The Beautiful Vietnamese Wife

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I pay an Asian wife to cheat on her husband.
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Mai Cao (hilariously, she pronounced it like My Cow) was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen in real life. First of all, she had a natural beauty that was apparent as soon as you laid eyes upon her.

She had that beautiful and delicately feminine, classic Asian look to her face, large dark, almond shaped eyes, almost feline, high prominent cheek bones, but also had full lips and a glamorous smile. I had imagined that she got that feature, along with her large breasts, wide hips and full round ass from a Western parent, and I had been right.

In one of our first conversations, initiated by her as we worked together after I had been there for a few months, I asked, "So what's your story, Mai? I usually can guess an Asian woman's nationality, but yours eludes me. You look somewhat Korean because you're tall and have light skin, but I also get a southern Polynesian hint to your features, maybe Thai or Cambodian. Where do your parents come from if you don't mind me asking?"

She smiled and said, "My mother Vietnamese... and father was American soldier back during war, but I never know father. She took me here when just little baby."

"Oh," I said, "That's sad. I'm sorry. You're a war refugee."

"I not sorry. I American. I have Vietnamese stepfather and husband, but we all American."

"That's very cool. Americans all come from somewhere else. My father came from Italy and my mother from Scotland, so here we are." I smiled and she smiled back.

Her face was beautiful and her body was magnificent, but she also had style, and dressed in a fashion all her own that was almost outrageous. She wore horn rimmed glasses clustered with fake diamonds, garish white gold necklaces and rings, and long colorful dresses or flashy jumpers with sashes for belts and large floral patterns. Her long, beautiful black hair, when it wasn't flowing down to the small of her back, was always meticulously held aloft in elaborate swirling buns, clamped with fancy hair clips or flowery barrettes.

Every man in the factory where we worked would steal glances at her when she walked by, and a few idiots would always go out of their way to wave hi or try and make conversation with her.

You could tell by her stern and cold demeanor that Mai was used to getting approached by men and couldn't stand it. She would commonly ignore these pests, and act like they weren't even there.

That didn't stop a few of those idiots from occasionally trying to get her attentions, but Mai acted like she was too good to talk to them and remained aloof. I never tried to talk to her, but I would occasionally smile and nod as we passed in the halls or on the factory floor. The one thing I couldn't stop myself from doing was staring at her beautiful ass.

When Mai was dressed in the right clothes, and that ass of hers was on display, no man with a pulse could resist gawking at it. That full cheeked, prominent ass popped out behind her like a sexplosion, making her exquisitely tiny waist and perfect hourglass figure look like nothing more than a vessel for showcasing that luscious backside of hers.

There was no way any normal guy stood a chance with that doll, so I never even tried. Well, not directly. Instead I dropped hints and little snippets of gossip to all the women she talked to that I was widowed, looking for a girlfriend, fabulously wealthy and then I waited.

After I worked there for almost a year, Mai started talking to me. At first she began just sitting near my table in the large lunch area. Then, after a few days, she began asking me questions.

Apparently, as I had planned, she thought I was rich. I wasn't, but I continued to allow her to believe that, knowing the thought intrigued her.

The months went by with just small talk, and then something changed. Mai began complaining to me about her and her husband needing money.

I had heard desperation in her voice, and saw it in her eyes. It seemed like she was waiting for me to offer my help. I had also gotten her flirty hints that she might be willing to do something for me, as well.

She wouldn't come right out and say it, but I knew she wanted me to figure out some way to give her money. My guess was if that way happened to include her cheating on her husband she might agree to it, but I would have to be the one who asked. Mai would never dare go that far.

She would flirt and hint and wish aloud that there was something we could do for each other to solve each others problems, me being single and alone and her being unhappy and in debt, but she would never come right out and say I'll fuck you for cash.

This kept on happening. Thinking that I was wealthy had been working on her, and Mai kept hinting at a quid pro quo of sex for money by flirting with me like that after every sob story of troubled finances for at least two weeks before I did anything about it.

It was a Friday night, and at my request we had both taken lunch at 8 pm instead of 7:30. Everyone else had gone back to work. We had the interior of this factory hanger all to ourselves. The rest of the workers were in the wings that branched off this main hanger hall.

I lead her down to the bottom level and walked us down one of several partitioned hallways toward the main vending area.

Like everywhere else in the hanger section this particular hallway was deserted and secluded. I stopped her halfway through it.

"I'll give you the money you need, Mai. I got some cash out of the bank for you today. You can pay me back. I also brought a loan contract for you to sign."

Her head pulled back and she scowled. "I no want loan."

I knew she wouldn't want a loan. She wanted an arrangement.

"What then?" I said. "I'm not just going to give you money. I'm not a sap."

"And I not take money from you," Mai said. "If I your girlfriend, you... you just give me money." She smiled sweetly and let out a sigh. "And I make you happy in other way." She giggled. Then she shrugged, sighed again and made a pouty face, pursing those full lips of hers. "Too bad. What we do now?"

I sighed. She had done it again. This had to be the tenth time in these last two weeks that she had said something like that.

I finally had an answer ready for her.

"Okay, how about this? What if I pay you to do me some favors?"

Her brow wrinkled and she pursed her lips, suspiciously scowling at me. "What you mean?" A twinkle in her eyes and a hint of a smile exposed her coyness as nothing more than a ruse.

I grinned and admired her body, looking her up and down. "I want you, Mai. I want you very badly. You want my money and I want you. Let's make a very sweet and very secret trade... between friends."

Her eyes widened and she gasped, badly faking a look of shock. "I no do that. I married woman. Husband be very very mad."

"Don't tell him."

She shook her head. "No. I no do that. I good Christian girl."

"You are a good girl. That's why I'll give you three thousand dollars."

Her mouth dropped open. She looked genuinely shocked. I guessed her shock was not caused by the lewd suggestion, but by the large amount I had offered.

"Look!" I said, "If you were a prostitute or a bad girl I would only offer you two or three hundred. I'm offering you three thousand because you are a clean, sexy and beautiful married woman."

"That right. I not prostitute!"

"And that's why you get three thousand instead of three hundred."

Mai frowned and shook her head. "I afraid. Husband be very very mad. How I explain money?"

"Just tell him you won it on a scratch ticket. You know... like from the store." I motioned scratching a card with a coin.

"Oh," she said, smiling, "That very smart. I tell him I win lottery. Very smart..." The smile faded. "But I still afraid. Mai never cheat on husband. I good Christian wife."

I said, "I know you are. Just come in there with me." I pointed. There was a huge, private unisex restroom right next to us. I had chosen that spot to talk for a reason. "It's a really nice bathroom. We can lock the door and do anything we want to do right in there. It has a clean floor and I put a large blanket in there earlier. If you don't want to do it you can leave at any time. Just come in there with me and we'll take it very slow."

I didn't bother mentioning the two motion activated hidden cameras I had set up, as well. She would find out they had been there in the weeks ahead if things went right for me today.

She glanced at the bathroom and then quickly looked back at me. "You plan all this with Mai?"

I nodded, smirking. If anyone had planned this it was her. I was just facilitating, turning her plan into a reality. If Mai hadn't been playfully hinting at being my sugarbaby so often and for so long, I never would have done any of this.

The funny part was that I wasn't even close to being rich. Sure, I wore nice clothes, had an expensive watch and drove a decent car, but that was an old salesman's trick. Con men use it, too. It's done so people will think they're wealthy and give them things.

In reality, I had barely twenty grand in the bank, rented a cheap apartment, and I was a factory worker now.

Mai, a married woman in her early thirties who liked nice things, had fallen for my con.

In reality, she was much better off financially than I was. She and her husband owned two houses, a restaurant and several nice SUV's. They probably had ten times more in their bank accounts than my measley twenty grand.

I was poorer, almost twenty years older than Mai, worked as a technician in a factory, only a slightly better job than hers, but I looked rich to her, and that was all that mattered.

Mai wore nicer things than most of the other factory girls. She wore gold jewelry, outfits from expensive name brand lines, owned designer handbags and shoes, and the scent of pricey perfumes followed her wherever she went.

A fake who spots another fake first always gains the upper hand.

Sizing her up as a beautiful girl who was beguiled by the finer things in life, but stuck working in a factory, I had made sure I sounded richer than her from the day we had met.

Long before she had made her advances we had chatted about rich guy things. I had told her I played golf. I don't. I had told her quite often that I had a maid, a built-in pool and grown kids living off my generosity.

I had none of those things.

I also had told her quite often that I was a germo-phobe. That one I had gotten from Trump. I wasn't.

When we talked about vacations, I had suggested Rome for the Vatican (Mai was a devout Christian), the French Riviera for gambling (she was also Asian), Aspen for skiing and Tahiti for deep sea Marlin fishing (just to make her think I did rich guy things).

I had never been to any of those places.

I had even mentioned, in passing, to one of her girlfriends, that I didn't have to work. I told her girlfriend that I just enjoyed keeping busy.

A few weeks later, Mai had told me she wished she could be like me, and that if she were she would quit her job and travel the world.

She had asked, "Why you no do that?"

I sighed, and said, "With what girl? My wife died ten years ago. (She hadn't. She had divorced me. That info didn't seem prudent to share). "All these young girls want is money." I said. "I'd be too lonely, Mai." Taking a sip of my coffee and smiling, I added, "Plus, I would never meet genuinely nice and beautiful women like you. Only golddiggers and fake people."

Mai started talking to me at nearly every lunch break after that.

Now, based on my months of illusion building and her greed, Mai was on the verge of giving me something much more precious than money, her husband's pussy.

Somehow, I knew, if she went through with this, it would be her first time cheating on her husband.

I also knew it wouldn't be her last.

If she went into that room to fuck me today, I had an evil plan to turn Mai into my sex slave whore. She would make me tens of thousands of dollars and pleasure dozens of random strangers for my enjoyment. Whole groups of men would soon pass her around, and she would do everything I asked her to do with them. That's why I was willing to spend so much on her today. She was married, had a young daughter, was a devout Christian and was the perfect target for a blackmail scheme. Mai had no clue what she was in for if she cheated on her husband today, and the thought of her actually agreeing to do this made my heart race and my dick hard.

With my help, Mai would become the most ravaged cheating whore on the internet.

She studied the bathroom, wrinkled her cute little nose and squinted. Mai looked nervous as hell as she considered carrying through on all her flirting and really going in there with me.

"Come on, Mai," I whispered. "Give us a sweet, secret and sexy memory to make us both smile on our death beds."

The nervous look on her face melted away, and a smile tugged at the corners of her pretty lips.

Her head spun around and she glared at me. "You have condom?"

I shook my head. "No condoms. I want to cum in you."

She shook her head fast, looking alarmed. "No. No. I ovulate now. Today I very fertile. I not even have sex with husband. No baby! You give me baby? Very very bad! I no half abortion. I Christian. You give me baby, it be very very very bad."

I shook my head, smiled and made a scissor gesture with two fingers in front of my crotch. "I can't. I'm fixed."

"You half vasectomy?"

I nodded. "Yes, I have a vasectomy."

"That good." She let out a sigh of relief and glanced back at the beckoning bathroom, then she glared at me again. "You have disease?"

I smirked and shook my head.

"How I know?"

"I don't have any diseases," I said, locking eyes with her. "I'm a germo-phobe, remember? I wouldn't pay three thousand for you if I wasn't terrified of diseases. I'd just get a three hundred dollar disgusting whore. I haven't had sex with anyone since my wife died. All I ever do is fucking masturbate. I definitely don't have any diseases."

After a moment more of eye contact, she nodded in agreement, seemingly quite reassured by my answer.

She shouldn't have been.

I had banged at least four sex workers without condoms in the previous year, maybe five.

She asked, "You really have three thousand right now?"

I reached into my coat and pulled out a big wad of bills, all stacks of hundreds. I showed it to her and said, "I have five thousand."

She gasped and stared down at the thick stacks, looking ecstatic.

She set her jaw and nodded.

"You give all five thousand, and we do fuck now. No condom."

"Woah! No way!" I shoved the money back in my pocket and shook my head. "Three for regular fuck. Five for everything."

She squinted. "What every ting?"

"I fuck you every way. Cum in every place." I gestured to her mouth, then down at her pussy, and then I smirked and said, "And that beautiful ass of yours, too."

Her eyebrows shot up, but she smiled. "You want fuck me every way?"

I nodded, smiling.

She pointed with two fingers at her mouth. "In my mouth?"

I nodded.

She pointed down and said, "In my pussy?"

I nodded twice.

She giggled. "And you want fuck me in behind, too?"

I nodded a lot and much faster.

She laughed, enjoying my excited reaction.

I said, "That's for five thousand, but only three thousand if we only do the normal way."

She nodded, thinking. "Okay. I let you do all way for five thousand."

"Are you sure?" I was overjoyed. I had hoped, but really hadn't expected this. She was agreeing to do everything. It was more than I could stand, a good Christian wife ready to get plugged and creamed in every hole like a cheap whore. "You will have to suck my dick and swallow all my cum first. Are you okay with--"

She nodded, looking annoyed. "Yes, I say already. I do all that."

"Then, I get your pussy and your bum, too. You understand, and--"

"Yes!" she snapped. "Yes, Harry. I understand. Not stupid. I let you cum all places in me and you give all five thousand dollar."

I smiled and nodded.

Mai smiled, snatched my hand up and said, "Good! We fuck now."

She practically jogged toward the bathroom door, dragging me along behind her.

Judging from her eagerness, I probably could have gotten everything for one or two thousand if I had only started the bid lower.

I didn't care, though. I had seen her little husband before, and once Mai saw my thick, eight inch cock, probably at least double the size of her little five-foot tall husband's Asian penis, the chances of her backing out would be much lower.

Also, I figured she might be angry about this in a few weeks if she ended up missing her period. Maybe the five grand would help her feel better about me lying.

I doubted it, though.

Saying I had a vasectomy after she told me she was ovulating and wouldn't get any abortions because she's a Christian was pretty sleezy. Intending and even more motivated to cum deep in her lovely pussy, despite all that, was even sleezier.

I looked at the time on my phone when we got into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door, I said, "We only have twenty minutes."

Mai dropped to her knees. "I make you cum fast," she said, helping me after I unbuttoned and unzipped by pulling my jeans and boxers to my knees.

My half hard cock popped out in front of her face. She flinched and sat back onto her feet. Behind her glasses, Mai's almond shaped eyes had turned to quarters.

"That most big dick Mai ever see! You no fuck behind with that! It too wide for behind! It too big. It hurt ass too much."

She swallowed hard. Her head pulled back and with a look of horror on her face, she continued to stare at it, shaking her head.

"Three thousand then," I said. "We just do pussy. Take off your clothes."

She became visibly upset, grimacing in anguish, but not taking her eyes off my penis.

Her shoulders sagged and she let out a sigh. Scowling she said, "Fine... but I on top for behind... you on floor. And I only fuck big dick tip with ass. Rest of dick too long, too fat for behind. It big like horse dick."

"How will I cum in your bum, then? We need cum in all three places for five thousand, mouth, pussy and in your ass."

She frowned and shook her hand, jerking off an imaginary cock. "You masturbate when big tip in my bum!"

"Fine," I said. "Just the tip in your bum. Now suck my cock."

Mai nodded, got up on her knees, and put both her hands around my cock. She lifted it and opened her mouth.

Hesitating just before her lips touched the head, she glanced up at me, wagged my cock up and down, smiled, and said, "It very heavy!"

Then she opened wide and leaned her head forward, taking my cock into her mouth. Her beautiful dark eyes rolled up into her head behind her silver jeweled horn-rimmed glasses.

She blew me with feathery lips and a slow, but deliberate head bob, stroking her mouth down quickly, tightening softly and then sucking slowly up. Quickly down. Slowly up. Quickly down. Slowly up. This Asian princess knew how to suck a cock too well for just being a housewife. I wondered at that moment which one of us was really being conned.

She pulled her mouth off and quipped, "This too wide!" Then she immediately went back to work.

"You have to drink it all when I cum."

She nodded, pulled her mouth off and said, "Mai try." Then she went right back to sucking.

"No," I said, "For five grand you drink every drop, or I get on top to fuck your bum."

"Mai try very hard."

She lunged to suck my dick again, but I put my hand in the way. I said, "If you miss a single drop of cum I get on top for your bum. Do you understand?"

She looked at my cock with foreboding. "You cum too much? I no like too much."

"Yes, I cum a lot. If you spit, or drop any, then I get on top and fuck your bum... hard and deep. That's the deal for five thousand, okay? You drink every single damn drop."