thing between me and the dugout now were the Red Sox infielders and none of them showed any signs of wanting to stop me. I put my head down now in order to avoid the stare of all those eyes as I approached the stands again and watched as my bare feet pounded the turf in front of me. I stayed on the outfield grass just beyond the infield dirt as I passed by the first baseman. Only a few more seconds and I'd be in the dugout and out of sight of the crowd. I was going to make it.

Just then I felt an arm reach across my stomach and grab my right hip, spinning me around. I stumbled backward for a couple of steps and then fell hard onto my butt in the grass between the first base line and the dugout. I sat there stunned for a moment and then looked up at the person who had prevented me from reaching my goal. It was the first base umpire. He jerked his thumb up into the air. "You're out!"


As I sat in the grass gasping for breath the security guards ran up and surrounded me, breathing heavily themselves from the chase. I caught one of the guys staring down between my legs at my pussy and I quickly slammed my knees together. I could see the perspiration on my bare skin glistening beneath the glare of the stadium lights. I was expecting someone to throw a jacket or something over me but then it occurred to me that none of them was wearing a jacket. It was too warm a night.

In the background I could see the two cops jogging towards me after having recovered from their centerfield collision and neither of them looking happy about having been made to look like Keystone Kops in front of this large crowd. The security guards parted to let them in and I saw the cop who'd been stationed near my seat say something into the radio attached to his uniform collar, then motion with his head to one of the security people. "Get her on her feet," he said. A couple of hands grabbed my arms and hoisted me to my feet. "Turn around," he ordered. I turned away from him as told and gasped as he roughly pulled my arms behind my back. For the second time in a week I felt cold metal handcuffs snap onto my wrists.

"At least you won't need to frisk her," one of the security guards said and several others laughed.

"You guys get back to your posts and make sure no one else tries anything," the cop said. "The two of us will take her inside," he said, motioning to the other cop.

"Shouldn't we put something on her?" one of the female security guards said.

"Screw her," he growled. "If she wants to show off we'll let her show off."

The security guards began walking away leaving an unobstructed view now for those sitting in the stands just twenty feet away as I faced them handcuffed and nude. Cameras flashed as hoots and whistles rang in my ears. To my right the Mariners players were lining the edge of the dugout, obviously enjoying the show. If it was possible to die of shame I probably would've keeled over right then and there.

I'd been expecting the cops to take me through the dugout and into the clubhouse but instead they each grabbed an elbow, spun me to the left and started walking me out towards the outfield. In the distance I could see a section of the centerfield fence opening up exposing a corridor that led beneath the outfield stands. After thinking my nightmare was almost over I realized that it had just increased tenfold. They were planning on marching me nude and handcuffed through the outfield to this exit.

While I'd been running my energy and attention had been diverted somewhat from my nudity and embarrassment by my focus on eluding my pursuers. Now as I walked through the outfield grass I was overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness, shame, and vulnerability. Worst of all, these feelings were causing an intense sexual arousal in me that began coursing through my body in waves. My breathing was getting heavier and it wasn't being caused now by exertion. I did all I could to suppress these feelings but they kept building until I knew there was no stopping what was about to happen. I closed my eyes and my head tilted back as my entire body began to shutter. A loud guttural moan escaped from my lips.

My humiliation was now complete. I'd just had the most intense orgasm of my life in front of 45,000 people.

Whatever adrenaline and energy I'd felt before was now spent and my knees buckled beneath me. I would have fallen to the ground if the two cops hadn't been holding me up by my elbows.

"Jesus," I heard one of them say. "I think she just came."

"Yeah," the other one laughed. "Hard."

By now I just wanted to disappear from the face of the earth. I put my head down and shook my hair across my face in an attempt to gain the only small measure of modesty and anonymity I could manage at the moment. I barely noticed as I passed through the outfield fence and into the corridor beyond.


If I'd thought my ordeal was going to be over once I'd exited the field I was wrong. After being led to the stadium's security office I was forced to stand nude and handcuffed while it seemed like every team and stadium employee in the building stopped by to get a look at the naked girl they'd just hauled off the field. The two cops, obviously still pissed about having been made to look like fools in front of the large crowd, were in no mood to do me any favors and rebuffed any offers to cover me. It wasn't until the stadium's chief of security finally arrived that he ordered someone to cover me up and a large Mariners beach towel was wrapped around me. I was plunked down in a chair in front of his desk still handcuffed while he kicked everyone but the two cops out of the office. The towel covered me from my breasts down to about mid-thigh and while sitting there being questioned I had to keep my legs closed to prevent giving him a Sharon Stone-like flash.

I knew better than to say anything about Megan so I made up a story about losing a bet. He obviously didn't believe my story but soon lost interest after seeing he wasn't going to get anything else out of me. I was taken to another office to have my picture taken and told I was permanently banned from the stadium. That was fine with me; I couldn't imagine wanting to show my face – or anything else – there ever again.

When they were finished with me the older of the two cops – the guy I'd nicknamed "Stache" in my head for the thick salt-and-pepper moustache he wore – grabbed me by the arm and walked me out to the parking lot where his car was parked. After reaching the car he opened up the trunk and, without a word, pulled the Mariners towel off my body and threw it in the trunk. "My kid wants one of these," he said with a smirk and then opened the rear door and placed me into the backseat, still handcuffed and nude once again.

We pulled out of the parking lot into heavy traffic – the game had apparently ended by then – and he didn't appear to be in any hurry to get through it leaving his flashing lights turned off. As I watched the crowds along the sidewalk outside the stadium I blushed knowing that every one of those people had seen me naked. By now I figured this cop intended to take me into the station naked as well and I wondered if this terrible night would ever end.

As traffic ground to a stop I could see him eyeing me in the rearview mirror. "You were smart not to say anything about Megan," he said.

I sighed. "God, was every cop in the city in on this?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Naw, just a few of us. The other cop on the field didn't know anything about it. I was supposed to catch you in centerfield and hustle you out of the outfield exit. But then you had to make like Barry Sanders out there so by the time I caught up with you I figured you'd earned a nice leisurely little stroll across the field. By the sounds of things you enjoyed it, too. I haven't heard an orgasm like that in quite awhile."

"I bet you haven't," I shot back.

"Careful now, sweetheart. You're not in any position here to be a smart ass." He inched along in traffic for a few feet before it halted again. "You know I was in the bar that night. You don't remember seeing me, do you?"

"Which bar?"

"The bar where you were celebrating your birthday." I looked at his face again but it didn't ring a bell. "That's okay," he said. "It was pretty crowded. That's why I was there. We knew it was a target rich environment for finding drunk young hotties."

I tried to process what he was telling me. "You mean you were scouting for someone to trap into doing this?"

"Yep. Megan wanted a sweet, innocent looking girl-next-door type. I picked you out of the crowd right away. Of course I had a couple of other girls I was also keeping an eye on in case you didn't drink enough to fail a roadside sobriety test or if you took a taxi home. But you were my first choice and fortunately for us you obliged by jumping into your car when you left the bar. You were marked from the second you pulled out of the bar parking lot."

I silently cursed myself for having made such a dumb mistake that night. These cops were sleazebags for trapping me into doing this but I also had myself to blame for the consequences of my actions. The cop cranked the wheel to the right and pulled into what I recognized as the same parking lot that Megan had parked in earlier. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

"The last time I heard that I ended up naked in Safeco Field."

He smirked as he pulled up alongside Megan's SUV. Standing next to it was Megan.


I found myself riding naked once again in Megan's car but this time she'd placed me in the front seat, my hands still pinned behind my back by the handcuffs. We rode silently through the busy streets before picking up speed as we entered the I-90 freeway. I finally broke the silence.

"Are you taking me to the police station?"

Megan shook her head. "I'm taking you back to your car. I think you've had enough excitement for one night, don't you?" A wave of relief washed over me. She turned to me as a broad smile spread across her face. "God, that was awesome, Laurie. You were great! You've got to tell me what it was like!"

"It was horrible," I said. "I hated it."

"Really?" she said with a crooked grin. "I heard you came like a racehorse out there."

"I couldn't help it. It was humiliating."

She laughed. "I was right wasn't I? You do have a submissive streak in you. You really got off on being forced to exhibit yourself like that. I bet you didn't know that about yourself, did you?"

"No, and I didn't want to know about that. I don't ever want to do anything like this ever again."

"Yeah?" she said. "I bet you'll replay tonight in your mind over and over again and get horny every time you do. At some point you'll want to experience those intense feelings again. In fact I can tell you're getting excited right now just talking about it."

I wanted to tell Megan to go fuck herself but I knew she was right, at least about getting excited again. I knew my body was displaying the telltale signs of arousal.

She continued without waiting for me to respond. "You have such a sweet, innocent face I bet no one ever suspected this side of you before. And your body is just perfect for this kind of thing...firm where it should be firm and round and soft where it should be."

"I used to be fat," I blurted out, not knowing why I was sharing this with her.

"Really? I guess I can kind of tell. It's not that you look fat now or anything. You look great. It's just that you have curves, not like some of the scrawny, anorexic girls I've seen. God, I wish you could have seen how you bounced and jiggled out there on the field," she laughed.

Even though I'd been nude in front of her for much of the day I was still embarrassed to hear her talking about my body like this.

"You know I found out something about myself tonight, too," she continued. "I had no idea how much I would get off on this. I was watching you closely during the game and I could see how nervous and excited and aroused you were becoming waiting for the big moment to arrive. You were squirming around in your seat like you had fire ants in your pants," she giggled. "It was making me nervous and excited, too. It was like I was living vicariously through you."

Hearing her talk like this was making me nervous. She sounded like someone who'd found a new drug that she couldn't wait to try again.

"When you pulled off your shorts during that foul ball I knew you were going to go through with it. God, it just gave me this feeling of anticipation that I can't describe. But then I probably don't have to describe it to you," she laughed excitedly. "You're the one who actually experienced it. And then when you peeled off your shirt and jumped onto that field I thought I was going to come in my seat right then and there."

Megan's face was flushed with excitement and my heart sank. "You're not going to leave me alone are you?" I asked, suspecting I knew what the answer was going to be.

She shook her head. "Oh, Laurie, I'm so sorry about this but I just can't. I really had intended to let you go but I just can't. I didn't know I would feel like this."

I knew better by now than to argue with her and I sat staring out the window dejectedly as we continued to roll down the freeway. I sensed my life had just taken a turn and I was no longer in control of it. I hated the idea of being under the control of this crazy woman, but at the same time I could also feel my arousal building again at the thought of it. She was right about me, I guess. I did get off on this.

I could see my car as we pulled into the spot where Megan had picked me up what seemed like a lifetime ago. She parked behind it and shut off the engine but left the lights on illuminating my car. "I want to show you something before you go, Laurie." She walked around to my door and helped me out and then guided me, still naked and cuffed, to the passenger side door of my car. She reached down and pulled the keys out of the wheel well where she'd seen me hide them earlier and unlocked the door. Reaching into the glove compartment she pulled out a baggie. I gasped as I saw what it was filled with. Pot.

"This would have been discovered in your car if you hadn't gone through with this tonight, Laurie. There's enough here to earn you three-to-six months in jail."

She grabbed me by each of my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "I want you to know that my threats are both real and enforceable, Laurie. I've kept you out of jail twice now and I can just as easily put you in if you ever fail to obey me. Do you understand?"

I nodded miserably as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"And don't you dare think of trying to turn me in either. I've got connections in this city that go a lot higher than you can ever know."

She reached up and brushed the tear away. "It won't be that bad, Laurie. In fact I think you'll find it very exciting. We've both discovered that we have something in us that the other can satisfy. You have this inner desire to be dominated and publicly humiliated, although you won't admit that to yourself right now, and I have the need to force someone young and beautiful and innocent to submit to naked public humiliation. I want to feel what you're feeling Laurie without actually having to go through with the experience myself."

"W-what would you expect me to do?"

"Don't worry, hon. I'm not going to pimp you out or turn you into a whore or anything. I have to deal with hookers all the time and that doesn't interest me. I just want you to experience more of what you experienced tonight. I'm not necessarily talking about streaking more sporting events, although that may happen. But you will be forced to expose that lovely body of yours in public whenever and wherever I tell you. It won't happen often. I don't want either of us to become jaded. You may not hear from me again for a month or even six months. But I want you to know that I might contact you at any time and that you absolutely must obey me when I do. I want you waking up every morning knowing that today might be the day that you'll be forced to humiliate yourself in public again. Do you understand?"

I nodded and the tears flowed freely now.

"Do you agree to obey?"


"You understand the consequences if you don't?"


I could feel her lips press against mine and my body shuddered as her hands caressed my breasts.

"Good girl. Now let's get those cuffs off of you and send you on your way."

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abc101abc101almost 13 years ago
great story

Forced female public nudity seems to be your fetish. A very common a tasteful fetish. This was very enjoyable and realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

lucky girl...wish i had someone who would control me like this...its

hotter because its female/female. thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I loved the anticipation her pulling her shorts off first. Very well written, i could feel her anxiety and it turned me on even more. Thats what most authors leave out, other people's reactions. And in public nudity the public's reactions are the most important. Nice story, looking forward to reading the other parts.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Loved it.

I wonder if you are a man or a woman?

So much better than the excessive sex in so many of the stories. And it really was a story, with a start, middle and end. Look forward to reading the sequels.

Ingenue_79Ingenue_79over 17 years ago
If Only

If only things like this really happened. Still fantasy is a wonderful thing and I enjoyed Laurie's adventures so much. I would love to be in her place being escorted off the field. That point in the story was really it for me. I hope you find time to write more.

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