The Bet Ep. 01


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The two of them get into a heated exchange of punches before Hayden breaks off, retreating while the other woman chases her around the cage, eating Hayden's punches and leg kicks. The other woman swings wildly and Hayden ducks under it before coming back with a big kick to the other woman's head, instantly dropping her. Hayden pounces on her and starts beating her with punches until the ref pulls her off the other woman.

Fuck, I am now seeing Hayden in an entirely new light. What a total savage. She jumps into the air and raises both of her fists. She then climbs the cage and our eyes meet. A fire is lit inside me as I melt under her intense stare.

Finally she disengages and accepts her victory as the ref raises her hand in the air. She hugs the other fighter who barely looks all there.

Another fight goes on with no one we know. It's not long before Hayden walks out and joins us. I force Ashton to make room for her. "You were amazing! Totally savage."

Her cheeks light up. "Thanks."

After the next fight, Valerie is next. She destroys her opponent with a rear naked choke, the same one Camdyn used on Ashton.

After that Dashaud comes out and knocks his opponent out cold with a big roundhouse punch. Camdyn comes out next, and he's got on black shorts with a black hoodie like Hayden's. I lean over to her and whisper in her ear. "Do you two coordinate outfits?"

She nods. "We're the twins of destruction."

His opponent is an Asian guy with an expressionless face. The fight begins and Camdyn wastes no time. The two go at it, exchanging blows. Camdyn pushes the guy away with a kick before charging in with a flurry of punches. He grabs the other guy and hits him in the stomach with a big knee like he did to Ashton and tosses him over his hip. He gets on top of the guy and rains down punches. Somehow the other guy bucks him off as the two climb back to their feet.

Once again, they're trading punches. Camdyn ducks under one and gets a solid punch to the guy's stomach before coming at him with a roundhouse. His opponent falls down like a tree. Somehow his opponent bounced back from the blow as Camdyn jumps on him. He tries to cover up while Camdyn rains down punches. Camdyn snags his arm and then he gets it between his legs as he spreads them over the man's chest and hyper extends his arm. It's only a matter of seconds before the other guy taps out, giving Camdyn the victory.

After it's all over, we wait for Camdyn to get cleaned up before piling into the van and heading over to Hayden and Camdyn's house. On the way back, we get some fast food to go.

At the Mcleod's house, they get a fire going outside while Hayden and I head inside to get drinks. "God, how did you learn to fight like that?"

"At our gym. Our coach, Trever Crane, is one of the best," she says as she gives me a smile. Her cheeks showing a hint of blush.

"Why did you want to start fighting?" I ask.

"At first, I just wanted to defend myself. I didn't want to ever be vulnerable, but as I became quite skilled, I started to really enjoy it and I actually love fighting in the cage. It's a complete thrill," she says.

"I get that. Truly do," I say. I know all too well how it feels to be vulnerable. Between my dad and my boss, I feel like I'm always in that position. "Is it hard to learn?"

"It definitely takes time and effort, but anyone can learn how to fight," she says as we pile a cooler full of beer, booze, and chasers.

"Could you teach me how to fight?" I ask, avoiding her gaze.

"Are you serious?" she asks, and I look up to see her eyes on me.

"Yeah, I would like to be able to defend myself," I say.

"Sure, I'd love to teach you. You should come by our gym and you can train with me," she says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Absolutely, but just be warned. I'm not going to go easy on you. If you train with me, give it your all and you can't quit. Deal?" she says.

"I'd do anything to not feel vulnerable again," I say.

"Is everything okay in your life?" she asks.

"Yeah," I lie.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" she says.

"Everything's fine, and I appreciate your concern," I say.

"Okay," she says.

Chapter 15: Ashton Weaver

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen!" I say to Camdyn as we grab some chairs. "You kicked that guy's ass!"

"Thanks," he says with a smile.

"You totally made him submit to you!"

"Of course, everyone eventually submits to me," he says with a cheeky smile as his eyes burn into me.

"Uhh. yeah... So what was that move you did on him to make him submit?" I ask.

"That's called an armbar," he says.

"Can you teach me that?" I ask.

"The armbar isn't just something you learn without knowing the basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu," he says.

"Can you teach me the basics?" I ask.

"You want to learn how to fight?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm always picked on, bullied, and beat up. I don't want to be the person who's always getting pushed around," I say.

"I can respect that. Learning how to fight isn't easy. It's a lot of hard work," he says.

"I'm up for it," I say.

"If you're serious about learning how to fight, I can help you," he says.

"Okay cool! Thanks!" I say with a giddy smile.

"Don't thank me yet. You do not know what you're getting yourself into," he says.

After we finished getting the chairs and the fire started, Camdyn has me sit down next to him. Moriah and Hayden bring out a cooler of booze and Camdyn gets us both a drink. Camdyn's friend Dashaud is getting really cozy with Adele, which makes me a little jealous because I've always had a thing for Adele. She's very beautiful. She's so smart and very stylish. Always wears beautiful dresses and skirts. She's also got that latina booty. But I know I have nothing on Dashaud. He's not someone I want to be on the bad side of.

Zoe's pretty cute too. Although, if I didn't know any better, I'd think she's a lesbian the way she and Valerie are talking. Valerie's even got her arm around her as she whispers stuff in her ear. Valerie is really hot. She's got a big butt. Another Hispanic booty that pops and a cute face. Although she scares me. Especially the way she beat up that other woman. She can kick, that's for sure.

Hayden can fight too. It did not totally surprise me to see her kick ass, but I didn't expect her to be so violent. She's a beast in the cage. Camdyn puts his arm around me. We all have a few drinks as Dashaud, Valerie, Hayden and Camdyn share their favorite moments while training at the gym.

"Dude, remember that time Kyle tried to scare Trever by jumping out of the garbage bin in a scream mask?" Dashaud says with a laugh.

"Yeah. Trever nearly knocked his ass out. Never try to scare him. He's always in attack mode," Camdyn says, cracking up.

"How about the time we tried to get him with the statue challenge?" Hayden asks with a grin.

"He thought we were smoking crack or something," Valerie says, bursting into a laugh.

"The statue challenge?" I ask.

"You've never seen those videos online?" Camdyn asks. I shake my head no.

"What were you born under a rock or something?" Valerie asks.

I just shrug. Camdyn puts his hand on my shoulder, making my heart flutter. "Have you ever read the shining?"

"Of course," I say.

"You know the part where the hedge animals move when you have your back turned to them?" he asks. I nod. "That's basically the statue challenge. Whenever Trever had his back to us, we'd all move closer to him and as soon as he turned to look at us, we'd freeze and continue to spar or whatever."

"Man, he was fucking tripping," Dashaud says.

"Right?" Hayden asks as she snorts a laugh.

"He was all like, what the fuck are you guys doing?" Dashaud says as he tries to mimic their coach.

"Good times," Camdyn laughs.

The conversation dies down as we all start talking amongst ourselves. Camdyn turns to me. "If you're serious about learning how to fight, come by the gym after school."

"Wait, and like... train in front of everyone?" I ask, as I freeze.

"How else do you think you're going to train?" He raises a single eyebrow.

I shrug. "I thought you could just teach me here."

"Like private lessons?" he asks. I nod. He smiles. "As much as I like the idea, it'd be much better if you just come by the gym. Trever's got the best equipment and methods."

"I don't know..." I stare at the fire.

"What don't you know?" Camdyn asks.

"What if people laugh at me or make fun of me when they see me try to fight?" I look him in the eyes.

"Who gives a shit what other people think. Besides, everyone has to start somewhere." He gives me a lighthearted smile.

"You don't understand. You don't know what it's like to be me. I'm weak," I say.

"Here, come with me. I want to show you something," he says. I get up and follow him inside. We head into his bedroom. Cam pulls up his computer and shows me footage of an old fight of his. He gets his ass kicked and totally gets wrecked. "No one starts out as an amazing fighter. You have to work for it. Trust me, if you come to the gym, no one's going to make fun of you for being weak. You'll earn their respect if you put in the effort to learn and you don't give up, but no one will respect you if you don't even try."

Totally blown away at the video and Camdyn's words. "I totally understand. I guess I can try it."

"That's all you need to do," he says. I bite my lip. After a long pause, Camdyn breaks the silence. "So, you try on any new dresses?"

I can feel my face go beat red. "I... uhh... I'm not into that sort of stuff."

Camdyn laughs. "You can't honestly tell me you didn't put on Hayden's clothes at least once since last weekend."

I can't answer his question honestly because the truth is I did. I slept almost every night in Hayden's underwear and whenever dad was gone; I put on the entire outfit. "That's what I thought. You are a little sissy, aren't you?"

I look up into Camdyn's eyes, completely surprised. Was this all some charade in order to make fun of me? Does he just want to humiliate me? "I... I thought you hate bullying?"

"I'm not bullying you, Ashton. I thought you looked amazing in the dress, and I know deep down you enjoyed wearing it. You make a beautiful girl."

His words wash over me like a hot rain. I don't know what to say. "What are you getting at?"

Camdyn stares right into my eyes with his intimidating gaze. "Ashton, I want you. I want to make you my girlfriend. I know I can be aggressive and possessive. Also am very kinky, but I'm also very blunt. And I mean it when I say I want you Ashton. I want you to be my little sissy girlfriend and I want everyone to know that you are mine."

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as my stomach releases a flock of birds. Did I hear him right? "Wha... What?"

"Ashton, I want you to be my sissy girlfriend. And I know I shouldn't use that word. If you become my girlfriend, you'd be trans. I get that, but like I said, I'm a very kinky guy and the thought of turning you into a little sissy, my little sissy, really turns me on. I want you to be my little sissy slave in the bedroom and my girlfriend out in public. That means you'll become a permanent girl. My girl. I don't give a shit what people will say or think. If anyone says anything or tries to hurt you, I'll beat the shit out of them. I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe. No one will mess with you as long as you're mine."

A knot catches in my throat as I listen. I'm so confused. He really wants me to become his girlfriend? His sissy slave... I... I don't even know what to say. I'm a little scared. Anxious. People already make fun of me for being a feminine boy. I can't imagine what they'll say if I become his sissy. I'll lose any respect anyone had for me. Although after last weekend, I already lost what little respect I had. However, deep down inside, the thought of becoming his sissy girlfriend makes my body burn up. It turns me on, to say the least. It's a fantasy I've always dreamed of.

"You don't have to answer now, but think about it. If you submit to me, you'll always be safe with me. And it doesn't always have to be this kinky sissy slave shit. I can be romantic. If you become my girlfriend, I'll be or do whatever you want. We can still be friends, and I'll still teach you how to fight, although our sparring sessions might end up in my bed. You have to know if you're going to be my girl, I'm going to fuck that tight ass of yours, but I'll be gentle. I don't want to hurt you at all. I just want you."

I've had no one show any desire in me and suddenly this hot, ripped fighter moves to town and wants me to be his girl. This is all so surreal. I feel like the air just got sucked out of my lungs. "I want you to go home and think about it. I promise you, if you become my girl, I'll make you so happy. How about this, if you decide to submit to me, wear Hayden's underwear to school on Monday. If you do that, you're mine. If not, I understand. However, if you submit to me, you're going to become my girl. That means you're going to dress like this out in public. Maybe even start taking hormones. Also, as I said, I like some kinky shit. Bondage, humiliation and degradation are what I enjoy. I'm a dominant man and if you wear those panties on Monday, you're going to become my submissive sissy girl. I will not hold you against your will or anything and I'll respect your limits, but for all tenses and purposes, you're mine."

I swallow the lump in my throat as I pull at the collar of my shirt. It suddenly got really hot in here. "Now let's go out and join the rest at the fire before I decide to fuck you right here and now."

I hope you enjoyed the first episode of the bet. Please leave an honest rating and any comments you have in the comment section below. Hope you all have a good day!

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northirishdivernorthirishdiver4 months ago

Is this it or do we find out what happens? Love to read more

coyote62coyote624 months ago

I'd love to read more....loved the story

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I liked it, but where's the next part? We've been waiting a full year for it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please update this, this is sooo hot

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