The Bear and the Jock

Story Info
A straight guy is forced by an ex-con biker.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/17/2019
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All characters in this story are 19 years or older.

Warning: Please read tags before reading the story: Forced anal sex and derogatory gay terms used within. If that doesn't sound like your thing, then please find something that suits you better.

Tags: non-con, noncon, bondage, roleplay, daddy, older man, straight, domination, gay male, humiliation.

Hope you enjoy!! ;)


My name is Jason Donovan, and this is the story of how I went from being a straight jock with not a gay thought in my head - I was actually a bit of a homophobe, which is the main reason why this happened to me - to a dude who gets fucked in the ass on the regular by my roommate, an ex-con biker who looks like he just walked off the set of 'Sons of Anarchy'.

This dudes name is Bear... yeah, I know... fucking Bear.

He's a mid-40's, tough as nails bartender who rides a Harley, wears a leather vest and has more tattoos than I have years on this earth, which is 19.

This tale started after I graduated high school. I was accepted into NYU on a baseball scholarship so I had to pack my bags, say goodbye to my crying over protective mom, and get a plane across country to start my new life as a newly responsible adult.

Those were my mom's words, not mine.

While I did plan on working hard at college, I had also planned on going to parties, getting drunk, getting laid by as many hot chicks as possible and occasionally getting high with some friends. Well, as you can probably guess I did all of that and more, and I flunked out of college my first year, losing my scholarship in the process. To say my mom was devastated is an understatement, but no matter how much she begged I refused to go home as I loved the city life too much. Only thing was, now that I wasn't a student, I couldn't stay in my dorm any longer, and with little cash and a low paying crappy job, I took the offer to crash at a friend's uncle's apartment so I could get back on my feet.

I stupidly leapt at the opportunity, knowing I wasn't going to get a better offer. If only I had known how that decision would turn my world completely upside down and inside out. How only four weeks later I would be face down in a bed, my spread ass waving in the air as Bear pounded his big cock deep into my bowels while I desperately begged him not to stop. To fuck me harder, deeper, faster, while he spanked me and called me his dirty little boy, making my swaying engorged cock spill my pleasure onto his sheets as he spurted his cum deep within me.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking... how the fuck did that happen?

Well... let me tell you a little story.


I was in my room job searching online when I groaned to myself after I heard Bear enter the apartment, his heavy footfalls stalking straight to the old buzzing fridge to no doubt crack open a cold beer after a long early shift at the bar. I had been crashing in his tiny spare room for about two weeks now and I had just been getting comfortable around Bear and living in a new place when I had heard something through the paper thin walls last night that had shocked and disgusted me.

Bear was in his room roughly fucking the shit out of someone.

Now that would never bother me, I was actually pleased he got some pussy. And from the sounds coming from his bedroom it sounded like he was doing an excellent job of giving it to the chick good.

Only thing was, I realized the moans and muffled words coming from her sounded different than what I was used to hearing. The voice sounded deeper and there was no girly moans and sighs, no high pitched screams of 'yes don't stop!'. But I brushed it off until at 4am I went to take a piss, and as I was leaving the bathroom a naked guy walked out of Bears room dick swinging in the wind as he nodded hello to me before entering the bathroom.

I had just stood there in shock as I realized why the voice of the person being fucked by Bear had sounded off to me, it was because he had been fucking that naked man in the ass and not getting pussy like I had assumed.

I had jacked off to the sounds of two men fucking.

I had cum all over my chest to the sound of Bear pounding his cock into some dude's hairy asshole.

I had then felt like I was going to puke, my skin had crawled and my stomach dropped before I shook myself and hurried to my room lest the fag come out from the bathroom and see me standing there. He might have gotten the wrong idea and tried to fuck my ass or something, and there was no way in hell that was happening.

After all, I'm a pretty handsome guy, I've never had a shortage of hot chicks to fuck regularly. I'm 5'11", I work out daily and while I'm not hugely muscled, I'm lean with visible abs and strong arms. I'm tan with dirty blond hair that's tight on the sides and long on the top, blue eyes and a crooked pearly smile that makes girls blush and smile at me in return. My cock is something I'm pretty proud of too and I've had nothing but moaning, screaming girls beneath me. I'm sure any gay guy would love to fuck me, but this guy was straight as a fucking needle. I didn't even like being around gays. I didn't want him to even have a sliver of thought in his head about fucking me, I was that averse and disgusted by it.

I had tossed and turned all night, unable to remove the image of them fucking each other not five feet from my bed on the other side of that damned paper thin wall. I had decided in that moment to get a better paying job and find a new apartment asap, preferably with a roommate that brought home and fucked hot chicks like a normal guy. Although I wouldn't say no to moving in with a lesbian, I had no problem with them whatsoever.

Images of lesbians tribbing had then filled my head, replacing the ones I swore I would never let enter my mind again. It caused me to relax in relief and my cock to once more grow hard and aching. After rubbing one out I was finally able to fall into a sleep that had been, thankfully, gay sex free.

I avoided Bear like the plague for the rest of the week, spending most of my time with some friends, clubbing, bar hopping, fucking, stuff like that. Basically spending the week getting shit faced drunk so that when I returned to the apartment all I was capable of was passing out for twelve hours. While this helped me sleep and pass the time, it was not productive in moving out of Bear's place, and so exactly a week after Bear had fucked the shit out of some dude while I listened, I decided to get my act together and find a better job so I could get the hell out of his place.

Little did I know that in my blackout drunken filled week I had spouted off about my fag roommate's disgusting antics in the wrong bar, in front of the wrong person, and word had gotten back to Bear.

Let's just say he was none too pleased, and he planned on teaching me a harsh lesson I would never, ever, forget.


It was Saturday evening and I decided to stay home since Bear would be working a late shift at the bar and I was trying to get my act together so I could find a new place to live. I was sitting on the ratty old plaid couch, my socked feet up on the coffee table while drinking a cold one and watching SportsCenter when to my surprise and annoyance, Bear prowled into the apartment before heading straight to the fridge as usual.

"I thought you were working tonight?" I enquired, silently praying that he was just here for a quick beer.

"Nah man, got the night off," Bear bellowed happily making me sigh in defeat.

He grabbed a beer, popped the top and then to my revulsion he planted himself next to me on the sofa, propped his heavily booted feet on the coffee table making it creak and chugged down over half his beer before belching loudly. I inched away from him, trying to make it seem natural as I leaned against the arm of the small two seater.

"The fuck you watchin' boy? This girly shit?" Bear growled mockingly, his Georgia accent as strong as ever.

I thought it ironic he was basically calling me a girl when he liked to fuck and probably be fucked by men. But I kept my mouth shut and swallowed the last sip of my beer, I didn't want to anger the man who was letting me stay at his place practically free of charge, no matter how much I wanted to knock his teeth in for saying baseball was girly.

"Put on some football or wrestling man, this shit's boring as fuck," he grumbled before throwing back the rest of his beer and standing.

I breathed a sigh of relief as he moved further away from me to the fridge. I could hear bottles clinking from behind me as I tried to concentrate on the game but it wasn't very interesting truth be told, although I would never admit that to Bear.

He returned to the table with two beers and to my surprise he held one out for me to take.

Looking back, I knew this was the moment when everything changed, this moment when I accepted a beer out of politeness to a man who although had lost respect from me, he was also the man who was kind enough to let me crash at his place for pennies. Not when I flunked from college, not when I moved in here or spouted off about a gay ex-con biker across town. No, this was the moment when my life became the shame, pleasure and confusion filled mess that it now was.

Hindsight was a motherfucker.

"Thanks," I replied in surprise as I took it in hand and he nodded before getting comfortable once more. I took a small sip, not planning on drinking too much that night when I heard Bear scoff from next to me and when I looked up at him I saw him looking at me condescendingly.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Drink it like a man for fuck's sake, takin' dainty little sips like a pussy." He shook his head before scoffing once more and taking a large gulp that nearly drained the bottle.

"The hells this? A school night? Man, kids these days," he grumbled to himself.

"I'm not a kid, and I know how to drink, alright," I retorted in annoyance, and when he just chuckled, I suddenly found myself chugging back the whole bottle making Bear laugh and pat me roughly on the shoulder, nearly dislocating it in the process.

Bear, as his name suggested was a big bear of a man, and not a cuddly sweet bear like Winnie The Pooh or some shit. No, he was more like a dangerous grizzly bear. 6'5" in height he towered over most everyone he met and weighing over 250lbs that was mostly hard earned muscle, he was like a bear clad in heavy boots and leather. He had brown eyes, a thick beard and dark hair that probably needed a cut. I wouldn't exactly call him handsome, but I wouldn't call him ugly either. I had noticed he got a lot of attention from the ladies. Ladies that liked the big dangerous types, that wanted to be picked up as if they weighed nothing and pounded into by a man that needed no wall or bed to show them a good time, just stamina and power.

Little did they know he had no interest in pussy.

I quickly realized I shouldn't have drank the whole bottle in one go as I suddenly began to feel lightheaded. I blinked and looked over at Bear to see him smirking at me, and I instantly knew it was impossible for me to get this drunk so fast, and my stomach sank in dread.

"Whaa... what did y'do?" I mumbled, barely able to get the words past my clumsy lips as the empty bottle of beer slipped from my numb fingers to clatter on the dirty floor.

"I put a roofie in your beer, boy. I'm gonna teach you a lesson about respecting your elders. You don't get to spout your mouth off about your 'fag roommate' and not get punished for it," Bear replied with darkening eyes that tried to send my pulse into overdrive but was impeded by the roofie. I couldn't believe I had just been roofied, guys didn't have to worry about this shit, or so I thought. Roofies were what fat ugly guys gave to hot girls that would never touch them with a ten foot pole.

"Why?" I slurred as my head and eyelids became heavy, my head fell to the couch back and I was unable to lift it back up, it was also a struggle to keep my eyes open. But then Bear's big hand gripped my junk roughly, causing my eyes to fly open in shock and disgust.

"Nnhhoo," I moaned pathetically as he began to massage my cock through my sweats. My arms were so heavy I could barely lift them as I tried to push him away to no avail.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit outta your little virgin ass boy, ya ain't gonna be able t' walk for a week straight," Bear growled directly into my ear, sending a cold shiver of fear racing down my spine.

At hearing those words, I had never felt such absolute terror than I did in that moment, the drug flooding my system couldn't even dull the heart stopping realization that this scary dude was going to ass rape me as if I was some scared little boy thrown into the deep end of prison.

Every man's worst nightmare that we never really had to worry about, but now it was happening to me.

The last thing I heard and felt before everything went black was Bear chuckling darkly in anticipation, and the feel of his big hand roughly stroking my soft cock through my pants.


The first thing I could feel when I began to groggily awaken from what felt like a deep sleep was a chill tickling along my skin. As my eyes blinked open I realized I was on my back in bed. The thought that I must have drunk too much again began to form in my mind but it was quickly dashed when I realized I wasn't in my own bed.

I then tried to move my arms but I realized I couldn't so I rolled my head to the side to see why. My blurry vision cleared and I saw something that stopped my heart dead, my arm was pointing at the corner of the double bed and my wrist was bound in rope, rope which was tied to the headboard.

I was instantly awake and I jerked my head up off the pillow to look down my body to figure out why my legs hurt and I gasped when I saw I was completely naked, my soft cock resting against my ball sac. Ropes were bound around my knees, forcing them towards my chest, another rope was around my ankles, pulling them up and back. The rope around my knees was tied to the bindings on my wrists causing them to be spread wide so my asshole was on view for all too see. And the ropes around my ankles where tied to the top of each bed post, stretching my muscles painfully.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed in confusion.

I heard a deep chuckle come from the side of the bed and I whipped my head around to see Bear sitting in a chair, one ankle casually resting on his knee and my underwear in his fist. I then remembered what happened before I blacked out and realized Bear had threatened to fuck my virgin asshole. Fear like I'd never felt before flooded my system as I stared with wide frightened eyes at Bear's smirking face, his own eyes glowed with anticipation and cruelty.

"Please man, untie me. I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't have said all that shit, but I was drunk. Jesus, I don't even remember saying it!" I cried in fear, hoping he was just trying to scare me. I couldn't believe that he was really going to rape me, there was no way.

"Don't matter, you still did it boy. You told everyone that could hear all about Bear, your disgusting fag roommate who likes to fuck men's hairy assholes. So now this fag is gonna fuck your asshole little boy, and then you can be a fag too. And what's better, I'm gonna make you beg me to let you come, then I'm gonna make you come harder than you've ever come in your life." He declared with a smirk and I scoffed which quickly wiped the smirk of his darkening face.

"There's no way man, you're not gonna rape me, this is crazy. And even if you did, there's no way in hell I'd beg you to make me cum." I shook my head and laughed at the idea. "You're out of your mind dude. Now fucking untie me so I can pack my stuff and get the hell out of this shithole." I glared at him not realizing how serious this guy was, not realizing that I was about to be ass raped by this 6'5", 250lbs ex-con.

Bear stood and suddenly began undressing which sucked all the bravado out of my body in an instant. He removed his leather vest before yanking his black t-shirt over his head, revealing his hairy muscled chest and stomach which was covered in tattoos and scars.

"Christ man come on, you can't be serious. Bear please," I begged, and I'm ashamed to say my eyes began to tear up in despair when he started to unbuckle his belt, all the while staring at me with dilated eyes that looked at me how I imagined a man looked at a pussy he was about to conquer. Anticipation, triumph and domination resided there, but Bear's also held a flash of cruelty that scared me more than the rest. He was gonna make this hurt before he planned on making me cum hard.

He removed his jeans, having removed his boots and socks while I was passed out. He stood upright and smirked at me before grabbing the growing bulge in his underwear, drawing my wide frightened eyes there. He then pulled a monster cock into view and began to stroke himself causing tears to fall from my eyes as I imagined the pain I would feel when he stuffed that giant into my little virgin asshole.

"I've wanted to fuck that ass since I watched it strut into my apartment like it owned it," he said, his voice deep and growly. "But I knew you weren't into men, so I left you alone and tried not to think about it again. But then I heard what you'd said about me, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to get what I wanted. So thanks for that," Bear smirked before he removed his underwear leaving him completely naked, his huge cock and balls swayed as he walked toward the bed and as soon as his knee landed on the sheets I shouted as loud as I could.

"HELP! Somebody please, help me!" I screamed and pulled at the ropes only causing them to pull tighter around my wrists as tears fell from my eyes making my throat water, that triggered me into choking on my own spit as I gasped in a breath to scream some more. The walls were thin, I knew someone in the bar below had to of heard me.

"Don't bother boy, bar's having music night tonight, ain't nobody gonna hear ya and come running to the rescue." Bear laughed as he sat on his heels in front of my spread ass cheeks and I realized I could hear a thumping bass seeping through the walls. Bear towered over me, his big hairy knees framing my ass and his half hard cock bobbing between his huge thighs. "Besides, the manager knows exactly what I plan to do, why'd you think he gave me the night off?"

Those words made me pale in horror, there was no escaping this rape.

Bear reached behind him for a spare pillow, and before I knew it his hands were on my ass lifting it up before he pushed the pillow under the small of my back, angling me perfectly for him.

"Don't fucking touch me man!" I shouted, fear and disgust coating my voice making Bear scoff, and before I knew what I was doing, I spat in Bears face.

He just wiped the spit from his cheek and smirked at me before he started massaging my ass cheeks mockingly. "I can touch you anywhere boy, inside and out." Then he grabbed my balls in a tight fist, and I gasped and jerked, fear and pain plain on my face.

"Please man, please don't do this. Bear I'm sorry okay? I'm really, really sorry, I'll do anything but this." I had lost it, tears poured from my eyes and my chest heaved as sobs wracked my shivering body. I had never felt so helpless, so scared and vulnerable than I did in that moment. I cried and pleaded with him as he let go of my sac to pick up a bottle of lube from the bed that I had missed. He poured it onto his index and middle fingers before dribbling some onto my exposed asshole. I yelped at the odd cold feeling I felt as it tickled down the crack of my ass. "Oh God, no, no, no, no, no. Please Bear, stop. Don't put your cock in my ass, please."