The Barn Swallow Club Pt. 03

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Candy's ass is pounded, Sis arrives & old secrets come out.
16.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/21/2024
Created 01/02/2024
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After Tony ran out on me, and I was done fucking all three of my cum swallow girls, I figured I had better get back to work for the day.

My estranged half sister, who had only just divulged her true identity to me in dramatic fashion, was still very much on my mind.

How could she not be? She had revealed her secret and had formerly introduced herself as she - supposedly my half-sister through my Dad - sat with my cock fully engulfed inside her cunt. Hell, I was still twitching from an orgasm that had just filled her fertile and very married pussy with my cum.

The crazy bitch had shaken my limp hand with my dick wilting inside of her, a move which, truthfully, I found a bit amusing and rather admired, despite it being completely psychopathic.

After my insane half sister had departed and I sent Candy and Maria home for the weekend, I showered in my office bathroom, got dressed, ate a late lunch and then decided to call Freddie in from the production floor to offer him the first shift supervisor position.

To my surprise, Freddie came in and flatly turned down the job.

Not expecting that, it took a moment for me to respond. "Why?" I asked, perplexed and staring at him in bewilderment as he sat across my desk from me.

Freddie shrugged. "It's just not for me. Sorry, Boss."

"No, really, I need to know why you won't take this promotion. You wanted it last Tuesday. What happened, Freddie?"

Freddie looked uncomfortable, hesitating.

"No repercussions, Freddie," I said, "Please, just tell me why... unless it's for personal reasons you'd rather not..."

"No... no, not at all, Mr. Chamberland, it's nothing personal. I just..." He took a deep breath. "I just don't agree with you exploiting these women."

Nearly bursting out laughing, I said, "Exploiting? Are you serious?" He looked stone cold serious. This wasn't a joke. I shook my head and scowled. "You think I'm exploiting THEM?"

"Of course you are. These women are economically compelled to blow guys for money. I mean. I do that for free because I'm gay, but that's different. I like it."

"But they like it, too," I said.

He shook his head and grimaced. "No. No. They are doing it because they have to do it."

"They don't have to suck dicks for money, Freddie. They can do anything they want to do for a--"

Freddie raised his voice, shouting over me. "Of course they have to do that! Look, I choose to suck dicks because I enjoy doing it, but they were born servile to the patriarchy and are slaves in the bonds of sexual servitude."

I stared at him, blinking and stunned into silence.

"Basically," he added, "When you come right down to it... it's... it's sexual slavery."

I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Freddie asked. "I didn't say anything funny." He looked indignant, his lips pursed and his brow in a wrinkled bunch.

I shook my head as my laughter trailed off and tapped a pen on my desk, spinning and tapping, spinning and tapping. "Do you realize how much money I have agreed to pay these girls? Nevermind that, though, Freddie," I said, letting out a sigh, "I must inform you that... being a gay man, I don't think you understand anything at all about dealing with women."

He gasped and sat up in his chair. "Is that so?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yes, that is so. You are clueless."

He gasped louder and held his chest as if he were clutching pearls. "What an ignorant thing to say!" he cried, looking wounded. "Let me inform you, Mr. High and Mighty business man, that I have a mother, a grandma and two younger sisters. Also, I have talked with Dominic about this and I also have several, very close, lesbian friends, who all agree that your treatment of those women is absolutely--"

"Wait!" I said, cutting him off, "Hold up. You told your lesbian friends about my sex fetish arrangements?"

His jaw floundered and his face turned red. "Well... well... yes... I... I did bring it up over dinner the other night, but they are very dear and close--"

"Did I... or did I not, Freddie... ask that you keep that information... about my private affairs... private?"

"Well... well yes, Boss... but... but these are very, VERY close friends, Mr Chamb--"

"They're not my friends, Freddie."

Freddie clammed up.

I took in a deep breath and pushed it out, letting my anger go with it. I shrugged. "It's okay, Freddie. You let the cat out of the bag, but that's fine. I don't care."

He started to speak, maybe to apologize, but I held up my hand. "You also mentioned talking to Dominic. Do you mean Dom Ventulo, the other candidate up for this job?"

"Well, yeah," Freddie said, shrugging. "We talked about your treatment of women over lunch. He doesn't agree with it either."

"He didn't seem to object to that when I interviewed him."

Freddie smirked and let out a sigh. "Dominic and I are very close friends. He even invited me to his wedding last September and, believe me when I tell you, Dom is not on board with your--"

"Wait," I said, holding my breath as my heart skipped a beat. "You went to Dominic Ventulo's wedding?" Elizabeth Ventulo, Dom's wife - who was also my crazy half-sister - could have been sitting in on this meeting if I hadn't creampied her pussy. That sexual act had inspired Liz to finally reveal her secret about being my estranged half-sister, and to, dramatically, make an early exit, and now I was grateful for all of it, despite how demented it had been.

"Oh, yes!" Freddie said, taking in a loud, gasping sigh and holding a hand to his chest. "His wedding was gorgeous!" Freddie spoke in a reverent tone. "A traditional Italian church wedding. I used to be an alter boy, you know. They started the feast with..." Freddie prattled on and on, but I tuned out.

Apparently, Liz hadn't been aware of someone from her husband's job being at their wedding. This meeting with Freddie could have been a complete disaster.

I needed to find out who else from my company had attended that wedding, and Liz would need to wear some kind of disguise from now on, maybe one of those medieval party masks. That thought actually excited me. I decided I would go shopping for masks a.s.a.p., and jotted that note down. All my cum swallow girls would wear those masquerade masks in the future.

I put the note in my shirt pocket and - interrupting Freddie's detailed description of the bride's wedding gown - I asked, "Who else from this company was there?"

Freddie smiled and said, "Oh, only me. Dominic doesn't socialize with fellow employees much. We hit it off because I was raised a devout Roman Catholic just like he--"

"That will be all, Freddie," I said, talking over him. "You can get back to work now. Just let yourself out."

He looked appalled again. I had no clue why or at what, but I didn't care enough to ask.

"Well," I said, shooing him away with a backhand wave. "Go. Get back to work."

Freddie swallowed and nodded. He stood up and paused, looking down at me as if hesitant to ask something.

"What is it?" I said.

Freddie cleared his throat. "May I use your men's room?"

I wagged my head at the doors to the two bathrooms in my office.

He sneered over at them. "Ummm, which one should I use?"

"Either one," I said.

"Are you saying," Freddie asked, looking insulted, as usual, "That it's okay for me to use a lady's bathroom because I'm gay?"

"No," I said, grimacing. "The doors aren't marked. They're unisex." Did Freddie enjoy being offended? I studied him, bewildered. He just stood there, staring back and forth from one door to the next. "So... which bathroom should I use?"

"Either. They're both the same."

"Which one do you use?"

"Both... but I just took a shower in the right one."

"Oh, okay, then I'll use the left. I don't like steam. It frizzes my hair."

I was stunned by his vapid decision making process. "Whatever you like, Freddie," I said, smirking in amusement. This man couldn't even decide which bathroom to use.

He walked into the left bathroom. A second later his head popped out. "Uh, there's no toilet paper in this one."

"Then use the other one," I said, now slightly annoyed.

He wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "Like I said, I don't like steam."

I pushed air through my nose and said tersely, "Would you like me to get you a roll of toilet paper, Freddie?"

He shook his head and held up a hand. "Nevermind. Doesn't matter. I just have to pee anyway."

I threw my pen down hard onto the desk.

What a waste of time and words. Freddie was an idiot.

He nodded and his head disappeared into the bathroom. The door softly closed and I heard him fumbling with the lock.

My relief at him turning down the supervisor position could not have been greater if he had taken a big hot, steamy shit right on my desk.

Letting out a few more breaths to calm myself down, I contemplated calling Priscilla back in to offer her the position. This time, though, I would first have a very lengthy heart to heart with her to make certain she was nothing like Freddie.

Freddie flushed and appeared a few seconds later, drying his hands on some paper towels.

"You know what, Mr. Chamberland," he said, smiling broadly, "You convinced me. I have decided to take the supervisor position after all."

I shook my head. "No way," I said, "That promotion is off the table."

His smile vanished. "Why?" he said. "I don't understand."

I wanted to say, 'Because you're an idiot,' but I felt that might sound a bit too harsh, so I thought a moment and said, "I just don't think you're the right fit for this position. It's nothing personal."

Freddie's face dropped even further. "Was it... was it something... something I said?"

The poor bastard looked like he was about to cry. It was every single damned thing he said, including not being able to pick a bathroom, but I felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry, Freddie," I said, "Maybe the next opening will be a better fit."

Suddenly, he stiffened up and clenched his fists, his expression becoming stern. "Is this because I'm gay?"

I let out a little chuckle, but suppressed my urge to laugh right in his angry face. Shaking my head, I said, "No, definitely not. Two of my closest friends in college were gay, Freddie. You're just not the right fit." I paused, thinking of a good reason to pin it on, and there were plenty, but a very inoffensive one came to mind, so I phrased it in the best way I could.

"You are a great guy, Freddie, thoughtful, good attention to detail, friendly and passionate." (Which was a lie, a huge lie, not true at all, and he had way too much misguided passion, but he seemed to be eating this bullshit right up.) "I just love how you stood up to me," I said, smiling and raising a clenched fist, wagging it, nodding at him and winking. (I absolutely hated how he had stood up to me!) Standing up, walking around my desk and putting my hand on his shoulder, I gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Standing up to me like that took hood spa!" (Standing up to me like that took a moron!) "It's just that... you divulged my secret to your friends." (Which I couldn't care less about.) I winced and let out a long sigh. "And, sadly, even though it was just a tiny breech of my confidence and you were just being honest with close friends..." I walked him out of my open office door into Maria's reception area. "I really need someone who... well... who isn't as loyal to their friends... and who just isn't as... as nice... as you are, Freddie."

"I don't have to be nice," he said.

I walked him faster through the reception office and toward the door. "You're a nice guy, Freddie. You can't change that, and I need someone who is a bit dumb and a bit of an asshole for this job. Sorry. You are not dumb and you are not an asshole." (I walked the dumb asshole right out my reception office's door.)

Freddie nodded. "Okay," he said, "I understand, Mr. Chamberland." He turned to face me and smiled. "I hope you'll keep me in mind for the next--"

"Absolutely, Freddie," I said, waving. "Have a great day. Bye, now." I shut the door in his face and let out a sigh of relief.

Being a Friday evening I had a bunch of paperwork to finish before I went home. I got straight to work.

As I labored over all the tedious production reports, sales projections, profit margins, and signed off on expenses the phone rang several times. Without a secretary to answer it, I let the machine on Maria's desk pick up and listened to the callers leave messages.

Most of the callers were salesmen and telemarketers, but one or two random employees called, asking stupid questions, which was all normal.

Then, exactly five minutes before five, my quitting time, the phone rang, the machine picked up and all I heard was silence. I stopped what I was doing and listened harder.

I could have sworn I heard breathing. Getting up from my desk, I walked around it and went through my wide open office door to get closer to the machine on Maria's old desk.

It definitely was heavy breathing on the machine. Then I heard a woman's whining moan. More heavy breathing followed, somewhat louder and somewhat faster than before. Suddenly, Candy's voice said, "Goddamn you, Dick!" There was a loud clatter and the sound of springs squeaking in a seat as if she were readjusting her position.

Sounding extremely frustrated and near tears, she shouted, "I almost had the fucking orgasm of my life today!"

More objects banged around. I heard a car start. "Fuck!! she screamed.

Then sounding annoyed, Candy talked loudly and quickly into the phone, "I was hoping to catch you in your office, you bastard. I have been out here in my car parked in the parking lot with my fucking dildo in my ass this whole time. Never in my whole life have I ever stuck anything up my ass! You turned me into some kind of an anal slut, you fucker, but I cannot seem to fucking cum with anything else. I need that big cock and you went home for the weekend! What the fuck! I give up. I'm going ho--"

Here I snatched up the phone, turned off the answering machine and shouted, "I'm here, Candy! I'm here!"

"Oh thank fucking Christ!" she said. "Do you know how Goddamned frustrating it is trying to orgasm with a dildo in your ass that is half the size of the real fucking thing?"

"Uh... No," I said, not able to relate at all. "Look, Candy, just get that tight ass back in my office. We'll both finish each other off... like we should have done earlier."

"Stay right the fuck there, Dick! I'm on my way in!" She must have slammed her car phone down. The call ended abruptly with a loud click.

Less than a minute later Candy came through my reception office's front door, spun around, shut and locked it, and turned back to face me. She unzipped and pushed her tight black skirt down, wiggling out of it, dropping it along with her panties onto the floor and stepping out of them.

Unbuttoning her blouse, as she leered at me with a snarl on her lips, she said, "You made me cum harder than I ever came before when we fucked, Dick. Did you know that? Did you feel it? You rocked my fucking world." She ripped her blouse off and tossed it away. "Then when I was on top of you again with your big dick... all up in my ass... I felt another incredible fucking orgasm building up, but that one... that one started in my fucking toes. Just the buildup alone to that... that ass-gasm... or whatever it was... sent waves of lightning shooting through my whole body... and just as I was about to explode... that FUCKING Bitch..." She tossed her bra after the blouse, standing there naked, except for her black high heels, her feet spread shoulder width apart and placing her hands on her hips.

My cock responded at the sight. Candy had a gorgeous body. her tits weren't as big as either Liz's or Maria's, but they were big enough, with bright pink nipples contrasted against her pale white skin. Her shock of red pussy hair stood out, as well, all on a very slim frame with great muscle tone but still quite delicate and supple. "That fucking crazy blonde bitch," she said through clenched teeth, "Pulled me right off your cock! Do you realize how fucking frustrating that was? Now, get your clothes off and get back into that same place and that same fucking position. I want that ass-gasm, Dick... I need that ass-gasm... and I need that thick cock of yours to make it happen!"

I couldn't comply fast enough. In a matter of seconds I landed completely naked on the floor with my cock standing at attention, and in the exact same spot we had been earlier that day.

Candy strode to my side and stepped over me, staring down at my hard throbbing cock with what seemed like anger. Her tits rose and fell with deep, labored breaths.

"I forgot my lube in the car. Spit on that big fat head, Dick. Get it nice and wet for me."

I spit in my palm twice and soaked the tip.

"Now hold it up!"

I pointed my cock up at her. Candy squatted, leaned back and brought her asshole down onto the wet head of my raging boner. She pressed her weight down onto my thick cock, and her tight asshole began opening up around it.

Sneering and hissing through clenched teeth, Candy's brow wrinkled as my cock opened her asshole up. My bulbous head squeezed into her, then popped through her strangulating sphincter. "Oof!" she cried. Breathing several hissing breaths through clenched teeth, she shouted, "Motherfucker!"

Then she leaned further back on her arms, her hands gripping each of my thighs and she whined. Carefully adjusting both her high heeled feet one at a time, she spread them farther apart on the floor to get better balance.

The view of her creamy white inner thighs, her spread wide open, bare cunt and just the head of my thick cock stuffed in her tight asshole made my long thick shaft throb beneath her.

After several more breaths, each slower and calmer than the last, Candy whined, "Yeh-heh-hes! That's it! That's what I felt! Oh, my God, Dick!"

She paused in that position, with just the head of my cock inside her, and stayed there. "This is where I was..." Candy cooed airily, nodding, licking her lips, but still grimacing. "When that blonde nutjob... pushed me all the way down.... and sent this big log of yours... oh my God.... so fucking deep.... that fucking cunt!"

Confused at all her chatter, I didn't know whether Candy was going to fuck me with her ass now or pull it off and go home.

"Fuck," she cried. "I... I can't do it." Candy took several quick breaths and shook her head. "I can't go down any further. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she whined, breathlessly. "I need your help, Dick," she said, practically begging. "I can't... I can't drop down on it... not hard... not like before... and not on my own. I'm... I'm too fucking afraid..."

I almost coached her to just go slowly and take it in a little at a time, but decided I liked her approach a hell of a lot better. "Okay," I said, "What do you want me--"

"Just grab my hips!" she cried. Candy shook her head again as if shaking off the pain. She leaned on one arm and then the other, pulling both my hands onto her hips with two quick grabs from shaky hands and trembling fingers.

Yes. I liked her approach much better than mine.

"I'm going to... oof! Motherfucker!... I can't believe I'm doing this... I'm going to count to three... and I want you to yank me down... shit! shit! Jesus!... Just yank me down hard when I say three!... Fuck! This is so nuts!" She grimaced and grunted as she added, "You gotta wet the shaft with more spit, though. Wet it good."

"Okay," I said, smiling at how much she was squirming and fussing. My cock throbbed in eager anticipation of the imminent plunge she had planned.

For some reason I hadn't expected my size would still be a problem for her, but I liked it. She was in pain with just the head of my cock inside her, but was so eager to get my whole cock back up in her ass that she was willing to power through even more pain. Why she hadn't even thought of just trying to ease it in like every other woman who does anal eluded me, but this was awesome.