The Best Summer of My Life Ch. 06


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"Whoa... you mean like mother and sister? Shit I thought I was screwed up?" Mona jumped in.

"QUIET!" Magda shouted, "I'll get to you in a minute."

"You know you once said you'd never do anything to hurt me. Well it didn't take long to trash that promise, did it?" Her voice continued to rise. "I think I'd like the two of you to get going now, before I say something I know I'll regret."

"I'm so sorry Magda, I just wasn't thinking I guess," I turned and walked toward the door.

After I left, Magda spoke to Mona as she packed her bag.

"WHY?" she screamed. "When you could have your pick of any guy in the shop, you have to go for the one I've fallen in love with."

"You're right," Mona agreed, "I'm a stupid spoiled brat with no thought for your feelings. I should have known better but there's been something special about him since the beginning. But that's no excuse. I'm so sorry and ashamed now for what I did. I need to pack and find somewhere else to work out."

"Are you crazy?" Magda yelled. "With all the time, effort and love I have invested in you? You're a potential Olympic competitor girl and you're staying right here with me... make that US now I guess."

Mona stepped over and kissed her passionately.

"You know I've never had the guts to say this until now but I do love you Magda," she said as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"And I love you to you horny little bitch," she half smiled as she kissed away her tears.

Meanwhile later at home that evening, I was feeling lower than low and I had no idea how to fix the problem. As I sat in my room I could feel the tears stream down my cheeks as I stared off into space. My mom came into the room and immediately asked what was wrong. I told her that I'd hurt Magda's feelings and I didn't know what to do.

"Well, you're pretty inexperienced to deal with all this stuff you know," she said. "Unfortunately when you choose to do adult things, you also have to deal with the adult problems. Tomorrow, ask her what it will take to make her happy again and restore her trust in you. That's always a good place to start."

"That's it?" I said, "just ask how I can make her happy again?"

"Yes Rick but don't forget the trust part, it's kind of important. Sometimes the hardest situations have the simplest solutions," she added.

"Thanks Mom, I'll do that," I said. "So did you get everything to Dad today?"

"Yes I did and just in time. He was so grateful, he promised me a very sexy evening, so get your earplugs out."

"Are you kidding?" I said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love to listen to you two doing it. I only wish I could watch."

"Well listening is the best you're going to get, my boy. You'll have to make the best of it." Mom kissed me goodnight and left for her room.

Later, I went to Jan's room. She was sitting in her chair wearing her nightie and she stood and pulled it off when I walked in.

"Hey Rick, what can I do for you bro?" She asked.

"I have an idea and I thought you might be interested. Mom told me that Dad promised they would have great sex tonight. I was going to masturbate while I enjoyed listening to them but then I thought you might like to join me. Interested?"

"Hell yeah, that sounds like fun."

Once we were in my room, Jan dove on the bed then flipped on her back with her legs spread wide.

"OK do me Rick," she whispered, as she squirmed on the sheets.

In the next room we could hear sounds of my parents talking and then things got quiet again.

"You know hon, I'd actually love to watch you masturbate while we listen, would you do that for me?"

She seemed a little disappointed. "Oh? OK, if that's what you'd like but I could have done that alone in my room."

"But you wouldn't have had me to watch as I masturbate for you as well," I said. "I think it might be fun and I can always give you another bigger orgasm later."

"OK, now you're talking," She said. "Get on the bed and lie down facing me then."

She had one leg lying straight out while the other was bent sharply to give me a better view. She was propped up on one elbow while the other hand worked its mischief. As I lay down, she casually ran her finger up along her slit and settled on her clit. I massaged the tip of my cock with my fingertips as I watched.

"Mm, this was a good idea Rick, it feels so seductive and sexy. Are you enjoying the show as well?"

"Oh yeah, I love to look at you and I've never seen you do this. You look so hot and sexy. I don't get to see the fire in your eyes while I'm eating your sweet pussy. You're absolutely beautiful."

We began to hear noises of lovemaking from the other room. My mom was putting on quite a show for us. Even Dad was louder than usual.

"Can you imagine what they're doing right now Jan?"

"Mm yes. Dad is probably ramming his big fat cock into Mom's warm wet pussy. God I wish I knew what that felt like, it must feel amazing."

"Remember how nice Dad's cock looked in the den? I bet you wish you could suck it right now, don't you?" I said.

The sounds from my parent's room seemed to cast a hypnotic spell over us as we both stroked and rubbed our privates faster and faster.

"Fuck I wish I could suck him off! I want it so bad now." Her voice was trembling from the speed her hand was now moving over her clit. Her pupils were so dilated they no longer had color. It gave her a wild and crazed look and her belly contracted with each shock of pleasure.

We could clearly hear my mom climaxing now as Dad's loud grunts kept a kind of basic rhythm going. As her cries toned down his increased dramatically until his rhythm broke down into random loud cries.

"Are you close?" I asked. Jan nodded.

I jerked my cock harder and came all over Jan with rope after rope of sticky cum. Jan's head dropped back as the my cum hit her skin and she came as well. Her body was racked with what seemed like an intense blending of pain and pleasure. I held my breath or I just forgot to breath as I watched her writhe in ecstasy. We both finally calmed down and lay there on the bed staring at each other.

"Wow, did you ever think that listening to Mom and Dad have sex while masturbating would be such a turn-on?" I asked her.

"Shit no, but I also never dreamed I'd be dying to have you munch on my pussy either."

"Holy mackerel! That wasn't enough for you?"

"Oh it was enough alright. I almost rubbed myself raw down there. I just thought a little wet first aid might be nice."

I gave her a knowing smile as I crawled up in between her legs and planted kisses all over her pretty pussy. I puddled saliva all around her clit and licked her gently. As tender as she was, it took very little effort to bring her to another lovely orgasm. Afterwards, we lay together and cuddled adoringly for a long time.

"I wish I could stay here with you until morning," she lamented.

"So do I. I love cuddling with you sis but I don't think Dad would approve. You'd better get back to your room."

The next morning I was lying in bed and heard faint voices coming from my parents' room. This was unusual because Dad was usually gone by this time. As I walked to the bathroom the voices became clearer, it was Jan and Dad. I sneaked to the open doorway and peeked in.

Jan had no clothes on and Dad was standing naked in the doorway to his bathroom. She stood there smiling as she stared at his cock. It was my guess that with all our sexy talk about him last night, she was now willing to confront him to get what she wanted.

"I asked you what you were doing in here and without any clothes on young lady?" Dad said.

She held the up a pair socks and then walked over close to him. "I was borrowing some socks from Mom. And aren't we allowed to be naked whenever we want now? Besides, I thought you had already left for work."

Dad moved around her and over to the foot of his bed. "Yes, you're right about that honey. But now, could you please give me some privacy?"

"Wow Dad, Rick's cock was the only one I'd seen until I saw yours in the den on Sunday," she said. "Yours is so big and beautiful, I just can't take my eyes off it. Can I please get a closer look... PLEASE," she begged.

"No! You really shouldn't honey," he said, "I'm your father and it's bad enough that you've already given me an erection, a close inspection wouldn't be right. You should leave now."

But she had already approached as he talked and she dropped to her knees only inches away from his throbbing cock. She leaned in and studied it closely. Her eyes opened wide as she saw a bead of precum begin to form on the tip and she instinctively licked her lips.

Her gesture didn't escape my dad's notice as he attempted to back up only to lose his balance against the edge of the bed and fall backwards. As he lay prone on the edge, his legs bent and knees spread apart Jan seized the opportunity to move in and more closely examine his balls and his shaft.

"Oh you smell so good Dad, almost like Rick, I love the way men smell, it's so sexy,"

"How do you know how Rick smells? What have you two been up to?"

"Oh nothing, just sibling curiosity I guess. You know, show me yours and I'll show mine. All kids do it don't they? Didn't you do it with your sisters?"

"That's all beside the point. Right now this is all very wrong so please stop it right now."

She stuck her tongue out and was about to dig in when Dad pulled himself backwards onto the bed and out of her reach.

"Alright, that will be quite enough of that young lady," he said nervously, "I want you to leave right now."

"I'm sorry Dad," Jan apologized, "I got a little carried away, I hope you're not angry with me?"

"No of course not honey," he said, "but let's try a little more self control please, I really think this was very inappropriate."

"Well at the risk of upsetting you even more then Dad, I think your cock is gorgeous. I also think there's nothing wrong with me looking at it, touching it or even sucking it for that matter."

"Oh really?" was all he could come up with. The thought of those last few words made his cock spasm and jerk a bit.

"I know we shouldn't have intercourse because that would really be crossing the line but all the rest, well, it's harmless and very loving."

"Well that's not how I see it Jan, so please go to your room so we can both get ready for work now," he said clearly shaken by her suggestion. Perhaps the fact that he was more than a little intrigued at her offer had him off kilter as well.

I laughed to myself as Jan turned to exit the room leaving my dad lying prone on bed with a great big hardon. She spotted me lurking in the hall as she came out and she smiled as she gave me two thumbs up in passing. I beat a hasty retreat myself to the bathroom.

After I showered and dressed Dad and Jan had already gone. I entered the kitchen and was presented with a lovely naked Mom working on my breakfast. How could anyone get used to a sight like this, I thought. Her tight round ass jiggled just a bit as she stirred my scrambled eggs in the pan. As she turned to greet me her tits swayed and her nipples could cut diamonds.

"Oh, this is a welcome treat," I sighed as I slipped up behind her reaching around to cup her breasts. I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers as she arched her back blissfully. Then she relaxed against me as we both savoured the moment.

"You were feeling pretty down last night about Magda," she explained, "I just wanted to send you off in a good mood and a bit horny. I've always found that men say things in a much nicer way when they're a little bit horny," she laughed.

"Now do you remember what I told you to say?" she asked.

"Yes I do, word for word and you've definitely got me horny enough to say it all very nicely," I added.

"Good," she said, as she sat next to me rubbing my cock as I ate.

After breakfast I adjusted my hard-on as I slipped on my shorts, kissed Mom goodbye and set out for Magda's. When I arrived, I unlocked the back door and quietly went to her room to talk. As I approached, however, little unmistakable pleasure sounds emanated from her room, she wasn't alone.

I peeked around the corner and saw Mona and Magda locked in a sixty-nine embrace enthusiastically munching away on each other's pussies. Part of me thought, fuck yeah, get in there. But the smarter pat said, get the hell away and get back to work. I crept back and silently went down the stairs to the basement.

After working as quietly as I could for a while I turned and saw Magda descending the stairs in her silk housecoat. I couldn't read her expression. It was new to me and that was more than a little unsettling. I immediately began to speak hoping to head off any bad news.

"I know I should have called to make sure I was still welcome but I really wanted to talk. When I saw the two of you in bed I didn't know what to do and coming down here was all I could think of," I blurted out.

"Magda, I know I've disappointed you and hurt you badly. I want us to talk so you can tell me how I can make you happy again and restore your trust in me."

By the time I'd finished talking she had reached me and the non-descript look had changed into a warm smile. She opened her robe and let it slide to the floor as she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep passionate kiss.

"Well to start with my young lover, you can fuck me right there on the desk where you fucked Mona yesterday," she said.

She slipped a hand down into my shorts and massaged my cock to full hardness.

"Oo there it is," she cooed, "that beautiful young hard cock, so hard yet so smooth, wonderful."

I was really confused. After all, these were big shifts in attitude and I was still pretty inexperienced. Whatever I lacked in emotional maturity though, I made up for it with horniness and sexual stamina. I jumped for the easy win and lay her on to the desk where and I had just fucked Mona just the day before.

I dropped my shorts, ripped off my top and plunged my cock into her already soaking cunt. Just like Mona I held her legs up and apart with a calf in each hand as I relentlessly pounded her pussy. If this was how she wanted me to make her happy, she was going to get 'fucking happy' or I'd die trying. Maybe it was the depth of my enthusiasm or my absolute resolve that turned the trick but soon she was moaning and cursing me at the same time.

"Oh FUCK, I LOVE YOU," she yelled out as I could feel the spasms in her vagina milk my cock.

Then it was my turn to cum. It was as if I could now allow myself to feel again and my cock began spewing my seed inside her. My cum spilled back out of her almost as fast as I pumped it in. I pounded and pounded away at her until at last I collapsed on top. I felt my heart was going to explode. It wouldn't slow down and I couldn't catch my breath.

"There baby there," she whispered softly as she rubbed my back with one hand and the back of my head with the other. "I'm not angry any more, you made me very happy, very, very happy."

Still out of breath I struggled to ask her what happened.

"Oh Rick," she answered softly, " I had such a bad day yesterday. On top of that I guess, I've always been a little afraid that the young beautiful Mona would lure you away from me."

"Magda, she has nothing on you, you're the centre of everything for me," I tried to reassure her.

"Oh you're so sweet, I could just devour you. Now I realize though just how much I love you both and foolish it was to keep you both separated. Could you try to do one thing for me though?" She almost pleaded. "When you make love to Mona, please try and invite me? Could you make love to us both when you can?"

Now my head was swimming but what else could I say but yes. I frankly had no idea how was going to do it but I was pretty sure they would be helping me along.

We went back upstairs and invited Mona into the shower with us as we all lathered up and enjoyed touching and exploring each other thoroughly. From that point to the end of the summer, Mona and I rarely had sex alone. We did have a lot of sex with Magda though and Magda would enjoy sex with each of us alone as well. I never challenged that fact though. Mama didn't raise any fools.

For me it was as if I went from junior college to university. I was now learning to please two women from demanding but equally rewarding taskmasters.

Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story, I will be posting more of it soon. If you have any comments good or not so good but constructive please vote and/or leave your comments below. You can also send me a private message from my profile on Literotica. I love to read feedback. Thanks again for reading.


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Regi494Regi494about 8 years ago
Awesome! Cant wait for chapter 7!

This story is great! Everything is coming together nicely! I am eagerly awaiting chapter 7. Dont leave me hanging! Maybe Jan and Mom can play a bit!

msocaltimemsocaltimeabout 8 years ago
Wonderful Story

Truly appreciate all the characters of this story and how they are involved, cannot wait to see what happens next!

RasmatRasmatabout 8 years ago
An excellent modern-day 'Fable'.

A very good story that holds the reader's enterest, yet contains a lesson of huge value, in the tradition of Aesop. I can but imagine how it might have improved the past half-century for me. Should be required reading for young people. Five and faved.

WilliamTellsOvertureWilliamTellsOvertureabout 8 years ago
5 stars! Would have liked to given you 10!

Great story. I went back and read every chapter from the beginning and I'm really liking this story considering I don't comment much or read very many; but this series is really to my liking.

Your story reminded me of another one written in 18 chapters by Pro_Ball_Player called A Mother's Promise back in 2007. Then suddenly, the writer up and disappeared never to return and finish it. To this day, 9 years later, people are still leaving him comments hoping for his return to write more chapters. However, after all this time, I doubt it will happen; he's gone for good, unfortunately.

I will definitely be looking forward to further progress concerning this story. Very well thought out and written by the way.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Lucky Man Rick

Story is really cumming together nicely.Hopefully Jan will get her fill of daddys cock.Waiting patiently for next episode.

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